I have don’t worry I have okay uh I think we’re live uh good afternoon ladies and gentlemen my name is burn pixels and if we are live uh hello how are you hope you’re uh having good day yeah I like what you did your ha I love

The fact that we’ve started so many streams just saying that it’s like such a such a great little meme anyway hello Max good to see you as well and happy Christmas Eve bud I am uh I’m I’m happy that I’m able to do one more little stream before we uh head into the

Holidays yeah what I’m Jo Mi ABI which you probably already heard hello hello and yeah we’re going to play some stardy Valley this afternoon uh for a little while at least because uh yeah hey Simon’s here too and yes is back I am back I’ve also got hot chocolate the hot

Chocolate is here too celebrate for the hot chocolate now we don’t need Abby we need hot chocolate yeah but anyway happy Christmas Eve to everyone out there and happy holidays if you don’t celebrate Christmas it is an absolute pleasure to be able to stream right before the Big

Holiday itself and uh play such a cozy game and I hope everyone out there is having them themselves a bunch of czy times crzy a bunch of cozy times and uh yeah you know you’re getting ready to relax over the next few days cuz uh it’s all about eating food seeing loved ones

And spending time with those who probably want a bit accompany themselves so yes have yourselves an amazing day tomorrow and an amazing rest of the week too but uh yeah uh this will be the only stream sadly I can do uh until probably after Christmas now due to the fact that

Tonight I have been asked to go to oh thank you for the cookies I’ve been asked to uh go to a uh egg Festival oh yeah the egg Festival too okay uh for me it’s about trying out YouTube I wish you look Max and I hope

You have all the success in the new year that you want when it comes to uh you know YouTube you upload many good videos and build yourself a community that people uh people enjoy your stuff that’s all to say me and I’ll be able to continue on in 2024 playing games and uh

Just having a good old time so yeah we’re not going anywhere but uh you guys want to stick around for that that would be Mighty appreciated God we should have a look back on like what we’ve done in 2024 shouldn’t we uh 2023 we should I mean actually we could create a montage

Couldn’t we at the entire year ah do we have time uh I have time to find clips that I can send to CH well if I had to look back in 2024 I would say it has been definitely a cozy year playing like many games uh meeting

You as well in uh you know around March April time April ail yep I don’t know why I think March it wasn’t March we I did not exist in March yeah but we um I think it’s cuz a lot happened in March April time so that’s why my mind is SL focused there

Yeah yeah um but yeah we we’ve had ourselves quite the little Adventure haven’t we uh we’ve been playing uh well let’s start been playing uh project zomo that was like one of our first games that we kind of like just kept streaming uh we’ve had uh uh valerin valerin was

Our first ever game that we played togetherly I mean that was back when I used to just speak just on text chat though exactly uh what else we what are we guys do we play cobon yeah we launched our first like open public multiplayer game that people could play that did well

Um yeah then we just tried a bunch of different games all at once didn’t we yeah we really just went back and forth H lots of survival crafting lots of survival crafting and probably a lot more to come in a new year to cuz we uh we love our survival crafting games here

And yeah we’ve also picked up some of our uh most um responsive fans the ones that make the most appearances we picked up Max you know big celebration there hello Max thank you for joining us and even here now on this Christmas Eve Simon too Simon as well is in the chat

Giving plenty of sass towards Abby and being very kind to myself thank you Simon I appreciate that um but yeah we we’ve had a lovely year and a nice little verbal recap then just to say all the things that we got done and uh did together we also launched a winter of

The campfire which um I admit has not been as huge as I thought it would be this year but that’s mainly because I’m really surprised with how busy this December has been like I have been off my feet 90% of the time doing stuff with work and family and friends and you know

It’s something in in a sense I felt sad because I was like I can’t do do too much with the community uh as I usually could but I’ve also come to appreciate like all the friends um uh stuff that friends and stuff all the friends that I

Now spend like a lot more time with so some years I wasn’t able to do that now I’m able to I feel very blessed so thank you Abby and Darren and Chaz and everyone else you guys are amazing yeah right if I start doing lists I can’t forget anybody so I’m

Going to get in trouble quick down it be Darren Shirley Chaz Cindy Rob Mel Abby Chris Alex Jody uh just just about everyone really I don’t think I’ve forgotten anyone have I I haven’t forgot anyone I’m going to get but also my IRL friends outside of uh streaming and geekiness and uh you

Have helped me too you have all been amazing so thank you what are you selling today you selling nothing that I want damn you pig lady you are beautiful but sadly you are useless today would have been nice if she could have given us like something good in

Time for the Christmas thing like you know big old Christmas miracle Christmas travel yeah who looks cookies again it’s uh Susan Susan lookes cookies we’ll go give some cookies beautiful and useless I’m one of those things hey Simon with the self appreciation and depreciation you know what 50/50 I’ll let you have

It let’s throw those away we don’t need a bogy I’ve got like a ton of coconuts which I need to give to Haley cuz that will make Haley like me I’m just befriending everyone and still waiting for a rainy day it’s been 12 days and we’ve had no

Rain I’ve been unable to go get the uh marriage thing so I can do the I’ll get married uh displ through no marriage not allowed it’s silly though cuz it’s like oh how do you get the engagement ring oh you have to unlock that small bridge and

Then you have to go speak to a guy that only shows up in the rain personally meeting somebody in the rain for an engagement ring sounds a little dodgy a little romantic but it’s usually the person you’re supposed to be giving it to not a stranger that gives it you

So not sure how I feel yeah give away oh there she is Susan here are some cookies oh if I would have given Susan two this week wow look at me what about lonus I can give you a gift kind of Buddy what do you what do you like do you like cactus

Fruit you do you can have a cactus fruit here you go we’re only best friends but yeah still it’s always good to give uh people gifts speaking of gifts you guys have subscribed and liked throughout the year and kept this Channel Growing and that is incredible I appreciate it like all

The up votes and all the love that you guys do for me you like have helped this channel grow I think like last time I checked on the uh demographic it was like 150 Subs in this past year alone and I thought that was just wow that that that’s like double nearly double

What we had originally so thank you and I’m looking forward to uh 2024 and seeing how much larger we can grow in the uh in the YouTube communities and such and uh seeing what we get up to and who knows maybe one day we’ll be monetized and uh we’ll be able to start

Putting uh some money back into the channel and uh upgrading hardware and and software and just basically making it higher quality and all that jazz but we’ll have to wait to see does anyone else like cookies I feel like they do I I’ll save them for Susan I’ll to order

Of a day uh where’s Haley I have a coconut for her Haley is I have no idea you’re over at the blacksmiths mhm oh there’s ear she is just going through town now I shall give a coconut but yeah I’ve I’ve uh enjoyed our spru games and uh just over stuff

Really this past year it’s been fun I’ve had a grand old time sand likes those Everyone likes those pam pam likes cactus fruit let’s go give Pam a gift where’s Pam Pam’s on the way back from the B stop here we go there we go just want to make

Everyone time like me you get more Goods I still need to befriend most people in town like Gus Pierre Andy Sandy Martin Gunther [ __ ] Mars no one liks Mars um yeah I’m not really a fan of Pierre either cuz like Pierre is just moris light exactly yeah birthdays we got quite a

Few oh some of these as well I’m going to go check the weather report actually see if there’s a uh I don’t know bit of rain tomorrow uh we have to thank you that you make the awesome streams oh Max you’re amazing thanks bud I appreciate you like that that that’s so

Kind why have I encountered a skull level I’m sorry I’m me but why is there a school level I don’t know why is there a school level why you fighting skulls what do I doing oh yeah I think the the Beats what he said oh thanks S I

Appreciate it as well so so was like same you’re not good at sappy messages that’s perfectly fine we appreciate you showing up and showing your support so thank you all right let’s go get the coffee out the uh Greenhouse you’ve like grown so many coffee beans yeah like in your

Farm that’s insane I’m Starbucks let’s go yeah or Costa I prefer Costa I prefer Starbucks CU I’m trash I love sugary drinks that’s why I can’t sugar I have problem it’s kind of good that I can’t drink coffee cuz I used to drink a bunch of Starbucks oh all right well what I’m

Going to do I’m going to leave like five in my bag just so I can you know run around when I need to but I don’t like Coster coffee either I’d rather just make my own yeah that’s understandable I make my uh own thingy don’t I hot chocolates rather than you

Do indeed make your own bingy my own dingy bingy uh what should I do what they got all these in my bag I guess I don’t need all this med some that take up too much room yeah that leaves me enough spaces and stuff do any need of those blackberries

Yeah every now and then I’m getting these like weird weird levels with skulls in them yeah they’re the thingies they’re the um you know have you been into the school cabin not the not the one in the desert the other one the one where you get the groove yeah so that’s

Why now you’ve unlocked those enemies so they will appear occasionally oh so now I get more interested that’s so cool that they’ve added that yeah that’s deadly yeah I know the deadly it’s a challenge you doofus you Dingus I’m just dealing with you you Dingus oh you’ll also be happy to know

That that we’ll also be playing some VR games in 2024 cuz uh we haven’t played too many when I did start YouTube um this oh Ricardo loves me oh my God I’m sorry is that one of our dinosaurs that’s dog oh I haven’t said yeah I haven’t spoke to the animals today

Should go do that speak to my animals probably late yeah there might be but um what’s it called who what was those was I oh yeah cuz when I first started on YouTube I actually did play a VR I did um bone works and then I uh oh

They’re all trying to sleep never mind it can’ts me to them even though the rabbits have their eyes open creepy like don’t take my [ __ ] be oh I should probably check the um what was it grab thingy where is it is this it’s right by the door yeah it’s

Got void eggs and large eggs in should I put that an incubator is there an incubator here yeah you can put you can put either a normal egg or a void egg in your choice I’ll put a void egg in is this how it works wait where are the

Incubators uh it’s just the thing next to the hay thing next to the hay thing oh I can’t I can’t do anything with it oh there you go it’s fine we did it you did it well done I’m proud another void chicken right I’m off the bed I’ve done

My chores for the day I’m going to get those uh animals to love us so they produce more uh stuff make some more bombs at some point I’m glad my dog lookes me I do War it’s bow once a century yeah oh yeah what was I saying oh yeah VR

