GRINCH vs Most Secured House In Minecraft!

Come on guys we’re almost there Jeffy where are we going I thought we were going to go look at the biggest Christmas tree yeah these trees are small guys we’re so close check it out we’re in hooville wait Who’s Who and look there’s the biggest Christmas tree in the world

See I wasn’t lying this Christmas tree is so big I know Jeffy we’re in hille yes daddy where all the Who’s Live who’s who what Daddy you sound like an owl no no I don’t who is who well Daddy Let’s see look there’s a gingerbread over here

Hey he’s running away jimy get the gingerbread hey come back here wao there’s a bunch of candy canes on the floor ew why would there be candy canes on the floor that’s kind of weird guys look there’s an elf over here oh God he’s following me he’s following me he

Wants the candy cane hit the elf maybe he just wants to give you a present get away from us hey Daddy hey don’t hit the elves oh why you hitting me I’m trying to save you Daddy you’re not allowed to hit anyone in hooville that’s the number

One rule where’s the sign where’s the sign sign saying I can’t hit anyone Marvin everyone knows hooville is like the nicest place on Earth well I don’t like hooville I don’t like Christmas this place stinks you know what Daddy you remind me of the Grinch the Grinch

Oh my gosh I’m scared of the Grinch don’t say that word yeah all of hille is scared of the Grinch but Daddy he hates Christmas just like you know what Jeffy me and the Grinch would be the bestest friends ever oh yeah Daddy then why don’t you go on top of Grinch’s mountain

And go talk to him that’s not the Grinch’s Mountain the Grinch is not real yes it is Daddy it’s called Mount Crumpet and that’s where the Grinch lives Jeffy the Grinch is not real Marvin you’re just scared you’re a chicken yeah Daddy you’re a big chicken I am not scared okay you know

What you want me to go side of the Grinch I’m going to go say hi to the Grinch wait Daddy I want to come with you Jeffy this is for big boys no Daddy I’m a big boy come on guys let’s go say hi to the Grinch I don’t know this is

Kind of scary yeah Daddy are we sure about this oh I’m sure but you know what he eats scary cats guys you know what I’ve heard he it’s all the kids I’m a kid yeah and I’m a kid too Daddy I don’t think we should go up there and say hi

To the Grinch uh-uh oh Jeffy you were scaredy cat you scared well guys the Grinch might not even be home okay let’s just make it to the door and maybe we ding dong ditch him or something that would be hilarious all right come on Daisy we got this oh

Gosh this Mountain’s super high watch your step don’t fall off the mountain oh gosh I can see Ola hooville from up here it’s pretty high up but here’s the door wait what we we made it we already made it to the Grinch’s door all the way up

Here we made it Daddy is inside where he eats all the kids I heard he Blends up all the kids and eats them for breakfast oh gosh Daddy really no I I don’t know what he does with the kids wait what wait guys what’s that thing on the floor

Um I don’t know what is this ow ow ow that hurt it’s a bear trap I think the Grinch set this up so no one goes up to his cave yeah I bet all the whoos always come up and prank him guys let’s just go around the a bear trap like this oh

You’re so smart Daisy come on Daddy do not hit that trap whatever you do I’m not going to hit I locked you out let me in oh my goodness guys check out this cave it’s massive uh but guys what’s that green thing in that cage it’s the

The the the gr oh no I think we need to get out of here no wait there’s signs to read down there come on everybody do not fall down this staircase it’s super weird I can’t wait to give him a big hug what Daddy no he’s going to eat you he’s

Not going to eat me oh my goodness he looks terrifying wait what is that a dog it’s Max wait who’s Max it’s like his friend oh a stupid Grinch oh why you trying to steal Christmas Jeffy stop he’s going to eat you oh God he looks so ugly even more

Ugly than you daddy that’s bad Jeffy you should read these signs right here oh God she’s looking at me okay I’ll read the signs oh ho W this is not Santa you better watch out or I’m going to get you I will steal Christmas and take all your

Toys soon you will be crying with all the other girls and boys you have 20 minutes to get ready before I destroy you and turn you into jelly I don’t want to turn into jelly me neither Daddy I don’t like this I’m not going to taste

Good as jelly guys we can’t let the grin still Christmas yeah that would be terrible you know what I don’t care I don’t like Christmas hey Daddy you need a like Christmas I don’t like it that much to save hville guys we need to get

