99% Perfection in Stardew Valley

I am going to reach 100% perfection in stardy Valley and I am currently at 99% completion hello everyone my name is Audie and welcome to my little corner of the internet in this video I will be covering all of the progress I made to reach 100% Perfection since my last

Video which was the end of year 2 if you want a quick recap of the first two years I will link the year 1 and year 2 videos below both of them are about 8 minutes long once you’ve seen those come back here and I’ll catch you up to speed

Also please go over and follow me on Twitch I will be doing a lot more fun challenges like this one in the future and not just in stardew I’m a variety streamer for a reason I have to admit I already lied to you in this video I’m

Not actually at 99% I’m actually at 90% but the golden clock is 10% of the Perfection score I already have 10 million gold and I literally going to buy the golden clock the second I open my game next anyway for those of you who haven’t reached 100% in stard do Valley

Before it can be very difficult essentially you have to complete a whole bunch of different tasks in order for the game to say you have reached 100% the tasks to reach 100% are ship all produce and forage items build all four obelisks build the golden clock complete the Monster Hunter Quest reach maximum

Friendship with everyone maximize all skills find every stardrop cook every recipe craft all items catch all fish and find all golden walnuts so obviously that’s a lot and it takes a lot of time and dedication to complete this challenge this is actually my second time reaching perfection in stardew and

It’s also my second ever playthrough of stardew so that’s a challenge all on its own I am not a Prof professional starting player I’m going to break down each one of these goals and talk about what was easy and what I struggled with also for some reason I decided to rate

Each goal out of 10 based on how enjoyable I found it Just Go With It Anyway without further Ado let’s get into it so this one is actually not too bad the hardest part of this one is that you have to figure out what you’re missing luckily stardo has this little

Tab that keeps track of all of the forgea bles and crops so you can see exactly which ones you haven’t shipped yet so as long as you know what the picture is or you look it up like I do then this one just takes a lot of planning to make sure you have

Everything for me the most difficult part of this was the radioactive ore from the che quest with the harder Minds that one’s kind of luck based depending on when you get the harder Minds Che Quest as long as you grow every type of crop sell every type of ore and gets and

Forgea bles this one really isn’t that bad I’d rate this one a 6 out of 10 not my favorite kind of tedious but overall it was fine this one can be a doozy especially if you try to get it done early which you’ll want to because walking around in this game literally

Takes forever and being able to teleport where you want to go is the best thing ever just trust me the first two obelisks are only 500,000 gold each so it’s not horrible and the last two are 1 million gold each but by that point the

Money wasn’t as much of a problem for me as collecting everything else I needed for it and by everything else I literally just mean Dragon Teeth where the hell are all the dragon teeth I spent so much time in that goddamn volcano and it took me forever to find

10 dragon teeth but it’s nice to just be able to teleport everywhere now so I guess I won’t complain the total cost for this task is 3 million gold and that’s not even the most expensive one I’d give this one an8 out of 10 I never

Want to step foot in that volcano ever again but being able to teleport everywhere is life-changing seriously so I have to give it an eight okay so this one is the one I said I haven’t completed yet do you guys know how long it takes to raise 10 million gold well

Since you asked it takes a lot lot lot lot lot of wine and also I sold almost every single thing I owned I really hope my husband and child don’t hate me for that one I’d give this one a 2 out of 10 the golden clock is useless I mean not

Really it stops new rocks and wood from spawning on your farm which is awesome if you’re planning to continue playing past 100% but I am not and therefore it is a $10 million waste of time I got bored playing for 8 and 1/2 hours skipping through like an entire year

Just to sell wine so I could get a stupid golden clock I said what I said two out of 10 see you wouldn’t think the Monster Hunter Quest would be that difficult but oh boy was this one rough for me I remember the pepper rexes being

A big issue for me in my first playthrough and what do you know they were a big problem for me in this playthrough too I spent way too much time in school Cavern because of this task like way more than I ever wanted to in my whole life I genuinely thought I

Would never escape the hell hole that is Skool Cavern if I never have to go back then I will be happy are you guys sensing a pattern here this one I’d give a 7 out of 10 at least I could put as much effort into getting this one done

As I wanted instead of waiting around for crops to be ready I wasted so much money on bombs and food for this one though it’s I don’t want to talk about it it was a fun Challenge and I had a good time with it this one is pretty

Hard but also I would say one of my favorite parts of the game I love seeing all the different cut scenes with the different characters and getting to know them is so fun I married Elliot in this save so it was my first time seeing his romance cut scenes compared to Shane who

I married in my first playthrough Elliot’s storyline is so romantic and I really liked it a lot I want to explore all of the romance options eventually so maybe I’ll try that someday the hardest part about finishing the relationships is increasing the ones with people who

You don’t run into a lot Jazz Leo Maru and vincet were the ones who took me the longest poor Maru I pretty much ignored her for my entire playthrough until I specifically went to work on relationships giving loved gifts is really the only piece of advice I can