Games for 2024 there are some VR games I want to play on the channel like uh Amazonian Sunshine Amazon Sunshine one and two might as well get a playr done you can join me if you want hell yeah mine’s [ __ ] well oh doing something yeah right uh what else have I got I’ve

Got um and we talk about a Township tail a lot on this channel but we don’t actually play it it would be nice to show you what it was you love slating a Township tail I love criticizing it because I feel like it doesn’t get the development it should be getting

Considering all I ever heard of was money going into it and then nothing came out so yeah that’s the only time where will criticize the game is when you know it’s like oh guys yeah the reason they can’t develop it is because they’ve just been given a big contract by this

Company and um you know that’s a lot of money and they’re going to um you know use it to improve the game and then like there’s no improvements come out so it’s like what the hell are you doing and at that point it comes down to bad management bad development or something

So I’m allowed to criticize it and then yes you know if they do update the game fair play but PC players have been waiting for years probably going on for now VR and O uh Quest users which was the whole whole point they stopped progress on the

PC user base was because they were like oh we’re going to try and change the game so quest Quest players can enjoy it they they have not updated that in like almost a year as well and the quest players themselves are getting frustrated so I’m like Welcome to our

World we’ve been doing it way longer ring of Yoba nice I got 23 Grand today I got eight grand nice hello little rat oh she’s got a rat Ira h a rat can it rain today it’s just like it’s just like a p what was that S I want it to

Rain I got 82,000 gold I don’t I don’t know what to do with it would you like some toast little rat I’m sure the rat would she she is eating the toast when does she not have a rat you are spitting facts there Simon I do have five rats tell him the fat

Truths they’re also subscribers of the channel they are yes two of those subscribers are just small rats right do I have anything to harvest from the tree I do not know that weird sound you’re hearing by the way is the uh log cutting yeah it sounds like the

Minecraft like monster sound yeah it breaks down a piece of hard wood into 10 or five pieces of wood so it’s a nice passive way of getting like just wood over time watch try to Ste your beans get away I don’t need to go in there today it’s Saturday so what should

I do let’s look at my skills should I just chop wood today I could I need foraging next out so that’s probably the fastest way to get me some XP so I’m going to go down to the forest and I’m just going to chop wood okay take my big giant Lumberjack arms

And swinger ax cuz I’m strong embarrassed oh I’m also going to make a purchase at the hat shop if they sell a Good Hat cuz I’ve been wearing this straw hat from day one it needs to change I wish to wear something a bit more Dapper or

Cool where is he where is the little mouse where’s the mouse house I haven’t even gone down to it yet gone the wrong way oh I drink coffee speak this up Speed right hello rat what are you selling uh you’re selling a bunch of hats you’re selling the hats we’ve unlocked you’re not selling anything going oh the festival we doing that oh yeah sure I want to get I’ll get some strawberries [ __ ] that all right let’s go to the egg Festival

Now you mean get a hat as Dapper as you a Simon you’re such a sweetheart oh we’ replaced it with another rat hello plenty of rats the B friend they just keep taking turns to come up and say hi to me right I am going to meet you in town

Okay yep yep okay oh wait for you this is just become a r stream we will have a rat cam eventually I don’t know how we’ll do it oh I know how to do it Chris and I have already spoken about it at Great LS um we were going to get like a

GoPro okay you know like they have those casings anyway which means if they obviously they the camera is not an issue yeah and then we just um put it in um and obviously every now and then they walk up to it and be like oo what’s this

That is true you could just set you your webcam is the rat Cam and then I could just stream it like yeah you you going to go to town I’m waiting on you I am I’m just picking up my seeds just chop some random trees in the

Arrow while wait they can like buy the blue v Farm I’m waiting for you to you can press the you can press the exit button no I know I’m just I’m just getting up my coffee Seas cuz obviously when you get back it’s like nighttime I would drink hot chocolate

And wheat if I have a patient man wish I could have a pet I know in the future that when I have like you can’t up to your house with like five rats well I’m going to have like a cozy cabin in the future like uh a co uh

Lodge and I’m definitely going to have like uh probably a bird and some chickens and a dog maybe a cat probably just a dog uh I’m casually just playing bedw Wars while watching the stream ah Minecraft bedw wars we were supposed to like Sky Factory or something at some

Point we yeah we should give that a go I I personally have never tried it but it’d be to check out I’m going to add some meridium sprinklers to my farm as well on top of the sprinklers I already have someone says he’s casually vegetating what does

That even mean Dowing what hanging the [ __ ] out he’s just just chill fine it sounds good get yourself cozy Abby got me a Christmas present she bought me this big like uh snoody is it snoody it’s called an Udi an UD yeah she got me an udy and it’s uh real

Cozy I’m wearing it right now it is warm and plush I am so ready for this [ __ ] egg hunt I trust you are I don’t think I’ll get some strawberries for the sake of it cuz I’m pretty sure some people like strawber so I’ll just get like two crops I’m just talking to

Everybody actually I’ll get some more I don’t know [ __ ] it what strawberries yeah strawberries yeah go for it you grow whatever you want to thanks for the permission man do you have F on your for yep we have isn’t it someone birthday today check the calendar Mark it’s what

I think it’s someone’s birthday today no no no it’s not not do festivals oh it’s Sunday I’m pretty sure okay I’m ready to get eggs when you need let’s go let’s get eggy you know ages French toast I could go for some french toast

Yes we should go to a place that oh I know a place that does good french toast all right you ready to go yes I’m ready I feel sorry for the kids cuz they’re like they playing as two adults yeah we’re going to win and like all the

Adults just like kick them out the way and they’re like I shall win these to mine I have already found five eggs I’m joking of course how many eggs will we find I go there I go there I way ass Punch Out The Way You Thief you took my egg I’ll kill

You I’m oh you I’m going to your I’m [Laughter] going yes you took one of mine I shall take yours now I think you would welcome to St a calming game ah we tied and we both get the [ __ ] hat oh we got 100 I want the Hat

Give me the Hat want the Hat you already got the Hat you greedy mink you don’t need anymore we also got friendship with one else for doing that I think we didn’t yo you you got eggs so well I want to be a m yeah I know you’d be popular like

People are attracted to Winners and stuff like that winners of egg competitions no they’re not not if they scream at the the local egg uh hunting competition you want to get married you want to come my BL yeah you just like go straight like want to get married

Uh okay so that doesn’t work how do I make battery packs you make oh no no you get them don’t lightning rods yeah you need to build lightning rods how many battery packs do we have so far we have seven yeah we need a lot more that’s why

I want to build more lightning rods the more you have the more you get so okay so how many origin sprinklers will you let me make I just need thanks for letting me know so I’ve got 30 bars of ridium I got 22 bars of gold so I can definitely make a couple

Idium sprinklers okay sorry I had to s first um yeah make uh how many you want like how much you need I say I just made 10 more lightning WS for my farm so I don’t need a dwarf scroll anymore what else was I trying to put in here oh

The wine um what else I oh do you need do you want me to make make some lightning rolls too we need refine quarts backat wings and iron bars oh you got them okay um what else do we need what else do we need what else do we

That was the most cartoon snoo you ever heard yeah I’m a cartoon character Banu banjo chewy banju what the hell am I saying what are you saying are you okay you having a stroke ban B hold on I knew there was something in the way ruining my perfect patterns of lightning rods how do you there’s a tree in a way there we put one there I prob we go to bed there we go I’m making a fence of lightning rods so I can you know give

The when it does storm I get like we need get in bed why I run towards you I could have literally gone to my house go to your house you [ __ ] nerd ah gross well at least you got on the opposite side I respect you she usually just belly flops me and

Then says hung Sho and I’m like gross I wish you could like just get into bed R and just like pass out that quickly hey my boats are here nice I got 10 beats these are going in the M’s fridge so I can do that weird

Quest you still owe me a knight by the way I don’t know where it is you stole a precious member of my house and you you don’t even have the kindness to give him back need like an auto Harvester or something like Jesus the amount of farming XP

I don’t even need farming XP anymore I don’t think there are like mods where you can get Harvesters but I feel like it’s cheating yeah I’m level 10 and neat yeah and farming you maxed out then you want to do you want to get these do you want to

Get these to level up your farming XP do you want to pick these that’s cool I got mine in my shed I’m going to go out today every two days I get like a huge chunk of XP so it’s it’s coffee time baby do I have done like a I haven’t

Listened to uh Final Fantasy 7 bridged [ __ ] is that it’s um it’s a voice acted like redubbing of Final Fantasy 7 by the people at team fourstar and they uh God they do such a good job of it and all the characters and stuff and hilarity and that I watch it that

Actually I get like quite emotional cuz I’m like this this is how the game I remember is in a sense just like a bunch of characters I love that you know tell the story that cuz when I was a kid I was obsessed with Final Fantasy

7 to the point where I was like looking in at like magazines stuff I see anything Final Fantasy related I’m like oh it’s Cloud Strife there such a geek whoops okay I’ve harvested for my side there we go I’ll make look look at the machine go I need make more cegs at some

Point now I’ve got to go 10 beats to the bear frge it’s such a weird Quest oh pig lady today it’s Sunday I just real get everyone coffee they like coffee coffee is amazing actually need to go put some stuff away drink this I’m

Run to the top of my farm who needs a horse we grow coffee uh yep off I go selling coffee and making a humongous profit I might reach 100,000 today what you got oh sell May cool am folk table do you not like sell anything we need anymore do you remember

When you used to be cool do remember when you used to like Supply us with things that we remember we were in love with you we still love you but like we still in love with you please if you were cooler if you did like stuff that

We needed like I bought a barn now cuz of your lack of stuff like yeah I know I swear she was selling the Truffle on like one of the days at the beginning and we like we totally didn’t couldn’t afford it cuz it was like 5K yeah such is

Life all right excuse me m I’m breaking into your house so I can put some stuff in your fridge uh good job your FAS give the sand dragon his last meal right there we go I know it’s the other Quest that’s a piece of cake

Cuz we can go there as well and see Sandy and give her a gift need that very so since on me what you doing me in my house I was weing exit the fridge oh okay you’re going to make an OM yeah right I’m off to go feed the S drag

