Let’s Crush the Empress of Light! | Terraria: Calamity Melee Death Mode #32

In the previous episode we took down the ravager and that was actually a fairly fun fight it was pretty quick as well so I’m not too uh not too unhappy about doing that I think what we’re going to do today is try Empress potentially but I got a few suggestions from you guys

Obviously I’m back in the beetle armor I got more people saying that they think the beetle armor is better than I got people saying that they thought the hydrothermic stuff was better however I do agree but um there were a couple other suggestions for like weapons and stats and all that I just

Don’t think that’s really necessary right now we’re kind of cruising through the mod at the moment and Min maxing for bosses that we just don’t really need to worry about or you know I I guess Empress of light might be a big uh moment for us where we get a little

Stuck potentially we’ll have to see but at the end of the day you know I I I I feel like we’re going to need this later in the mod more so than now and those suggestions are less useful at that point right so what am I going to do um

I thought I had to use that do I have to use this there no okay so what I’m going to do is do Golem real quick cuz I still need a Sunstone and you guys had suggested this is all going back to what I was just talking about you guys had suggested

Using the celestial Stone and or whatever it is I don’t remember the exact there’s two Celestial items one is the stone and the other’s the other one I always forget um and I totally agree so what we’re going to do is yeah try to get the Sunstone so we

Can make it Celestial shell is that what it yeah it’s the shell and the stone I don’t remember which one is whichwich um so we’re going to try and and make it and get that I already have everything else I just need the Sunstone wow embarrassingly uh that took five

Attempts um that was not not the greatest experience please give me the Sunstone okay good also got a bunch of other stuff that whatever but like I don’t I don’t know not know why that uh that actually was so hard for me that time it is what

It is I guess uh let’s pop this in here and we will make the no celestial Stone okay what’s the other one the celestial Stone makes the what the shell right okay okay fine and in order to make that um wait can’t I make that hold on don’t I have

The yeah I’ve got that and we can come over here to the Shell oh yeah I can make the moonshell BAM let’s get that easy peasy that’s from the werewolves isn’t it where did I get that cuz I was looking at this earlier too the moonshell yeah you just need the the

Moon charm all right and I got that from a werewolf like way earlier so that works for me that’s funny like how easy it is to completely gloss over items that you may or may not have just because you throw them in Magic storage you just forget

About them it’s the only thing I do like about like venilla storage options where you’re just like popping them in a bunch of chests it’s easier to keep a little um you know more of an eye on everything you got okay so this turns us into a werewolf at night obviously good turns

This to murol Wi in the water pretty good Miner increase the damage Critical Strike chance life regeneration defense mining speed and Minion knockback moderately reduces breath loss in the abyss and reduces the damage of the night wither and holy Flames debuffs yeah we’ll take that o here’s the

Question do I I think I actually just take this off the bloody worm scarf finally I think I finally take it off um oh look we’re werewolf is there a way to turn off the look of that I mean I kind of like the werewolf actually uh right

Uh what do we need to do Empress Empress this is g to be the only thing that I do today I’m just going to do a couple Empress attempts and just be done with it um mostly it’s cuz I’m just going to get to bed a little early tonight

Tomorrow is not Christmas let me just say that tomorrow is not Christmas if you’re watching this in the future tomorrow is not Christmas unless you’re watching this on the 24th of any following year then tomorrow might be Christmas for you but for me tomorrow is not Christmas however it is we’re we’re

Celebrating Christmas tomorrow so um yeah I’m just going to get to bed a little earlier than normal so I can wake up nice and bright and early I know there’s a stupid way to get these stupid summons for this particular boss without having to but where did they go go where’s the

Wizard isn’t the wizard the one with it hold on we got to find this out isn’t it the wizard I thought the wizard is the one that has a oh my goodness I’m gonna have to farm out some of these lace Wings actually you know what I’m going to

Do I’m going to go steal a lace Wing from one of my other worlds okay I guarantee you that there is some item that I could potentially use to uh oh my goodness hard our hallowed biome is just so wrecked I guarantee you there’s some consumable or

Non-consumable way to to summon her but I’m just going to use these for now how do you use them I don’t remember is that way is it this way don’t you just summon it there we go oh right I I see I don’t know what weapon to use

Against Empress here that’s a weird thing with Empress is like she’s so quick and like I really like this o blade so far gosh right into that didn’t I oh my goodness I’m not playing hyper well right now come on Zen pull yourself together man just go back to the Terr

Blade it was working better okay don’t get hit by that don’t get hit by that why do I feel like I have failed miserably on the empress already it’s one of those weird things like once you get into the the jam of of doing this fight you’re like you know

The muscle memory returns this fight is incredibly fun but the moment we’re at right now where things are not going well for us doesn’t feel great about to get adrenaline all right we’re turning it back around we’re turning it back around if we can oneshot emperess that would be

Great um but that second phase is really brutal or can at least I think the terror blade is going to be our current weapon for this I guarantee you there’s probably better weapons but I’m not going to sit the time or sit here wasting my time trying to figure

Out which weapon is the most optimal if I could just do it with the terror blade right off the bat right oh my goodness the dash just saved me there from taking damage oh no I must have taken damage just in it cuz I don’t have adrenaline charged anymore that was

