I SURVIVED 100 Days in Calamity’s HARDEST Difficulty…

I survived 100 days in calamity’s impossible zeny in which all my existing knowledge is thrown out the window here is everything that happened and let the hunt for Supreme Alchemist serus begin how how is this possible damn boy he oh okay guess what no no I didn’t

Know what’s going on on my screen yeah I’m just dead see it’s just pain day one begins like any other playthrough Gathering wood placing my magic storage starter kit and then I open my Calamity starter bag so um this will be my first ever live commentary

For a video I really want to try to record my live reactions throughout the series so yeah let’s get into the playr so after collecting a few more trees I go ahead and make some Ashwood armor giving me sweet seven defense and other fire reduction proper I’ve played the

Normal vanilla Z and Seed before and for me the best early game strategy was by far the Dome this means constructing a secure base at spawn and Gathering as many hell materials as I could the main things I’m looking for are food drops from trees which will help me with

Starvation a safety box was important as once my lpcs died the lack of villagers would trigger mobs to start flooding my spawn point which isn’t going to be fun anyways as I’m mining trees it’s important to lay down some ground rules these are all the mods I’ll be using

With main Quality of Life mods being faros only for Arena building and infinite Bops at 30 stacks and Alchemist NPC for buying Calamity SL vanilla potions The Alchemist NPC potions on the other hand were off limits just because I find them quite op this playthrough will also be classless as I’ll need to

Have the strongest gear for a particular boss and this is where my knowledge of Calamity kind of helps me here as for cheese strategies everything was fair game mainly because this seed ain’t exactly Fair itself however teleporter cheeses and breaking projectile caps weren’t going to be included just

Because I don’t find them fun to do and with me yapping I’ve accumulated enough spicy peppers to cover my food problem after that I start beginning my Adventures to the top of the world I actually got a pretty decent spawn as I remember previously this was filled with

Crispy honey blocks which are a nightmare to mine and after two deaths in the exact same spot all my NPCs have unfortunately died however this did give us an insane drop so you can just watch my live reaction well there goes all my NPCs wait what’s that

Weapon classic cane is that good or not 73 damage holy yeah so NPCs would drop their weapons on death which surprised me as I thought this was only possible in hard mode though it kind of makes sense in vanilla playthroughs because the only way to obtain these NPCs are in

Hard mode but needless to say the cane was a great option and just imagine if I got the scepter from the princess I did eventually make my way to the tundra biome which I received a nice snow coat and snow Hood from enemies and my first ever chest please don’t be Spike shoes

Please don’t be SP Spike shoes please don’t be Spike shoes homies boots let’s go after some exploring I spent today making some very cozy NPC housing so I can begin my pile Network as you might already know NPC happiness doesn’t really matter in this SE so pairing any pair of NPCs together

Will sell pylons which are very helpful for navigating the world I also made sure to sport my Sentry outside the Dome to collect some spoils as I was building I finished sometime later and a demon scthe dropped one of the best mage weapons and I finally get a useful range

Attack man this seat is so easy anyways I begin exploring the snow bi more with an ice Boomerang an abandoned lab flurry boots and equipping the moon Lord leggings a pretty decent Mobility option found only exclusively on this seat I also found ice skates and blizzard in a bottle further increasing my movement

Options with more NPC spawning I begin my first p network in the snow bind though I didn’t quite have enough money at the moment as always early progression was the most difficult part however the lava charm I just got was a huge accessory upgrade providing lava immunity which is everywhere in this sea

I spent the rest of the day clearing out my storage and selling some junky allowed me to purchase my first Cavin pylon and eventually save enough money to purchase the snow pylon as you can see this is a huge time saer exploration continues as I Venture up to the forest layer collecting a

Chest some heart crystals and somehow killing enough slimes to summon the Slime King yeah this thing is fat I stood no chance at all back at base I also crafted the emerald wolf providing a nice boost to mobility and with that I go off to explore the abandoned jungle

Lb fun fact as of this version you could actually get plague cell canisters through Shimmer de crafting some of the blocks found in the lab however it was patched and you also need a mythal Anvil which by the way is also obtainable pretty hard mode and if you watch later

Into the video I’ll show you how anyways after shortly dying two times in the exactly the same spot I felt an evil presence watching me and it’s time for the first bounty to collect the eye of cthulu I made used of the little time I had to flatten some land around my box

Shortly after it did spawn and the fight was on during the early stages it was quite easy to outrun it however with my lack of progression and a sub-optimal Load Out The Dread Nautilus missiles got the best of me and I died in Phase 2 with that unfortunate death it’s back to

Powering up I did make a platinum pickaxe to mine for crimtane and obsidian as well as some gold collecting to eventually craft a full set of gold armor I did prefer platinum armor in Calamity due to to its more useful set bonus however Platinum was definitely

More scarce for me and I had no way to access the Shimmer biome at the moment I did come across the ice lab giving me more generic Loot and the Arctic diving gear whereas it was slightly difficult to enter due to the turret knocking me back nothing like a couple blocks to

Stop eventually I made my way to the snow Shrine which apart from having a normal Tundra Mount gave me 275 delicious Meats pertinently solving my Hunger problem and provided me with the Plenty satisfied buff I also got flinks for from the chest and was contemplating

What to use them for and and a quick recipe browse gave me the idea of snow Ruffian armor with sticky spiky balls this was an extremely overpowered meta a couple versions back in Calamity being able to melt a majority of Prett hard mode bosses with a few stealth strikes

And even though it was nerfed the Synergy is still pretty viable today so with enough tattered cloth I craft the Goblin Battle standard and spent today flattening out more of the right side of my base which will have a double purpose in my I rematch this went as well as you

Can expect from a goblin Invasion I die a couple times my NPCs died yeah nothing new but I did eventually take them down unlocking the goblin tinkerer for accessory upgrades and an endless supply of spiky balls and reforging after I expanded my storage and crafting a full

Set of snow Ruffian armor now the only problem was finding the goblin tinkerer with enough of the tundra biome explored I decided the next step is onto the jungle I did come across another abandoned lab the place which suspicious scrap can be found giving me a key ingredient to the shpc a super

Overpowered weapon which will be quite useful later on as in this seed it provides massive damage scaling to the right of this lab was the steps of the jungle temple which I found pretty weird considering my previous playthrough this Temple had spawned right on the surface

As I move further away from the snow biome and onto the jungle this fairy led me to some herb Farms which I immediately knew was the Vernal pass this was one of the newer Calamity structures serving as a nice arena for bosses such as Queen Bee planta and

Plague Brer Goliath down the line with this being a Prett convenient spot I set up my jungle py Network here doing the good old get out of the screen and coming back to teleport the NPCs and with the jungle pylon unlocked this will give me convenient access back to this

Spot for the future after clearing out my inventory it was time to explore the veral paths I got the basic loot such as the aget of wind stuff of regrowth but nothing was important as finding the goblin immediately buying the tinker’s workshop and rocket boots and combining

Them together to make Specta boots I then eventually come back to base to make Frost spark boots and use the rest of the day to travel further up to the surface though this adventure was kind of short live back at base again the molten skull charm was also crafted one of the most

Useful early game accessories for exploration in the sea and as I was heading back to explore some more I got the rematch I’ve been waiting for so I teleport back to base to prepare and the fight was on it went pretty well early on not getting hit a single time fully

Charging my adrenaline easily dropping its Health to phase two of the fight my main strategy was stealth strikes the triple at the eye which required little to no aim on my part a critical weakness to early game stealth builds was wasting stealth strikes on minions so the demon

