Testing 100 Minecraft Mobs Mojang Rejected in 24 Hours

Most people believe that wolves are the only Ms that fight for you but did you know that Mojang was actually supposed to add the amethyst Golem to Minecraft and that it would be even stronger than the Iron Golem today we’re testing 100 of the most popular mobs that Mojang

Rejected starting with the magma cow a concept originally from the spin-off game Minecraft Earth that was supposed to Launch alongside the nether update unfortunately well for those of you who know Minecraft Earth it was a game about collecting Minecraft mobs in real life like Pokémon go and when Co hit we

Weren’t allowed outside because of the lockdown so this mob and the update got scrapped but if we did get it and there are rumors they’re still working on it it would wander around this nether waste biome basically just chilling like cows too except they have some really cool and unique functionality first off

Normal cows give you milk magma cows they give you lava you could take these to the Overworld and this would essentially be a portable infinite lava source how crazy is that finally something to mimic the infinite water sources but they would also be incredible base defenses because they

Are passive but if someone tries to break into your base and hits one of them look at that they actually damage you and then they’ll come and attack you and light you on fire okay please Mr Cat please please please no wusers would join polar bears in the icy biomes and

At the moment the only mob you can find in any of the snow Iceberg or cold biomes is the bear that’s it it’s so Barren boring and bare and due to this walruses are a popular demand from the fence however they were rejected due to ethical concerns about the illegal

Killing of walruses out in the wild for their very valuable tusks and skin in fact walruses are protected animals and their conservation status is monitored to ensure the survival because they could go extinct but honestly I think they should be added because it means that more people know about these issues

And would also make these biomes way less boring now these guys are really cool because just like real warl say they they’re relatively slow and fat on the land but just like real world say the minute they hit the water these things are absolutely insanely fast like

They are basically the dolphins of the Arctic Ocean ready come with me and you’ll be in a freezing cold pool of water oh we’re so close we’re so close check it out look at him jump and dive in bro and then Zoom these guys don’t even hesitate look at the minute they

Start going Bo the only issue is they are lazy piranhas would make it impossible to cross rivers without dying because currently Guardians are the only underwater threats and you can only find them in Ocean ruins making well basically every other water source super easier to explore and this mob has been

Suggested so many times on the official mojack website ow ow yeah um you can see why they were rejected basically they would be too difficult for new players never thought I’d say this but I’m actually scared of this villager I mean what does a mystery Merchant even offer

This dude looks like the Batman of villagers originally a concept from the game Minecraft dungeons let’s see what he has to trade as long as he doesn’t like murder me in my sleep cuz honestly he looks like he’s going to do it and holy check out these prizes they are

Insane they might actually be the first non ripoffs you can get a Mee Mystery Box an armor mystery box and an artifact which means when you open one of these things you could either get something really trash or something absolutely overpowered technically making it worth the price unfortunately it was rejected

Because the wandering trade already has random trades even though they suck and the mystery boxes are sometimes considered too close to gambling which Mojang didn’t want in their game but we got to see what we get all right 45 emeralds for the melee box what are we

Getting at here all right open it up okay iron sword with sharpness six and knockback two that is overpowered okay that was well worth it what else can we get all right we got to go for the most expensive one the artifact Mystery Box let’s see what we have here all right

Ready 3 2 1 open it three dirt no anacondas would Slither Through the Jungle Forest floors to make them well significantly more dangerous just look at this thing do you see how like it slides diagonally across blocks bro look at it slithering through the leaves the

Animations are so sick man and the plan was they would have two different color variants ever released but rejected because apparently the Mojang team is terrified of snake which honestly I wouldn’t blame them what kind of damage do these things do so if I’m I’m just standing here I’m chilling look can him

Watch me with his beady eyes bro oh oh oh it just jumps it jumps it just tried to strangle me and like poisoned me Red Dragons would be the hardest boss in Minecraft and would appear after you killed the Ender Dragon and when trying to resummon it instead you would be met

With the red dragon who has the ability to literally breathe fire it was originally promised by the creator of Minecraft Notch and he was super excited it was going to be the first mob that players would not only be able to fight but also tame and ride like imagine it’s