Out of here right now or the Grinch is going to kill us everyone run go go go go go get out of here get out of here oh God the be trap ow oh god oh gosh Daddy I jumped down the mountain why would you do that

Cuz I was scared guys what are we going to do this is not good okay Jeffy I have a solution let’s just pack our stuff up and leave hooville what no daddy we’re not leaving the h who Jeffy it’s the who’s vers the Grinch it’s not US versus

The Grinch Marvin we can’t just abandon them like that well I can Daisy I can but Daddy they look so cute look at this one right here yeah he looks like he’s just going to eat us hey Daddy stop it well Daddy guess what we can’t leave

Wait Jeffy why because I already bought a plot for us in hooville check this out jeffy’s lot you you bought this Jeffy this is probably really expensive how did you buy this yeah Jeffy how did you buy this maybe with my credit card no Daddy I didn’t use your credit card

Because the money in hooville is candy canes this place is the weirdest place ever who allows you to buy stuff with candy canes the who’s daddy the who’s allow you to you’re tell me right now I can just go in that house right over there take a poop in the toilet and just

Give him candy canes um daddy I don’t think it works like that I’m going to go test it out no daddy no oh my goodness is your daddy really about to poop in a stranger’s house oh gosh I think so Daisy he’s so disgusting Jeffy it didn’t

Work it didn’t work oh gosh daddy you have like a 100 elves chasing you yeah I think they’re mad oh God they don’t like me Daddy run oh no oh no I’m sorry oh my goodness daddy that’s where you get for pooping in someone else’s house I’m

Sorry I took a poop in your toilet I swear oh my goodness daddy take your candy cane don’t hit them daddy take the candy canes yeah Daddy just give them a bunch of candy canes and they stop chasing you I think they’re okay with me well Daddy now you have to repay

Hooville and protect them from the Grinch oh fine fine fine I guess we got to make a house on your little lot over there yay we can make a super secure house and ooh we should make it super christmy because everyone knows that the Grinch hates Christmas yeah and I also

Hate Christmas so uh it’s going to work well Daddy we need to get you into the holiday spirit so I got a gift for you it’s a Santa Claus hat Jeffy I don’t want this gift but Marvin you kind of look like Santa Claus you have a mustache ass you’re wearing red and

You’re old okay yeah Daddy just put that hat on it’s going to look amazing want me put it on uhuh I’ll put it on Tada do I look like Santa now not quite Daddy I think you need to get a red suit on really you want me to put a red suit on

Yes Marvin okay fine I I’ll throw a red suit on I’ll look like Santa Claus for both of you how a that there we go daddy that’s looking pretty good but um you’re missing one more thing a white beard Jeffy I can’t grow a white beard well

Daddy you could put a fake one on Jeffy this is getting ridiculous this this is getting out of hand Daddy just do it you need to do it for me and Daisy okay fine if this is going to help oh yeah Daddy now you’re looking like Santa Claus

Looks stupid daddy can I sit in your lap and tell you what I Want For Christmas no D get away from me I want a pony you’re not getting a pony you’re get a donkey oo Daddy can I get some elephant poop I’ve always wanted some no you’re

Going to get cold instead well Jeffy now that Marvin has a costume on I kind of want to put a costume on well what were you thinking d da I was thinking something like this wow you look like a snowman I look so cool and it’s warm in

Here do you want to build a snowman I don’t fun oh well I want an outfit too this isn’t fair Jeffy why don’t you become a become a reindeer no daddy that’s too boring ooh I have an idea let me just go in here real quick Jeffy what

Are you doing get me in here Jeffy get out of the tree right now daddy hold on I have a good idea the HS are going to be so mad with you all right guys check out my outfit wo you look so cool yeah I’m a light up Christmas

Tree Jeffy that looks horrible what hey Daddy you look horrible you’re just a tree and you’re just Santa Claus which is actually pretty cool Denny can I get that elephant poop now oh my God no debie just leave me alone let’s just build this house yeah guys we need to

Stop wasting time now that we’re all in the Christmas spirit it’s time time to build a super defense house all right guys what house are we thinking of building we have all this space to work with Gingerbread House gingerbread house I hate gingerbread houses daddy I think