Size was a nice secondary option at clearing out those minions fast you can also see the massive difference frostbike boots made during the second phase as I was easily able to outrun its crazy Dash tack who would have known with proper gear the eye of cthulu was

Pretty easy even gaining a second charge of adrenaline decimating the eye to its Final Phase I will say it got pretty troppy towards the end okay so as long as I don’t get hit we should be fine to defeat the ey as long as I don’t choke the final part oh no I’m

Choking okay rage come on come on come on let’s go finally my first boss down and with that marks the end of act one and now we move on to the scorching Sands Arc so with the eyes defeat you know how I was talking about crazy progression breaks within Calamity zit seed well

Here’s your first major example the optic staff a normally postm summon weapon was now dropped in pretty hard mode whereas the weapon was slightly nerfed in Calamity it was still by far the best choice of weapon and thus it’s time to spec into Summoner this consists

Of me crafting the snap Thorn and the fling forur coat I could have also farmed the ey for the death stair Rod but quite honestly I couldn’t be bothered and after some reforging I’m feeling quite powerful right now and looking at my map I realized I haven’t explored much of the

Desert at all so that was my next objective I assume since the jungle temple and veral pass was on the right side of the world then the sunken sea along with the underground desert would be on the left side so that’s where I’m headed today coming across a magic

Mirror cleansing jelly and even finding the angular as I make my way to the desert biome here are the key things I’m looking for the most obvious is the desert Scourge and whereas not a necessity to progression drops an important accessory in this seed the sand shark tooth necklace which on top

Of being a great offensive accessory can also be shimmered to give class emblems as well as five of each mechanical Soul along the way I also decided to place my Forest pile on here as I’ve been traveling so far away from Spawn it would be quite a shame to die and have

To walk all the way back this location is pretty nice for Cavin fishing and since it spawns quote unquote surface enemies it would also make for a nice farming spot later on after some time time I’ve eventually made it to the desert B and before I immediately die I

Set up some more NPC pylons moving away so they could teleport in and now I have a pretty nice network of pylon set up exploring the desert was definitely one of the hardest biomes early on the rolling Cactus strong enemies and the Ant lines doing this as well as mining

Upwards causing sand to fall on you which hurt quite a bit with my low defense the loot was sub power to as I didn’t find anything I was looking for I did come across the goall just chilling here and after dying to a TNT Barrel which by the way are the worst things

Ever invented I respawned back at base and purchased the zapinator and frost barrier from the traveling Merchant and used this time to cap out my Mana back at the desert even with splunker potions I found it so difficult to find the lux’s gear again the Falling Sand was so

Annoying so I came up with a new idea using the forest pylon I decided it was best to mine close to the surface and enter through the pyramids I already had all the fire immunity I would ever need so this was going to be an easy option

What I didn’t count for was that in this see Calamity makes this Hive Catalyst one shable meaning any damage to it will spawn the hive m boss doesn’t seem like it’s moving maybe I can cheese it with my zapinator oh never mind right man this seed just keeps getting even more

And more fun what was even worse was that the mini creeper minions don’t even despawn when I died to the boss meaning it was blocking my path back to the tunnel so I just reloaded my will screw having to deal with that luckily spawn blockers do exist so my life moving

Forward would be a lot easier on my way back I eventually did run into the desert temple giving me the sandstorm in a bottle and breaching down from the pyramid I eventually did find the desert Shrine giving me the desert key splunkers amulet and thex’s gift whereas

This accessory does kind of suck for other classes it’s quite decent for early Summoners providing a magical r that actually scales off the summoned weapons base damage and with that slight upgrade I thought it would be time to challenge the desert Scourge for being the first boss in Calamity how hard

Could this be I made a city Buster which nicely cleared out an area for me and got to work building my Arena I deliberately made my Arena small just because I didn’t want the ant lions to spawn off screen and completely ruined my Arena and with preparations pretty

Much finished I spawned the meme worm yeah this fight is a complete joke and even with the VAR strategies I tried I was not even close how how’s this possible how how who made this boss I didn’t get it so for the next hour or so most of the

Footage was just me prepping the surface I set up a blue mushroom pile did some more exploring buil a miniature Arena Farm some e of souls that was kind of about it I did set up a temporary NPC house in the middle of my Arena and you’ll find out shortly what that’s for

While I wait for the nurse to move back in I do a bit of housekeeping and that’s where I run into a demon that dropped the blade Crest oat one of the strongest melee weapons in pretty hard mode and definitely a nice secondary weapon to use but my luck got

Even better when a shadow mimic actually dropped next to my base this gave me the cross necklace which is a pretty good accessory granting immunity frames and and with these newly acquired items I thought it would be wise to switch back to the melee build to challenge the

Eater of Worlds so I craft my worm food and head up to the surface as you can see from my first attempt at the E of Worlds whereas his health was extremely chunky you might be wondering why I’m challenging this boss quite early on and the main reasoning is that each segment

You kill will drop a light disc apart from being a pretty strong ranged melee option it can also be shimu to give you hallow bars and in turn give you access to all the hard mode ORS I managed to pop my adrenaline and eventually burst down my first segment for the light dis

Okay okay this is good we should be able to get a light dis here and look at its Health it’s literally going outside of the box oh man oh there we go we got a light dis I then quickly spped to the new weapon and deal as much damage as I

Could to farm even more of them quickly I did eventually end up dying 2 minutes into the fight with barely any damage to the boss but as you can see we did obtain quite a few light thiss and you you may have noticed the nurse respawn during the beginning of this fight and

With that let me show you a cool magic trick clamity makes the nurse cast doom on the player when talking to it causing an explosion and dealing pretty significant damage I thought I could use this to my advantage to cheese the desert Scourge which naturally has

Pretty low health and well you can watch the clip for yourself okay okay okay okay guys let me cook for a second since the nurse explodes why don’t we use it to kill the desert Scourge this might not even work but I’m just going to try it anyways 3 2

1 okay what that actually worked first try there’s no way yep that was the desert Scourge easily defeated and now I have so many upgrades I can make so my first order of business was the treasure bag and somehow I actually got a developer set with wings and even a hard

Mode yo-yo this was only possible in this seed and was extremely lucky on my part and with a lot of gear being able to be shimmered I tried to make my way to the Shimmer B even coming across the abandoned shed but my plan was eventually foiled due to

The lava spawning queen bees so even attempt to obtain the magical crch I’m going to be doing some relaxing fishing using my old desert Arena as a nice pond with a good old infinite water trick and leaving my fishing in the Background from my first fishing Hall none of the crate loot was really noteworthy I did get an extract anator which finally allowed me to extract all the silal and slush I’ve been collecting throughout my journey I did eventually fish up in Oasis crate and with that

Allowed me to craft the magical conch I will say when using the Conch they spawned me into the sulfur sea to the left side of my world and the normal Crimson Beach to the right side since I knew the Vernal pass aka the jungle biome is on the left this would mean

That the Shimmer biome would be on this side as well it didn’t take long for me to eventually run into it and with that I empty out my piggy bank filled with light dis and Shimmer de crafted all of them with 480 Hallowed Bars 600 Souls of

Might and 360 Souls of light this was the Shimmer dcrafting chain for Hallowed Bars and after some dcrafting I eventually had enough to make a hard mode Anvil I also used this time to De craft my sand shark tooth necklace and with a bunch of goodies it’s time to

Have some fun crafting some hard mode equipment in preh hard mode so I made a hard mode Anvil and made a quick detour to get a hell Forge which was used to make a hard mode Forge what class shall I choose let’s now enter act three with endless class possibilities I chose

