Can you mine 100,000 Diamonds in 100 Hours?

This is the Minecraft diamond world record 22,000 and it took them four whole months to get what no no down here this looks terrible I mean how is this the almighty Diamond world record so in today’s episode we’re going to fix that by setting a new record 100,000 diamonds in only 100 hours

Okay so here we are 1 hour in and already found our first diamond oh Diamond don’t mind if I do so that’s one Diamond down only 99,999 more to go um wait why am I just standing here all right so we’re going to need diamond tools if we’re going to spend

The next 100 hours Mining and the fastest way to to do that is to become a professional archaeologist just just hear me out diamonds for some reason spawn next to fossils so if we use this website called seed map we can just find every single

Fossil on the world uh it it may be cheating but I don’t care okay so there should be diamonds so oh oh oh my God actually worked wait there’s diamonds here lovely that’s a that’s a good start oh no oh my pickaxe I’m stuck down here i’

No I’ve got a mine up with my stupid hands now oh by the way the 2 hours in and already 2,000 diamonds behind schedule fossil mining is slow and stupid and ugly so let’s move on to our next diamond mining method oh and this one is over um 30 times faster than the

Last one we’re going to be at 100K no time oh hello don’t mind if I do and there we go welcome to the diamond minor 5000 that was a really strange name um all right I’m pretty sure if I just press this note block uh nothing happens okay now it should work

Oh wait it worked but this one didn’t why didn’t this one work wait I think I’m missing a block wait yeah I’m missing these two blocks oh hang on wait will that work now okay please work please work yes wait wait it worked okay oh my God this is great uh

No diamonds so far which is uh good diamonds no okay all lapers that’s something still no Diamonds though uh diamonds no again okay oo oh oh worked yes now we mine these one great and we go again this could take a while yo this place looks massive oh and

Actually uh if you’re wondering how I got this elytra um I stole it from Tazo look okay he’s taken like every single elytra from the end okay I’m not going to spend 7 hours trying to find one anyway rant over let’s go and check how many diamonds we’ve collected we

Have gathered exactly a stack oh God this this isn’t working um okay so I do have one lash took up my sleeve to get this whole thing working so using this massive Runway that the machine created I can use this to make one massive Diamond miner going from one side of the

Tunnel to the other but there is one pretty big problem with this uh you see this that is ancient de and it took me 30 minutes to get this earlier but to build the massive machine we’re going to need literal stacks of this how am I

Going to get that much uh there is a player called Gizmo on the server who got a netherite beacon in under 24 hours so I I’m going to ask him oh Jesus Christ hi Gizmo how the heck did you know I was right here I completely coincidence I don’t know how that

Happened how how did he get all the nether light it’s uh flying through the lava like you know like you dive into the lava pool and it’s crazy how much lava is actually down there sounds dangerous it it’s it hurts a lot you’re in a lot of pain the whole time but yeah

Any other method or is that it uh that’s the only effective method there’s other methods but that’s the only good one how come um don’t worry about it um all right so clearly the best method is just flying through a bunch of lava pools but of

Course I do not want to die so your boy made some firest potions yeah all right I think this is a pretty good lava pool to explore so fir on and jump in h this was a bit weird okay so I’m not seeing much ancient debris right

Now so I downloaded a texture pack that makes the ancient debris blue um it just makes it stand out way more uh oh wait that there’s so much of it yeah there’s actually two pieces here I see some over there as well there’s one over there as well it’s going to be easy

Peasy lemon squeezy um this this isn’t good I have all the netherite on me oh no I can’t die here i’ I’ve got no totem I’m in half a heart and I’m stuck in a stupid lava dying here would literally put me back to square one now let’s get into why I’m

Even doing this in the first place I’m going to server called the outcasts and compared to a bunch of other s smps out there we are a speck of dust compared to them so what better way to get the outcast name out there then getting a literal world record for the server and

Of course making the record impossible to beat makes it so none of the other s smps can take that away from us um but dying in lava is not going to help out with that so I had to call in some backup where moose uh I need your help

Oh what happened okay okay okay okay actually you quite close actually um I’m I’m on half a heart so it’s like it’s like you’re going toate just Li laugh but I am like on fire when I my so I’ve got to like you’ve got to Splash me as

Soon as I spawn in vas moose Ras moose Ras moose uhoh oh de uhoh uh okay is are you ready no no no not yet not yet not yet I got to eat three two no no no not yet I’m not ready yet God okay I’m going to

Spawn in in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 it worked it worked it worked ited it worked it worked punch going to die my heart bro it’s in my in my throat right now thank you Rasmus yeah I think if you oh my god

Miles miles do I need to save you are you being serious how did happened I just told you not to do that Miles wait what did you do wait I fell down the hole um not not my proudest moment but hey we got the netherite and now we can