The only mob you could fly around in it would be lighter but like overpowered and you could shoot fire at things how cool would that be unfortunately well after Notch got kicked out of Mojang they rejected the red dragon project and it was completely abandoned by the team

But just check this thing out man look at the detail this thing would have been terrifying if you could fly around on this man that would be sick I I got to see it’s fire in the action all right ooh down it comes BR shot fire ow ow

Dude that ain’t regular fire it just sticks around you can’t like get rid of it over with a water bucket or anything what if the desert biome was filled with sand worms these bad boys stay under the desert floor digging tunnels and only come out when they hear a mob they will

Attack players with their insane teeth holy and when they take damage they’ll dig straight back into the ground look at me punch this guy up he will borrow down below to make sure the key is safe now this was rejected because apparently it was too fantasy like didn’t quite fit

The theme of Minecraft and again it would make desert biomes too dangerous for new players ghost miners would be found in the depths of the caves hiding and waiting for players to actually help lead them to both M shaft Loot and Precious Minerals and check it out literally led me straight to these

Diamonds what a legend issue is Minecraft stated that they will never be able to add these because ghosts are actually banned in media in China raccoons would probably be the most hated animal in existence because if I I don’t know accidentally left some diamonds here the raccoons literally

Just appear out of nowhere and you know if I walked off and you know forgot about my item bro would go on steal that item and then go and bury it in the nearest water so like if you died and all your loots on the ground man this

Dude isn’t sparing a second he’s going straight to the water and he’s making sure that it gets hidden away so first he cleans it up and then once it’s nice and clean he’s going to take it for his stash look at that it’s it’s there in

His stash you you can’t get it back it’s basically like a fox but less cute because he’s a thief but unfortunately players didn’t like the idea of this m because they said it would be too bad in multiplayer servers but I don’t know this thing would make some pretty epic pranks as

Long as you weren’t the one getting pranked the wind caller would control the weather not only that but he would use the weather to literally attack and fight players this dude is so cool look at this animation bro he can push me away with the wind lift me up into the

Sky this thing was originally a Minecraft dungeon then was rejected because well they had the iller that wielded ice powers know as the ice oler previously but the community didn’t like it so when they scra that M they decided to scrap this one as well however it’s

Kind of coming back with the brand new wind blazes oh that’s so cool it pushes you away so if you try to attack him he is going to push you away oh no yep it’s kind of coming back in the wind blazes but I still think these are cooler what

Do you guys think jellyfish would sting you when swimming underwater now these would be a really cool mob because they would actually light up the underwater area making them a whole lot less dark and then less cool because well they would be able to stun plays but not only

That but if you were like bringing along a horse or a dog on your adventure they would also be able to stun them which I don’t think would be a lot of fun I don’t know how you guys deal with jellyfish stings but here in Australia

We get them all the time and oh yep I’m I can’t move I’ve been stck oh my gosh so this would literally like force you to drown oh wait no I can move again so it’s only a limited amount of time here but in real life you actually need to

Pee on jellyfish Burns in order to make them less painful it’s really really gross so I’m kind of glad they didn’t add that to Minecraft but the real reason it was rejected is cuz they decided it was too similar to the glow squid as it was lighting up the area and

It didn’t make it past testing as all of the light that it added to the game apparently made it really really laggy the iller go Golem created to be the direct rival to the villager’s only protection the Iron Golem and here comes the rain where is he there he is a man

Is basically the dark side Darth Vader of the Iron Golem I mean these things look so cool oh here they go They’re going Toe to Toe okay well they just I guess the fight will continue on later they’re coming back for one another wao

Who are we going to see is the victor of this battle now unfortunately this was rejected because one he was crazy overpowered he just demolished the Iron Golem and and the villagers literally have no other protection and also because well they just kind of boring

They look very similar and so in the end it was decided that instead of having the iller Golem they replace that with the ravager and I think it was a good decision the gorilla would defend the jungle temple against players who wish to steal its Loot and he also has

