The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns of 2023…

Oh my goodness there’s an end port in this Village that’s like insanely rare I’m so lucky these are some of the funniest fake Minecraft speeduns I have ever seen this first runner spawns in with a bonus chest something that is definitely not allowed in a speedrun the chest also contains three iron something

That can’t spawn in a bonus chest but is going to be very handy also notice this wool on the ground here clearly showing that this world has already been placed on as the runner must have killed a sheep without cleaning it up the runner runs to a nearby Village next where he

Finds an iron golem in a very strange location unable to move and so extremely easy for him to kill in The Village’s blacksmith he finds a flint and steel which looks realistic but is not a possible spawn once the runner is done looting The Village he spots a ruined

Portal that is conveniently very close by but get this in the Portal’s chest there is an enchanted golden apple a normal Golden Apple Gold a gold sword and a block of gold look all of these items are possible spawns but the probability of them all occurring

Is I don’t even know very low and when the runner closes the chest the portal is essentially complete not at all what it looked like beforehand the runner completes the portal enters the Nether and immediately attempts an advanced technique where you use the by chart in the F3 menu to locate the nearest

Bastion but instead of quickly changing your render distance like you’re supposed to for this trick this guy literally just spams random keys and then eventually runs right to a Bastion I mean clearly he knew where the Bastion was but it definitely wasn’t from his Advanced technique oh also on the way to

The Bastion the rudder crosses over this little bridge over lava here that was very blatantly made by him before the run the runner finds NE netherite in two of the Bastion chests and while netherite can spawn in bastions it can’t in these rooms only in a treasure Bastion after grabbing gold around the

Bastion the runner throws a ton at piglins but I guess gets impatient and just leaves before getting any ender pearls the runner finds a fortress next where after killing some blazes makes the strange decision to mine the spawner which drops additional blaze rods the runner returns to the overw world and

Finds the stronghold where the end portal already has eight eyes in it something that has a less than 0% chance of spawning one in 307,000 to be specific this next run is very interesting let me show you why firstly the water from this Farm here has spread a ton something that would

Take more than 2 seconds into the run to happen but also notice some of the movements the runner is making they seem pretty nonhuman shown once again when the runner opens a chest and yeah this suggests that the runner is using some sort of mod to enhance his movements

Which in fact is confirmed by the small icon above his hot bar a mark of the low Tas mod for Tool assisted Minecraft speed runs something that is allowed but only in specific tool assisted runs something that this run is not it’s supposed to be completely vanilla the

Runner has also included his world seed in the description which when loaded up shows that the flint and steel he found in the blacksmith chest doesn’t actually spawn naturally and must have been placed by him before the run the runner takes advantage of this enhanced movement again when fighting an iron

Golem where he’s able to perfectly maneuver in order to avoid taking any damage the runner builds a portal next and enters the nether where he spawns right into a fortress something that must have been edited considering there is no Fortress when entering the nether in this exact location on his sea while

Fighting a ton of blazes the tool assisted movements are clearly shown once again and the same for some more mobs later on it’s also worth noting that the runner takes no fall damage likely thanks to his mod exploiting a Minecraft glitch that disables player velocity when first loading into a world

The runner heads back to the Overworld next but there’s another obvious cut in his recording shown by a slight change in his XP bar after changing Dimensions he heads to the stronghold utilizing both Eyes of Ender and ender pearls but once in the stronghold the runner suddenly has an end crystal in his

Inventory totally random but he’s going to need it in just a second he enters the end and thanks to his mod immediately places the crystal something that if executed within four ticks of loading into the dimension will prevent the dragon from spawning and it works

There is no dragon so the runner is able to enter the exit portal right away and complete his run I wonder if this guy is actually any good at the game without a mod to help him by the way thank you guys for 600 ,000 subscribers maybe now

We can get to 700,000 Please Subscribe this Runner spawns in an absolutely terrible location that any normal speedrunner would just ditch and reset but this isn’t a normal speedrunner instead he continues with the Run by walking right to a ruined portal that has some crazy loot in its chest

Including some diamonds which fit right in but according to the ruined portal loot tables cannot actually spawn the runner has all the obsidian he would need to complete the portal but he doesn’t instead he walks directly to a massive Village that he clearly already knew the location of this is further