Give for this one and I guess try to pay attention to birthdays this one is a 9 out of 10 I love the cut scenes but really why can I only give two gifts a week that’s crazy I don’t really have too much to say about this one to be honest it’s

Easy to reach Max skills as you work on other things for 100% this one isn’t really something that I had to put any extra effort into I’d give this one a 10 out of 10 there are seven stard drops in the game the easiest ones to get by far

Are the ones that you have to buy the stard fair and kobis other than that you get two star drops for completing other 100% task requirements one for completing fishing and one for completing the libraries collection the last three are the spouse gift which is pretty easy if you talk to your spouse

Every day then there’s the one from the minds which is probably the first one most people get and then the last one is from old master canoli I was today years old when I learned his name was old Master canoli anyway finding the star drops isn’t too bad and I feel like I

Was able to complete this one without focusing on it too much if I was going to to say which task for 100% I think is the hardest it would be this one I actually really like the recipes in this game and cooking them is very satisfying however getting the recipes is the hard

Part you have to watch the queen of sauce every Sunday and Wednesday which is super easy to miss you have to buy some of the recipes and you have to reach seven hearts with the majority of the villagers to unlock theirs it’s tedious collecting the ingredients is

Hard but I still like it more than Skool Cavern so there’s that for me getting the last few relationship recipes and the one from the island Trader took the longest and more the most difficult some of them also have really random ingredients that I usually didn’t have

Lying around which is why I started to become a hoarder in this game the stard valley cookbook comes out next year and I am going to buy it it has all of the recipes from the game in it and I’m probably going to cook every single one

So look forward to that I’d give this one an 8 out of 10 it’s fun but it’s very difficult and will definitely make you irrationally angry at some point I’m not going to lie this one sucks too especially buying the brazer from Robin is it pronounced bers I don’t know also

Robin what the hell is your problem why can you only sell me one recipe a a day most of the recipes are super simple so they aren’t bad but some of them have the most random ingredients and look I can only have so much hoarding at my

Core I’m an organizer and I just can’t stand having random stuff piling up but if there’s one thing this game forces on you is that you have to keep everything all the time because what if you need it anyway this one took me a pretty long time it’s kind of relying on other

Things like unlocking the CH room and completing a whole bunch of help board requests that makes it pretty difficult to finish up but I got there eventually I’d give this one a 7 out of 10 this one is actually fine the hardest for me to catch were the Scorpion carp and the

Spring legendary fish it also took me a long time to unlock the steamr from the Pirates Cove but honestly this was one of the first ones that I was able to fully complete I give this one a 9 out of 10 would be a 10 out of 10 if I liked

Fishing more ah yes the final task and it’s the golden walnuts if you’ve ever played stardy Valley then you know that finding all of the golden walnuts without a guide is almost impossible some of them felt like they were impossible even with a guide Professor snail’s Quest is literally the bane of

My existence I didn’t talk about this with skull Cavern because it didn’t matter much but I have this really horrible real life fear of Bones now I know what you’re thinking AI this is a goddamn video game please don’t say that you’re scared of a pixel scapula and I’m

Not well I am scared of the scapula but that’s because it was my last artifact to collect and I hate that also I have to admit I am embarrassingly bad at the memory game I have the worst memory and chat had to help me cheat so I could win

But I do really like ginger Island I think it’s my favorite area of the game for sure it is a bit daunting and it can take a lot of time but honestly the community center took a long ass time too so what am I complaining about this

One I will have to say 8 out of 10 all right everyone if you’ve watched the year 1 and year 2 videos and then this one then you’re fully caught up and ready for 100% if you want a more in-depth breakdown of my progress and strategy for each season I will link the

Full playlist down below also I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will see you all at 100%

Year 1 Recap (~8 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL-edT6mPcM
Year 2 Recap (~8 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaNkI9RGAAo
Stardew Valley Perfection Run Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLat1E_7LwmQT0i0vdJTZG2d_hQ7YdEiUy
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ottiedottie

Hello everyone! This is my second to last video in my Stardew Valley perfection run playthrough. In this video, I will discuss all of the requirements for reaching 100% perfection in Stardew Valley, my thoughts, and what I struggled with. The next video (which is 100%!!!) should be up in the next week or so! Thank you all so much for watching, Merry Christmas, and I hope you all have a great rest of 2023!!

0:00 – Intro
1:42 – Ship all produce and foraged items
2:17 – Build all four obelisks
3:10 – Build the golden clock
3:49 – Complete all monster slaying goals
4:31 – Reach max relationships with everyone
5:16 – Maximize all skills
5:28 – Find every stardrop
5:58 – Cook every recipe
6:49 – Craft every item
7:27 – Catch every fish
7:42 – Collect every golden walnut
8:32 – Outro

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