Festive fun in Terraria as a BEETLE warrior! | Terraria 1.4.4 Melee Playthrough/Guide (Ep.13)

Hey hey welcome back my friends to the Terraria Master Warrior playthrough today folks I’d like to get straight into things by getting down to a jungle temple we get into the jungle temple with the temple key that we got in the last episode as a result of defeating

Planta and what I’m hoping for of course is a solar tablet I want to grind out the solar eclipse in today’s episode because I want the terror blade it’s as simple as that we need to try and grab ourselves one broken hero sword and that

Is it it really is as simple as that so we’ve got what 4 and a half minutes to get ourselves down to the temple get ourselves a solar tablet all the resources to make a solar tablet and then we can go for the goal of getting ourselves a Broken Hero S all righty

Well we are just about there we just need to figure out where the devil the freaking entrance is to this thing oh it’s here oh thank goodness for that there’s me thinking I might have to go to the left left hand side boom Snappers all right dismantling all

The traps as I go along so we can maximize our lifespan here oh good grief there’s a lot of things going on uh there’s another little trap over there so far not a single chest how the devil is that possible eh either though or I’m just God awful at spotting them I mean

They are kind of camouflaged into their surroundings right the good news is we are getting a good amount of solar tablet fragments if I could get myself eight that would be all I need there’s a lot of dudes around here they all want my blood and I’m not going

To give it to them ah never mind there’s actually a chest right here containing the remainder of the fragments I needed all right still got a little bit of time before the solar eclipse is going to begin get another chest over here absolutely wonderful another chest down here absolutely wonderful oh hey and

Here we are we’re already down at the boss room depending on how the solar eclipse goes maybe we go for the goal of taking down golum as well all right pretty sure that’s all traps taken care of that’s all the chests explored as far

As I know as well let me just do a little bit of future proofing here I’m just going to put down some torches while it’s still nighttime and then when we come back later we can get straight on with making a bit of an arena here I mean literally the arena will just

Consist of one platform and then a bunch of buff stations so then my friends this is all we need all righty just a few seconds and we will have ourselves a solo Eclipse here it is in fact all we need to have happen is for the moon to

Spawn in and then that’s about it really that’s all our goals consist of in this event although then again I do kind of need a moonstone if I’d like to get myself a Celestial Stone shell whatever it may be later on down the line we’re going to be needing a

Moonstone and these guys the vampires as pesky as they are they are the dudes that drop them you know what I think this may be the way to go in place of the true Knight’s Edge I really love the area of oh okay I’m dead I really love

Sort of the area of damage that gives you around I think that’s absolutely fantastic but you know the death kind of dampens that a little bit but no matter it’s all good I’m not going to get annoyed today because my friends at the time of this video going out it’s

Christmas Eve so we have something else to do today as well I would like to use the final bit of space in my snow biome here to make myself a big old Christmas tree base I figured that would be a nice way to go so yeah Moon the terror blade

A new Christmas base for Christ Christmas 2023 here if all of that sounds like your CER te my friends then do be sure to continue heading down beneath the video and spending a second to drop a like I’d really appreciate it hit the Subscribe button don’t forget to

Ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content and if you do want to go on further of course you Cod Pyon and ordering any of my Apex gaming PCs for 5% off or for what big 15% off if you decide to buy some Terraria merch

From Terraria shop ah okay this is actually kind of annoying the Excalibur is nice in terms of area of damage around you but then it’s kind of hard to pass up the projectile that the true Knight’s Edge shoots out and I’m dead again literally I’ve been here 5 Seconds

Literally spent probably a grand total of a minutes of this event just dead oh not good my friends not good oh for the love of I’m not going to get annoyed I’m not going to get annoyed I’m not going to get annoyed come on don’t get annoyed come

On probably 2 minutes of this event now I’ve just spent dead and waiting to respawn I just realized another thing I could probably get from this event is actually the death sickle but again requires us getting nice and lucky oh there he is 18,000 Health oh boy oh I

Killed him I killed him I don’t know if anything dropped though oh never mind okay looks like we’ got ourselves another chance here my friends I don’t think I managed to get one from that previous one sadly but like I say another chance never mind I’m not getting

Annoyed I’m not getting annoyed I’m not getting annoyed I promise I’m not getting annoyed I’m not I’m not getting annoyed not on Christmas Eve come on that nail head from earlier is still here and I am only now getting to the point where I have almost taken it down

Oh my goodness sake why are these guys so powerful it’s ridiculous but seriously though as if it takes like 10 times longer to take down a nail head than it does to take down a moop run that is just ridiculous hey all right you know what I don’t care

