My Favourite Boss in Terraria

Welcome back everybody MC here with another video and today I want to show you guys my favorite boss in Terraria my favorite boss is actually an optional boss that is Queen Bee now one of the reasons why I like Queen Bee so much is because of the drops that you get at the

Time of your playthrough because the queen bee drops a lot of really good drops I’ll talk about those in a minute I like to fight itself because the queen bee has many different weapons and attacks that it uses including putting Little Bees towards you and shooting

Spikes at you make sure you use the bizor so that you don’t become poisoned that’s one of the most important things when fighting queen bee I also use the Slime Mount when using or when fighting queen bee as well so I can jump nice and high and jump onto her little bees as

Well and she also does an a charge attack I also like the character model of the queen bee I think she looks kind of cool I like bees in general as well so that’s one of another reason why I like Queen Bee I like like the unique

Way that you have to spawn her by finding the hives and when you find the hives for her uh then you have to get into the hive safely and you have to attack her spawner which is very gentle or very sensitive if you hit it with anything it’ll break and you’ll end up

Getting killed Queen be is also very good for money especially early game and she’s in the jungle as well which is a very cool biome for fighting things in you don’t really need much of an arena usually a nice big space with three layers of platforms is enough and of

Course this is Master mode that I’m fighting her in so she’s going to have three phases and of course she has a lot of Health especially if you have uh bad aim like I do I usually use the space gun against her item wise she drops some

Really good items so I me I didn’t mention something about the hive and that’s honey gives you a buff just by dipping yourself into the honey she gives you jars of honey as well which can be used to buff your character for a very short period of time I wish that

Was uh buffed actually ironically because I feel like the I think it’s 10 seconds 5 Seconds that you get from honey jars isn’t enough I think you should get more than that for health regen so you also get the bees knes which is a fantastic item probably one

Of the best items in the game one of my favorite items in the game you get the be gun which is fun I don’t usually use it that often and you get other things as well like you can get some accessories that release more bees when you get

Damaged you can also increase the strength of your friendly bees and like it’s just such a useful fight and as I said already you get money too so you get so many different things from queen bee queen bee is always seen as optional and you don’t have to fight her I don’t

See any playthrough where I wouldn’t fight her actually she’s 100% um not non optional in my opinion she’s necessary especially if you want to progress in master mode you need the items that she’s going to drop you need to farm her a little bit as well farming her is

Quite fun and the items that she drops are rare is but not ultra rare so you only have to kill her a few times to get all of the best items but if you think about it most of the bosses in this game are actually optional anyway so I don’t

Know why she got the label of optional overall I mean technically you only need to kill what three bosses maybe four bosses in the game to actually finish the game so that would be Wall of Flesh and you need to kill planta you need to kill Golem I believe

You have to kill him and maybe you can skip him actually you need to kill the cultist and you need to kill Moon Lord isn’t that everyone oh you probably yeah you need to kill the mechanical bosses as well actually because otherwise planta won’t be spawnable so I mean

There’s a lot of optional boss in this game you don’t need to kill each of the worlds for example reik Tulu I think you can get away with not killing I culu as well um anyway thank you very much for watching today’s video I’ll see you

Again in the next one let me know what you think of queen bee and let me know what you think of your favorite boss as well who is your favorite boss in Terraria and we got the Queen the bee knees awesome thank you one last time and Tata

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