To go with the melee route because the current yo-yo I have is insanely strong for bosses and The gung near is another great true melee weapon the Excalibur on the other hand was kind of nerfy with his terrible swing speed and lastly I made a hallowed pickaxe allow me to mine

Chard or chlori in hard mode and it’s just super nice to have so this is my load out so far and it’s safe to say I’m feeling quite strong right now and with that being said let’s destroy some bosses I first made some basic B Buffs which Grant infinite durations at 30

Stacks this is always a must have Quality of Life mod for me as I knew I would be dying hundreds of times and having to reapply and farm for Buffs would be quite annoying my first order of business is calamitas not that calamitas but the calamitas where’s this damn

Clam I see what they did the calam like calam I even kind of had like the baby Bullet Hills which is pretty cool yeah too bad I’m too strong and with that amus is now free there wasn’t anything quite useful for me in the sun can sea so I grabbed some

Of the shards and carried on to challenge kulon I did make a quick stop to obtain some more light disc which I would sell for cash I then went ahead to make an arena for kulon using some City Busters insta Bridges as well as relocating my NPCs because I kind of

Blew up their home anyway face the crabulon fire I could see how this could be extremely difficult because of the odd mushroom effect this made tracking the boss pretty hard but with hard mode gear it was a much of a problem for me but I did get to capture a pretty funny

Moment from my play through wait do I have the odd mushroom effect for the rest of the playthrough there’s no way cab is this evil right how come it’s not removing dying doesn’t remove it seriously my stuck like this it turns out since crabulon dropped so many odd mushrooms another Quality of

Life mod I had made these pernament so yeah that was the issue solved and I’m a total idiot as for the rest of the drops the plasma root drop was useful for perly boosting the duration of my rage meter but other than that nothing else was really that useful moving swiftly

Onto the next boss I wanted to see what the brain of cthulu would drop so I made my way to the Crimson biome and after some limit testing oh yeah the standing steel Strat works every time as I soon realized a tip I discovered with completing my first

Vanilla zened run is to make sure you stand somewhat still in its second phase which will stop you from taking immense contact damage because the brain doesn’t really move close to you as for drops we have the occult Crown which was a post V of God’s accessory however I didn’t end

Up using a whole lot which looking back was a tiny mistake on my end I did get another developer set from the treasure bag so this is the new vanity said I’ll be rocking I did keep the same Wings however just because of the float mechanic was nice to have it

Is also a shame that there isn’t any way to obtain Souls of Night in pretty hard mode as I could have made some more useful items but I did craft fairy boots which are something I forgot earlier whereas in vanilla these are absolutely terrible the fairies in Calamity Grant

Life regen defense and move speed making them pretty valuable boots until Angel Treads one thing I thought I could get in pretty hard mode were mimic drops by crafting keys of light though I quickly realized this didn’t work and was kind of of a waste of time so next on the

Agenda was the preferat which I’ll have to unfavor my anti- Catalyst ointment which will begin to spawn the sits near me eventually one did spawn and the fight itself wasn’t that bad at all apart from the unusual reign of projectiles and worm spawning one new mechanic introduced was the introduction

Of laser walls similarly to the devour of gods wa okay guess we’re versing devour of gods now jeez that hurts this certainly caught me off guard and one mistake for my first attempt was trying to burst The Hive whilst the worms were currently active this grants damage

Reduction to the boss and was not an effective strategy and ultimately the overwhelming swarm of worms got the best of me after some Arena expansions and station Buffs I was once again ready to challenge the preferat take two preators this time I’m going to kill the worms that spawn

Because when I was VOD Reve VOD ring that was close what was I saying yeah when I was reviewing the fight the hyp seemed to take no damage so we’ll see if this fixes it okay we have adrenaline coming up oh okay never mind that was basically the fight in a

Nutshell and if you guys are interested in the full unedited fight of all these bosses and future bosses I’ll be compiling that into one big video at the end of the series so stay tuned for that but in the meantime if you made it this far make sure to subscribe because it

Helps the channel out a ton this unlocks aolite or which will spawn underground as opposed to on sky islands like we’re used to and as for the unique drop we got 3,927 blood fin which are actually a post Moon Lord health potion as well as the bloody worm tooth further boosting

My melee load out nothing else from the drops was really worth it so I spent the next days constructing more NPC Housing and refighting the desert Scourge for another sand shark tooth necklace since I shimmered my last one now don’t get it twisted whereas I had hard mode gear it was still surprisingly difficult as the water projectiles dealt over 700 damage to me which is just insane to think about I could fight this

In pretty hard mode it makes me kind of nervous of what to expect in hard mode but I did eventually manage to kill it and use the sand shark tooth necklace to replace my warrior emblem continuing our Rampage through preh hard mode bosses I spent today re challenging King Slime

And damn Bo he thick I will say I got quite humbled as I thought I could easily take the hits from the Slime but I keep forgetting this is get fixed for where everything can kill you so for my second attempt I made sure to keep my distance with the valkyrie yo-yo King

Slime doesn’t really have any useful drops for me mainly Oreos SES and the slimy saddle but it was nice to cross another boss off the least I then spent today mining some hellstone as I made my way to the bromstone cags and play some NPC housing to get the Crack part on go

Since I had a hallowed pickaxe it was also possible to obtain chard or and make Unholy calls and a little side note this was also possible without the pickaxe by Shima dcrafting some of the furniture in this biome I would usually skip Parts like this that doesn’t really

Affect the rest of my progression though I thought it was important to mention just in case any of you wanted to follow along and didn’t have the similar RNG that I had to obtain a developer set the only craftable weapons possible were the brim R staff bromstone sword and

Bromstone fury and whereas these were definitely decent options for the respective classes it also going to outperform what I already have so the next boss up is the queen bee which is a huge milestone in this seene which I’ll show you why short so I got some bottled

Honey and crafted the amination and got to work building a mini Arena at the veral pass apart from the usual Zenith seed AI changes queen bee also spawned Min plague enemies and spewed lava every time she would Dash even though I died in my first attempt oh man so close the fight itself

Was not difficult at all as having good vertical mobility and a good tracking weapon were key to this fight and since I had the hall gear this was no issue for me at all on the second attempt all right last phase here we go projectiles Up as I’ve mentioned with the spawning of plague enemies this ultimately dropped the plague cell canisters giv me the option to challenge the plague bringer Goliath or craft the Wither Blossom stuff which as of recording this section was easily the most broken Summoner weapon in Calamity my first

Kill only gave me eight canisters and I wanted to keep the floss that she dropped so a quick re challenge of queen bee gave me enough resources to craft the Wither Blossom Stu and with this overpowered weapon obtained and requiring only two minion slots to use

It was time to spec back into Summoner whereas I could not obtain plaguebringer armor due to also needing infected platings the next best option was the hallowed set so I made the jendu whip got some Summoner potions and headed back to the Shimmer biome to decra my

Sand shark tooth necklace and if you’re wondering why the Oro cells are here I tried shimmering some drops early on and just forgot about them back at base I finished off my load out by crafting the spirit glyph and turning this into into the hallowed room and for my final final

Step was killing another desert Scourge for another necklace replacing my bloody worm tooth and now we are quite overpowered if you want a little DPS comparison I dealt around 1.7k with my Summoner lead out right now and a me 1K damage with my vapory yo-yo anyways I lied about finalizing my final build

I’ve got the last step which was to purchase an imbuing station and make some flk of poison for my Whip and with my newly acquired summoning gear I thought it would be the perfect time to test these out on the old ones Army Invasion mostly for the war table and