I don’t care not only is there a death sickle I think if my little eagle eyes are sharp enough I think I can see a moonstone in front of it as well he hey I just realized the Neptune shell is something else I need for the celestial shell right we’ve got the Moonstone

There’s The Beautiful Death sickle of course that is going to help us enormously of course right let’s turn this back into a normal biome shall we there’s rather a lot of gravestones here turning this into an accidental graveyard biome don’t get me wrong pointy is an okay modifier but I would

Prefer something that’s got maybe a little bit more speed we have a whopping seven Platinum coins on us here oh oh that’s going to hurt to pass that up but I really would like speed yo okay I can get down with deadly I just realized there is something we need to

Still grind out out for from planta and I believe that is the seedler I think it’s required in the crafting recipe for the Zenith at the end of the series my friend so yeah I mean you can’t have a master Warrior playthrough without a Zenith being made at the very end eh all

Righty just got to Chuck down some banners and then we’ll get right on with this thing we’ll also add ourselves in some major improvements to all stats ladies and gentlemen once again the solar eclipse and this time oh this time I’m not going to die a whole bunch right

The defle is going to keep me alive yes yeah already noticing a massive difference a in the damage we’re doing B the range of damage that we’re doing and see my ability to survive so yes very happy oh no not another nail head though no anything but the nail heads so this

Time we’re looking for the Neptune shell and one one broken hero sword yeah good day to you Moon come on then oh got him did we get anything oh the eye of cthulu yo-yo ah not quite what we’re looking for nice but not what we’re looking for

Although to be fair the range of this thing is actually pretty gnarly come on mothy boy come on no so close ah see this time moy boy you ain’t taking me out oh come on Craig I really am putting my Blood Sweat and Tears into this on

Christmas Eve this isn’t how one is meant to spend Christmas Eve there we go unfortunately I didn’t see a broken hero sword I think the most interesting thing to me is how the toxic flasks that are being thrown at me do upwards of what 200 damage yep the actual flask itself

And you pick it up and use it yourself does less than 100 base damage how fair is that at least of the stats be like for like I won’t lie if I can’t get the broken hero sword even from this second solar eclipse oh there’s going to be some

Words no hyper rage mode is very very very very close to activating I’m warning you it’s going to happen it is right back to SP I’ve got my yo-yo bag I should have had this bloody thing on in the first place but I wasn’t to know I was going to get

A yo-yo this time around eh Super Cheese mode activate yeah my yo-yos literally reach exactly to the floor so yeah that’s actually quite handy oh this nail head though have I ever told you guys how much I hate the nail heads it really isn’t going to

Happen is it I’m not going to have another moth on spawning in time how many moth ones have I choked in today’s episode so far I think two maybe three three one of them I guarantee you one of them would have probably dropped the broken hero sword oh deep

Joy no broken hero sword all right check it out there’s the moonshell turns the holder into a werewolf at night and mfol when entering water not exactly useful to our course then because solar eclipses happen during the day of course what do you guys think he is it time to do a little

Bit of a golem battle I think it may be you know all right let’s do this thing a platform will be set up buff stations placed down we don’t have a bass statue on me unfortunately I left that back at the surface cuz at the moment I feel

Like it’s more useful against the solar eclipse genuinely all right boom and boom are we going to get caught by the terrain and or traps a whole bunch I don’t know what the hell are you doing in here get out of here nymph boom and Buffs there we are all right

76,000 health I mean shouldn’t be overly difficult hopefully I do have Turtle armor at the end of the day and we’re already absolutely tanking this guy’s Health like an absolute Champion all right all three sections about half Health I’d very much like to get rid of

The fists if at all possible needless to say since I am not using a Yogo right now I have taken off the yo-yo bag in favor of the sweetheart necklace giving us another source of life regen which is always a useful thing to have I assure

You I think this guy’s getting a little bit annoyed with me I mean to be fair I would be as well I mean this guy has always been regarded as the joke boss of Terraria I’d be pretty annoyed as well if I was considered the joke boss of

Terraria so here we go this my friends is all about avoidance oh 200 Health well 300 health rounded uh 19,000 18,000 definitely doing okay would not mind a little bit of uh health potion right about now but we’ still got 10 seconds yikes who’s going to kill who first that’s the real

Question oh 2 seconds until I heal very much in need of it there we go oh right come on again though this guy can still kill me it wouldn’t take much no you’re not killing me you’re not killing me you’re not killing me you’re not you’re not killing me you’re not

