Minecraft Myths You Shouldn’t Watch at Night…

The Minecraft mystery you’re about to see in this video are so terrifying that I bet you can’t even watch the video all the way until the end alone which is exactly why I brought Diglett to keep us company the warden was born from an undead Golem we’ve covered a lot of

Terrifying myths on this channel about wardens and for good reason they are easily the scariest Mom they’re just so mysterious we hardly know anything about what they are or where they even came from in my last video Fire Nation I was convinced they were made in ancient

Times but a viewer who hopefully um subscribed left this message on the video and it got me thinking his theory states that the warden was originally an undead Iron Golem there couldn’t possibly be anything to back this up right wrong first off would you put the

Ward in an iron golem side by side they look almost identical what if the warden was originally an unfortunate Golem that was killed in a Pillager raid was he resurrected by a totem that one of the pillagers accidentally dropped the undead Golem must have searched tirelessly for another Village and when

He finally found one The Village must have thought he was a monster and drove him away sit to the caves and forced to wander in the dark forever losing his eyesight and all of his villager friends this also explains why wardens are blind and as I was digging for even more

Evidence I found something that mosing doesn’t want you or I to know when the warden originally came out it was weak to the Smite enchant and when people were catching on that Smite was effective against the warden They removed it from the game why is this important you ask Smite is only

Effective against Undead mobs like skeletons and zombies so if it worked on the warden that means the warden is Undead and was once alive and with that I dropped the mic the warden is an undead Golem and by the way what happened to piglens piglens were the newest addition in Minecraft 1.6 and

They’ve become iconic to the nether ever since then I mean you probably don’t like them very much considering they try to kill you but nonetheless we need them and they are very interesting have you ever thought about them a little bit more though they’re seriously weird they’re a humanoid Pigman that stand on

Their two hind legs easily the strangest mob in the game by far except for lava creepers there must be some insight as to how they were originally created though were they made to be Guardians of the underworld or were they just another experiment from the pillagers unfortunately I believe that the truth

Is much much darker first off what do we know about piglens they are a hive mind with connected brains this is proven because if you hit one of them they all get mad at you they love gold this is proven because they will give you any valuable item for only one gold ingot

They have extreme intelligence we know this because they work in groups and have even built complex structures together like bastions and finally they don’t like wither skeletons this has proved well by the fact that they try to kill them another strange detail is that you don’t see any pigs in the nether

Right this means the zombified piglets must have come from the Overworld and it gives us good reason to think they came from pigs themselves but this doesn’t explain why would the zombified piglets hate the wither skeletons some say the wither skeletons were originally just villagers who dared to venture to the

Nether for the first time so now we know the villagers came to the Nether and became the wither skeletons but let me ask you a question do you think that villagers would have come to the nether without testing if it was safe first and at this moment Diglett is when I

Realized the Dark Truth pigs were used as unfortunate test subjects by the villagers when they wanted to go to the nether for the first time this horrific act mutated them into piglets and now it is Crystal Clear they love gold because their old villager Masters traded lots of gold

They have a connected hive mind because they were mutated when they were transported through the portal and they hate wither skeletons because they wanted revenge on their Old Masters who were using them as test subjects which is exactly why they are building an army to come back to the Overworld and wipe

Out all of the villagers to get Pig binge every single evil creature in Minecraft was born in the desert if you were making a list of the creepiest biomes in all of Minecraft I bet the last one on your list would be the desert full of empty wastelands dead

Shrubs I mean let’s be honest the most exciting thing about the biome is a cactus which doesn’t exactly scream terrifying but what if I told you that the desert is actually the birthplace for the world’s most terrifying mobs deep in the desert is one of the game’s most useful structures the temple this

House is diamond and other useful items for the player but have you ever fully inspected the temple the interior and exterior is chock full of creepy lore and hidden myths for example the outside is decorated with this which stands for life after death ancient Egyptians would mummify the deceased for the next part

Of their life they didn’t see death as the end of life but actually one step toward the Journey of the second life could this mean that the original birthplace of zombies were from the mummies in these temples and if you go further into the temple where the chest

Is you find a piece of TNT inside this is one of the only places in the game that a piece of TNT naturally spawns that fact is so significant because we know one of Minecraft’s most deadly creatures is literally made from this block the creeper himself inside the

Official Minecraft mob booklet you will find this image and on the inside of it you can see a creeper’s body with a clear piece of TNT in it the creepers must have been made by the temple owners years ago as guards to make make sure no one gets into this cursed location but

The final nail in the coffin is that the outside of the temples even look like the design of a creeper so creepers and zombies what other scary mobs were created inside this Temple skeletons the Enderman Herobrine dream sorry it’s too far for now stay away from the cursed

Biome known as the desert before you become the next creation the Wither was a failed experiment in terms of sheer fear the Wither is Minecraft’s scariest boss but what actually is it and where did it come from just know that it’s not a myth for the faint-hearted earlier in