Absolutely giant PE muscles man did not skip Jim day holy this would be great because at the moment going into jumble temples is so so easy to lose just run down here break through the wall and oh you got yourself your chest it’s way too easy but then Mojang changed it from a

Hostile mob to a neutral one because they wanted all Hostile Mobs to be fantasy creatures that is creatures that aren’t real that don’t exist so that you know players aren’t killing endangered mobs cuz that was unethical which I don’t know made sense to me but then they decided because it was neutral and

Players were killing them since they’d be defending the jungle temples that was also unethical so they just rejected the mob entirely which I don’t understand because imagine how cool it would be you go to a jungle temple you go to explore it and then this guy comes up and just

Oh my bro bro’s got muscles for days the lva zombies would throw rotten flesh at you in order to kill you oh my I’m playing dodgeball over here bro holy and if one hits you well you get the hunger effect which I think is super unique because when you try and run further

Away the hunger only gets worse right so like this is the one mob that running away is actually a worst decision to do except just like skeletons they’re all stupid and will fight each other it’s kind of the reason they were removed because we already have a mob that has a

Long distance range and that is the skeleton what if the snow golem had a melon Golem brother I mean this makes perfect sense because I mean you can use pumpkins on snow why can’t you use melons and how cool it would be they can shoot melon seeds and everything I I

Thought it would be you know a fun little variant but they decided that it would make snow golems redundant and therefore not worth adding meet the Penguins our amphibious little creatures that W that jump was epic you go girl sorry I was saying amphibious which means they can live on both land and

Water they have these absolutely adorable animations when they’re swimming when they’re jumping just absolutely everything look look these things are cut as overload God I just want to grab them up but they aren’t completely useless either if you jumping in a boat they will make you swim or no

Sorry not swim boat twice as fast look at me boy I’m going I’m literally spinning around unfortunately it was rejected cuz it lost the mob vote to the armadillo coming in last place The Croc would hide in the swamp biomes waiting for its next victim now I really don’t understand why

This one was removed because swamp biomes at the moment lowkey boring there’s nothing here how great would this be to have a new mob and one that would make it worth coming out to fortunately like a lot of these other mobs it was rejected because it was too

Realistic and they didn’t want to show realistic mobs as hostile but I’m telling you I live in Australia and these things will eat you up boy what happens if I’m in survival I’m out here I’m going crock hunted bro just looks at me oh it grabbed I can’t escape what if

Mojang combin spiders and skeletons to create B spiders also originally part of Minecraft Earth ooh owie owie owie owie they can do short range attacks as well as long distance by throw in our bone shards these would be the absolute worst nightmare of the caves fortunately reded by Mojang for Bedrock Edition

Specifically cuz they decid ah there’s already two variants of spiders in the game the beautiful hummingbirds would stop you from dying which might seem silly cuz I mean they’re adorable and Tiny they ain’t doing nothing let me explain first off you can tame them with seeds just like you would a parrot

Except holy they are literally three times as fast ah I got one I got one all right so once you’ve tamed one they will follow you around and hum different Tunes depending on the different types of danger you’re in basically giving you a warning they’ll also hump Tunes when

You’re near a structure or loot so I mean that’s pretty dope fortunately it’s rejected because I mean this entire feature relies on sound which is a feature that people with hearing disabilities just can’t use and Minecraft doesn’t want anyone to feel left out so I understand wait why are

You guys freaking out why are you freaking out what the the vi witch witch but a whole lot more dangerous this would be the main Mob of the dark oak roofed forest biomes which makes sense cuz at the moment there actually is no mob in this biome supposed to come with

This update that added this biome but it was rejected because they decided it acted too similarly to the witch with the only difference being if we switch into survival here instead of throwing your oh my gosh is invisible oh my gosh yep there we go instead of throwing

Regular potions he he throws lingering potions so they stick around which makes it very difficult to fight him because he can basically protect himself with those potions swimming in the ocean would be a lot more dangerous if there were sharks infesting the water now this has been suggested it’s one of the most

Suggested Minecraft Mobs of all time on the official Minecraft website however Mojang decided that oh my gosh that thing coming up to you is something of Terror oh my gosh the fit that the teeth oh he’s chomping he’s wiggling get out of the water he can’t follow me up here