Shown by the fact that these crops in the village have already grown in quite a bit suggesting that these junks have been loaded for more than the few seconds he’s shown them in the run in the village he finds a number of iron golems an amount that I guess is

Possible considering The Village’s size but seems fairly unlikely he also also finds a chest with an impossible amount of bread why I’m not sure next the runner runs to his second ruined portal which he uses to finally enter the nether but this isn’t the first time

He’s been in the dimension shown by the lava that has already flowed all the way down to the ground a clear contrast to what actually happens to this lava when the nether is first generated this is confirmed further by the obsidian that we can spot in the corner of his screen

Clear remains of a past nether portal the runner quickly finds a Bastion that strangely has very few piglin in it making it very easy for him to loot one of the loot rooms for an insane and impossible amount of gold wow he then uses this gold a stack and a half to be

Specific to spam at the few piglin in the Bastion and quickly obtain ender pearls and blaze rods the second of which is not a possible trade next the runner builds a portal in a very specific location and while everything seems normal when he first travels through it things get suspicious again

When the runner lines himself up and walks in a perfectly straight line all the way until he reaches the stronghold once entering the end thanks to coincidentally having the perfect number of eyes to do so the runner only has to destroy a few of the end crystals due to

The rest of them already being gone this makes it very easy for him to quickly kill the dragon and finish his run let’s move on this Runner exposes himself right off the bat as his world loads super quickly way quicker than it would take to generate a new world he also

Spawns right inside of a village very convenient where he completely ignores this Iron Golem despite having all the materials he would need to fight it a strange decision but one that makes more sense when in a house’s chest he finds plenty of iron clearly placed there by himself this becomes even more obvious

When the runner doesn’t get the achievement for grabbing the iron he leaves the village but after running for a sec mines down and right into a lava pool that was previously entirely covered and otherwise impossible for him to spot after quickly making a portal and entering the nether the rudder finds

What is clearly supposed to look like a fortress but was obviously just made by him and he didn’t do a great job what’s even more obvious is the chest he finds in this Fortress with a ton of items particularly the blaze rods now that he no longer needs blaze rods the runner

Begins to hunt for and quickly finds a Bastion where there are a ton of gold blocks way more than would naturally generate once he has multiple stacks of gold the runner finds a hole in the ground that seems very man-made just big enough for him to fill with piglins and

Trade for ender pearls next the runner builds a portal to head back to the Overworld despite not really having enough pearls or rods to get to the end but after switching Dimensions suddenly has plenty he starts heading to the stronghold where he mins straight down and right into the portal room allowing

Him to quickly enter the end once in the end the rudder has a ton of eggs in his inventory and even though he picked up some eggs earlier in the run it wasn’t nearly this many he’s now able to use these eggs to destroy the crystals way

Quicker which makes for a much faster ending of his run okay let’s let’s just end on a high note thanks for watching and remember to subscribe

These are some of the Funniest FAKE Minecraft Speedruns I have EVER seen…

I found some of the MOST HILARIOUS and FAKEST Minecraft speedruns in the new 1.20 version of Minecraft- in this video I break them down and analyze them, and it is crazy…

You probably saw my past few videos like “The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…“, “The Biggest CHEATER in Minecraft Speedrunning…”, and “The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.19 Minecraft Speedruns…”, but these are some of the craziest I have ever seen to finish up the year…


  1. based off of the second to last run, I'm starting to think that some people might be purposely "faking" these runs just for a chance to get in your videos. I could be wrong or those people haven't been featured yet, after all it's just an idea that brewed up in my head while watching and I still enjoy seeing these videos just to get a general idea of how the under 12 year olds are getting on in terms of cheating a block game

  2. this is so crazy, you actually gained 6,000 subscribers in 6 hours! at this rate, you'll hit 7,000 subscribers in less than 4 days! I love your work, man!keep up the awesome work! edit: im sorry, i got that super wrong, its 700,000, not 7,000

  3. The removal of player velocity isn't exactly a glitch in retrospect. In fact, it's actually one of the several types of damage that can be disabled with the gamerule command, making you unkillable to certain non-combat hazards like drowning

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