Testing Dumbest Illegal Minecraft Weapons

Today we’re testing the dumbest illegal Minecraft weapon know the cool down freak and to kick things off Gamers oh God I’m actually kind of terrified you guys will see why in a second but let’s grab ourselves oh my God no not three two diamond blocks some wool

Specifically I actually don’t know if it needs to be a specific color but I’m going to go with white cuz it’s just basic I don’t know we’re going to need a piston but not just any piston an extra sticky piston and arguably the most cursed Block in all of Minecraft at

Least the vanilla ones the End Rod oh God I don’t know if you guys know where I’m with this but let’s just say we’re going to make a little bit of a an upside down tea if you will let’s put the sticky piston at the bottom and the

Most cursed thing ever in the center for a knowledge book psych oh my goodness hey yo hold on a second no no no no no what is this bro what am I looking at right now no bro I don’t blame Aaron for what he did man honestly all of humanity

Needs to be destroyed what is this Mr Mac mackenstein the guy who basically made this right I just want to make that clear I did not make this credit down in the description go sub to him or whatever but seriously what have you created bro oh my goodness what in the

Cursed Minecraft crafts is this right click to shoot shoot what bro what what are we going to be shooting the sheep’s butt hold on there’s a village right here so I mean I guess we can have the villagers as our victim specifically the

Nitwit 3 2 1 ye okay and then I think I have to shoot again oh my gosh wait a second so we first shoot a freaking like homing sheep I think it goes to like any nearby entity yeah wait where where’s is it coming to me hey hey hey and then if

I right click another thing it shoots an End Rod so you need to connect two of them together to cause I guess the explosion the attack so for example if we try and hit this guy we need to shoot now oh my gosh wait it didn’t do any

Damage we got to time it better and come on oh my gosh there we go we got it all right now let’s go for this guy dude this is the most sus thing ever and come on oh my timing was off come on come on

And no oh I missed completely and no oh that was way too early dude this thing is so hard to use man come on reload the dang sheep Already There You Go ye and now now now oh baby that was crazy so it does the more damage the better you time

It ye and come on oh my gosh all right well we just did a lot of AOE damage one more time that was way too early I get too excited I want to like hit the sheep with the End Rod and now now now oh that

Was perfect and he still didn’t die bro is actually the biggest tank ever what the oh my gosh I don’t know when the best situation for this item would be like this weapon but like I guess oh there you go we kind of timed that perfectly yeah it’s a bit of a tricky

One Gamers but that is the wait oh my God I thought it was called the sheepinator it’s called Sheep trator oh my goodness I’m going to get demonetized bro Gamers you might as well subscribe and like right now because this video ain’t going anywhere I’d be surprised if

It gets more than like 10 views I want to rate all of these cursed illegal items by the end of the video so let’s save it right here and for the next one we’re going to have to grab ourselves some gold blocks One Singular Ender ball some obsidian and just like that we

Should be able to make ourselves some sort of teleportation weird wand wo oh my gosh I guessed right it is called the portal staff melee to charge right click to phase through blocks okay wait this is sick let’s go into survival mode and

So I guess I have to like wo woah wo wo okay I don’t know what I just did right there but yeah we got to like hit and charge it how do we know oh wait there’s a portal now it’s giving me speed too oh there you go now we know it’s fully

Charged I think let’s smack some more villagers booties just to like make sure hello villager okay yeah I think this thing is fully charged cuz we have like the orb we have everything and I’m sorry for harassing you right click to phase through blocks but then also shift plus

Right click to unleash portal storm was that there before I’m going to try just the regular right click I’m going to try and phase through this like tree right here wo okay that is pretty cool and it looks like we still can keep using it I

Wonder when it like loses this like its power I’m inside of here yo that’s pretty sick okay and now I’m going to use the portal storm on this house right here 3 2 1 and oh my gosh wait a second we can select the player or whatever ye

What is going on what what is going on oh my gosh what is happening to bro are you okay well actually I I didn’t I don’t think anything happened hold on a second let’s retest that again there you go we’re charging it up perfect oops I’m going to summon another Iron Golem and

Use it on this nerd there you go wo wo there you go now it worked oh my yo that is so sick so you’re telling me I can just smack this guy and keep charging it okay okay okay okay oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh and let’s select that

Target run yeah I’m an anime character woo Get Wrecked nerd you thought you could yeah that’s what I thought stay over there nerd so yeah you can’t do anything if it’s not charged I’m not going to lie that was really really cool but luckily our next craft is somewhat

Similar and if not it could be even better let’s grab a gold block this time we’re going to need some dripstone and oddly enough I believe a nether brick fence I could be wrong I’m going to try no it has to be a nether brick fence I