In a tasty treat so I can go unlock the casino then I’m just going to do what any person does when they earn enough wealth gamble yeah yeah no I don’t like gamble I used to work for a gamble shop and let me tell you the things I have

Seen it will destroy man Soul also Pam shouldn’t drive cuz she’s clearly driving on the middle of the road but no one’s talking about that all right uh what we doing oh yeah sound Dragon where’s my coffee I always carry five mugs of coffee with me wherever I go I’m so

Lucky they don’t spill anywhere everyone like me have some coffee if you don’t like it you can piss off wow wow wow here you go BD you place the in Sony land you notice a snow hidden in the ice socket you Pro everyone doing aerobics now I got to go back to my

House and check the pile of lumber my goodness I should do more aerobics like yoga and stuff it’s good oh my God I was thinking about doing like water arobics it’s good for your limbs all right hello Andy here is a flower cuz I know you like

Flowers gift there you go cuz I am set to prend everybody in this Tower do I go in the cave no we’ll come home I can chop some wood today see har is like the oldest person that you can date I’m pretty sure like is it yeah he’s like actually like an adult

Man oh an adult man uh what was it doing oh yeah log part I’ve got to move this there you go found the club card you’re not sure what it’s for but soon as important add it to your wallet there you go now I think it’s someone’s birthday today is

It check the calendar you know what I have in the house thanks for put the flamingo in my house by the way no problem it’s uh oh yeah it’s haly’s today who the [ __ ] haly haly B blond there we go I hope she likes coffee cuz that’s all I’m giving

Everyone she’s going to get a coconut he yo no no like a dog is slap you I’m like no on the nose no that’s [ __ ] you would never slap a dog I’ve like bopped a dog on the nose if everybody growls at me all right I give him penny something

All right is down in the house Evelyn have some coffee and have a heart attack let’s go yeah she likes it okay here we go oh we got the gem cut scene which is funny oh for [ __ ] sake yeah I’m me what the hell oh wom those crystals and energy things is really

Funny they were just all doing aerobics nope and H fell asleep it’s a funut scene but right Haley here is a coconut there you go now I’m going to go chop the trees for a bit hey it’s mne Marne have some maple syrup there you go all right time to go chop trees

I’m sure Leia would be furious at me choing trees inside her house but hey don’t like coffee fun fact it’s kind of cool that she has like a Lakeside Cabin I like wonder how you get one of those how dides she get one she’s from the city um the writer also has one

Elliot uh he’s got a beach one hasn’t he mhm I would if feel add the um like the NPC’s marure simp yeah I mean they do they do marry but obviously not within yeah be nice they did it over the years like like like one or two years in like one some

Of the EMP we get married to each other that’ be cute yeah there you go yeah piss off I don’t like you cuz like a lot of them obviously matched up you can tell he’s done the Harvest Moon Trope I feel like you’d get so much trouble if you just went around shoing

Trees higher up yep cuz I think trees are like one of the most respected things like Tre like what the hell are you doing you know well trees take AES to grow so you can’t exactly just replace it say if you’re smart the only thing ones that you chop down are dying or

Dead trees this is a massive ass house is a harvest moon game where you competing with another person oh yeah all of them yeah like uh some of the old Harvest Moon games you basically have to marry the person before another NPC Mar more or less cuz the NPCs would um have

Interactions which were like cut scenes and stuff to basically indicate what’s happening I remember in uh friends of Mineral Town my um favorite one when I was a kid cuz it was on the game Bo mans um you’d basically be marrying um I Married peruri at First cuz she’s like

She she’s like the first one like everyone went for um she had like pink her and worked at the chicken farm and um what’s it called you obviously see her brother who had an interest in Karen who was the shopkeeper girl and a lot of people also

Went for Karen there was like God how many gos were there in the first harvest there was like a ton a whole host of them but while you were talking to them and stuff they’d like speak about over characters in it and uh additionally you’d like walk into an area after a few

Years or whatnot and um the two characters that obviously had conversations and whatnot we eventually like reveal they like each other and I remember playing the it for the first time you get to like year I think it was like year two or year three or whatever

And um I remember seeing C’s brother eventually ask out Karen and I was like yeah yeah you go for dude and I was like so happy for him cuz it was like they like all the characters had like unique dialogue and um you know inter like just

Interactions with each other so it like gave history and like why they liked each other so then when you did see like someone marry one of the um other people that you weren’t interested in then it was kind of cute said like oh they got together prophecy has been fulfilled

Unless you saw your person that you wanted to marry talking to one of their designated people then you will [ __ ] live it and you could like don’t you ever go here but yeah I’ve been trying to marry mark this whole game but he was talking to Emily yeah I said no cuz you’re

Gross you keep jumping in my bed without permission and I’m uh I don’t feel that energy you know I’m just let no I don’t the crystals tell me no yeah I like crystals and EM do too and that’s why I like her and not you [Laughter] now I’m on way back i’ got to get back here yeah chop down some trees do these trees belong to anyone no they were in nature no one will miss them except the animals that used to live in them yeah cuz every now and then you see

Like a frog trying to es gamee scary sound all right what can I sell oh no I need all this all right time for bed Soo to my dog love my dog it’s queen of source queen of sauce taught me how to make hash browns baby love me some crunchy

Potato oh my God hash browns and then you have like a runy egg you dip the hash brown is the r egg that’s just like the best I don’t like hash browns Mark what you know I don’t like hash browns you love hash browns I don’t like hash browns you adore hash

Browns what but do you not like hash browns I swear you do they’re they need more flavor I mean like Flavor potato all right chill up I like a good hash brown but not a bad hash brown you know what’s a good hash brown a good one you

Know exactly oh thunder and lightning tomorrow nice good thing I planted all those lightning rods everyone say hi to the [ __ ] animal says he’s a big fan of leaks can you bring him a leak yep I can find a leak I’ve got a leak on me right now oh nice go do the

Quest too many trees in here chop a few the spare ones down AB I don’t think anyone likes a bad version of food of they like he makes a good point you did just say that I don’t like it I like you did say I like a good hash brown and it’s like

Well yeah I mean like I feel like a lot of hash browns are just mid like most hash browns are just mid hesy be good like you know how sausage is like you can have like a really good sausage you can also have like just like a

Flavorless one you know I’ll be real with you whenever I go to like the coll or something I only have one sausage dude you you need to all right you need to come down to where I’m from cuz cuz we do good sausages all right I trust in the quality of your

Sausage thank you I’m glad this conversation’s going this [Laughter] way sell me diamonds hey remember if you ever like hear a saying set on stream put it in the vault that’s what the discords for keep those memories alive you could keep the memory alive AB said that she does good sausage well

Today I’m going to go find a leak for Evelyn and then yeah just probably Chop on trees and stuff keep getting wood I got like 900 wood in my chest right now I’m a productive member oh your coffee beans some sprouted outside by the way oh my

God hey you planted them you got to work I know I got to go find a leak oh that’s a lot of coffee that many sell the rest speed I should actually see like what a triple shot espresso does instead gives you more energy yeah give me like is there me nine of

Those I’m going go make one in the kitchen uh here we go yeah I’m going to make one too it says it’s more potent so more speed I’m guessing like this gives you me like a minute 30 so I’m guessing maybe it’ll give you like a whole I don’t have the

Option to make it can you you do it Mark me did you not buy the recipe I don’t know maybe I did why do I need to go for that God GES give me the coffee and then tell me how many you want I in my

House F say we just walk past each other yeah just make all that in trouble all right okay uh uh yep I’ve made you 16 of them BR I’m out to Long thank you I just thrown them into the grass I’m like fetch right I need to go find a

Leak if I was a leak where would I be where in the woods would I lur as a leak oh speed’s gone right let’s try one of these triple shot expressors and see how powerful they are compared to normal coffee normal coffee gives you like 2 minutes of running this gives you wow

Four minutes speed how much coffee do you need what double is it double you need three cups of coffee to make a triple shot expressor so it’s like condensed out still four minutes of the day is uh is pretty good still not having any look finding them

Leaks got a horseradish who do I need to give it to Le the old [ __ ] yes the nice old lady yeah we say our words differently you are mean I am nice no you’re not I am I’m the kindest man on this channel yeah on this channel sure

Where be the leaks there’s D don’t know care about that so if it’s 24 how many layers out is that that’s free layers out okay ah there’s a l y now let’s go to lay it to wait a minute I can teleport speed oh co I got a [ __ ] for teleporting to the

Beach is she at the beach it’s he she seems upset or something what happened you drop a contact lens oh bracelet oh it was your birthday today okay oh oh no I got to go find the bracelet and be a hero there it is I got a hug this ma

Nice okay now get out the way I need to go get the gift imagine like finding a dig spot on the ground and you dig up glass shards like what how is that a treasure you’re just going to hurt your that would hurt yeah oh my feet are spined oh we got big

Uh big board Quest we’ve got uh I wish to host a reception prestigious guests and friends in town are local farmers group provide some high-end groceries that’s for uh Olivia and then a mysterious Venture I’m looking for someone who could Adept at crafting and won’t ask questions job details en

Closed I’m pretty sure that’s a bombs Quest you tell me what you want to do you choose bombs or highend groceries yeah what do you want to do what’s highend groceries you mean like vegetables I’m guessing yeah oh that’s fine yeah we can do that elegant

Reception we need to bring oh God uh 10 star fruit wine 10 pie of cheese oh I’ve got milk and cheese and 10 pieces of goat cheese okay I’ll just need to get a goat all right we only have 15 days to do that so I need to get

A couple goats I don’t know if we’ll be able to do it but yeah star fruit guess I guess I can buy a goat if you want me to yeah we just need to go to thing house where’s yeah she’s she shut down the moment I can buy a goat tomorrow we’ll

Buy goats tomorrow I’ll help I’ll start making the cheese goat cheese uh what was it white starf fruit wine yeah we need star it there you go happy birthday nice okay so star fruit oh I have some star fruit seeds available at the Museum I can’t grab

Them uh don’t they sell starrow we use some speed grow good point um I could always just go to the desert and buy some star fruit from seeds from there oh yeah that’s also a good we we need 10 don’t we and I have kegs so yeah we can throw them in

