Minecraft, But You Shapeshift Every Minute…

Ah this really is a beautiful day i’ve got all of my netherright i live in this amazing village surrounded by forest whoa wait what i just gained 10 hearts what is go this is minecraft but you shapeshift every single minute oh this is such a weird challenge in this video i have

Made it so that every 60 seconds you shapeshift into a random mob this could be any mob in the game and you have access to all of its abilities the question is whether i can beat the game whilst constantly changing can i do it stay tuned to find out and apparently

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Alright enjoy the video okay we are in now all i have to do is run the slash shapeshift command and boom oh i’m a pillager okay do pillagers have abilities nope they have absolutely nothing you are useless but we get two extra hearts so can’t complain and i

Think we’re slightly taller not really sure how that helps me but it’s something i guess at least as a pillager i can get my stone tools and do all the normal stuff i can’t shift what the heck oh i just turned into a shulker wait

Oh my it’s fine we got our stone tools i’m so short but i have so many hearts okay fine you know what let’s just grab wood from this very low angle oh i can fit in one box yes this is great can shulkers fly no

Okay they can’t oh man we’re going to go through so much food oh i’m a llama wait llamas can spit yes oh my oh and there’s a village over there wait how often can i spit oh my goodness can i kill the sheep i’m gonna spit you to death yes oh my goodness

Yes i’m an armor stand okay this does absolutely nothing but you know what let’s grab some beds and free food yes please right we gotta get more food because i’m gonna need to heal a lot if my hearts keep changing oh i’m an enderman wait what the heck what i can teleport oh

That’s so cool okay wait a second let’s smack this guy but then we teleport over there one two three and i can’t even i can reach you good i’m too tall oh i can’t hit him there we are okay being an enderman sucks okay i’ve gotta not accidentally teleport good okay we got

Iron let’s make a bucket boom oh no i’m a dolphin no no i gotta get in water i’m gonna drown i’m actually gonna drown okay we’re good oh my i’m so quick oh no what do i do if i start drowning in the nether if i turn into a fish in the

Nether i’m doomed oh this is gonna be dangerous ah no no no no no no oh okay i’m okay i forgot about that i completely forgot that i would drown and it’s literally been five seconds that’s not good let’s just stay with the fish you are my friends forever now guys

Oh i’m a parrot does that mean i can fly oh yes okay wait you know what let’s quickly have a look around oh is there anything over here there’s got to be please please please i’ve only got a minute if i fall i’m going to take a

Load of full damage i don’t know how much of the minute i’ve got left please please please oh shipwreck yes okay i can make it over to water i’ve got to make it to the water in the minute oh okay i’m safe let’s head inside this bad

Boy what are you gonna give me oh okay i like that a lot that’s a lot of good stuff thank you and now i am an evoker what can i can i do anything okay i have absolutely no abilities once again a useless mob okay it’s fine let’s

Make a chest plate let’s make a pickaxe and a shield boom oh there’s a lava pool here wait i’m a phantom okay phantoms burn in daylight i forgot about that yep you know what let’s just keep it safe shall we i don’t want to die not today and i can breathe

Underwater okay we’re good wait a second though this is my chance i can now fly back to the village i’ve got to be quick i’ve got to be super quick no no okay get in the water get in the water okay ah no no i don’t no no okay bad idea you

Know what flying’s not worth it i’d rather just swim there i’d rather be slow and not die than die and be quick wait would i i can do this i can do this i can do this don’t get water oh no this sucks this actually sucks although now it’s fine

Because i am a horse i’m two blocks wide now that is such an annoying noise whoa oh my ah i i’m i’m a giant what can i i can’t reach anything and i can only jump one block the what am i supposed to do this is the this is the worst mob ever

What do i i just took full damage i’m a giant and i took full damage falling down three blocks this what is the point in this what is the point i really need to sleep it’s turning to night time and i can’t actually do anything right now

Oh and i’m back down what am i i’m a piglet brute oh all these mobs i’m getting have no abilities wait you don’t see me this mob doesn’t see me yes now he does but i killed him so it’s fine i just gotta grab all this food and