This video we learned that the villagers came to the Nether and were mutated into other skeletons so what have they been doing there this entire time and why haven’t they come back to the Overworld well the full story goes a little like this like we established the villagers

Who went to the nether for the first time were transformed into what we now know as with their skeletons at first they love this newfound power hostile mobs could no longer boss them around round and they now had enough strength to defeat the pillagers but in the

Middle of all this excitement they soon came to realize the fearful truth about their situation as were their skeletons they lost all of their intelligence that they possessed when they were villagers this was a big problem as they no longer knew how to add that the wither skeletons tried

To reverse engineer themselves back into villagers they did this by adding three wither skeleton heads onto the top of Soul Sand they betrayed their friends just like the uchias clan from Naruto to gain this newfound power and as they added them to the Soul Sand Minecraft must have deemed them cursed for such

Heinous acts because a villager did not Spawn from this creation but a three-headed flying machine of death known as the Wither the warden can see into your soul it’s said that the warden is blind and limited to his other senses due to his lack of eyesight but I don’t

Believe this is the case there’s a theory that the warden can actually see wherever you are in the world of Minecraft at all times by staring directly into your soul skulk is the culmination of souls brought from the Beyond you can see this in skulk veins skulk Seekers and skulk blocks there is

No end to the gratuitous amount of dead spirits that enveloped the deep dark bio it’s either theorized that the inside of a warden’s chest is actually the culmination of ancient Builders Souls that were left behind after an attack by the Wither it is also theorized that the

Creation of the warden can be accredited to skulk and other ancient Powers regarding the Builder’s Souls from long ago have you ever wondered why even though you are far away from the deep dark you have that Eerie feeling like there’s something in the caves with you or you hear a creaking moan alongside

The walls of the caves you mine and wondering what else is there with you it could very well be the warden himself waiting for you to enter its domain so it can be entertained Once More by the Carnage it can bring upon its Newfound victim what if the warden doesn’t

Actually exist I know I know I just tried to convince you that the warden might be an undead Golem but something still doesn’t quite add up let me ask you something why can you see when you spectate the warden let me explain if you’re in spectator

Mode you can right-click a mob or even player to start watching the game from their perspective however this doesn’t make any sense for the warden because he’s supposed to be blind he can’t see anything at all so why can you see its perspective is the warden not even blind

At all or is there something else going on here if we can see from the warden’s perspective then maybe the mob you are spectating isn’t even the warden at all and after some digging I found exactly who it is look very closely into the middle of the warden’s chest you might

See something very different do you see those little creatures they are hidden very well but these aren’t just any little creatures but everyone’s favorite cute Minecraft pet these little creatures must have been tired of being hunted and decided to create a disguise one’s so scary that no player or animal

Would mess with them this disguise became known as the warden the little mobs that group together and create this monster axolotls pillagers accidentally created the Herobrine I know in the last video I was convinced that Herobrine was actually placed in the game by the devs so they could stop unruly players but I

Recently found out something very interesting about the illagers that made me think again villagers are no stranger to some of Minecraft’s scariest theories from creating the zombies to breaking into real life these are some pretty spooky stories but what if I told you that they are nothing compared to the

Bone chilling myth I just discovered about them the illagers are home to many secret rooms all with hidden messages and themes in one of these separate rooms we find the remains of something horrifying in this room there are three types of blocks all in a familiar shade

Of blue and if you look closely all of these colors perfectly match the clothes of Steve why would the villagers have the remains of these blocks is it just a coincidence are they storing blocks for the purposes of dark magic or just trying to stock up on blocks in case of

An apocalypse no it can’t be what do you think Diglett no it can’t be because if you’ve watched our other scary myth videos you know the illagers have a history of mutating other mobs for example one of my theories states that the zombies were created by the pillagers after they tried to experiment

On Steve if this is true then what is to stop them from Counting this awful experimentation on other mobs do they get frustrated that their Steve experiment failed and so now they put all their efforts into one final mutation with this information I searched the internet to find some Clues

And then I found this story they gathered Steve’s all around the world for one final experiment one that they would soon remember as their greatest mistake after it was all ready they flipped the lever with excitement and outstepped a new blocky creature that looked just like Steve he revealed the

Feature about himself that made everyone in the room lose their breath piercing petrifying white solid eyes the pillagers were the ones who created Herobrine and to this day they were never seen again and the only Relic is the scattered clothing of Steve’s who were destroyed in this horrific

Experiment Steve is the villain of Minecraft not the hero the pillagers Herobrine Villar clickbait YouTubers these are the most horrifying monsters in the game of Minecraft but what if I told you that none of them are Minecraft’s most threatening bad guy and what if I also told you that the worst

Villain in the whole entire game is actually well it’s you you play this game for fun but if you ever just sat down and thought about what you’re doing to this world you start by chopping down the natural environment and then you murder all of the animals that you can find many of