My i’ gots too all right all right what stuff we got um uh what am I doing let me think I’ll go to the I’ll go to the desert tomorrow and buy star fruit by 10 cuz I can grow them indoors or I can put them yeah I’ll

Grow them in doors cuz I’ve got 10 Planters here so they’ll grow in yeah well it’s actually a challenge so I’m happy yeah it would be something to do uh goat cheese and then normal cheese you do 10 10 of each yeah that’s not a problem

Isn’t it’s not a problem for the cows well do we have enough cheese makers and stuff well we got one but I’ll just put it a box next to it and see see how quickly it takes to uh what do you need for a cheese press I can make a couple

Of cheese presses just to help sure uh let me just make a crate what was it hardwood and this is where I col resources I just heard all that wood go in that was kind of fun yeah okay put a chest there two of them oh you to put a chest

To cheese maker yeah I’ll put a chest CU I was literally about to make a chest to do that I’ll go get the milk from the fridge guess I don’t need those bloody eggs anymore um oh I could use I could actually make a chest and put it next to

The Mayo machine okay yes is that the M maker there no it’s the seed M these are the cheese making machine I’ll do that now I’ll get the milk that I have I’ve got seven milk so far so we got seven bits of cheese nice right let’s put this resources

Away all right six so that’s seven of the cheese I don’t know how long cheese takes to bake hopefully it’s just a day it’s not like too much it’s fine remember we just need to um we got several days to do that I just need to get a goat tomorrow I’ll I’ll

Buy one too cuz I got a lot of cash so all right uh yeah it’s 9:40 so I’ll just go chop some trees down I’ll PR me tree Forest aier cuz it’s getting bit too over step into that entire area no that’s a whole tree that’s a whole tree there a whole

Tree little trees that grow that just cause problems I wish there was way I could like only plant um female trees is it oh are like um trees of genders they’re both genders plants are both genders I swear there’s a way you can make well it’s Sexes they’re both sexes

Yeah I’m just trying to remember this way you can like make him sew one type of tree grow I think if I grow grass around them it stops trees from growing which might not be a bad shot how do I grow Grass you got like these little trees growing and they’re pain in the Ass we should probably get a bed yeah trees are cool it it still blows my mind that like the majority of oxygen that comes out the ocean isn’t from well yeah the majority of the oxygen on the planet isn’t made from trees it’s made from Spong Plankton I think

The [ __ ] way I’m trying to make mayonnaise because trees do uh absorb carbon and then obviously make oxygen but they don’t make as much that’s cool I was in the house you you were just focused I don’t care about oxygen I don’t care about the trees youve already

Fro stab you doesn’t care about the trees yeah I made 11k today I can afford a goat how much are goats I don’t know uh pigs were pigs are the most they’re probably not a lot at all I love that so much it’s just like

Oh I need to buy animals and then you just go into your coffee shed and you know oh I can go buy a wedding room today I will do that life guys uh oh there you go look at that LS gave me a 500 gold check because I

Became um wait what is it really glad you become part of the community I’ve include 500 G check from the St Valley agriculture fund to help you continue good work maybe you can buy some seeds it uh yeah sure I’ll take money at the end of the day is cool

Can you get some star fruit seeds please yeah I’m going to I’m going to all wor I know my objective I’m just harvesting my maple syrup there used to be a coffee mod for this that I loved where I can make different blends of coffee and you could actually become like a

Starbucks but it’s not working it was like oh you can add maple syrup to your coffee and make a delicious FR and I was like oh my God okay I was need to harvest my coffee beans today yes lightning rods absorb all the lightning out of the sky make me battery

Packs uh all right what am I doing oh yeah get you star fruit I also need To uh bu goat I’ll go get the star fre first actually no doesn’t um monies open before the bus stop mhm I’m going there now I will assist a orer bi go or your coffee is growing on your farm as well my life is pain you decided

To grow it for profit you deal with it I know it’s actually really good what should I call the goat [ __ ] do a random generat name it’s funny all right fine hello buddy purch animals I would like a sheep oh no a goat goat go nice

Choose a bar for you new goat it’s all the way over here yeah you got to move really slowly it’s annoying Ah that’s chicken cute there’s a b we shall call him wo I know I love it what the [ __ ] are these names how did he get those how much they cost

Like uh only 4,000 yeah I’ll buy two cheers scroll even slower oh no if you hold on the left of the screen you go really fast there you go the name should be China that’s conus there we go yeah conus the goat there we go I bought two goats if

You want to buy additional ghosts that’s on you now to go to the bus stop and go visit Sandy so I can buy star fruit to shove inside the kegs to make wine I swear to God we better be getting paid for this I I’m just saying I’m going to plant some speed

Grow give me as much stuff wo and conus oh actually yeah could you put the the the speed grow in the plant pots I have in my bedroom that’s where I’m going to grow the star fruit oh I was going to use the every col I have outside oh

Uh yeah oh wait was to yeah actually we’ll go to that side that makes sense it does fine Wait dides It Go in Spring have a look I’m buying the seeds I’ll have a look if not I’ll just destroy some of the crops inside my um thingy okay I spent 20 grand

Today all right give me star fruit we’re going to need 10 of these bad boys that was four grand my bank all right um oh cool you sawell wol conses nice and a shirt uh what else am I here for oh yeah I can give you a gift uh take the

Staffel there we go and I’m coming home to plant the seeds have you prepared the speed grow I’m about to buy it I was just swing up my coffee and stuff go PB floor it as if I’ve given you a beer before this the cops are after you straight to

A wall I’m like great [ __ ] great that’s another 25k right what we doing oh yeah right I can see you running across the mini map going to buy the speed grow mhm I will do nothing how much speed grid you mean how many seeds you got well I’ve got 10

Seeds I need more than that what you mean you mean I need more than that I more 10 you need 10 wine it’s 10 for 10 I guess yeah oh I got 20 speed grow so wait wasn’t it like an ultra speed grow that I could have bought and I’m

Stupid yep theux speed grow I’ll buy that instead yeah spend money twice one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 yeah we have enough spaces I like I wish we had the UI sweep because it shows how much the spr go out and I wish I didn’t have that

Bloody fence in the way but I can’t move it I think you could turn on tiling in the menu C I don’t know but I didn’t know I don’t know if that shows how much the um thingy grows go put it down here follow me I know I’m just

Getting the deluxe be grow out all right use the spaces below those ones are you telling me how to play the game yes okay now plant the seeds out of season well you should have checked the [ __ ] date you know you’re right how much speed you got there uh five so F we

Need five more it’s all right I’ll go get some more quickly okay let me get it you just wasted money you can use no no it’s all right no it’s fine it’s literally nothing dude I doing it [ __ ] you I’m going to buy the swed grow I

Bought the goats I bought the star seed I’m the hero of St Valley no I got the fishering hat like like how much is it thee speed grow it’s it’s [ __ ] all what is it dele speed grow yeah give I’ve already got it [ __ ] you I did it got

The ab you sound Abby stop all right just sounds silly just calm down AB you sound silly what the [ __ ] new yeah that’s true Abby stop being silly on my channel this is my stream you’re my friend I decide what’s funny to the plant boots yes there you happy yeah what supp be

Buying 10 then there okay now you can help water them oh do you have to water them yes I haven’t got my blade plant my my thing on me wow um all right would you want these to look speed grow then cuz I don’t need this Stu yeah I’m just going to grow

Some in the shed as well there you go I don’t need any more cactus fruit so I’ll just destroy the cactus I for got to check how long it takes for them to grow you know if you press F1 over it it will tell me how long it takes we’ve

Also got we’ve also got 25% speed boost so uh content star fruit grow star fruit star fruit Harvest after 9 days okay so nine days 25% would be if it was 10 it’ be 2.5 so since it’s nine it’s probably going to be a week if

We’re lucky it’s one week can I have some stuff rout that you have a remaining do you have any se’s remaining no I only got 10 for [ __ ] sake why did I just destroy a bunch of cactus cuz you’re a fool I am yeah I’m G to go harvest my

Coffee look at that fence it’s broken if we’re going to grow these within a week week how the hell are we going to get this like how long does wine take how many days we got to do this I think like two weeks yeah we got 13 days left you can

You can you get out get out my my coffee play we definely need Deluxe speed grow um we also need a Raz a goat you bought two right I did I bought two I thought you were going to buy another one but it’s cool it’s cool

Again I like how we’ve ended up buying all the bloody animals that we probably would have had to just buy anyway if we wanted to do the bundles so pig lady we love you for giving it us the things that TIY bit faster but then again I guess big lady taught us a

Valuable lesson so she’s like even though I bring them one at a time it’s faster to do it yourself I’m like I love you but why you we have to grow it there look after them but I guess we love them BOS b b seeds my Apple Tre is growing as well

All we need now is the Truffle from the Pig and the apple tree sold itself out and then once that’s done that’s it gold whato tided up outside your house you let me go shut the chickens cuz I love them oh they’re all I love all of

You uh okay so it’s putting everything inside that chest now which is good even the grabbing machine mhm so that’s useful uh this isn’t working oh no it isn’t doing the gra machine I did that myself oh okay unless it did and I didn’t notice no we just need the

Truffle in the um yeah we got we we’re now we’ve now got 10 bits of cheese cuz I just put two more bits of milk in and sick now we just need to go chees Oh wrong chest what am I doing that was there we go right uh yeah we’re making good

Time I shall go chop down some trees that’s a good idea I’ll do that too I’ll just do a general side every time the lightning strike happens I’m happy it means we get money I didn’t go and buy the [ __ ] ring ring I think you can go do it I am I got

To teleport to the beach off I go I also have a farm teleport so thank God look at me go go where are you strange man that sells things on beach he’s not here does he leave did you fix the bridge he’s not here he does leave after a certain time

[ __ ] is it raining tomorrow can you check I’m currently chopping down trees we’ll find out tomorrow I mean I don’t okay I guess I could always just grab day it’s not really a huge deal is my back full Jesus it is all right let’s teleport home ah just cing everywhere

Nice I think I can be in a relationship with um Sebastian now oh should go ask him out we’re at uh nice oh saw this as well yes I am content with the contents of my bag see my coffee beans got done they did nice we’ll turn three of these into