Daisy has an amazing idea and we’re going to make a gingerbread house let’s go let’s make a gingerbread house hopefully it doesn’t crumble to the ground all right let’s start by making the layout all right so we’re just going to start by putting some gingerbread into the floor because we’re just going

To make the layout of the house first what if the eat our house what they’re not going to eat our house what are you crazy daisy Jeffy I think this tree is going to get in the way so I’m going to chop it down ooh you’re right and if you

Also want to chop down these two as well okay all right Daddy I think this is a good size for our house what do you think yeah I think it’s way big enough all right now let’s go this way and now we also have this space over here so I’m

Just going to extend this over here like this all right just going to connect this like this and then we could build something else over here but I think this is a good layout to start with yeah I think it fits perfectly all right let’s start by putting some strip Spruce

Logs in the corners just like this we’ll put some over here as well okay it looks good all right we’re just going to start filling this in with some gingerbread ooh I really like this brick too it’s basically regular brick but it’s made out of gingerbread ooh guys help me fill in all

Of these blocks I’m working all right Daisy let’s do the same thing on this wall okay yeah Mr big bad Grinch isn’t getting through this is made out of the strongest gingerbread in the world wo daddy the front is looking awesome I know I think this is going to be the

Actual front where we’re going to put doors what doors yeah it’s going be like a little doorway all right I’m going to start working on these doors Daddy okay I’m going to start doing a little designs on the side wait designs oh yeah all right do some of this daddy you

Should put these up here like that I was just going to do that ooh maybe I could put a little plant in between here too do something like this now we just need a trapo to make it look really cool all right put a plant there and a plant

There boom well Jeffy now you have to actually add the doors all right Daddy I can do that door Oh Daddy we should use this door because it looks like chocolate oh I like it I like that idea all right now we just got to put trap

Doors in the back like this and boom look at that the front actually looks pretty good it’s actually starting to look like a gingerbread house all right while you guys are working on that part of the house I’m going to add something to this section all right let’s just do

This with some more of this classic gingerbread brick okay I think this is a good size now let’s go all the way up to the top this could be like a little mini tower or a balcony where we could maybe shoot the Grinch with bow and arrows

From all right I’m just going to make a doorway like this and then maybe we’ll do a cool pattern on the floor like this add a bunch of these strip logs and we’ll make a little square and then we’ll just fill it all in with some more

Spruce Wood it’s looking so amazing but we need to add a staircase going up here all right so let’s start by placing a bunch of these blocks in the corner and now let’s add our stairs there we go just a few more and right here I’m going to add a little

Closet all right do something like this there we go this room’s coming together amazingly all right let’s go to the top floor now hey Daisy do you like what I’m doing yeah this is really cool we’re going to have a second floor yeah it’s going to be super awesome and I think up

Here I’m going to make a little balcony area ooh that’ll be really cool yeah it’s going to be super duper PE PE well Jeffy since you’re building a staircase I’m going to fill on this second floor right here all right sounds good I’m going to work on this area all right

We’ll just build this like this okay this is looking like something all right now I’ll just put upside down staircases like this all right this is is looking amazing now I just got to add some more detail to the front just like this now we’ll do some more upside down

Staircases and then we’ll just connect it to the floor using this gingerbread brick wall wow this is looking so cool all right before I continue working on the rest of this I think I should add the next floor oh my goodness I’m literally adding the walls for the next

Floor right now Jeffy what does this get filled in with obviously we’re going to fill it in with sugar cookie blocks check this out I love sugar cookies our whole house is going to be edible those are the worst cookies ever you’re the worst cookies ever but daddy look how

Good it looks it does look pretty good I’m not going to lie but I don’t like it all right now let’s just make a big window in the middle like this and now we need glass what glass do we put in the middle ooh maybe we use white glass

Because it reminds me of frosting check that out that looks so amazing all right now time to add some detailing around around this window we’re just going to put some dirt up here because we’re going to put some more plants there we go something like that now we got to do

Something for the top of the window all right this is looking like something ooh maybe we add some trap doors over here though maybe we do something like this ooh that’s looking pretty good all right let’s do the same thing on this side now just shut all these there we go all

Right now let’s work on a doorway to the outside we’ll just do some something like this let me break those all right this is looking pretty good but I think something that would make this doorway better is adding chocolate all right just going to go crazy and add a bunch