I need to grab the extra beds thank you what is a zoglin oh my i’ve never seen one of these before in my life and i can’t fit through the i can’t fit through the door okay you know what let’s just sleep wait wait a

Second i want to see what a sleeping zog what is that what what is it doing and i just changed into a dead horse and i still can’t fit through the door how do i do this i fit now yes okay good we’re taking this just in case we want potions

Or something i don’t know oh enderman hello buddy enderman come on buddy let’s do this oh no i don’t have any hearts this is a bad idea oh oh my goodness holy smokes we got an ender pole though i’ll take it oh i did not have enough hearts to do that okay

All right it’s time to go to the nether let’s set our spawn boom and let’s get ready oh what what why what am i i don’t know what i am no are you kidding me why am i burning oh because it’s okay this actually sucks no let me get under there

Why am i burning still what the i don’t drown i don’t want to die no i don’t know i don’t know what i’m saying okay place me in water thank you okay i can do this from here it’s all good i’m not gonna die i just have to not burn and

It’ll be fine and we’re an iron golem yep this is i’m okay at least i’m not burning it’s better than nothing and now i’ve made this port and i’ve just realized i can’t actually fit in it that’s mm-hmm okay of course it doesn’t matter we need our flint anyway come on

Just give me rng one flint there we are that’s what i’m talking about boom let’s do this oh okay looks like a absolutely terrible spawn that’s great is that anything i can’t fit through these blocks nothing oh are you kidding me okay i am an iron golem bridging right now this is so

Dangerous i don’t know what’s happening but i think i’m okay there’s a blaze there if that blaze shoots me i will cry for the rest of my days this is so scary i keep on whacking my head thinking i’m gonna fall but i’m not some sort of

Zombie now so it’s not weird looking down what no i’m a donkey wait actually i don’t know if i’m gonna be able to make this jump i’m gonna have to go over this way i can’t speed bridge because i’m two blocks wide so none of it makes

Any sense i have to do everything really slowly oh i’m a magma cube wait i think that means i have fire resistance let me check yes i can run through fire and i have half a heart oh no that’s absolutely terrifying but at least the piglen isn’t

Angry with me hello i like you we can be friends i’m gonna test something here do you get angry no way you don’t recognize yes okay good let’s get this gold free of charge you know what let’s just trade take it oh i’m a pillager yes okay you

Gave me nothing good so you’re trash but okay at least now i should be able to do this come on come on oh yep i landed and he’s not angry with me yes blaze spawner right here now we’re talking woohoo you’re not angry with me

I mean you are now but you’re dead so it doesn’t matter oh i’m a strider wait wait wait wait if i jump in lava we’re so quick oh that’s so good okay well i mean it’s not really because i don’t need to travel across lava right now but

If i did it would be good i need these blazers to spawn whilst i still have fire resistance come on boom you’re dead there’s one blaze rod no no no no no i’m a squid no no what do i do what do i do what do i do ah no no we’re the

Skeletons bad timing bad timing what am i supposed to do i’m gonna drown no no no no this is actually bad what do i do i i’m gonna drown i can’t do anything no no no no squid stay alive somehow please i’ll try okay the water

Are you kidding me no no no no no what do i do i just have to wait oh no no no okay i’m gonna sleep i have to wait for a full minute before i do anything and i just turned into a squid again let’s at least do something useful with this

Minute oh no no drowning drowning drowning i’m okay and i’m a pig you know what it’s better than nothing i’ll take it please don’t let my stuff despawn i do not want to redo everything i only have four hearts this is a mission and a

Half down i go i’m alive no no no no no they’re all coming for me ah i will not become bacon today i want my stuff back yes it’s all still there good good oh i’m a spider i can climb up walls that’s so cool give me everything boom eat food

Eat food eat food oh okay nice we’re good hey there bud let’s uh goodbye you killed one ah solo no no no no okay i almost died but i didn’t so it’s all good okay we’re good no no let me up come on there’s one and there’s two okay