Espressos cuz an espresso covers half the day I think so that’s pretty good hello just standing outside my house hello I need to keep nine of these sell the rest now to make some tasty tasty coffee nice put this on the left we report says tomorrow is rain yes

I can get the wedding ring we’re good dog you’re in the way I love you please move wonder if I can get the wedding ring or if I have to be a certain Heart level I think you have to be dating them technically you haven’t give the bouquet

Yet have you no you got to go buy that from PI oh God I’m so comfy right now IRL do you mind if I go make another hot chocolate I was literally about to say give me a second going to go get a drink all right well you’ve passed

Out no yeah but I was inside the house it’s all good nice A little up in farming I I love my my coffee beans they just give me that passive XP and money all right we’re going to go grab some hot drinks so be right back everyone see you guys in a Sec Hello hello everyone we are now back uh yes and there was also a rat new rat new rat has come to say hello at the door good as reward apparently the fire effect I use on stream is very loud I need to uh Poss it is it is loud when when it goes

From um um when it when it transforms it is quite loud have you never heard it on the stream I’ve done test I didn’t realize it had gone back to maximum settings I’ll have to loud yeah yeah I’ll I’ll turn it down I’ll we just you

Can always just turn that bit you can always just have that bit muted just have the give me a Bop there there was a way of doing it I just need check the settings I think it is even louder than me I agree thanks video no uh maybe

It’s sets maybe it’s the way she walks straight into my heart and FL there is a way of changing stream yeah transitions but forgot how to do it has been a while since I’ve edited anything I’ll just change I’ll just turn the volume off if you can but you don’t do

It right now cuz you’re not playing on be BRB yeah good point what hot chocolate did you get I got uh cookies and cream and mint chocolate mixed together it’s even Lou than that oh wow it’s Lou than you too loud I’m sorry for you view they

Have to deal with me like Jesus the poor little ears oh thank you Caroline she sent me a potato you go to the mailbox you get a letter of potato how would you feel it be mashed potato by the end of it you know like the RO service grabbing all the battery packs

That we made yesterday a successful Harvest of the Skies light I already gra uh grabbed some so come to me if you want me to give you how doare you take them Oh I thought Oh I thought if I grabbed them it meant that more would be produced so I was

Doing it for well we’ve got 27 of the things now so you can help yourself if you want to make more sprinklers brilliant I think there a certainly Quest where you do have tons so it would be good to harvest them plus I think with the double Bounty

Thing we get from forging I think that tech means get two on occasion right oh I’m looking forward to the feast later today enjoy what you going to get from theb I might have a mixed grill and a ton of sides probably no alcohol though not really a fan of drinking

Me yeah we’ll ship with this potato uh I don’t actually know I have a potato I like how you just have thrown random [ __ ] into this chest in the middle the community chest was supposed to be for the community instead you’ve just used it as your well the community can use it if

They want they can’t because it’s not for the communy center yeah but I’m telling them they can use it if they want I will move whatever needed and put them into proper storage time to buy another goat let’s go the goat the OG the guy uh what did we need here little too

Much I’ll start putting some of the wood in the restorage bin what to do with this though potato I guess I can keep the potato in there for now you put crispy bass in there for some reason happy birthday thanks Omni geodes normal geodes naal shells apples Rosen tears gems just a

Bunch of just a bunch of [ __ ] really purple mushrooms as well also there’s just 30 winter seeds in here that you never used yeah just you’re a mess maker aren’t you I am Indeed okay I can still selling some of this I’ll put the bass and the fridge in the house and then I’m definitely going to go buy that wedding engagement and give it to Emily today cuz I keep forgetting to oh yeah I need to get flowers from Pierre but obviously he’s closed yeah

There are no proposals or relationships on Wednesdays on Wednesday have a good night I can put some of these items I look it was just a mega bomb in one of the things as well yeah just here you go mate this is one of the most dangerous forms of dynamite those are

Mine also you left your official cap in here like a postman’s cap yeah take it out do something else no bloody mess maker I I am I mean like every time I every time like I’m anywhere near near your house I just dump every on the floor don’t put it in

The proper place it needs to go no bloody sauce again it takes up my time I just got two bloody cutcenes Right put those in there okay right let Dr one of these use that use that first right about the beach TOS speed where is he hello My Rainy strange looking fellow give me the mermaid pendant for 5,000 off I go proposing again don’t want I say it again I haven’t married anyone

Yet but the don’t we doing an play through so that is ah I accept there we go I’ll set everything up we’ll have a ceremony in three days there we go let’s see it’s Wednesday uh the elegant reception still being made and watered the plants so don’t need to do those

Today I’ll go chop more wood I suppose keep cluing out the farm who knows maybe we’ll have uh a bit of look and the fruit bats have delivered a tasty Apple I prob go check the uh Greenhouse see see if that upper tree is grown by

Now what we got what was that ner got I think I need have a quest for that oh it’s a peach uh don’t need to do that way okay let’s see uh I’ll go check on the chickens that’s what I’ll do I’ll give them a pet and

The goods too if I increase their happiness then that means we can get better quality Goods faster everybody’s going to get a pet on the head including the void chicken which looks metal I know all right we got a bunch of mayonnaise including void mayonnaise and dinosaur

Mayonnaise good to I don’t like the description it smells like grass and leather like a biker gang chicken hello animals here are some pets there we go everyone is happy back in the Uber games you could buy a brush to pet your animals with and it would give you one extra bit of

Happiness with them so you would pet your animal and then you would Bush your animal and in doing so you would have really really happy animals and then they would make really good quality stuff uh right none of that’s growing that’s fine suppose I’ll go to which part of the farm haven’t we

Harvested much of oh we haven’t been to the The Rock area in a while let’s go see if there’s anything over there oh you’ve earned the clicks achievement what’s that mean you befriended enough people uh five level heart before people nice look at you making friends so Proud yeah let’s clear up this area well me Sebastian at the P well done going a kiss e gross IM if like you’re at your wedding and if is like you may now kiss the pride you’re like I don’t think I’m ready for that yeah he has anxiety cool you like being around

Me and now we’re cuddling under an umbrella a how sweet how romantic I propose to my wife earlier today and instead spending time with her I decided that I’m just going to go and chop blogs and wood did she say yeah yeah she said yeah much so like now I’m not into that

What speak English what the hell was that like was like imagine if he was like I’m not into that you know like what not to what ABY what what the [ __ ] are you saying you did marriage you making no sense marriage what she not into marriage I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m

All about you okay you sound like you’re half asleep how was it make like your character and drink some coffee also I think of the lyrics Right Simon even though I forgot what song I was singing uh apparently someon could understand you but I sure H couldn’t just

Then you Mumble wrapping to me Mumble wrap yes the lon’s probably the easiest place to give gifts chill yeah but only if you have the gifts they want or I just give them more coffee fa enough it’s lightning I love lightning me more battery packs tomorrow I’m going to go and open

A host of geodes I have i’ got way too many uh you’ve got the Galaxy sword now don’t you no I Haven done it there’s a a prismatic shard in the community chest I know I just haven’t done it yet lazy I am inde right well it’s midnight so I’m

Going to hit the head game I’ve watered my little plants it is off the bird I love my bedroom think might do a quick workout I Wasing the best one ever yeah that was it that was good ah great I did say stole it I said stole

It I like how even when you side with Abby you yell at him oh yeah for shame yell at random people on well Sim’s not random so’s part of the community by now he’s been vigilantly always around to converse and such so yeah see he prefers to side with me

It’s weird you saying that it’s weird you saying my normal name there Simon not sure how about you call me that I believe he’s called Mark I do find it funny that your name is Mark it’s just such a name like [ __ ] Mark oh I’m sorry Abby yeah that’s a

Cool name really oh it’s a cool name you like the name no it [ __ ] isn’t Man Mark is the uh basic [ __ ] name guardian of Mark literally something that you put on Paper we’re I hate you one day we’re going to stop being friends you’ll be like but why we’re going to stop being friends no I’m stuck with you now no you don’t get it Mark this is permanent this is perent It’s Pam’s birthday going to give Pam a

Gift today I’m going to give her alcohol that’s yeah it’s definitely not something you should be giving her but that’s her problem not mine yeah right with the star fruit growing in the bedroom I like my bedroom is the emergency planting area whoever reports it’s going to be a clear day

Okay mayil oh cool thanks Mo she gave me uh 30 hay you can feed the animals life as hell all I do is feed life is hell all I do is feed it’s only coffee beans farmer plants seeds in ground complains when the Harvest comes out I’m a millionaire please help

Millionaire how much money you got you in real life I’m a millionaire no you’re [Laughter] not Abby I love you I would never dox you her finances aren’t that good no we don’t discuss finances on his channel I would like that as a quote Abby I love you I’ll never talk to

You yeah I don’t know I I I personally don’t want to discuss finances on the channel like ever I mean yeah we’re not fully Finance Channel but I can tell you for free I’m not a millionaire yeah most people are not Millionaires and that is okay I’m going to say yeah

Don’t let YouTube make you feel insignificant because you know there’s a lot of people on here that like to show off their cash it’s like look if you have money you have a personality it’s like no you don’t in fact you’re probably very unlikable the only people want

Be the only people that want to be around you tend to be be over people who you know brag about their wealth oh coffee beans you mean me I’ve planted more coffee have I planted I mean I’ve harvested yeah you make you must be making some serious Bank though because

Of all the uh coffee beans You’ I am please help [Laughter] no I’m going to go pet your chickens good and the cows here’s me being like I won’t really want to take care of the animals it’s a little of work I you’ve got them I’m like I love

Them you’re like the Daddy’s like we’re not getting C and then as soon as you get one it’s like oh my my God I love it relx yo a truffle we got a truffle finally where’ you find it was it in the auto it was just outside let me check the

Uh thing oh we got wool somehow Oh Yeah from the Sheep well the goat oh oh oh for the rabbit rabbit do we have a sheep we have goats we have a rabbit uh the got good I’ll take that we got enough cheese for her now nice do goat

Cheese well the goats are good choose eventually but we’ve got we’ve done the Truffle you going to donate that truffle now yeah I’m also going to check the solo it’s got uh the solo is completely out of hay oh fine I’ll go get some yeah yeah I guess I’ll cut some grass today