Of chocolate like this do the same thing on this side oh yeah and now we just got to add the door like that oh my goodness that looks so amazing all right now we’re going to do more trap doors like this to make this look a little bit more

Prettier let’s do that let’s do that and that boom boom check that out that is the best looking gingerbread door in Minecraft whoa Daddy what are you working on in here I was just doing a little bit of the staircase ooh well Daddy I’m going to start working on

Putting a railing going all the way around this front part oh we’re definitely going to need that cuz you know somebody will probably fall off well D is not going to mean me cuz I’m not stupid I was talking about you all right we’re just going to use these LEC

Turns as little railing and then I’m just going to steal these and we’re going to put some trap doors on top this makes it look so good all right we’re just going to make a little roof now so let’s put these fences up here like this and then we’re going to use this

Chocolate and go across just like this oh my gosh this is so hard to place all right now let’s go up to the next level with these slabs and then we’re going to go up one more time there we go now we just got to fill all this in so we’ll

Have a roof all right keep going keep going and boom that looks amazing aming wo this roof is looking amazing guys what are we going to fill this roof in with uh more gingerbread you could never have too much gingerbread so let’s do it wait guys what are we going to use to

Fill in the rest of the roof with uh more gingerbread no no no no more using of this gingerbread but Daddy you can never have too much gingerbread so that’s what we’re using Jeffy I don’t know if I like this one what it’s the same thing that we’ve been using let’s

Use this one instead it’s going to look so much better all right fine Daisy now I got to get a whole bunch of new blocks because of you all right let’s just fill this in using this staircase gingerbread this is going to look so delicious when

It’s all done I think I might eat our house guys uh you cannot eat our house but it’s going to taste so good wo look how this gingerbread roof came out that looks so amazing all right now we’s got to finish this side so I’m just going to

Start placing some more staircases we’re so close to being finished I know no but we also need to work on the inside and make it super christmy no guys we need to add defenses to our house as well Morphin our whole house is a defense it’s literally a Christmas gingerbread

House yeah Daddy and the Grinch hates Christmas but the Grinch is fat and always hungry and gingerbread he’ll eat it all daddy no he won’t because gingerbread tastes just like Christmas okay whatever you say Jeffy ooh I have a really cool idea what if we add a

Chimney in this corner but of course it needs to be a ginger bread chimney all right let’s just make this going up like this all right now I’m going to use this little wall to continue the chimney and then on top we’re going to have the fire

All right and I’m just going to put these trap doors around like this give it some extra detail oh yeah that looks like the best gingerbread chimney in the world all right now we got to work on this roof because we cannot have no roof over here all right so let’s start by

Putting a slab down and then we’re going to do something like this over here all right that looks pretty good now we’ll do the same thing in this direction now we’ll just do an upside down staircase and then we’ll go up upside down staircase up upside down staircase and

We’re pretty much going to do this all the way until we get to the top all right there we go now we just need some of these and we got to connect all of these roofs this is going to be super satisfying to connect okay this starting

To look pretty good now I just going to bring all these stairs to the other part of the roof all right this roof is now completed and guys I think the gingerbread house is completed as well it actually came out really really nice I think it looks amazing in huille I

Don’t know guys we don’t have any gingerbread house decorations yeah you’re right we need this thing to look more christmy what if I put some lights outside would that look good ooh yeah do that and add candy canes too oh my goodness that would be amazing I think

We need more snow more snow yeah we need a lot more snow all right I’m just going to start adding some lights up here let’s see what this will look like oh yeah these lights are looking really good now I got to go down here like this

Oh I got to get the right one going down like this all right this is looking pretty good now I got to go behind and boom check that out that looks amazing all right now we’ll put some lights going around like this I just got to go

All the way around the gingerbread house because it needs to look super christmy everywhere Daddy what do you think of the lights on the roof wo that’s a lot of lights I know Daddy you said to add a lot of lights so guess what I add a lot

Of lights okay I guess you got to keep going well I don’t know where else to add them maybe over here oh yeah that’s a good idea looks that actually looks really good all right we’ll add some over here and then we’ll do more on this

Section all right now we just got to connect these lights and boom oh yeah that’s looking amazing wa I like the decorations you’re putting down here Daddy it’s Santa Claus oh ho ho Merry Christmas and there’s a snowman and a bunch of big candy canes yep that’s it D