Doing it today no way Jose he’s done brilliant there we go what do we get heat ray not useful Beetle husks are useful in terms of Golem the only two things I think I would have wanted to get is maybe the eye of the Golem so I could eventually

Make a destroyer emblem more damage more crit chance always very very good to have and the other thing of course the Sunstone so we can make the celestial shell Pirates are approaching from the East nope the solar eclipse is approaching from well technically the Moon the Moon covers the sun right and

That’s what causes them so that’s what’s approaching I’m hoping that maybe just maybe I might be able to start getting myself some banners and therefore we’ll be able to do a slightly better job of taking these guys down and not having them ruin my life wait what the Pirate

Invasion is still here I thought no way you got to be kidding me I genuinely thought the solar eclipse would take precedence no no way bro oh for God’s sake man I didn’t expect this to happen oh it’s a double event Bonanza right now although with that said I’m not seeing any solar

Eclipse dude so yeah this has fully taken priority hasn’t it to be honest the only real things that I would consider to be useful from this event are of course the money related accessories the gold ring the discount card the lucky coin if I could get any

One of those three I would be a very very happy bunny because I’d be able to transmute them into each other at least I think you can right yeah well now this is where things start getting a bit interesting hey a Flying Dutchman out in the open usually I find some sort of

Cheese spot to take this guy down but I don’t have a great deal of choice but to do this legit and there we goes what did we get the Flying Dutchman Relic who come on Oh Captain My Captain I’m going to destroy you there you go and there we go event taken care

Oh well booger and there we go Captain taken care of and now we’re back to the solar eclipse Madness ah jeez got a butcher banner I think I just saw a Frankenstein Banner as well got a Fritz Banner uh any other banners for your boy pirate deck hand yeah sure why not I’m

Just going to make this into a sort of one area po bage machine kind of deal come on you’re not killing me you’re not killing me moth one you’re just not you’re not doing it you’re not doing it you’re going to die this time yes I saw

It yes come on skippity dooda skip where’s the darn thing oh I went way past it what a doof for sprain wait wait wait you’re not killing me at my own home why don’t you go ahead and do me the honors of like leaving me alone

That’ be nice wouldn’t it oh you had to kill my zoologist in the mean oh my God what what happening in the background that Lantern night though so then ladies and gentlemen at long last here it is the almighty it’s the terrorblade ah I love this thing I really really do look

At it we can save an inventory slot on our hot bar now beautiful stuff demonic terrorblade I’ll take it I will absolutely take it gunpowder Gary the pirate eh boom Buffs boom Golem this my friends should be easy street seriously if I die on this then I might

As well retire seriously there we go easy money and we got ourselves hey there’s the pixa at least I’ll take it never underestimate the power of yo-yos my friends all of this is making me think that I am due for another yo-yo play through I think the last one I did was

In expert mode 1.3 uh oh hey a possessed hatch it well well well I forgot I could get that as well there he goes again and there is the eye of the Golem and again what have we got another one come on that was the penultimate one really seriously though come on the

Final Golem if we don’t get it this time that’s it boom ah oh Deary me I will however take this Dev set in honor of lion fors why wouldn’t you all righty sad as it may be we don’t have a Sunstone but that’s not going to stop us getting into the Christmas

Spirit for the remainder of today’s episode as I mentioned earlier I’d like to make like a big old Christmas tree build right in this space here how many bits of candy cane and pine tree blocks do we have a lot actually very good needless to say the pine tree blocks

Will be used for the tree part itself and then for the sort of stalk or bottom of the tree I’m thinking we just use any kind of wood uh whether these candy cane blocks will get a look in remains to be seen before we begin though we can

Quickly upgrade ourselves up to beet armor which of course is probably the best pre-moon Lord melee armor you can get 23 defense 6% increased melee damage with the defensive chest plate we’ got 32 defense 5% increased melee damage and crit chance excellent and finally the leggies 18 defense 6% increased movement

And melee speed so with all of that we go up to 101 defense but then again I do have some Buffs on me still so yeah be tools protect you from damage as well yeah needless to say once we have this Christmas tree structured done I think

The only person I’m going to want to have live in it is is going to be Santa Claus of course all righty well that is the stalk taken care of this would be where Santa Claus himself lives do you know what maybe we should do the frost

Legion now so we can have Santa Claus spaw in and then we can start purchasing stuff from him so then the frost Legion oh Snappers wait did I set my spawn back here I hope I did oh no I didn’t ah now I have though all right let’s go beat up a

Bunch of snowmen yeah that’s festive isn’t it come on then snow boys let’s see what you can do let’s be honest probably nothing this event I don’t think has ever received an update or overhaul or anything of the sort so it’s literally been the same event since it