Think if not it might be dark oak or I don’t think it even matters but let’s try nether brick if we put the dripstone at the bottom like that a gold block there oh my gosh okay dripstone one hey yo this thing looks awesome okay wait a second hold right click to charge

Release to fire okay a hey little pig why are you dancing for me you’re so cute okay how do I use this hold back click the charge and release the fire all right dancing baby pig wait what did I just do oh my goodness um I didn’t

Know how to use that I accidentally just well I knew what I was doing I ain’t going to lie I wanted bacon M yummy okay hold on no we got to go underground and test this underground cuz like dude this honestly was one of the coolest things

Ever where maybe here is good hello mobs I’m not afraid of you actually wait I have no Health yeah some people say this would be cheating but nah I’m just using my god-given powers in creative mode all right where are these Bots at dude no mob wants to face me hello Mr skeleton

Let’s go ahead and charge and oh my gosh okay okay okay right let’s bring it back let’s bring it back right there yeah oh my dude that was sick wait how did he not die there you go boom boom Oh we want to hit it on the right like thing

Oh my God that is so sick that that is one of the coolest things ever I see so you actually want to be strategically with it if not yeah you can completely Miss I see and boom there you go got that perfectly baby there you go I got

Him let’s try and get it on this guy yeah oh my goodness bro honestly the attack doesn’t seem to be doing that much damage like as much as a giant drip Stone looks like it would but honestly it’s one of the coolest things ever oh

My God there we go we timed that one perfectly let’s take down these two zombies over here H yeah oh my goodness we got a double hit and boom did I get that right yes I did and now we can just Meed them to death okay these mobs don’t

Stop coming all right you know in that case let’s store our weapon in here dude I don’t know which one was my favorite one yet I want you guys to comment down below which one you guys think is the coolest but we’re going to need a lever

For I think a trigger so you already know this is going to be crazy let’s get some good old Redstone how convenient and some iron blocks wow we’re in a cave guys I went off camera mining that’s how I got this I believe a conduit which is

Such an interesting block and a piece of obsidian I cannot spell Aida and so if we put that at the bottom the Redstone on the right side we need two of these boom boom conduit in the center and then a lever did I do this wrong am I

Confusing it with quartz okay I’m a bot I got it the laser gun right click to shoot wait why is there a gingerbread man is that laser beam oh my God laser beam I’ll save you from one crazy country man to another well I guess Florida isn’t a country whatever as

Official Florida man in Minecraft I will save the Australian man ye oh my God wait was that just his screams wait what just happened wait every time I right click it just says a voice line of him oh my God his screams okay that’s pretty cool honestly I

Thought it was going to be a little bit more explosive or something but I get it it’s a lasar gon it’s a good play on words I’m just too bad I suck at words and speaking of words for the next illegal weapon we’re going to need some

Paper which is what you write words on if you guys didn’t know back in my day we used to write words on piece of paper I know you guys now have your iPads or whatever just kidding I’m not a boomer I wish I was though I could complain about

Everything and be right or wrong I don’t even know but what I do know is that I have a magic book this looks like the thing in the CRA crafting table causes a knowledge explosion maybe then we’ll become Boomers together Gamers yes or no I want to be young and dumb explosion

Power increases with IQ in vicinity O Okay so the more things around me I think the bigger the explosion so let’s just try with myself I mean I’m to under IQ guys my explosion should be huge huge wait how how do I use it oh oh my gosh

Wo this is sick wow what I’m confused we opened it and nothing happened is he calling me dumb okay you know what hold on I have a crazy idea there’s a H right here oh my goodness all right you know what I’m just going to summon this I’m

Going to summon a bunch of zombies and a bunch of babies the babies are going to be slightly Dumber but it’s fine all right 3 2 1 there you go what’s going to happen what’s going to happen oh my gosh oh my go wao holy crap that was awesome

Yeah well that was all me what can I say my big brain is there anything inside of here okay no trash honestly I like the magic book the words more than I expected but now let’s see because for our next illegal item it’s going to require a shield and a sword

Specifically a blue one AK AK a diamond I don’t know if you guys knew that but that’s a diamond sword yeah I know you guys are probably Minecraft noobs and you know I’m like the smartest man I’m just kidding I’m just kidding don’t murder me but now we just got what is

That a shield sphere right click to create a spherical shield around you okay you know what you know what I’m not even going to test it first I think I already know what’s going to happen so I’m going to summon a crap ton of creepers in a circle I’m like SpongeBob

When they went camping okay I might regret this I might actually die I’m going to set my spawn point right here all right 3 2 1 and right click oh my yo yo ah no the cool down freak that was awesome wait I think we killed a few of