Daddy look at this what are you doing wait wo I put wreaths on the doors those are really cool yeah they’re pretty awesome then we can put another one up here like that all right guys I think the outside is looking really christmy but we got to start working on the

Inside and then we’re going to do some defenses I’m going to get to my room first hey hold on I want to pick my room first hey look get the biggest room uh uh I’m going upstairs Daddy Daddy Daddy I want my room to be over here so I’m just going

To start blocking this off real quick Jeffy that’s not going to work wait why there’s not enough room I have two rooms up here we need to actually live here together no Daddy I’m not living here with you Jeffy we’re going to be rubies

E no Daddy uh-uh I want my own room cuz I’m a big boy okay what we could do is we could section it off so you could have a bed here then I’m going to have a bed over here oh oh my goodness okay fine but this is still going to be my

Personal room in here okay fine you’re going to hear me snore you’re going to hear me fart at night e Daddy I don’t want to hear that going to be glorious all right I’m just going to make this wall real quick and I think I’m going to

Copy the same door over here to this section all right place some trap doors on your floor and there we go what what the heck is that sound daddy daddy wake up Jeffy what you wake me up because it’s not bedtime daddy the Grinch is literally on his way

From Mount Crumpet so we need to hurry up and finish his house Jey this bed looks so soft I just want to sleep in it no Take that no more bed anymore daddy well you know what I’m going to sleep on the floor what daddy that does not look

Comfortable well Daddy if you’re going to make that noise then you can go down there why no Jeffy hi Daddy I’m fine I won’t sleep all right Daddy I just made another door so you won’t see me ever again what that’s a relief all right

Time to make my bed so let’s see what we got since I’m a Christmas tree my bed needs to be bright green so I’m just going to put that there wait I can make this look way better just going to do something like this like this there we

Go this is looking pretty good now I just need a trapo and we’re going to do this on the edge of the bed like that ooh I should also Place some signs down there we go that’s looking like a comfy bed now now we’ll put some lanterns in

The corner for decoration and ooh I have a fireplace here wait what is this oh God I got to fix this roof up this looks terrible all right let’s just fill all this in with some more of this cookie block I don’t want to see any of the

Roof all right this is looking pretty good but I want to make this fireplace better so I’m just going to do something like this let’s just Place one of these down like this ooh that looks really good wait can I H stockings on this oh yeah I got three stockings in

Here all right now let’s just put this fire inside like that wo this looks so good H what else can I add in this room o maybe I put some bookcases up here like this hey who’s breaking all that glass sorry I’m changing my colors well

You’re making a lot of noise and it’s annoying oh my goodness ooh this looks really good though and maybe in this corner I put a Christmas tree all right let’s just put this stand and then boom Christmas tree now let’s put some presents around like this cuz I’m a good

Boy this year I got Diamonds oh yeah all right now let’s put some ornaments on the tree just going to put some Christmas balls all right that looks good and now we just need the star on top oh yeah my Christmas tree is completed and maybe I’ll put some lights

Going around the whole entire room like this because I need everything to look very christmy the Grinch is going to hate this room all right right now we’ll just put some going around the window do something like this something like this and then we have the top like that wait

I think this will look better there we go look at that now we just stick one of these right there and I think the roof is completed H what else can I add to my room to make it more Christmasy oo I have a good idea just going to do this

And boom now I have a real snowman that could be my friend I’m going to name him Jolly since he’s super Jolly all the time hey Daddy you want to see my friend uh sure you have a friend yeah Daddy come inside who is he where is he behind

You daddy oh gosh what is that thing this snowman I made daddy Jeffy you you have an evil thing in your room no no no daddy daddy you just killed D the Snowman W I just saved your life no Daddy you my friend I think he was a

Minion from the Grinch what no Daddy the Grinch doesn’t like making snowman so it definitely wasn’t oh well you want to go see my room yeah Daddy Let’s see what you’ve been working on T wow look at this place oh my goodness this looks crazy yeah it’s got a little thing of

Everything but Jeffy I was really thinking about getting a Christmas tree so uh can you stand right over there wait what over here Daddy yep a little bit closer to the wall yep right there stop perfect I got my Christmas tree I don’t get what’s happening perfect I got