The accessory giving me a free Sentry slot as you would expect from Hard Mode gear against T1 Old One’s Army it was quite easy the Wither blossoms absolutely shreds everything and the dark Mage was no match for me that was Old One’s Army and let’s never touch

This Invasion again for the rest of the playthrough so now let’s make our way to the dungeon this would be tricky to get as previously a simple magic H to the beach would get me close enough to enter the dungeon but now that would send me

To the sulfurous sea so the best thing I could do was take the mushroom pylon and first try Skeletron as I head to the dungeon as I entered down from the living tree I noticed the bewitching table just sitting there at the entrance which would have been amazing to know

Beforehand so now I have six minion slots with two sentries and after making a simple arena for Skeletron it’s time to challenge it the boss fight was so short I could probably talk over it for a bit and the boss would be defeated before I made any Cuts

You know this mem is kind of true where vanilla Summoner feels like this and Calamity Summoner is completely broken ah yes classic Calamity Summoner completely decimating bosses that is without dying to a fireball but let’s cut that after recovering my loot it’s time to explore the

Dungeon the SC is just pain I knew I was going to keep dying over and over again and the long trip over here doesn’t really help So the plan now before I explore is to shift my P around by first creating a suck and sea pylon which is close to the desert

Anyways and shift my current desert pylon closer to the dungeon with this I was able to mine a tunnel to safely and more quickly access the dungeon and after a couple minutes I bridged to the dungeon now if I could summarize calamity’s dungeon in one word it would be annoying apart from the

Existing Darkness effect the entire dungeon is filled to the brim with spikes pretty much every wall has spikes on them making navigation through the dungeon an absolute pain as for Dungeon loot nothing was really important as I collected the usual bones water candles and eventually come across the mechanic

Which is huge for teleporters and heart generators a bit more exploration later I did come across the Forsaken archive this did give me two spell TOS which meant the burning sea was another option to consider though that wouldn’t be necessary as my current summoner build was far superior and with the drop of

The necro staff this has pretty much finalized my preh hard mode summoner build as these minions are extremely strong for the last few bosses we have the defeat with skeleton’s defeat we also unlock Abyssal Treasures from the abys so for today I did a bit of exploration obtaining the hering staff

Depths charm Archer fish plating lion fish and iron boots before I ultimately Drown now that marks my final session on version 2.3.4 as the new update has reworked the couple things you can watch this video right here for a recap however nothing really impacts us right now one major change however was the deserved Nerf of the Wither Blossom stuff but it was

Still the best option so we’ll be sticking with it and since we’ll be entering hard mode very soon the next couple of days will spent on preparations my first order of business was setting up some teleporters but a quick check out my money meant I needed

To make some first if I wanted enough wayse to connect all my teleporters together luckily for me there’s a pretty simple way to do that within this seene by by defeating the prefer rators Again and selling the absurd amount of blood fins it gives me 126 Platinum which would be plenty for the time being and I bought pretty much everything I ever wanted I then made more insta housing expanding each pile of network to three houses and began setting up my teleporter Network beginning with my

First teleporter which will connect my blue mushroom pylon to the surface my next teleporter which connects the desert to The Forsaken archive and the last one linking my ocean to the shimo bi this will significantly cut down on the time of traveling to different areas of the map and continuing with

Preparations it’s now time to create Some Farms as making them in hard mode I knew from experience this would be a nightmare the first one I construct is a simple Ocean Key Farm which also has a double purpose on this seed as surface mobs would drop Souls of Night in hard

Mode I started by tearing down the platforms to stop mobs from sporting on them and by finding the midpoint of the ocean I got to work constructing an artificial Dr jle button and whilst we wait for the jungle blocks to spread it’s now time to construct our underground jungle biome

Which starts off with the city Buster to make a large area going up around 50 blocks and creating a blocks with spawning platforms you can already see it doing wonders as a mimic has spawned and going be a nice little upgrade to my grappling book I then constructed my

Volcano and now the final step is the traps Buffs and making sure there’s lava below to stop the mobs from spawning there whilst I also let this farm grow I begin making my last one near the Shimmer biome I won’t bore you with me doing the exact same things so here’s

Just a hyperlapse to the end I did come across an inst statue which will be super useful later on so with every Farm complete it’s now time to Shimmer some perent powerups such as a life Crystal Mana Crystal and an apple to make the Ambrosia the empty spell T I

Got from the foren archive could also be shimmered and gave a nice boost to my NPCs maybe this means my nurse would do even more damage who knows now it’s time for the Wall of Flesh Arena looking back I did not need to make this absurdly

Long as to the right side I eventually hit the hell lb and got myself the miros armor though obviously I couldn’t use it right now then I got the Imp statue from earlier and made a little AFK spot where I could use to collect the Imp banners for those unaware the world flesh

Summons IM in the get fix boy which do an insane amount of damage I got a lot of suggest for my first playthrough to use IM statues to farm for banners I left this running in the background and came back with 2,255 imps and with 46 imp banners to

Place it’s time to get started placing some BFFs on my Arena and after some campfires heart lanterns and Banners placed throughout the arena was set however there was still some unfinished business to attend to the first thing I did was explore some sky islands and plat to which actually have hard mode

ORS in them which are a nice addition that I didn’t know existed in this seity I eventually also made it to the main planetory giving me a bunch of random junk but most importantly the plasma core another important ingredient to the shpc and with a successful space Expedition it’s time for another Boss

Rush beginning with the hive mine this was obviously really easy with a gear that I have acquired there a pretty F interaction happened when I killed my first one another spawned and then another and there was so many that was spawning yo why did they keep spawning

What the my gosh it’s getting so crazy look man and they just keep spting I didn’t get it I didn’t know what happened but this ended up lagging my game quite a bit and I had to reload my world with hi M crossed off to the list

The next boss is the deerclops other than a surpris appearance from Queen Bee which was unironically harder than the real boss I feel like this was pretty neglected when coming with exclusive get fix boy changes as the attacks were pretty much the same and this is the

Only boss without a unique Calamity drw now all that’s left is the Slime got and I head back up to the surface for some intense demolition this involves using using a bunch of City Busters to create a flat area that wasn’t so high up in space next I simply excavate the mud

Wars which I must say was pretty satisfying and the last step which involves placing some insta platforms and topping it off with the classic Arena Bobs now all that’s left to do was challenge slime God the Wither Blossom staff and necro were extremely effective at dealing with the slimes and it was

Quite funny seeing how big the slime for was in comparison to the paladins I will say the hot statues were quite op in this healing me back up to full and allowing me to more greedily position dealing around 1.5k DPS and not having any trouble with this boss at all and

With that marks the final boss before the wall of fled the unique drop from the Slime BL was the gelatin Crystal which would have been cool to challenge Queen slime in pretty hard mode though one small issue there was no Hall by him so I couldn’t really spawn it in from

The treasure bag I consumed another pernament power up giving me more adrenaline damage but nothing else was needed as stand gel was pretty low in progression compared to my postm gear I’m currently using now it’s the next day and it’s time to challenge the Wall of Flesh which was one of the hardest

Bosses for me in vanilla get fix boy I teleport to the Brom SL cags and begin my first attempt this went surprisingly well as I got into around 13k HP in 50 seconds with so much of the runway still available I would imagine with the pre nerfed wither Blossom staff I could have

Killed it pretty quickly so with that into consideration I could stay further back and focus more and dodging without the worry of not being able to kill it in time one side note is I did end up making a fleshy doll which is an alternate summon for the Wall of Flesh

That doesn’t require the guide to be alive just because I didn’t really feel like waiting for the guide to spawn after each attempt with the second try I Dred it to around 12K HP though I’m going to blame my lack of vertical space for this one stupid if get out of the