Wait what am i am i parrot oh i can fly yes okay that’s pretty good let’s have a look around this fortress if there’s anything good in it there we are oh that’s what i’m talking about oh my goodness yes please give me more obsidian yep that’s beautiful

Oh my goodness so many diamonds get out of here buddy oh i’m a bee yes oh my goodness i can fly okay i need to be so quick please give me my stuff back i have a minute please yes okay we got it all back thank

Goodness oh it’s fine oh i thought i was gonna lose it i really did are you kidding me are you kidding me no no no no i’m going to drown again i’m going to drown pull the important stuff in no are you kidding me no right you know what i’ve decided i’m not

Going to be able to trade with piglens i’ve got to get my blaze rods and i’ve just got to get out of there so we’re going to go through as the piglet i am get my stuff back get my blaze rods and then i’m going to have to trade with

Villagers to get pearls because then at least i stand a chance but we’re fine oh my goodness all right oh i can just climb up and around nice gonna make a diamond sword a diamond pickaxe well that was inconvenient but it’s okay we’re fine but no wha are you kidding me

Oh my i just i’m just dying everywhere no i die in water too and there’s no snow anywhere so i’m just dying over and over that’s great you know what an armor stand is probably one of the best things to be right now because i just go unaffected by most

Things and now of course i’m a rabbit that skeletons want to kill no i’m leaving i’m leaving i don’t want to die no 2 000 years later finally oh my you can actually just do what we’re supposed to do oh goodbye oh my goodness we’re finally getting somewhere five blaze

Rods oh and fire resistance yes okay this is it this is where it happens you can’t hurt me oh two more blaze rods to go no no no no turned into an elder guardian no okay fine i know the procedure we just stick all our stuff in here oh my goodness oh

I like you we’re almost there come on blazers there’s another blaze rod okay we need one more and we’re done yes that’s it i’m leaving i am never coming back oh no elder guardian right as i’m leaving what are the chances are you kidding me oh you you banged yeah

I don’t know what that was i’m finally done i need to go right now i’m leaving i’m out of here no piglet trading today and of course one heart rabbit of course no no no no with the skill tour oh oh my goodness that was close come on

Yes yes yes get me out of here oh i’ve done it i’m alive i thought i was never gonna make it out of there and i didn’t see a single village in that village over there so we’ve now gotta find another one but anything is gonna be

Easier than another so oh i can’t complain and you come here come on do it another ender pole yes oh actually we can just turn that straight into ivana tell me which way to go this way i’m officially a panda in a desert this does not make sense oh a new village

Okay that’s good now we’re talking okay we got our axes now insert insane wood chopping montage boom wait pause the montage i’m a witch that means i can yes oh that would have been so helpful in the nether wait can i splash myself ow okay back to wood

Wow i am way too big for my inventory but we should have enough wood now to do some trading i just need to flint like this and we go boom oh i’m a bat i can fly again and whilst we can fly let’s kill this guy whilst he can’t hit me yes

Oh you sucker look at this bat destroying you you look like an idiot right now yeah that’s what i thought but here we go we make a load of planks let me turn those planks into sticks so many sticks oh i’m a cute little fox are you kidding me i just i

Oh you give me emeralds okay let’s do it oh yes wait did this guy yes this guy got cheaper and he sells arrows perfect give me all those emeralds yes okay let’s do this come on you got to give me under pearls dude oh come on oh no no of

Course now of course now of all times does he get into polls yes we’ve done it i’m gonna keep dying but we’ve done it hello buddy let’s get these ender poles from you we’ve got eight get more emeralds buy some arrows and then oh my god what is this timing

No no come here come here come here no oh they’re scared of me because i’m a zombie no no no no no are you kidding me trading has never been so difficult all right buddy i’m an iron golem now will you trade with me yes one two three four

12 ender pulse that’s the exact amount just to make sure got some extra wood we will get two more sets of arrows and now we have 14 poles okay just gonna make ten of them for now and we’ve got 12 all right and now it is time to go boom this way