My Christmas tree now Jeffy you just had to stay there forever wait what no Daddy I don’t want to be a Christmas tree this looks so stupid Jeffy you great just stay there okay you’re really playing the role nice I’m just going to go in

Your room and sleep in your bed hey no daddy oh it’s really nice in here oh now I’m stuck here forever being my daddy’s Christmas tree no Daddy get out of my bed daddy you’re not a lot of snor in here get out why’d you wake me up because you’re

Snoring in my green bed and is not for you it’s only for Jeffy okay fine your room looks horrible hey well you know what at least it looks better than yours dad dadd what did you say uh I said it smells like s’mores daddy that’s what I

Thought and you know what you could roast them by your little fireplace over there you know what and I will roast to b a little fireplace over there you know what I think I’m going to go downstairs and see what Daisy’s up to all right just go down here oh Daisy what’s up

Jeffy what are you doing down here wow I was decorating my room oh my goodness this place looks crazy yeah I wasn’t going to do pink and then I was like Pink’s my favorite color so I had to um Daisy why do you have a Snowman on top

Of another snowman um he needed a friend yeah I guess so wow this room looks so awesome and christmy but Jeffy we forgot something we have to start adding defenses outside you know what Daisy you’re right we can finish the interior later everyone let’s go outside all

Right guys what defenses should we start adding to our house first chocolate chip cookies what chocolate chip cookies okay that sounds stupid Daisy Santa loves chocolate chip cookies so the Grinch has to hate them yeah I guess so guys look on the mountain wait what on the

Mountain oh my goodness it’s the gr Jeffy what do we do oh gosh he’s coming down the mountain guys we need to add defenses really really quick Daddy I think you’re right but guys what defenses do we add guys we should make a bob wire fin wa this looks super dangerous I like

This I don’t like it I’m going to hurt myself ow Daddy stop being weird okay just place it down everywhere okay fine all right break all this break all this all right I’m making sure to go around the whole entire house this Grinch is not going to get us yeah wa daddy you’re

Making it double as high this looks so awesome yeah he’s really tall yeah he is pretty big so we need to make sure this thing is really tall all right there we go this is looking amazing guys this is looking really good and all but look at

All these presents behind us quick we need to put these nails everywhere onto the floor ooh that’s a good idea let’s prevent the grit from taking any of it yeah so when he’s over here with his big sack trying to steal our presents he’s going to have a little treat this is a

Hooville surprise all right guys I think that’s enough Nails this looks so amazing Jeffy we’re going to put quicksand in a pit wait what quicksand in a pit um daddy it sounds like you’ve done this before Jeffy I’ve only done this to one person before and it’s your

Mom what Jeffy trust me this is going to work why did you do that to miss jeffy’s Mom guys trust me this is going to work everyone just follow me we’re going to start making a big pit right here in the front Okay this is kind of weird but

Where am I supposed to Build a Snowman at looks like you’re going to have to do that in the neighbor’s yard all right going to go to deep then Jeff do you have that quick sand um yeah Daddy I got quick sand now place it down here on

This the second block layer yep right there oh my goodness daddy try to go into the quicksand oh you get so stuff oh no it’s not good all right let’s keep placing more no one fall in it Daisy I just saw you fall in it I wanted to play

Yeah Daisy this is not something you play with okay you can’t just jump into quick sand like that all right now what we got to do is we got to add a little Cobblestone covering don’t step on it though you’ll fall through okay Daddy what’s going to happen if I step on it

Jeffy don’t you dare why would you do that oh god oh gosh Daddy it’s breaking I’m not saving you no Daddy Let Me Out Daddy stop building nope I’m building oh God get me out of there don’t ruin it oh my goodness daddy that’s crazy the

Grinch won’t even stand a chance this is actually one of the best traps ever for the Grinch wait Daddy I have even a better idea all right I’m just going to get a trail of presents that lead right to the Trap ooh that’s a good idea the

Grinch is going to follow the present stealing every single one and then he’s going to fall right into the Trap all right there we go guys what if the Grinch tries to go down through our chimney I’m going to going to go put nails up there ooh Daisy good thinking I

Think I’m going to put some extra Nails on the floor as well all right just line this up with a bunch of nails and done boom these nails look perfect um uh-oh daisy look behind you ah it’s the Grinch the Grinch just stole Dy wait what no