Way oh yeah this run is over yeah it’s over man it’s always the same spot I keep dying there my third attempt I made a slight adjustment spotting the boss in a more open area away from the ruined houses this attempt went so much better and you can imagine how amazing the

Necro styes are for bosses like this all right this time I’m going to go to a more flat area because if you quickly look at my map I don’t think I need all this space Goblin Army really oh well let’s go since I have sh Dodge I’m going to

Play a bit more aggressive this time and just get some nice whip damage okay now I’m going to play back and focus more Dodging my minions should have plenty of time to kill anyway so oh that was a big hit let’s not get too cocky here man those curve demon SS are crazy we should have it here though come on come on come on come on there we go say it with me Calamity

Summoner is perfectly balanced but the action doesn’t stop as I have to quickly deal with the goblen army that was approaching as I summoned the Wall of Flesh so now let’s review all the loot we got the hermit’s box grants us the third stage which means after respawning we’ll be back at Max HP which is actually quite convenient considering how many deaths we’ve accumulated so far and the nurse being absolutely useless

In this scene next is the Eye of Magnus a strong classless weapon which applies Mark for death to enemies insanely useful and is usually obtains post lunar events this could also be shimmered for nebula fragments though don’t get too excited as we also need an ancient manipulator to craft any of the late

Game items from the treasure bag useful items include the firecracker and Demon heart there is so much for us to do in hard mode and I love how flexible this point of progression is in Calamity you can spawn planta before Max Ken for Dess equipment or the Aquatic Scourge for the

Most useful drops for all classes if you’re wondering what route I decided to go for first here’s a hint this act is called the terror Trail since the Summoner route was working for me so far I summoned another Goblin Army to attend the first Shadow flame for a total of seven minion slots

I then go to my Shimmer biome which is where the Hallow spawned I found the wizard here which sells the rot of Discord but don’t be fooled as inflicting chaos state in this seed will summon Jared the adult Elder onorm regardless of whether or not you’re in

The abuse after finding that out in this biome I challenged my first hard mode boss being Queen slime this was sort of like a bullet hell which I find quite enjoyable in Terraria bosses with the Eye of Magnus and jundal for debuffs I was able to burst down the slime onto

Its second pH this grants her wings as she SPS out floating slime balls which I think is different than the normal gravity effect of ones her ground slam is also slightly more difficult as these will release spikes that fly outwards the projectile spam can get hectic

Towards the end but it was no match and that’s my first hard mode boss defeated calamity’s unique drop for the queen slime is the bottomless Shimmer bucket oh okay Shimmer bucket treasure bag doesn’t look like anything different in here okay I just looked at the wiki the

Shimmer bucket is crafted with 10 Lumin in its recipe so if we can muted it’s going to be huge for us so let’s see Moment of Truth ah damn I kind of figured this wouldn’t be possible though this is future me speaking and there is definitely another way to obtain

Luminite but you’ll just have to watch later in the video to find out but for the time being I did make myself a more convenient spot to Shimmer just to save that bit of extra time next on the agenda was planning for The Aquatic Scourge fight this provides Summoners

With massive boost if you manag to kill it the deep sea stuff in particular is quite strong for Summoners as well as the nuclear fuel Rod giving me an additional minion slot so to prepare I Fest her over to the snow biome and with the Zerg potions made farming for the

Ancient ice chunk fairly quick this weapon consumes one minion slot that fires ice School blast at a long range and will dash at enemies in close range for OG players this was reworked and is really flexible now then with siren mffs I head to the Jungle ocean Farm I

Created earlier for SS of night as well as iore which I would then ultimately turn into iore flasks as well as was buying some soaring potions from the brewera I could craft these but screw fishing am I right the next step to farming up requires the Hallow B I

Decided to build an artificial one near my Forest Pyon as this was where the quote unquote surface enemies were spawning hallowed mobs such as Pixies unicorns and gastropods as opposed to my Shimmer hallow which spawn illuminate enemies I also found the Cav lab in the

Forest biome and I got to say this is definitely the coolest lab out of all of them and I love how the Onyx drill is part of the build and breaking it will give you the item instead of just getting it from a regular chest anyways

I use this drill to make a flat layer then use some City Busters to clear out some land I place pearlstone blocks to get mobs to Spawn and spent a couple days here just farming for some general loot nothing special about that so I’ll just fast forward a bit until it’s time to construct an arena for The Aquatic Scourge unlike in regular Calamity worlds I would have to fight this boss submerged in water which meant flipper

Gills and sulfur skin potions were important a bleach ball was also useful as it blocks natural aquatic Scourge spawns and would make my life Contracting an arena much easier I’m sorry for destroying your home please please a damn one slot adjustment was the use of coral torches and campfires

Which work underwater but other than that Arena construction was mostly the same with hard mode unlocked I also made fabsil vodka allowing the drunken princess to move in this is actually pretty funny but she will slap the player each time you try to talk to it but a simple grapple stops the knock

Back here I saw my death count of 104 times which I didn’t think was actually that bad but the main things I’m looking for are the buff candles these are often neglected in playthroughs but make a huge difference in arenas providing all these great stats and with pretty much

Infinite money there was no trouble buying a ton of these and I spent the rest of the day placing these candles around my Arena and making some additional houses at the sulfurous sea just so I didn’t have to use the magical clunch every time with everything crafted it was time

To challenge The Aquatic Scourge in this seed there is a special mechanic in which being a certain distance away will trigger you to be hit with a sulfuric poisoning effect this alone made the fight absolutely hell and he meant you kind of have to keep chasing the boss

Which is not a good idea against worm bosses especially when he agrs back onto you with his devastating head charge needless to say after three attempts what is that damage I literally got one one shot yeah okay this is not possible no way like if I’m too far away I take

Damage if I’m too close I can’t Dodge I was nowhere close to defeating him which meant I had to rethink my strategy here using calamity’s linear progression system I decided that a boss I could have a chance with was planta she unlocked so many important things and

Thus was my next goal in progression on my first attempt against planta I utilize my small Arena to challenge her it was quite easy as I expected I’m what 45 seconds into the fight I don’t think plant has any different attacks from vanilla xen actually she doesn’t do anything

Different yeah this is definitely the play we’ll see what happens in Phase 2 but planta looks way easier plus it will give us good stuff as well ah how silly I was little did I know her second phase was going to be a whole different story

She would spawn a lot of irine and I mean a lot and whereas this would be fine they also detach from her and swarm the player dealing upwards of 200 100 damage which is just nuts the r of Discord won’t help me so I had to come

Up with a plan I tried a second time at the arena next door utilizing heart statues and different Bops but to no avail like seriously these damn Vines hurt a majority of my health gone to a single Stupid Vine the shpc was a weapon I hinted at earlier and whereas it could

Be crafted pretty quickly into my playthrough now is the prime time to use it and with that being said I now switch over to a mage load out this involves me mining for chlorop fight for the chlorified Mage set as well as switching to the magnet flower and

Heading up into space for some fishing whil obtaining some Souls of Flly with that I could craft the celestial emblem and lastly the fairy wings whereas these were slightly worse flightwise the max HP it provides is pretty nice to have I also rechallenged King Slime for more Oreo cells and you can just see the potential of the shpc

Against King slime as the splash damage is amazing as for today I headed back up to the sunken sea biome and challenge Supreme calamitas the hard mode variant of calamitas I also killed the serpent giving me the serpent time spell tone this was another early Mage weapon and