Them all right you know what what if I just go in the center oh my gosh oh my gosh am I dead am I dead am I dead no The Shield just that freaking sucked well that was awesome though yeah get off me bro get

Back get back oh no no no no no I forgot about the cool down come on come on come on and yeah get back noobs all right we got we killed one oh I can actually run away from it when I right click it am I

Holding right click oh I just have to right click it and there you go I can just move out the way yo that was sick okay I’m not going to lie this is really cool Gamers look at that and the swords come out whenever bro hold up I have a

Really cool idea so like what if yeah we go somewhere right here get a bunch of skeleton all in a circle and then go into survival mode and yo oh my God oh my God did that do anything yo wait it blocked the shots oh God run run run run

And boom Oh my God oh my God oh my God yo it literally blocks the shots that is epic okay we got this we got this we can defeat all the skeletons we can defeat all the skeletons come on come on oh my God first perspective looks sick run run

Run oh my goodness oh my goodness no I’m dead bro I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead what what I was inside of it dude oh my gosh my toe got shot I wish it was a little bit just more overpowered it’s really good I just feel like dang it I

Feel like I want to hold it for longer that is honestly one of my favorites so far I have a feeling this one’s going to be very weird if we grab some iron and just a singular glass the plane and go like that there you go we get ourselves

A washing machine huh what what the washing machine do wait I didn’t even see it clear’s all negative status effects clear stink clouds caused by socks what I don’t get it it just does it just wash me can I get inside of it it just breaks itself oh wait that’s

Actually pretty cool what if we place it and get like a lingering poison effect or something so if I step on it with poison let’s try that out I’m poisoned I step on it and I’m I’m still poisoned what the heck oh there you go I’m not or

Did it just run out hold on a second boom and B am I healed no it’s not even it’s not even doing anything okay I may not be using it correctly cuz I don’t even use this in real life either and last but certainly not least if we get a

Nether Star which already makes this really cool and interesting a gold block a few I should say and no not an End Rod but a lightning rod the other rod and a single piece of obsidian put that there gold surrounding lightning here lightning there and in the center of the

Nether star there you go we get ourselves the Tesla gun yo okay wait this is going to be sick hold right click to shoot zap two lightning rods to connect them wait what zap the ground to summon a lightning bolt okay hold on a second this is going to be pretty sick

Sick but if I hold right click oh my goodness that was awesome it says something about connecting lightning rods but I want to quickly try on the ghost oh my good dude this is sick it just shocks them Yo that was epic what happens if we do it on a creeper does it

Like turn them into okay no it doesn’t turn them super charge but oh my gosh oh my gosh it does it does I accidentally just did that but he still died thank goodness all right hold on I want to try that out so we can make some sort of

Like electrical like offence and then wait oh oh my God I shocked him I kind of like messed up okay let’s shock him and then shock that and then okay does it work wait how come that one’s not shocked oh maybe these blocks are in the

Way the snow might be in the way boom and boom I knew it oh my goodness and then if I go into survival mode what happens if I yo that is so sick it actually deals damage like that bro and so if I go like that and like that and

Then just go to the center who I just killed myself with lightning that was pretty cool though and now to rank them dude this is going to be pretty difficult cuz I really love all of them but just because I don’t know how to use them I’m going to have to put the

Washing machine right there and then and dang maybe the laser gun right here maybe laser beam if you were from Florida I would have you know give you iron at least dude these were all so cool I’m probably going to give the Tesla gun yeah iron I know might have

Been surprising but I feel like it was cool but man these other ones were just as sick if not cooler and so I’m going to probably put the shield sphere here honestly I really love the shield sphere but I feel like it just could have lasted longer that’d be so much better

The magic book definitely deserve third place wait I’m missing a place I’m a bot okay there you go did it I’m going to probably have to go with the Sheep trador right here on diamond then the drip Zone then the portal staff the portal had to be the coolest let me know

If you guys agree with my rankings and shout out to MEC mackenstein for making this subscribe to him and subscribe to me see you guys tomorrow peace

Testing Dumbest Illegal Minecraft Weapons

💥 MAIN CHANNEL! – @Bionic

Datapack Creators (go sub) 💙

TikTok: @dannybionic
Twitter: @dannybionic
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  1. Bionic, the shot of the lazar gun bounces and every bounce it does, it deals more damage. And the washing machine removes the effect of an item you didn't show, the stinky socks. When thrown leaves a cloud of damage so the washing machine removes it.

  2. WE MADE IT TO DAY 25! I love you guys and thank you for making this Holiday extra special by tuning into DDOB 😀

    Shoutout to @McMakistein and his datapack for making todays video possible.

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