Jeffy help me help me come back down here Mr Grinch oh my goodness oh my goodness this isn’t good no where did they just go Jeffy did you just see the Grinch yes Daddy I saw the Grinch on top of our roof and guess what the Grinch Stole Daisy Jeffy that’s impossible hold

On Daisy you still on the roof daddy she’s not up there I saw the whole thing go down with my eyes oh God yes she was here she put all the nails up here oh my goodness this isn’t good daddy well Jiffy now we have to save Christmas and

Daisy I think you’re right daddy quick help me finish putting nails on the roof it’s clearly not safe up here okay the Grinch is a really strong and Powerful Beast and he’ll literally just climb all over our roof to kill us well that’s not good all right Jeffy I think our house

Is secure enough and I think we need weapons and armor next daddy you’re right and the first thing I’m going to get is a bow and arrow bow and arrow that’s actually a smart idea it’s the smartest idea daddy cuz I’m going to be able to shoot the Grinch from far what

Kind of arrows are you getting daddy of course I’m going to get the instant damage arrows o I’m getting harming ones whoa Daddy check this out it’s a net launcher hiya uh that’s not working oh God it did work exactly daddy now I could shoot Nets at

The Grinch nice you can capture them wait but Daddy um do you think this Christmas tree is good enough for armor no I think it’s too brittle I think it’s going to break when you fight them yeah Daddy we need stronger armor I think I’m going to put on netherite Armor oo you

Know what I’m going to put diamond armor on there we go daddy that looks a lot better than the Christmas tree as well waa you’re Diamond Santa Claus oh ho ho all right now the only thing I’m missing is a good sword and food wa Daddy I

Think I’m going to use this candy cane sword candy cane sword Jeffy how strong is that wait um Daddy it’s insanely strong and when you hold it you get speed because you have a Sugar Rush Oh my God I’m using it too this is great

Yeah Daddy we need some food and I think golden apples will work perfectly I’m going to use some Enchanted ones oh me too Daddy um daddy why does it smell like marshmallows that are getting roasted yeah it’s kind of weird it smells like a f fire oh god daddy our

Tree is on fire not the hooville tree no that was the biggest tree ever oh gosh daddy there’s baby grinches oh no no no no no ah take that oh God they got through take that they’re trying to ruin Christmas Daddy kill the grinches kill the grinches it’s the Grinch Army oh no

They’re like little babies ow get away from me I will shoot you with my bone and arrow Grinch we don’t like you go back to your cave where you belong you smelly animal you smell like onions yeah and uh and nasty banana peels yeah and garlic oh gosh daddy there’s so many on

You go inside go inside oh God you’re trying to bite me in the butt daddy use the candy cane sword I’m using it he doesn’t like the smell of it because it’s Christmasy yeah you guys don’t like the smell oh gosh there’s a lot more in

The front oh gosh no no no no no no no no no get away yes daddy we killed him oh oh there’s another one over here take that you dumb Grinch o and it looks like a couple of them got trapped in our Queen sand nice that actually worked uhoh

Daddy um the big grinches are spawning oh no I think it’s him and his brother ah get away from hille you’re not welcomed here ah ah get away Grinch you’re not going to steal our Christmas yeah what he said oh God there’s baby ones too oh god daddy I

Need help I need help me the butt they going after my daddy they’re coming after my quick I’m going to use the net launcher start using it you got got him yes he’s trapped you got me got him net launcher net launcher net launcher you getting me

Stuck in it oh god daddy I’m stuck in the net launcher you’re catching the wrong guy no Daddy I think I’m catching the right guy you hate Christmas too so you’re basically a grinch I mean I do but not as much as the Grinch daddy I’m going inside he getting too scary no

One’s inside hey get away buddy got him je they’re trying to follow you and get you Daddy I’m looking through the window you having fun out there no I’m not oh my God a lot more spawning oh I’m getting stuck in your traps just break

Them oh I can’t I can’t I can’t do this I can’t do this I need your help Daddy I’m breaking my trap sorry I don’t like the who’s and Christmas in the Grinch oh god daddy we have some more grinches I’m going to need help I’m shooting them oh