As well I don’t the little animal starving oh I’ve also got 30 on me what the hell am I doing where’s my coffee drink that we can get around this place way faster speed can I just throw like hay directly into the silo yeah you just go tap on it no you

Can’t all right you should be able to no I just it didn’t work I’ll go put it in the food thing than God Mar gave you some hay here you go guys food I’ll also go donate the shffle and then I will also cut some grass today cuz I don’t want our little

Animals starving cuz I love you how to grow grass in this does it just naturally grow or it naturally grows okay can actually wait you know what I could just grab all the uh the grass from the um thingy you know what I should do I should go get that gold

Scythe I don’t think it does anything gold does I think I’m going to grab my cuz [ __ ] it yeah it’s a free gold C you get from that little Skull Cave so yeah wait where do I get the gold s from you know that like cave in the Quarry by the

Quarry oh yeah yeah there you go there you go to the end of it and there’s a gold safe that you get for free does it just replace my current site yes I don’t know if it does anything else I should probably Google that if someone else wants to Google for us that

Would be amazing but um yeah so I’m going to the Quarry Now where’s the cave oh the cave yeah I see it there we go that’s the chef bundle done Google what what the golden Scythe does at the end of the Quarry cave what we need now is that final

Apple and we are finished so how do I get to the end of that cave do I just just go through it yeah I’ll come with you cuz we can both do it so wait the entrance I’m on my way I haven’t got the Scythe on me but

You know yeah well I’m going to go around and cook grass and the golden Scythe I think is better you can’t that’s okay if you guys don’t want to go if you guys are un able to Google it it’s fine I could Google it myself but

You know I got to keep moving he’s lazy I am lazy he he look at me being lazy here’s the Quarry and the cave is over here I think yep there is is in I go down I go slay some creatures oh get you bombing we have the Galaxy swords so

This place is like more of a kcap it’s a nightmare to do like early game are you just blowing up like rocks civilizations yeah I bet there’s only three levels in this place if anything I think this was kind of like what he was trying to work on

When it came to um like a dungeon like he wanted it to be more like more combat orientated so oh nice reading pickaxe in fact I think there’s a staircase at the end of this I don’t think you actually have to mind the Box

Oh [ __ ] s i I haven’t been in a while just run away from them oh yeah it’s right there for crying out loud that was I just had to walk I got to get rid of something there you go the gold safe and then if you right click on the Statue

You get teleported out a there you go out we are right cool new safe you can’t trash the old one you have to put in storage but with this I can now Harvest grass faster I think there’s also a bunch of ore here if you want to grab

It ah Clint you’ve just closed I wanted to open GEOS you know what my bag was full anyway I’ll do it tomorrow oh here we go uh Simon Says larger radius 7 75% chance to Harvest a up from 50% so yeah you harvest a faster yeah I’m getting a bunch of P now

Good it’s pam pam what can I give you I have a cactus fruit you may have cuz it’s your birthday happy birthday Pam oh where’s Pam she’s in town middle of town yep she loved that gift so much that she got bumped all the way up to fourth place my friend’s roster

Just go go get her nice yeah bunch of hey okay things I don’t need that I’ll keep the pink cake cuz these are actually do I even need them I’ll put ref yep the old safe in there for now actually know I can put that by my bed uh just doing some organizing

So now what else do we need to do on the um quite literally just the free apples that’s it really that’s it then we’ve done with the community center we’ve where’s our raffle tree that’s growing it’s in the uh Greenhouse I don’t see it growing that’s it’s on the left in the greenhouse

Oh yeah yeah it’ll be growing at some point and produce us apples and then if we just get fre apples with the same quality boom we’re done like green houses they’re uh they’re clever all right let me think for a sec yeah these can be opened up tomorrow Pake can be put in

Fridge and then I’ll also go chop chop some uh grass for the animals oh I got a bunch of grass but like for the sail yeah let’s see how many glassy we got we’re at 240 out 240 oh we maxed out yeah BL that didn’t take long did it that was empty

At the start good job they give Abby a golden s which turns into bloody Ruby from Ruby oh you told me about that when we’re playing Conan it’s a show that people love or hate I personally aren too first but I know a lot of people that don’t like it

Hello hello someone says I like the first two season watch on that I’ve watched every single season cuz it’s it’s one of those shows that like I’ve started and I want to see to the end you know you just you just got to see it finished it like Ruby

Started when I was in college that should say something that marks an old man yep that started in college and it has been running past un and past most of my career in life so I wish to see it to the end you know it’s one of those shows at this point has

Been I dare say probably one a third of my entire life on this planet so yeah remember when seeing the uh original trailers for it for Yang Ruby Weiss and Blake and I thought it was pretty cool you know why not have cool melee weapons that have guns inside I was always down

For that practically impossible to function that way they would break and you know but screw it I’ve always been a big fan of wild crazy cool fantasy and yeah it seemed all right but then you got to remember when I was a teenager and stuff you have like

Sword Art online and that come out and that was a big hit God I remember yep I remember watching the bridge version on YouTube oh I remember that as well that’s fantastic season one good season two who the [ __ ] cares like just it’s just the first few episodes of

Season one everyone remembers and then that’s really it like I completely agree Simon it’s like something that could be exponentially better if the company that was taking Tak care of it was like you know had a bit more well sensibility about it but then again all those young companies that

Started up when the internet started to take off have all kind of gone down the drain now it’s cuz back then um when like being geeky and stuff like so pronounced on the internet was appraised and such they never really looked at the personalities behind all

That on the front cover they like this is the product we’re selling this is like what the office is like and they show an office that was like full of like air hockey T slide or some [ __ ] oh that looks like the best place ever you

Know those guys are like you know you’re going to pass up my lash enjoy sleeping on the brick yeah but then like you know years later after the companies been produced for a while even the content dies out you’re like what happened and then you realize

Yeah like when you’ve got to work on on something you kind of need to have like an actual work ethic and it’s not always about playtime it’s about maintaining nice 50 gold loser believe me for my gold earnings of the day I get paid every two days you get

Paid shut up it’s nonstop please help well you’re the one that decided to grow a million coffee beans which as youve learned are very profitable I think they grow through spring and summer so have fun with that they do they should have the most cash CH a pair of us mhm but we

Are at the point now in the game where it’s like money is not really an issue and we pretty much just use the cash to pay for I don’t know things that we’re missing first year of the game is a challenge to secure uh funds in that for

The stuff you need for the community center second year it’s a doble you just blaz through it right void egg nice okay my job for today was to cook grass but seeing as that isn’t needed anymore I will uh I know direct is worth getting another

Silo not really we could just put it above the other one should we just I should we make a building like what building what building I don’t know you have no idea we’re kind of done that’s the thing we’re not done n of those I got really scared earlier when

We was playing Arizona Sunshine that certain cut scene played with the dog oh yeah like No And and then he just like the lights cut out and then it cuts back in I’m like oh never mind everything’s good yeah it’s all good um yeah I can’t wait to play that

The channel you can join me if you want oh yeah right we’re getting married in 3 days going to Emily I like how l lus is above Emily in my friendship thing lus is like BR before H am I right and I’m like lus do you need a house get a house

Haly’s happy with me every’s happy with me I’m like refering everyone in town I really haven’t done much with Leia which is surprising cuz Leia was my first ever like Choice when I played stardo yeah I got to be the over half of the villagers definitely favoritism lus going to Bor in your

Wedding or declare his love for you it’s like don’t bury her bir the trees have told me that I love you I’m like lonus buddy I respect you but [Laughter] no is some point even check at the pig lady now like oh should might have an apple

Should might have an apple do you want to go check I’ve been Town might be a to buy three I I’m currently getting coffee beans all right well let me open up all these geod that I have cuz way too many hopefully we’ll get some final

Stuff for the museum cuz I I guess that’s kind of like the end end goal really like the museum yeah it’s like when you get it in Animal Crossing you’re like I’m going to fill up the entire thing and then like few playing the game like can’t be asked

Yeah I can’t be out with this [ __ ] it’s like a black market for Animal Crossing players cuz like people get really sweaty about uh having certain villagers move into the town yeah yeah okay which TRS don’t we need don’t need that keep those don’t need that that don’t need

That keep it coming bad we got lots of rocks to open I feel like you can do this by yourself but apparently the game is like no Clint needs to be the one that hits them with the hmer to the sad man he needs a job he’s already stole his girl that’s true I did steal your woman in

Neand I’m actually doing what I did at the very beginning when we first start stream like imine if I married Emily was like Hey CLE me and Emily are getting married in a few days thanks open my GE but I appreciate it you’re getting married on Shane’s birthday ah [ __ ] Shane

Bastian I can’t remember who likes Shane I think it was Simon I think Simon likes Shane yeah Simon said o in chat it was definitely that don’t say loud about Shane I will I will he’s a [Laughter] dork uh uh Ive got all these rocks

Wow how much stuff is even left for the museum let me go check we’ve got great now I have to be Team Max instead wow let see how what it is we only have like uh what is that like five items 10 13 oh he BL 16 items a

Yeah there’s there’s only 16 items left in the museum well I got one donate now a skull oh cool nice you take that in hey I found a skull where did you get that I just found it where did you get that bird I I just found it I just seven missing

Non found non found all right let’s go check out pig lady maybe she’s selling the single Apple we need but it has to be the same quality so you should be able to buy free from her though you right I know hello pig lady we love you but I

Think Beyond this point you’re not actually needed too much um no she’s not selling it how sad I like how you bought the wedding ring recipe crafted the wedding ring and then ran up to me to try to get me engaged to you you psycho yeah I’m

Dedication you know I will s I’m a bit I’m a bit I’m a bit crazy you know forced engagements you know nothing more ping around than that this my buddy you’re just going to go by St and give a little thinger you’re just like sto your man and I’m like help

Help I pressed okay I thought was berries divorce uh all right yeah that’s it okay forging is level how is forging not level n or 10 yet chck crazy I’ll go check the fruit cave I’ve got like a nice little routine what does Shane like I need to

Give him something for his birthday oh is it today it’s tomorrow oh an orange oh two he likes triple shot espresso oh Pearl mytic Shard beer I’ll just get some beer from the saloon and give it tomorrow all right I’m just going to chop down trees