Was first introduced in the game you know what would have been a pretty funny thing to do you know these guys are made out of snow right I feel like flame damage should hit them like 10 times more than what it does currently it does what five damage per tick flame damage

These guys are literal snow flame should turn them into water so therefore I feel like flame damage should do more rather similar to how Stak launchers do like a 100 times more damage against vampires or whatever stupid multiplier it is or maybe on certain secret seeds when you

Kill snowmen with flame damage they should melt into water and then the water just flows down upon your world right H I don’t know though I just just feel like they missed the trick with this event here we are Frost Legion is done and dusted beautiful I’m a good Santa Claus all

Right beautiful all right buddy your space is in hither if I could there we go yeah just get up to spail in there and there we have it all is well yeah just like with any midsize building project both in this game and Minecraft it’s all about finding a rhythm finding

Pattern and rinsing and repeating and that’s exactly what I’m doing here to try and make this tree shape as good as it can be R we’re so high up in the sky now that we’ve got freaking harpies starting to spawn in which also means of course that uh wyvn may start paying us

A visit don’t want that of course uh right here we go there we are that’s it that is the Christmas tree shape yo do you know what I think I got the proportions right as well you know the darkk size versus the tree size the height is right I think it looks

Fantastic yeah I know which background wall to use living Leaf walls right yeah I think that’ be a great idea wait what okay we’ve had a meteorite spawn in apparently why not man why not here we go living Loom can I make the walls out of mahogany yes you can beautiful

Beautiful wait can you hang on a minute let me just test that real quick no it still takes it from the regular wood ah you son of a gun hang on a minute how’s this happened I’ve got odd numbers at the bottom and then even numbers at the

Top yo something’s gone wrong somewhere my friends oh I did 14 blocks on this right side and 13 on this left side well that would do it wouldn’t it yeah there we go my friends a Christmas tree oh fantastic right let’s go ahead and start adding in maybe a Christmas tree

Or two look at this we’ve got space outside here for a few yo okay this is about to get festive starting off with some little toppers for the trees rather like so then we go around with the garlands looking very nice and then we get some little bulbs on them and finally

What we do is stick some lights on yeah oh the lights they finish them off real nice which of those four Christmas trees do you guys prefer I don’t know man I’m kind of drawn automatically to this one over here but ah I don’t know I like

Them all in their own respect I like this one because it’s yellow and green I like this one because it’s like a traditional red oh I love them all I do I love them all got a little idea that I wanted want to give a go it does involve

These candy cane blocks but more specifically the background version so here we go on the left hand side we could have ourselves maybe a red one see I mean it is very very basic there we are though we got ourselves some candy canes I really do hope you

Guys have enjoyed this sort of bumper mini Christmas special of an episode here I really have enjoyed it myself my friend yes it started off with some frustration don’t get me wrong but uh you know we came back in the Finish we’ve got some good stuffs going on and

I’m feel pretty good about myself I may have minused off a few presents from my present unboxing Supply because well I put them down I mean why not you got to have some presents under the tree and in this case some in the tree so there you go ladies and gentlemen our little

Festive build here I like it I like it I hope you guys like it as well really I do what we need to do is we need to tie this off with with some background fences but first of all what we’re going to do is do our present unboxing let’s

Do this thing oh my goodness me there’s a lot of stuff going on here look at that we’ve got a fruit cake shakram that’s something we can use if only we got it earlier in the series I might have actually given it a bit of a

Go but there we are a present unboxing very good lots of food lots of Holly lots of Christmas chair so with all that done and dusted my friends it is time to bid you farewell for to today’s episode thank you so much for watching if you’ve enjoyed today’s little hybrid

Action-packed festive episode then of course do be sure to head down beneath the video and spend a second to drop a like I’d really appreciate it hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now my

Friends I want to say a very Merry Christmas to all of you folks who celebrate it happy holidays and I do hope you have a lovely time wherever you may be whoever you’re spending it with I hope you have a great fistal thank you for watching have a great rest

Of your day and I’ll see you guys in the next one bye-bye

Terraria Master Warrior/Melee Playthrough – It’s Christmas Eve so let’s have some festive fun (and definitely NO raging at the Solar Eclipse!) by building a Christmas tree in our snowy base area! Enjoy!
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This is Episode 13 of my Terraria Master Warrior Playthrough on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


  1. I really feel like that the swords like the true night's edge, true Excalibur and such with the overhaul effects on swords should be able to defect enemy projectiles and such. Make the game fun without having to deal with scumbag mobs that shoots from the distances and flee

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