God there’s so many of them take those traps take that and that O A lot of them are stuck in the Trap go to the quicksand Oh Daddy I’m trying to push him into the quick sand I got a lot of these big fat guys over

Here on take that Grinch give us Daisy back right now you can keep her wait what what oh God there’s baby ones there’s baby ones go into the nails that need help I keep getting stuck in your traps you’re right I got to use more of my traps take that yes I got

Them I got to use my traps and then I need to shoot them Grinch I can reason with you if you give me money I will join your team right now hey Daddy don’t say that oh he doesn’t want to join my team daddy you would never join the

Grinch let’s be honest oh I would wait daddy did we kill them all I think we did oh God there’s one more over here oh god oh gosh Daddy I’m run inside follow in the presents oh he died yeah good job daddy we did it we killed all the

Grinches we did it they’re dead they’re dead um daddy look behind you it’s a Titan it’s a Titan oh my goodness it’s a Titan Grinch yes we killed them my arrows were just bouncing off off another Titan one die die die oh God there’s so many dad

They’re so strong I’ve never seen so many grinches in my life oh God the smell my nose is going to fall off yes daddy they’re trapped in the quicksand Haya take that Jeffy I’m stuck with them they’re hurting me what oh they got me in the fence I’m going to die Dy your

Loots all over the floor come outside and collect it okay I’m on my way they just beat me up die baby Grinch die Jeffy Help Me Oh Daddy I hit you instead you just killed me Daddy I thought you were the Grinch for a second oh no no

Daddy I’m stuck now no no no no no Daddy I need help kill these grinches daddy we have some Titan grinches over here I may need some help okay I’m going to try to help you but my loots all over the place I’m shooting him right in his dumb face

His ugly green face oh no a lot more wao get away we don’t like you don’t mess with someone your own size leave hille alone every the bow and arrow it seems to be doing more damage daddy you’re right daddy look how many grinches are stuck in the

Quicksand oh you like that I’m hit you with my candy cane sword my candy cane sword broke oh no Daddy mine’s literally a battle break oh God oh God Daddy on top of the house on top of the house got investation oh my goodness oh God another baby one keep shooting them

Daddy I’m stuck in the fence um daddy behind you get away get away get away get away daddy maybe we should go on top of our house in the balcony Jeffy I can’t cuz I keep getting trapped in your traps oh sorry Daddy oh I’m in another trap great

I’m in an amazing spot right now daddy oh I’m sure you are I just killed him for you you’re welcome ow ow ow ow daddy they’re inside the house oh no oh God I bet it’s a small one there so many grines dadd there’s a bunch of baby ones

Trying to kill me get away ah ah oh my goodness gracious Daddy I think that’s all the grinches but where’s Daisy I have no clue clue where could she be Daddy I bet she’s in the Grinch’s cave come on follow me we’re coming Daisy we’re going to come save you

Hopefully the Grinch isn’t eating it right now oh God it’s starting to snow on this mountain oh no I think it’s a blizzard daddy we’re going to slip and fall this is not safe just watch your step we’ll be okay yes daddy we made it

Oh gosh break this bear trap I broke it Daisy Daisy are you in here yeah Jeffy I’m in here Daisy what the heck happened to you well the Grinch kidnapped me off of our roof and then he locked me in his cage oh my goodness well at least you

Had this dog over here to keep you company yeah but he smells so bad yeah the Grinch probably didn’t wash him for days well guys get me out of here what are you waiting for daddy do you have a pickaxe you know I do all right daddy break her

Out one more there you go yay oh my gosh did you guys defeat him yeah Daisy it was crazy there was so many baby grinches and these big titan grinches and we killed every single one of them so we saved Christmas yeah we saved Christmas and we saved hville let’s go

Even though I hope you guys save Christmas I still hate it Daddy stop being a grinch take that stop it he daddy you like that no I don’t like it I don’t like you’re the real Grinch daddy a take that stop it stop it there we go

Took care of the last Grinch Daisy well do you want to go open our Christmas presents you’re right it’s Christmas time come on Daisy and if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure leave a like and hit subscribe right now and also Merry Christmas

Today, Jeffy, Marvin and Daisy visit WHOVILLE In Minecraft, but the GRINCH wants to STEAL CHRISTMAS! Will they survive the GRINCH ARMY? Watch to find out!

#jeffy #minecraft #minecraftmod


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