Oh my i turned into the wither wait yes i didn’t even realize oh my goodness okay oh this is so quick yes please let’s go let’s destroy some stuff on the way yes okay i gotta be careful not to fall and die i gotta stay low blow some

Stuff up on the way boom it should still be this way yep it is catch it let’s go into a wolf all right that sucks i should probably make some more armor boom and why not gold boots you can’t see it but i’ve got armor oh i’m a blaze

Yes okay i just gotta fly as much as i can okay let’s just fly really far and boom throw another one oh it’s turned come on no that one exploded dang it okay i gotta fly low again i don’t wanna die set the forest on fire for another

One oh we’ve gone past it yes that’s good and bad but i did it in the forest fire i think so is it here no okay it’s literally beneath the forest fire all right now i have to live with the mistake i’ve made why would i get a

Guardian right now oh that is the worst timing right as i find out where the stronghold is are you kidding me let’s just go down are you i can’t oh oh i can’t go down it’s all good i thought i couldn’t fit but i can i just

Have to keep remembering to place water so i can breathe all those air bubbles are so stressful i am so close to the floor right now i okay ah i’m a villager wait a second oh we found it oh wait i’m so confused it says i’m on

10 hearts but i’m a slime wait i’m setting my spawn okay i’m good oh oh my goodness wait yeah that’s my health definitely glitched oh no i can’t fit through doors oh this is so frustrating i just have to find it now come on portal where are you free stuff thank

You yes i like ender pearls oh i’m a vex i can fly okay let’s do this nice and quick come on anything down here can we yes oh my goodness okay of course right as i’m flying i love that we are you kid i have the exact amount are you

Kidding me wait i can fly i can fly above it okay boom and now i just wait until i transform into something else and i’m no longer flying and i’ll fall straight in what are you gonna give me come on give me something good wait no i’ve gotta set my spawn oh oh

Oh that could have been bad what um okay i’m a ravager let’s do this i’ve got a two by two path it’s time to go oh yes come on bertha it’s time to win this thing yes there’s two boom three that’s it four wait if i look at an enderman does

It it doesn’t aggro oh and i can fly oh my goodness are you kidding me that’s the best timing come on let’s get them yes wait maybe i can just do it using my ability can i come on yes no way oh my goodness oh my goodness this is insane

Yes can i he wait let me hit the dragon with it please come on destroy destroy yes oh my goodness this is the best that’s actually the best okay i need to land i need to eat no my fireballs let me hit you let me hit you why can’t i hit you no

Okay fine i’ll just fly and hit you yes smacked smacked again all right come on oh that hurt that hurt okay oh i’m a zoglin oh bertha you’re done you are done come here yes i can kill you quick i can do it so quick come on

Yes no no don’t fly no this is it oh my goodness i haven’t even shot a bow this entire game and we’re about to win oh no no no no come on yes this is it here we go it’s the ender dragon versus the zoglin the battle of a century oh

I’m a cat i’m an ocelot yes the greatest showdown in history no no no no no no leave me alone why would you hurt a cat you stupid enderman no oh no no no back through back through i will not lose as an ocelot i refuse oh

I’m a turtle let’s do this we got our stuff back and it is a dream oh she’s coming down it’s like the turtle versus the hair except better come here wait i’m gonna blow her up come on boom yes so much damage i will climb up that’s this gracious turtle come here

Bartha you want to die come here dragon yes yes okay i’ll let it come down i’ll let it come down five minutes and we win yeah oh my goodness we’ve done it i am the minecraft shapeshifter i’m ablaze with a dragon egg oh my goodness goodbye

Minecraft, But You Shapeshift Every Minute… (Challenge)

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This is a Minecraft (1.16) challenge in which I am trying to speedrun Minecraft and beat the enderdragon, however, you SHAPESHIFT into a RANDOM MOB every minute! This is not a Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter, but a ‘Minecraft but’ challenge… This one was ridiculously intense.

#MinecraftBut​ #MinecraftChallenge #Minecraft


  1. There’s nothing more better than hearing wisps loud scream at the beginning. This is one of my favourite weird challenges you’ve done and even nearly 3 years later I still love this video nice vid.

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