Performs pretty nice AOE damage and with all those preparations into Mage it’s time to rechallenge planta as you may have noticed this boss has 200,000 HP which is quite nuts as usual phase one was pretty easy and with my newly acquired Loadout it felt much better all right phase two here we

Go damn the Mage is busted 35k DPS look how good the splash damage is yeah we got this easy oh God oh God no no no okay okay so damage wasn’t the issue there I think I just need to expand my Arena a bit more so we have more space

To like run away so that’s exactly what I did today I combined both the veral pass arena with the AFK Farm to create one Mega Arena which will be extremely useful to keep these little Vines away from me some extra changes I made include using life force potions Angel

Treads crafting the charm of myths with these additions I was so close to beating planta we got this easy come on are you kidding me how does that kill me oh my gosh yeah I choked it with only 20,000 HP left I knew this was possible I just

Needed to improve my dodging a bit another Super annoying thing during my attempts was that plura would sometimes despawn if I was too far far away but the thing was I had to be positioned far away if I wanted to be able to kill the vines that was swiftly dashing at me I

Will say this was extremely frustrating and definitely the first serious challenge of this entire run sorry but this rant isn’t over I also forgot to mention the cropped grass spikes which spawn everywhere making it pretty hard to build adrenaline one thing I also tried to do was fight her in Rage and my

Thought process was with the larger Arena I could easily just outrun the boss but with the rapid regen it didn’t make this strategy possible if you’re wondering why I didn’t challenge any of the the other bosses well I kind of did testing the waters against the bromstone elemental mcusa and even calamas clone

And trust me planta was definitely the easiest out of all these options I did take a little break spending today doing a bit of fishing in the asual infection this is a good time to remind you if you’re ever struggling through a particular boss in a playthrough taking

A break or doing something else really helps the mentor the goal of this fishing session was to craft gravity normalizer potions to solve my future space problems however as I soon found out this seems to not work in this seed and they were quite useless anyways I’m

Back to fighting planta again today and I was feeling really good about this run phase one was quite easy as usual as a simple circular motion around the veral pass was enough eventually I got my adrenaline which was a huge damage boost as you can hear from the recording I was

Definitely in the zone this is good this is good I have rage and adrenal I think I’m just going to pop it when I get hit like like now no how did I get hit there ra damage okay come on this is the hardest part all the flying Vines oh my

Gosh huge Dodge there why is my heart beating over a 10-year-old pixel game okay I think we got her hardest phase down should be a smooth finish as long as I don’t like despawn it like last time I was feeling really good you can see how effective the shpc was and

Knocking back the Minions from dashing towards me and after an extremely close Juke back towards the other side of my Arena this was definitely the run with most of her minions defeated the rest of the fight was pretty easy I even got a second charge of adrenaline which made

The boss fight slightly faster and with that planta has finally been defeated oh Mor I see you you’ve made it fall I banished you to this world to punish you for click bating Calamity videos and making the de’s life’s living hell this world isn’t meant to be conquered but you still persist my

Glorious Creations have proved to be easy for you very well then prepare to suffer there is once again so many routes you can go for after killing planta I’ll quickly mention the ranger route that was an option i d t to for some experiment I first consumed the rest of my life

Rots because planta drops either one or 9,000 of these with the cyborg being allowed to move in I made some more temporary housing and I know I keep saying temporary but don’t worry we’ll be building a base eventually in this 100 days just wait and speaking of

Waiting while I let the cyborg move in I kill some more queen bees Shimmer The Alchemist flasks for more plague cell canisters and with the nanes from the cyborg could be combined with plague cell canisters to make plague riger armor this provides some amazing Ranger stats as well as a unique

Set bonus in which our vision will be limited significantly however in return gain an additional 60% range damage boost and 20% Critical Strike chance Ranger was looking to be a strong switch I will hover over this section pretty quickly as I ultimately switched back to Summoner but the next couple days

Entailed me crafting altery potions reforging Venom arrows and after a few mimics killed transmuting them for flesh Knuckles into puted S I made the stalkers quiver dur this time I also killed another desert Scourge for more souls and sumon a Blood Moon I didn’t know if any of these quality of life

Mods or if it was Calamity itself making this but I had no natural blood moon spawning throughout this entire Journey which was super weird considering the hundreds of them I got in my vanilla run with all the ingredients I made the blood orange boosting my Max HP and if

You’re wondering why I switched back to suona it was ultimately kind of preference Ranger was by far the superior Choice considering how op the blossom flux is and the Nerf of the Wither Blossom stuff how however Ranger required me to aim it may be a stupid reason but focusing on dodging was super

Important to me and I definitely noticed this in my trial against calamas which I could not aim at all and I got hit by every single projectile I opened the jungle temple today and now it’s back to the Summoner route and with many things unlocked my first order of business is

The desert tiger star and I’m saying this from the future of me recording this but jeez did this weapon carry me for a long time after a quick reforge I head back to the dungeon and spent today farming for ecop plasm the Morning Star whip as well as the ingredients to make

The master ninja gear with that eventually finished it’s now time for the pumpkin Mo I started the invasion in my jungle Farm to easily clear out the first fillow waves morning wood would give me the ingredients for the spooky armor and necromantic scroll whereas the pump king would drop the dark Harvest

And black fairy dust I would say the only difficult part of this was the pumpkins which I even struggled to kill one after a long night of destroying scarecrows and evil spirits I eventually ended the night with a majority of what I wanted apart from the dark Harvest

Whip which was actually a huge bummer cons considering how well it synergizes with the desert tiger star with the elot I did obtain I crafted the spooky armor spooky wings and move the witch do dog to the Jungle to obtain Hercules beetle and eventually made the papa Scarab then with status’s blessing being

Able to be crafted after plant teror I now have 11 minion slots and I’m once again feeling really strong and now it’s time to give bromstone Elemental a challenge this drops the heart of the elements which would be another good boost for my Summoner load out now the

Bromstone elemental was a bullet held boss which was good for me as I actually prefer these a lot more she has special AI which will cycle between her different elements as a health decreases such as 80% casting sand tornadoes or at 20% casting anaha treble Cliffs her

Teleports also spawn lasers in a cross shap learning her AI was surprisingly fun and I quite enjoyed this fight keeping your distance away from the boss was valuable as she couldn’t really despawn if you moved too far away and this would also give you more time to

React to a bromstone blast during poon phase the blast last hour fight had quite a delay tracking so it’s good to be more reactive than predictive with your dodging as you could probably tell I disabled my background for this fight just to make singor projectiles a little bit

Easier and with the boss being finally slain I now have access to Heart of the elements I know this accessory isn’t exactly The Meta for Summoners as it’s been nerfed several times but getting it super early in progression is definitely worth the accessory slot providing me with both damage support and emotional

Support the next day was spent fighting Queen slime for the blade star which I then crafted into the plantation Summit this was recently reworked in version 2.3.5 and as of recording this video I’m still doing a bit of testing but it seems pretty decent for being three minions lots and would be especially

Useful against fast bosses such as pyen the next boss I’ll be fighting this is the fiery version of kyen which inflicts Brimstone flames and vulnerability hex instead of its usual Frost Debs on top of that it will also spawn in Red Devils with Unholy Trident dealing 480 damage

In master mode so you can just expect the amount of damage they deal in clam’s legendary mode it was insanely brutal as just two mistakes would cost me the entire fight something I was contemplating was farming Red Devil banners which I would assume would help immensely with this fight however in the

Next attempt I didn’t know what occurred in me but I just went absolutely beast mode let me show you just 1 minute of raw unfiltered Calamity gameplay so sit back and enjoy I essentially know hit this boss and defeated it within a minute which was awesome the unique drop from pyen consists of the blood flare core one of the best post Moon Lord defense accessories however it does require you to speack into Waring losing some damage but with the insane regen and