Nice I don’t know why I’m shoing down on his strees like you just want foraging XP don’t you yeah foraging XP and just I like to stock up on wood and stuff I don’t know why like whenever I play any kind of crafting game I’m just like I

Need to have a bulk of resources is available at any given time th just prep is important never be unprepared for stuff yeah whatever you say man hey you know like the haran inside the um like Amo pens does it like aill the troughs or do you need to like do

That yourself it auto fills it seems like it monsters known as squid kids are throwing elements of B in disarray enter the mines and slay two of these creatures okay I’ll just accept that yeah go into the mines and murder children oh yeah sure whatever you say well as long as it pays

There we go replanting all the trees that Cho down there we go right actually let’s see what’s up here nothing like a patch of land that stands out it makes me think like is there something there like unique and it turns out no I give everyone random crap I’m

Almost able to date Harvey as well you I know gross been mining level 10 is it’s level 9 hopefully this puts X speed towards it run right I’ve done foraging today I’ve done a bit of mining play some jumo car Tre tree Ys out tree Max Just sh out tree in the chat

And I’m like what screw jimo can’t tree he says yep true I hate what I’m really confused have I said something Abby not realized are you supposed to do something with the trees I don’t know he just says tree did you say you going chopped trees did you I I

Think was I absent mindly talking and not realizing what I was saying again I do that so often my ADH maybe three instead of free it just y tree like tree tree I don’t know what he means he’s scared me he’s yelling at me in chat and I have

No idea what the context is this gr how long’s like I left to grow mature on Spring 21st so 2 days the tree will mature all right we’re good wait how did you check those details sir just have one over any plant and it’ll tell you when uh it will produce something

I’m playing the arcade game nice you decided to do it at 11:00 at night yeah nothing else to do I suppose Shane’s birthday tomorrow and it’s also my wedding yeah I’m planning it for Shane’s birthday not for your wedding no wedding for you Shane no birthday celebrations for you Shan

I’m just like that I’m like man I’m so glad we can be here to celebrate this on this day where nothing else is happening shade’s just crying he’s like please he’s just drinking at the wedding bar I have to say this has been a real nice cozy afternoon before Christmas yeah like

Start was spent around 30 hours on this game we have like when it comes to certain survival crafting games we put in the dedication I’m thinking in the New Year we have to play Sons of the forest together yeah cuz that would be a great playthrough cuz they added so much to

That game and I really cannot remember how to play it as long as you’re okay with like dark caves and scary mutants and yeah yeah you’ll be okay all right we’ll play SS of the forest Simon Says Yes in chat so I think he’s excited for that as well

We also get Calvin on our team little Calvin does the thumbs up when he’s on fire sons of the forest is literally what introduce me to you oh it did did it yeah well we didn’t complete it back then so me and ab before I I

Existed I was not born then yeah you were you didn’t you you weren’t pulled into the material I was in spaces they didn’t un chew babby until she was needed they like you we go to the shop interview and you will friend the subject and she did and now she’s here

And now my life is better this man go to bed yeah you’re right [ __ ] [ __ ] sh I’m in the [ __ ] Saloon no one no one told me to leave she going to pass out and ghost is going to rob her wallet I’m just going to stay here in the salon

There’s no point going back to the farm G is like I found I found you passed out outside someone was going for your pockets and you’re like it was G you were the only person in the bar and you locked up I don’t know man I tried

To stop him but I know you lost like I don’t know like how much do you have on you yeah that much we shall Place into the forest we shall rescue our friend Kelvin we shall slay the mutants I will befriend Victoria I’m getting married bird first ride velan no one

Knew if he’d fit in our community thanks Le you prick from day forward bir is going as much as part this town as any of us it’s my great honor of this day 20th spring to unite bird NE in va’s marriage yeah marriage well let’s get right to it where are

You and Regional bear of the Ron seal I announce you husband and wife you may now kiss smooch you love Mary he’s like just so h no matter what yeah where’s uh where’s there is there’s lus life is going to be different from now on but the future looks bright a I’m

Going to go put a bomb in her house I look that’s my house a yeah we the bunny was wonderful wasn’t it dear yep well we can’t forget about the farm time to get to work yeah y time to get going and she’s also growing some crystals over the back look at that

That is insane also doesn’t she like put something in the house yeah she gets like a crystal room we got to put Power too I love it she’s being wed in by our ancient yeah I know these guys have got once once it’s I sort about after babe I’m

Sorry we have to make a dinner wine we got to climb over the plant parts we cannot move them if you do the plant explodes it’s just The Rules of Nature okay uh yep I’m going to go and harvest my coffee greens like you are doing have

Fun we could always install the tractor mod I don’t know maybe maybe now that we’ gotten to this point yeah we can look at the we got cu the tractor mod lets you just like run over fields and it auto sews no Auto what’s it replant I think it auto Waters it auto

Tills and it also Auto harvests but it’s very broken it is very broken at the start but it’s not broken Lake grain it’s just more for Speed because obviously you know you going for like the mear farms and stuff um I think by now we should have a tractor I think it

Just replaces the horse and we never use the horse so no okay wow you just teleported from my coffee glass on my screen nice I’m a horror Beyond The Coffee Bean comprehension The Coffee Bean Queen yes Goblin Queens mean bean machine yes whatever the [ __ ] that is what I have

Har thing are you okay there are you stuck like you’re kind of on the lantern that I put there one time as a decorative item and I feel like you’re stuck babe please help me I shall give her a gift here you go right what else we got so now I need

To Max everything out with she do you want kids I’m like no that’ll be the end you’re going to have kids I have kids I’ve do not want the children right let me go and see in the back cave no fruit okay oh yeah here’s like a fun fact for

You if you have like an entire F you know I think I need to move that Lantern I think it’s like bugging her out I really like that she’s just stuck there we go I got rid of it imagine you get married and you just stop by a pillow your days

Um yeah the there’s a fun little Easter egg in the game where if you have like a farm that’s completely automated the what your partner will be like oh hey I got up early today go water plants but she goes oh but those machines seem to

Be doing all you sure are like ahead or something like that yeah so it’s it’s like the reference the mods I like that where the [ __ ] is Shane we need him what do you mean oh yeah it’s his birthday it’s his birthday I don’t care I got

Married today go and prend Shane if you want to I Don’t Give A Shane’s at M’s house I’ll go buy him a beer like way Shane here you go mate is a B I got married today got married it’s your birthday is a b woo a short ass wedding if like the day

Still started at 6:00 a.m. I know right like you guys just got married and we just were like all go let’s go super early uh the bar’s closed I got to wait 10 minutes and buy beer yep oh got a cut scene oh it’s uh how go she’s playing on the arcade

Machines I think she got the new new high score uh good look your homework all right well she’s have to go do homework or whatever I I’m going to use some of your kegs cuz I need coffee that’s cool I’ll put uh the coffee that you made in um your red

Chest that is fine I’m just playing on the arcade machines oh another trule nice and another one nice what we need now is the uh apples and that’s it we’re finished then we got into the more exciting side of the game speed I’m an idiot I went straight into

That are you playing with abig girl or you playing by yourself I’m playing by myself I think there was an option to like play with her but I was just like n get out the way this my game what are we been shooting like zombies or goblins or something I think they

Zombies shooting something all right Next Level let’s go you’re shooting children your monster no I’m not oh God I got I Mis judged the pixels what does the Le do oh put on Mach oh shotgun oh ah right the game’s changed now it’s like stopped you um rather than

Using like a up straight way [ __ ] is game press SP yeah I prefer that to be honest some items get used straight away some let got press here Emily have a [ __ ] baguette I’m bad at this game oh well right where’re Shane I need to buy my beer

Now oh hey singy should preer oh there sh you go but right so that should hopefully give us a lot of friendship points I’m going to give a layer a bottle of maple syrup I should give up one in here maple syrup cuz it’s just a gift everybody likes you go

Bud G Shane his Beer Carl who the the hell is Carl it was a guy that was fighting in the Army oh yeah that guy I remember is only one game or is there like multiple games you could play Oh Jun moart progress May no yeah remember this one that you put the

Skeleton key into which is that one I’m just looking about for Secrets television set set to the c network well I’ve been streaming for nearly 3 hours wait have you I’ve been stream for yeah you know we’ve been busy when did we start uh it was like half 12 wasn’t it for

Rec wait wouldn’t that have been 2 hours I think it’s coming up to 3 hours now clinty reminiscing he like sometimes I wonder to how I ended up in this town I’m like where’ marry Emily gotcha I see Clint here but he won’t talk to anyone you just glances over his

Shoulder every now and again all right a bit depressing yeah he’s weird isn’t he B isn’t responding B isn’t responding just like a bunch of stuff oh you can change the music I ain’t going to do that yeah that’s what I do all right I am done with the bar for

The night I’ve given people gifts uh yep anyone in town I offended they gave Gus some thingy and he finally likes me a little bit P sponsor could be a sign of stroke oh God yeah Andy Pier Sandy how is Sandy me not even at least like one heart I’ve

Given her two of her favorite gifts damn sand is the the final boss of friendship the final boss of friendship I gave her two of her favorite gifts and she’s like H we’re not friends yet me trying to be friends with M AB is the final boss of friendship yeah I

Guess at first it was very uh like distant making friends M was playing hard to get a friendship like all right let’s see what’s on TV I up the whole house wash the windows dust and clean the fridge it was very productive today good job now you’re

Just looking at the fireplace from the side the fruit is coming along ni as well don’t need water yeah but’s not the final boss he’s like he’s just like the NPC Easter egg that you got to just speak to the right way you got to like

Do DDR in front of him and then he’s like yeah all right we’ll be I’m the secret I’m the secret uh friendship boss you know yeah all right uh guess I’ll go to bed like you don’t know you can be friends with him but if you stand there

Long enough on a Tuesday when it’s raining he like yeah all right I look forward to playing s to the for us now that’s it’s in my head I’ve never played it I have tog it I’ve Nick that 14 coffee you put on my chest by the

Way well that’s for you that was oh oh that 14 oh yeah you can have that 14 I’ll probably it into like Prime coffee you mean um expresso yes prime prime time to raid Audi for some coffee I don’t know why but I feel like if you