Them giving you items that you’ll never even use well I can see that’s a valid point except for the fact that you’re grossly wrong the only reason Hostile Mobs attack you is because you’re killing every mob in the Overworld they don’t even do anything to defend themselves

You’re truly the villain in this game and I won’t even name all of the atrocities you commit against villagers and we all know I’ve never done that ah you come into this game knowing nothing and you decide to kill anything and everything even your final objective is

Something horribly evil you spend all of your resources and time to travel to another dimension and you kill an endangered dragon that seems to be minding his own business so the next time you load this game up just remember as you log in you are the most feared

And terrifying creature in all of Minecraft from the perspective of a mob you and I have to carry the guilt of being this game’s worst villain and Nightmare a laze come from Soul Sand these are one of Minecraft’s newest mobs and they are also one of the most mysterious with their cute ghost-like

Features this mob is rhyme for all sorts of speculation but what are they and how are they created was it a failed lab experiment maybe even Souls of villagers who were killed in a raid the hypothesis of this myth is that they come from something that many players use every

Single day Soul speed yes the enchantment that makes you run faster on Soul Sand you might be wondering how I made this connection and for this you have to look a little closer like literally look closely at your feet when you run with this enchantment there are

Small ghosts that fly up from your feet and the color of these ghosts blue and if they are inside this enchantment it begs the question where is this enchantment or curse from it has to be the piglets but how did the piglets get this enchantment from the wither

Skeletons the piglets are at constant war with them and they must steal this enchantment from them and finally where do the wither skeletons go to die Soul Sand the olays are dead Souls of the withers fermented in Soul Sand the origins of the blood Golem unlike the

Other myths we’re gonna start with the story just so you know this isn’t a regular story but rather the first sighting of Minecraft’s scariest creature the blood Golem a long time ago in a very old version of Minecraft there was a player who was going out and about

His day doing the typical chores of the game he chopped wood cooked some food and headed to the Village to get some iron however the way that he got it was a little cruel to say the least he built up three blocks and began to kill a mob

To harvest its body for the materials he needed a mob that only served to be an angel of protection around Villages one stronger than most but wouldn’t hurt a fly this is the Iron Golem all of you are probably wondering Preston everybody does this see the problem wasn’t just

The fact that he’d killed the Golem for his iron but what he was using the iron for to make flinton steal this player was on a mission to burn down every village in the world you might be asking why he hated villagers so much well he actually doesn’t they were just

Unfortunate casualties in his way to completing his real Quest he doesn’t want to just endanger Iron Golems but dry drive them to Extinction this player created an army of pillagers and destroyed many villages and all of their Golems but one day they arrived at their hundredth Village to destroy they were

Met with a terrifying sight there stood the blood Golem and as you can imagine the player in his Pillager armies did not survive to tell the tale to this day it is still not known where the blood Golem actually appeared from what if he was just built by villagers to defeat

Villagers or what if he was a severe bug in Minecraft’s code personally I believe that he is the Secret Avenger of the iron golems that were killed by this evil player raised from the blood of all the Golems the evil player had slain before so the next time you think about

Killing a Golem for some iron check to your left check to your right but most importantly watch your back and pray that your eyes never meet his

Minecraft Myths You Shouldn’t Watch at Night…with PrestonPlayz 👊

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  1. We want more scary mine craft myths❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂❤❤❤😂😂😂🎉🎉😢😢😢😅😅😅😅❤❤❤❤

  2. I think that the wither skeletons were villagers who destroyed the nether portals and then the pig man came in and started killing them and that explains why there is nether portals that are kinda broken I forget what there called

  3. I have a fact to back up the Warden theory: They where created by Villagers and sacrificed to the gods the shadows are dead Villagers the reason why the warden is blind is because they had their eyes removed before they were sacrificed this created the Mega Warden but it never existed intill today I found it I'm lucky to still be alive and Ps I love how Preston's muststace makes him look a dad

  4. The Warden is Axolotl Look Closely and If you think why don't Warden Attack us if he's not blind the reality is some of your favorite pet is Axolotl so he doesn't attack you They attack you because they are scared if an water mob attack them like Drowned or Guardian if you make the opposite of warden colours it would be the colours of an favourite pet Axolotl And if you change axolotl colour it would be the colours of The Warden 8:31

  5. That’s not true the warden was actually made in an underground village happily with songs and baby villages, but then one day a big Reid came and killed all the villagers then the warden was never the same again

  6. Preston your theory of wardens being an undead golem is wrong the truth is wardens are axolotls listen to me here buddy wardens attack every mob except axolotls and even ey stream can conferm with me so change your mind on wardens rn

  7. Wardens are not undead golems the iron golem is a robot of iron and I believe in the theory that the warden is a creature made by the illagers and their leader the arch illager

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