Survivability it provides it was definitely worth it and with the addition of pyren being defeated we now have access to Dess equipment and the unlock of the arch Mage though he won’t sell me the krytic staff right now until all the mechs have been defeated so next

Up on the list was meusa similar to vanilla get fix boy you had to summon all of these at the same time and yeah just let me show you calamity’s version I I used my Surface Arena that I made in pretty hard mode and whereas the gravity

Was kind of annoying the man of space would be perfect for this fight with that being said I did not expect magusa to look like this the annoying Destroyer segment was now all shrunk into this monstrosity but I do have to say this fight was not bad at all yes I do have

Post pleter gear and yes I did die a couple times but with the desert tiger star I completely shredded the Destroyer segment going underneath wait Destro is already dead that was so fast what the hell all right we got this easy Focus off off and with the hardest

Part of the boss being defeated the rest was pretty easy as well let’s go I’m the best Terr play in the world I do have to say in my previous attempts being too far away seems to enrage it in some way Mak me it quickly Dash a so for my successful

Attempt I stood close to the Destroyer segment and that seemed to do the trick magusa does drop the blood blood worm which I could use to fight a post mood boss but why on Earth would I do that nothing else was really useful considering the souls hallowed and

Everything postm I already had but one thing that was useful was the CTIC stuff unlock an extremely useful Sentry for Summoners though similar to The Heart of the elements it could clutter your screen with those bosses now being defeated I spent today doing some maintenance work extracting some

Materials as well as expanding my storage capacity to hellstone tea and to Hall tea as well as farming the preferat is again for an endless supply of cash yep 500 Platinum seems perfectly Balanced with extremely cursed bosses such as the brimstone Elemental pyrogen and mcusa being defeated it’s now time for some of the hardest bosses so far like seriously this was definitely the hardest part and I easily spend hours attempting calamiti Clone but let’s not get ahead of ourselves we first have to build the arena you know the drill City Busters platforms candles heart statues and then I spent the rest of the day farming for the Pumpkin Moon again with my slightly stronger equipment I did manage to kill some pumpkins and

Eventually get the dark Harvest Whip and as I mentioned before this has some of the most insane Synergy with the desert tiger star now onto calamitas clo let me first start off my rant by saying you will struggle with this boss let me repeat it to you you will struggle with

This B firstly she will trap you in an escapable box similar to Supreme climas this makes dashing away from her brothers insanely difficult and that’s on top of the bullet Hills don’t get me wrong I quite enjoy bullet Hills but this was definitely a skill issue on my part we’re now

Halfway I have Rage which would be nice for a brother phe use it now oh I’m just dead needless to say I even had this really close attempt where I had adrenaline in perfect sync with her brother face I was in Flow State even getting a second

Charge that’s how focused I was but this did trigger her last bullet Health cycle and I absolutely choked here and yeah I did not handle it too well come on we’re so close it’s the last bullet Hill no no no man what the hell I’m so bad I

Should have had that I definitely needed a break so today I spent some time building as I’ve said many times before I’m not the best builder out there I had no idea what I was constructing but hey that’s the fun thing about Terraria and even sandbox games in general I followed

A lot of Chaos’s building tips into my own build by first creating these really awesome textured walls utilizing some bricks and Plum columns painted black then I created some additional runes and I also really love this little Dynasty wood trick with with the slanted walls to give the extra bit of detail of

Supporting the castle I then built two other rooms with varying sizes just for some more variation and topped it off with a stack of hair Bales on the Roof oh yeah let me cook is this good or no and added additional details onto my flooring with Mod stone bricks stone

Slabs and then creating a false Foundation ever since I saw this building trick it’s always been my go to to elevate a home from a typical box base I start off with a base layer of mudstone brick walls then go back with other materials such as mahogany

Beams to give it that illusion of support so the build doesn’t look like it’s floating now it’s time for the walls for the main build like before I put a base wall of ebonwood first then I’ll go back and add some additional layers such as Ashwood walls for nice

Little sideways Beams I was also really proud of these windows that I made which consisted of glass walls and actuated glass blocks hammered in diamond shapes to create this pretty pattern as for interior design nothing like slapping a couple Furniture items around to do the trick now the base is looking pretty

Decent in my opinion but I wasn’t really happy with the roof something was just kind of off so I decided since I was a huge fan of the mura S my channel is named mura after all I decided to make a little buried sword Shrine on top I

Achieved the Triforce design by placing some gemspark walls behind some hammered blocks and thought it looked pretty awesome I know it doesn’t make any sense as it should be in the ground but hey it’s my world and I quite like it this was followed by making the actual blade

Itself which consisted of gemspark walls with one side painted black to give that extra detail in the shadows and after finishing up the handle this was the sword I was left with I finished off the base with some last minute details and block swapping and there we have it no more box homes

Now we have a beautiful castle it may not be a grand build but it’s honest work so for 200 days I’ll be sure to expand it further but for now it was was a pretty nice home and definitely better than what I had previously I’m back to

Mining a tiny bit of cryic or today so I could make the ornate Shield this was going to allow me to Dash and provide myself immunity frames which was going to be much needed against clam’s brother phase so with that being said it’s time for the rematch I used the combination

Of Wither blossoms Plantation and the rest into the desert tiger and this combination allowed me to get some really nice damage during the early stages of this fight I made some pretty fatal mistakes which in my mind meant it was the end of the attempt and just give

Up though I kept on pushing through and with my blood flare core regen I was able to entirely Dodge her second bullet Hill phase and I was definitely entering the zone and if you played some crazy terrarium mods like me you will know what this means I dodged everything and

Maxed out my adrenaline perfectly in sync with her brothers that were going to spawn and when they did I Unleashed everything I had as you could see even with this the brothers were still able to survive just showing you the amount of HP they had but with one of the most

Annoying phases down I honestly had no idea what to expect for the rest of the battle battle it was really the same fight as Supreme calamitas minus the giant meat balls that spawn thankfully I’m quite experienced with these type of bullet Hills and moments later I finally defeated calamitus CL woo let’s

Go unlocking the buffed OB Beast ashes of Calamity and the broken hero sword as for Unique drops climas clone actually dropped ashes of the annihilation which was pretty funny as this was an endgame material the I couldn’t craft anything with it as I needed either a cosmic

Anvil or other endgame materials which I didn’t have access to yet with ashes of Calamity I could now make cause of Calamity and eventually craft asgard’s Valor easily one of the best Dash accessories until post Providence granting various debuff immunities Max HP and allowing you to dash through

Enemies to gain immunity frames similar to the ornate Shield it’s now time to properly move on to the pre Golem phase in progression today let’s further explore the temple it was dark filled with traps and wiring was disabled so nothing special about calamity’s jungle temple so we’ll just skip over to where

We eventually make our way into the arena and since this Arena was a super long distance away but I just made use of the Jungle teleporter potion to quickly get back to the arena as the r of Discord is obviously unusable in this seat and if you aren’t a fan of this

Quality of Life mods the same thing works by using a couple of hoes and platforms anyways the Golem Temple I firstly had to spam torches because it was so dark and this is when a mechanized serpent actually spawned in this is the armor Digger in vanilla Calamity and of course according to the

Wiki it’s actually meant to spawn in post Moon Lord the only other encounter I’ve had so far was during one of my calamitas clone attempts when I died so I never actually got to see it until now I didn’t expect much from this thing as normally the looted jobs kind of sucks