Take a super Prime you start talking about Krypto and like it is bedtime oh [ __ ] that’s one of your trees I almost dropped down one of your trees but I didn’t don’t you dare those trees are protected by the Environmental Protection Agency and that’s just me with a shotgun

I think I’ll go to the casino tomorrow I’ve unlocked it so see if I can my life away how how do I unlock the casino you have to do all the Mr que quests okay you have to put a battery pack in the tunnel and then you have to

Go around do all the other things how do you like your steak medium rare same good steak is medium rare in fact I shall have one tonight if I’m able to I’m going to go and head over there at well I going be there for half five it’s

Raining oh I’m going to go Mar Sebastian yeah go to it uh let’s put these Away We Go store fruit hopefully grow in time and then it will hopefully be made into a cake how do we always manage to change brn’s dinner what do you mean could you always say oh you’re

Going to have this tonight you’re going to have that tonight I don’t know what to wait what change wait what you asked me what my favorite way to cook steak is I’ve always said me yeah as in like as in like you’ve now said oh I’m going to

Go have steak tonight because there are times where like halfway for the stream you go oh that’s it I’ll drink this drink tonight because we start talking about it oh no changed my mind yeah Pi here I really want to play of sushimi sushimi is EAS to make isn’t it

Isn’t it just fish it’s just fish oh goats milk nice I’ll put that into the cheese see all that love and attention I gave to the goats is paying off you’re welcome I’m going to have a yeah big grill with probably some Sid because I don’t know if we’re just

Doing sides or we’re just doing a meal but if we are doing sides then I’ll just order it own sides and if we are doing a meal then I’ll have a mix gr cuz I can really how long have I not been talking how long have I not been talking

No you’ve been talking I heard you um talk about the goats and then that was it okay that’s fine all right cuz I just realized my thing was on U mute um I just got one apple so oh cool is it down I can’t har my be here by mistake

Oh pig lady maybe sure sell us an apple or free maybe she won’t let us down D you know what pick lady has carried us through most of the community center I want not disit her name she is a queen and we love her I use my peg CU I need some coffee

Uh pale broth battery packs trap bers shrimp cocktail sunflower grape starter table plant Coffee Bean n she has anything we need yeah anything that say goats milk is good though we love you uh pig lady but sadly there’s not much else to ask of you unless there’s

Additional quests I think there is cuz I think after you’ve destroyed JoJo Mar that’s turns into like a thing that you have to like gather SW I think they are quite challenging yeah we have to wait and see what happen to Morris actually get shot in the

Head y I got five bait from fishing sick yeah all right sshi me I have to make a vacation yep or I’m pretty sure you can use a campfire kit time to turn on the SP I don’t have that where you C you get it from farming or foraging

Enough you craft it oh do you yeah it’s in the crafting menu it’s at the bottom it’s uh 15w 10 fiber fre for one of them I think have you maxed out your foraging Mars no oh I don’t it’s in the crafting menu um at the bottom

I don’t have that then like scroll down I’m L the bomb yeah yeah I can see it on the screen now yeah I’m guessing we must haveed someone to teach you that I I don’t think so maybe but lus yeah lonus always teaches me [ __ ] first and says

That you’re his best friend snake [Laughter] actual all right I’ll go and give Pi’s [ __ ] sushimi what does Pier even like cuz I don’t think of Pier’s like friends with Pier what can I give you you like stuff that’s just like an absolute pain in the ass to get you know what you’re

Getting do do you like thingy he likes dish the sea he likes Shi this triple shot I guess I can give you a triple shot espresso I have like eight on me so I’ll give you this as a gift but then I’m going to have to like definitely consider just giving you umer

Things that you enjoy the daily Quest is the squid kid thing I’ll do that afterwards all right here is your sushimi so that’s one bit of friendship and then here is a gift okay and then I will give some Maple Sy to those people in the shop here you go

Abigail here you go green haired lady Caroline I’ll give some to you too I like how they add to the the the dude and I honestly never see anyone go for him what oh Victor yeah you can go for his mom but yeah thanks

M uh let’s see uh mine’s left go kill a squid kid Splatoon players so horrified I know right like what no you are neither squid or kid you are deceased one squid K down going to grab all this gold seeing as we don’t have a lot of it although we

Don’t really use a l of it so yeah I should G my pickaxe it’s still only iron iron yeah you know I don’t really need much else well actually you do cuz you’re noticing it now mine’s aridium makes life a lot okay brag yeah I’m better than you I have an

SD card that’s good yeah see how it is always bringing wealth into it do you know Mark didn’t have an SD card when I met him yeah now he does cuz she literally made me go out and buy an SD card on the day you have an SD card pant we’re going

To the shop right now I’m getting one those were her exact words wow Simon you’re going to rip into me too okay well I see how this is going not much of a Christmas that I wanted but you know it’s cool is there anyone’s uh birthday today I don’t know I’m not the

Calendar what are squid kits like I thought I killed [Applause] them oh yo you got night Sergeant nice you dropped a blade You Dropped a tempered broadsword it’s worse than the Galaxy sword I don’t want it and I’m angry I’m also going to start grabbing the um what’s it called as well quartz

Because I need that because we used a bunch earlier for the refinement did I do the squid quid Quest appear one what’s a squid kid the little orange things that PO up on the ground that’s no those are dig dugs aren’t they big dudes actually I think it’s those

Floating faces I think I just remember them they look the skulls no no no no there’s like those weird floating heads that spit fire at you remember oh those are the screw kids yeah I got to kill those what I need we need the Slime I need the vence and the

S if you can read this come to secret W PR beinging Maple syp yes that is the bear we will befriend him his name is Brian is he no I’m surpris he doesn’t want you to bring honey maybe because it takes too long to harvest you kid failing to find any squid

Kits maybe I’m at like too shallow on I don’t I think the ni but at least I’m making gold we should probably end the stream soon how long are we stream yeah we have been stream for a while we should end it uh probably after today yeah yeah yeah

Good three hour streams good enough let me see I’ll go to lower is squid quid a YouTuber it would’t surprise me squid kid you’re a squid now where is it you’re a squid you’re a squid you’re a squid you’re a kid I remember that you said skid

Skid you can skid and you can kid NE of us can be kids we adults now life project what’s the point it’s kind of crazy that you’re in a child just kind of Fades out one day that’s actually a joke don’t listen to me don’t listen to me that was a joke

That was a joke no you you can literally remain useful youthful it’s just a mindset at the end of the day be yourself always the the the first thing I asked when we looked at the hotel to go on holiday was can we play hide and

SE no one said yes by the way so all of your childhoods are dead I I will have fun playing hide and seek in the hotel all right no one wants to play hard and seek with me I don’t like tags can’t run okay we’ll play hard and seek don’t worry

Okay Abby stop yelling at me please freak it out we’ll play hide and seek Jesus no be fine we’ll uh yeah we I did check it this morning and I think the price has gone up on that place we did look at originally so we may have to

Consider going somewhere else oh have a look look I a lookies what was your favorite like party game as a kid like musical bumps uh trying to think of more um past puzzle was insane cuz whenever like my sister and I would like pass it to each other we’d end up like holding

It really really really really really slowly hoping the music will stop on us which not how that works I was a fan of um give me a sec let me just eat some food play is going to die is it like mus statues was pretty good I also liked um what’s it called

The musical chair musical chair that was intense at the end I preferred musical chairs and down to like what was that beaut that’s terrible um because if you did musical statues like you know obviously if two people were really good at it like it was a lot more um

Time wasy that Mak sense yeah exactly yeah cuz it would just take a long time whereas musical chairs yeah have you what about musical bumps do you remember that one where you lit just have to jump on the floor and be sat down and you just like that’s how you destroy your

Tailbone as a child um yeah no I I don’t um I prefer musal chair cuz obviously it like you could kind of just win if you’re like good well yeah you one the one had to win at the end that’s the thing like it would it there was a

Definitive amount of rounds where musical actually I we’re going to go a bit around here right when I was a kid okay I used to always like go to like those discos and stuff that you like have on holiday or school or something like that okay and there’s always be a

Dance contest right and here’s the thing I could dance it wasn’t doing dance yeah it wasn’t doing good dancing I could do I could dance when I was a kid all right I was very good at dancing but here’s the thing whenever I would get the down

To the finals it’d be between me and like like a cute little kid like a little girl like cuz I was I was a little kid I was a little boy right they’d always every single [ __ ] time picked the little girl and I was like you know what sexism [ __ ] you it would

Always yeah it’ always be like there’ll be like one kid like actually busting a move and then there’ll be a little kid doing like the like the world’s shittest ballet dance I like did mus SCH dancing kid they always chose the little girl and it pissed me off cuz it was like I’m

Dancing she’s doing that [ __ ] hip swinging like you know it looks like just awful just terrible dancer and like I would lose and I just I’d be so I’d just like be so angry I’d be like you know what I deser my parents would be like you should have won

That they would they would my par like you should have won that you you were actually dancing and trying to put a bit of moves in and like they were just doing the awkward side to side dance and it just but they always let the little kids win cuz they’re little I’m just

Like [ __ ] you I the win cool I uh leveled up I’m level 9 in comat let’s get rushed and with that that’s the end of the stream yeah we’re end it there but ladies and gentlemen we do appreciate you tuning in today and we hope you’ve enjoyed stream if you have

Like And subscribe as always we appreciate you guys all support the channel and we cannot wait until uh 2024 we’ll probably stream a bit more after Christmas but we won’t be streaming anymore tonight and definitely not tomorrow because it was Christmas day but in the meantime have yourself an

Amazing Christmas tomorrow and happy holidays if you don’t celebrate that I want everyone to have a good time eat plenty of food spend time with loved ones and just uh you know enjoy the Good Vibes all right catch you all next time thanks for watching bye-bye

#stardewvalley #stardewvalleystream #live

Me and Abbey are chilling this afternoon before we both head off to go do some Christmas adventures ourselves with family and such, so we had lil time to play some Stardew Valley and decided to get a stream in.

Also check out @tamamusic for the chill beats that are played on this stream.

Enjoying the banter? Come join us by The Campfire :

Be sure to Like and Subscribe as we make our way up the algorithm with good vibes and cozy gameplay!

Finally thank you for checking out my channel! 🔥

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