Getting pretty close I thought maybe I’m crazy maybe I didn’t oh wow I needed to do that differently didn’t I where is she I feel like I should already be in that second phase and I’m not oh my goodness stop getting hit let’s let’s drop down okay where did she go all right

This is the second phase right all right now we’re getting into like some Fargo Soul mod mechanics I I stand on the the proclamation that I made many times now where I feel like Fargo Soul mod and Empress of light is one of my favorite fights in all of Terraria for

Whatever reason the way they did it I just walked right into that and died it just is so good it’s just so good it’s one of my favorite things um let’s try that one more time I don’t know if I want to use all of my things here’s the problem that was going

Kind of slow and I don’t think any of our weapons are going to be like hyper good here even the blighted cleaver may not work hyper well and I definitely don’t think the H the paladins hammer is going to be good so I don’t know we can we can

Kind of mess with it just on this one come on there we go uh let’s go with this one this is like such a bad weapon for this fight I I have to lead the target so much which actually makes the fight so much harder because I’m having to focus

On actually firing this thing off so let’s go ahead and swap let’s try this one this is the the one that tracks um yeah kind of same issue here where it’s like she’s just too far away at any given time so I’m not actually doing anything it feels like yeah I’m

Doing like 20 DPS uh let’s try this one out this one kind of same issue though kind of the same issue when she stands still like that crazy good damage otherwise not the best where is she there she is she came out of nowhere about to get an

Adrenaline I think I think we switched to ter blade for the adrenaline just kind of guarantees some damage here even then it’s not like I would expect to be doing more damage I think okay so our average damage though just walk right into that again our average

Damage seems kind of low let’s let’s try the the hammer the hammer does a bunch of like actual damage when it hits same problem though she gets kind of out of range here oh my goodness trying to avoid all the light it’s it’s too hard to aim it’s

Taking much Focus Terri blade it is like I said that’s that’s our weapon of choice I think I I the focus was real you could probably tell that was insane I feel exhausted after that that was insane there was one moment that I almost had adrenaline I think that would

Have sealed the deal for sure and I messed it up I got I got too cocky I looked up at my health bar and uh and then the adrenaline bar and then I I missed it whe that was insane hey look werewolves kind a funny timing on that

One brother faces brother that’s so many werewolves all right let’s back over here so treasure bag uh we got a terror prism I didn’t realize you could just get that from the bag I oh you know what no I did realize that it had been mentioned to me before in Calamity that

You could just straight up get it out of the bag or it just gives it to you straight out of the bag it’s kind of nice actually let just have one I could I can get one of the uh bewitching tables and have two of them and makes

The events a lot easier soaring Insignia though so good increases Wing flight time by 25% increases movement speed and jump speed by 10% acceleration by 1.1 times um now the thing with this is what’s my button for that um we can make the ascendant Insignia when we

Get past y on and all this other stuff so like that is definitely a a possible thing we’re going to end up using let’s drop the rest of that there that felt real good like adrenaline is just coursing through my veins so next up do we do Betsy I

Don’t know and we have all of these events that I probably should get done but I may just jump straight into the lunatic cultist and try to get some of our solar weapons and whatnot um that also kind of depends on whether or not lunatic cultist is hard because if it’s

Not hard and we just get it done and then we go get some I don’t know like the whatever the solar weapons are then that puts us in a way stronger spot for clearing out everything Else

Zen fights the Empress of Light in this episode of Calamity Melee for modded Terraria 1.4.4!

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  1. For lunatic cultist I sugest looking at the weapon called briny baron and then the secondary fire Its a melee weapon dropped from duke. it used to be really good for lunatic cultist since it was homing but idk if they nerfed it
    Also cool video

  2. and yeah, i just checked and the Hydrothermic armor is just better than beetle, since the set bonus from beetle was cut in half in calamity.

    Hydrothermic armor overall dps stats:

    – 25% increased melee damage
    – 17% increased melee critical strike chance
    – 15% increased melee speed
    +20 max life
    67 defense

    Beetle armor overall dps stats:

    – 14% increased melee damage
    – 8% increased melee critical strike chance
    – 12% increased melee speed
    61 defense

    Beetle has the benefit of the set bonus, that gives you a maximum of +15% melee speed and damage, but you need to be hitting the enemy constantly or it will reset. and even than the over all dps would at most just barely higher if you can maintain the buff at maximum, while the Hydrothermic armor just gives you similar dps without having to worry about always hitting the boss, and it gives you debuffs that would out balance the beetle armor set bonus.

    btw debuffs like hellfire and plague do not show up on the dps meter to prevent it from constantly ticking if something has a debuff, so you need to look at the lingering damage numbers and add them on to your dps with around 2 damage ticks a second on most debuffs.

  3. you should try to true melee the cultist at the start of the fight with the Exhalted Oathblade, since the cultist doesn't deal contact damage, and if you dash in to him you will get i-frames to get away from the next attack.

    you should also possibly tank some hits after you start adrenalin to get some true melee damage in, since with adrenaling you can get A LOT of damage out of melee weapons, with the swords and there projectiles.

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