However surprisingly I get Unholy Essence meaning post moonla drops were definitely possible though unfortunately I couldn’t really craft anything useful out of these apart from maybe flask of Unholy Flames I continue building my Arena a cool trick since you can’t use hard generators inside is to just play

Place them outside the Golem Temple and use a heartreach potion to extend the pickup range onto challenging Golem on the seed he’s extremely small and Nimble jumping all over the place firing a barrage of lasers on my first attempt I did not even last 10 seconds now I know

I’ve spent all this time on Golem but quite frankly after two attempts at him I could not have been bothered how do I even Dodge these oh my God I don’t even know what’s going on on my screen yeah I’m just dead oh gosh so we’ll come back to him and fight a

More useful boss that will give us great loot for now asham orius this boss was surprisingly easy to manage but don’t get it twisted it does not mean this boss was easy in any way his curved astral blasts were definitely the hardest part of this fight as well as

The occasional homing UFO attacks I dropped him to around 128k in 1 minute so definitely more possible than whatever the clust Golem was a little more of learning his special Ai and we got this pretty easy I decided it would be best to expand my Surface Arena to

Reach the actual infection this means mining a tunnel City bustering and a satisfying Vin mine of the mud Wars ah Quality of Life mods amazing stuff I do have to mention this now I did use a city Buster beneath the actual or which is unminable until post Deus and it

Destroyed everything so let’s just pretend this didn’t happen and move on with progression next up was reconnecting the teleports together adding some additional platforms hammering the walls away and place the arena boxs you know the drill by now and through some extensive research of this boss

Fight I’ve come to the conclusion of the following load out side note swap the spooky Wings to something better like tatted fairy reforging all my accessories back into war utilizing the blood flare core and swapping back to hallow for the useful Shadow Dodge move this does lower our DPS slightly however

The survivability provides is 100% worth it now onto my successful attempt this was definitely a hard boss to fight if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing as enraging the boss will prove fatal and being caught off guard during his purple phase can be deadly with the

Ashual lasers fire for the majority of his early phase you notice I remain mostly stationary on the ground nothing can really get you here as with each stomp he does running in a straight line will automatically make you dodge the missiles and with that I pop my adrenaline dropping his health down

Further this part of the fight honestly wasn’t close at all so I’m just going to speed up a bit though a highlight of this fight was definitely his UFO attack in which my H Dodge BL what would have been fatal devastating hit and I’m pretty sure that would have One-Shot me

If I were to fight this boss again I would probably consider placing actuated astral blocks to expand the biome State and stop him from enraging as I recall countless times where he would super dash at me basically destroying me in one hit so yeah that’s something to

Consider from the treasure bag sadly I did not get the Brutus bomber but I did consume The Starlight fuel cell boosting my adrenaline damage and damage reduction and and with asham orus gone believe it or not so many good things unlock for us you can go a stealth rogue

Build with the Fallen Heaven disc or a mage build utilizing the asteroid star the unique drob from asham orus this was actually a post Moon Lord weapon that reins devastating projectiles from the sky but does drain your Mana fairly quickly you can also Shimmer this item for five luminite bars meaning you have

All the ingredients to make nebula armor however similar to ashes of annihilation I would need an ancient manipulator to craft any of the items which makes me pretty sad what you can make however is a dual containment unit meaning scor your bars and therefore hydrothermic equipment was possible preo I decided

Against this strategy as honestly I could not be bothered grinding asham orus another seven times for me personally Summoner was the most comfortable class and it’s been working pretty well so far and instead we’ll be powering up with great loot from the buffed actual infection enemies the abandoned slime staff starbust call Hive

Pod will all extremely useful summon equipment and with that it’s time for the Golem rematch I’ll let the full Run play in the background whilst I explained my strategy Golem likes to jump a lot so running semicircles and timing your jumps were important in the

First 20 seconds or so of the fight I barely got hit at all and was quite impressed with myself considering all the random BS flying across my scream guys I’m going to be honest I have no clue what’s going on but it’s working so screw it apart from Golem

Being now completely on crack in Phase 2 I don’t think much was different about this it was honestly just me flying around as best I could to dodge there’s nothing much to say but I did manage to defeat Golem in an amazing time of 49 seconds Golem is once again a huge

Milestone officially unlocking scoro te equipment with some insanely difficult bosses coming up it’s been quite a journey so far so thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you back for 200 days

100 Days in Calamity’s MOST DIFFICULT GAMEMODE…It’s NOT Infernum… but the Get Fixed Boi Seed version. This reworks every single calamity and vanilla boss to be a complete meme. This seed isn’t intended to be balanced or fair in any way… so it was quite a pain to play 🙂

If you enjoyed this video I would appreciate it if you liked the video and shared it with a friend. Thanks for Watching!

► MAIN Gameplay Mods: Calamity Mod (Obviously), AlchemistNPC, Bankbuttons, BetterZoom, BossChecklist, BossCursor, BossTimer, CalamityModMusic, CalValEX, Census, Fargowiltas, MagicStorage, MagicStorageStarterKit, OreExcavator, RecipeBrowser, ShopExpander
► Visual Mods: ArmamentDisplay, Better Blending, Better Boss Health Bar, Fancy Lighting, Lights and Shadows, True Tooltips, zzp198’s WeaponOut Lite
► Texture Packs: Backgrounds o’ Plenty, Better Collection by JPC, Dragon Fruit Bar, Fancy UI, HD Scenery, NONN’s Buffs and Debuffs Pack, Phantom Hearts Bar, Rainbow Cursor EX, ReaniTerraria, The Calamity Texture Pack, Yet Another Boss Health Bar Style

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► Twitter: https://twitter.com/murasamaOCE
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► For business inquiries: murasama1.busness@gmail.com

#terraria #calamity #100days

~ Timestamps ~
0:30 Act I: Hellish Harbour
9:25 Act II: Scorching Sands
17:24 Act III: Templar Arc
24:22 Act IV: Beast Tamer
29:17 Act V: New Beginnings
38:08 Act VI: Terror Trail
48:50 Act VII: Xeroc’s Curse
57:34 Act VIII: Flow State

► Music by @Phyrnna & @DMDOKURO
► Thanks to Crowflux for the Wanderer Sprite and KETUT for helping with vfx

Play Terraria Now:
Steam (PC) : https://store.steampowered.com/app/105600/Terraria/

Terraria is an action-adventure sandbox platformer game developed by Re-Logic. Dig, Fight, Explore, Build: The very world is at your fingertips as you fight for survival, fortune, and glory. Will you delve deep into cavernous expanses in search of treasure and raw materials with which to craft ever-evolving gear, machinery, and aesthetics? Perhaps you will choose instead to seek out ever-greater foes to test your mettle in combat? Maybe you will decide to construct your own city to house the host of mysterious allies you may encounter along your travels?

The Calamity Mod is a large content mod for Terraria which adds many hours of endgame content and dozens of enemies and bosses dispersed throughout the vanilla game’s progression. The Calamity Mod also features several harder difficulty modes, such as Death mode and revengeance mode five new biomes and new structures, a new class, a new leveling mechanic, more than thirty new songs, over fifty recipes for previously uncraftable vanilla items and other assorted changes to vanilla gameplay.

This is 100 days, 100 days terraria, and 100 days calamity mod


  1. by fishing in the dungeon u can get the crates and craft the aqua scepter an item dropped by the duke its soo op it can last you till moonlord

  2. calamity legendary mode is what terraria's legendary mode shouldve been, a COMPLETELY diffirent expirience with sum funky and funy things, and a lot of the things in calamity legendary mode hurt's my brain a lot like watafak

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