Cy oh thank goodness okay here’s the thing they thought that it you know underwater it’s dark it’s hard to see and players would mistake the dolphin for the shark and they they would kill dolphins which they didn’t want sticking with the underwater theme Can you spot our next mob that’s right imagine slimes

But underwater which I I think is so necessary because this cultural biome has no unique mobs oh actually that’s a lie they have tropical fish but I mean fish are technically in other bomes it’s only tropical fish that are found here but still I think this would be a very

Unique mob to have and these guys jump around and you can see they actually eat up fish look at how cute it is they eat little fish and you can see them swimming around the outside of the Slime and if we go ahead and kill one check

This out I feel bad killing it cuz it is just so cute but let’s murder him and look the little fish split off into the other slimes St love it Unfortunately they don’t really have much of a different function they’re pretty similar to actual slime the diamond

Chicken is exactly what it sounds like these are chickens that straight up lay diamonds this is broken they also lay lapis I I think it’s like a joke because you know when you see lapis in the caves you’re like ooh diamonds and then it’s always lapis but I guess that’s useful

For enchanting still but I got four diamonds of like less than 5 Seconds now the crazy thing is these were actually in the game for a short amount of time during the Minecraft update 2.0 April Fool’s joke announced all the way back in 2013 however I think it’s pretty obvious

Why these guys were rejected they are unbelievably broken and overpowered however there was one thing your farm might not live very long because each Diamond chicken has a 5% chance of yeah doing that blowing up jumbo rabbits another mob that was proposed for the roofed dark o forest biome now these

Would have the normal AI as regular rabbits but much larger which means they will jump and run a whole lot further and higher as well now I think it’s pretty clear why they were rejected it’s cuz they didn’t add any value to the game and they thought it looked really

Silly you know beside like regular rabbits like let’s just get a regular old rabbit where where is he let’s put them next to each other here this thing looks like it could be this Mother’s poop the love Golem does what exactly I don’t know a normal Golem beats up mobs

What does the love Golem do all right let’s Chuck in some Hostile Mobs come on man beat him up do something do do something as you can tell it just doesn’t attack anything even Hostile Mobs the lore or the back story that you know mojan came up with was the love

Golem was a manifestation of the villagers love and peaceful nature but as stupid as it was the real reason they didn’t add it is cuz they decided that the name love Golem sounded a little bit too sussy bucka if you know what I’m saying Lion King of the Savannah or also

Known as the creepers of the Savannah which makes them sound kind of sucky but it how they work in real life they hide in the tall grass and while you’re distracted they jump up and pass you they will slowly sneakily follow you behind so check this out guys I’m going

To switch into survival look at him he goes into the tall grass and then once he’s happy and he’s prepared boom jump St for you now originally these were hostile mobs and then changed to neutral because you know Mojang and fantasy mobs they wanted it to they only want Hostile

Mobs to be fake creatures but then unfortunately they were rejected because lions are one of the most endangered species in the world their populations have been decreasing a ton it’s super sad and they decided they didn’t want players to think it was okay to kill Lions which honestly I don’t disagree

With because these things are so so dope but also they are really really dangerous so stay away thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want to shout out just click the join button below this video scroll

Down and click ey megaan

I Tried Secret Mobs Mojang Removed in Bedrock & Java Editions in Minecraft! Can you Believe these are REAL?!

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
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#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. If the sharks are so mistaken for dolphins and a player so happens to kill a dolphin it really wouldn't make a change becuase us as players kill dolphins anyways. But the ghost miner should have been added

  2. 4:35 anaconda are constrictor snakes. That means they wrap around their prey, and they squeeze them until they’re dying breath 😊 just a moment of silence for the millions of animals that have hugged to death

    Edit: 4:41 anacondas don’t poison you yes, they can wrap around your neck and strangle you to death, and there have been instances of people dying because of snakes anacondas do not poison you no need to be rude. It was just a throwaway comment😅
    And also, if there was an effect of the snake poisoning you, it would probably be the water bubble effect because you can’t breathe when you’re being squeezed or strangled .

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