Now finally star construction on the Diamond miner 12,000 this machine is literally 10 times as big as the old one so it should mine diamonds 10 times faster it also takes like 10 years to build yay and kapow that is all the neite now placed down and a controversial opinion

Blue looks so much cooler oh my God okay I think we’re ready to go I’ve done all my checks I think this should work okay and if it doesn’t I I’ve got to go and rebuild all of it please don’t make me have to get all the materials for this

Machine again it took forever okay let’s let’s just let’s just do it right let’s just no messing around oh please work oh okay did it work it seems like I I think it worked wait I actually think it worked yes okay now we just got to do this for the next like 70

Hours oh no I’ve spawned a warden in the mining place all right it’s been about an hour now of just straight mining just look at how much we’ve we’ve went through this is this is pretty crazy and from all of that we are now at uh

464 diamonds in total um which means we uh. 5% of the way there what am I doing Jesus I need to get back to work I need to get back to mining why this why is so hello I carried on working throughout the night collecting more and more

Diamonds there was no time for messing around I wanted to be mining at the most efficient rate over 1,000 diamonds yay there’s definitely a reason the diamond world record is so low even though the task may have seemed pretty simple I was exploding millions of stone blocks to find these diamonds I had

Officially gone insane okay we are now 20 hours in God help me um I mean look at all this look at how much we’ve mined I can’t even see the end of it we we’re still going we we’re still going God I have no life this oh no okay we have got

Not one chest not two not three not five but wait but four in a little bit chests and in total that equals to 7,100 Diamonds uh yeah honestly we’re we’re making better progress than before it’s just not fast enough like at all wait actually what wait what time is it Jesus

Christ okay okay we have a big old problem so because of been mining for the past like 20 hours around that um I’m I’m just going to show you this tunnel takes forever to get across it it it it’s still going by the way still going it’s still going still going

And we’re here that took over 10 Rockets to get here and I I’m on a time crunch like a big one and because I’m like really behind schedule I think it’ll be a quite a good time investment if I build a massive transport that get to

You from all the way over there all the way here in like a second pretty much it felt pretty good to get a break for the mining and working on a different project it was so strange seeing the regular Minecraft world again and not just a massive cave uh so for this

Machine to work we’re going to need some good old Dolphins as if you mix both Dolphins Soul Sand Soul speed and DEP Strider I I think we can go insanely fast hopefully oh dolphins dolphins dolphins okay I lost him no oh sorry mate ow did they just hit

Me how do you stop hitting me Jesus Christ why are you attacking me ow stop it oh God why are they they’re going to kill me what’s wrong with them ow stop it look at look at them just they still try to hit they are why get

Up yes all right they’re both up both up let me just get from here to here if they will stop hitting me there we go ow oh God I want like I want like one they going actually going to kill me oh God go away ow hold it uh

No I killed one I’m sorry get out my bed can you stop trying to punch me come in the hole no it was you you killed my dolphin oh great okay slowly please make it down we’re still going we’re going strong he got stuck that’s not good oh no he’s

Going he’s still going down he’s still going down where are you going no don’t go in the cave so close we’re so close we’re so close bam okay he’s down he’s down he’s down now we what do we do now um we need glass he’s going to

Drown I was not prepared for this okay he’s up he’s up he’s up he’s going out he’s going out he’s going out he’s in he’s in he’s almost in he’s so why is he not in yet just come in oh hang on he’s in I

Think uh do I get oh do okay I got off place now who’s ready to see me absolutely glitch this thing 3 2 1 go oh my God Jesus Christ why is there a sand here oh my God we got to do that again we got to do

It again oh my god let’s go let’s go again let’s go again wo that was amazing wait a dolphin died wait Dolphins can drown since when hour 33 woo yeah we’ve also moved this machine over 1,000 blocks just to put that in perspective imagine having to walk 1,000 blocks but each block takes

30 seconds to walk across that’s literally what this is it’s this is terrible and I’m I’m going to be honest here we’re not on track to be hitting 100K diamonds so I did a bit of searching on this machine to find anything we can improve upon and I found

Something I found one major design Flor on this machine that literally none of the previous world record holders have found you see when the TNT gets shut out it breaks this entire area however the ancient debris below it is blocking the TNT from breaking these blocks pretty

Much halfing the amount of diamonds we can get so we did a bit of research on these tunnel balls and my friend gutty sent me a machine that doesn’t require any ancient debris with this machine the TNT is just shut out and it blows up midair and it breaks up to double the

Area the old machine did and it is built the new diamond tunnel ball v two is here obviously all right so I think if we just press both of these wait my Sher boxes my Sher boxes oh no oh wait no no the there wait did that work I didn’t

Even know if it worked or not I think it’s working and yes oh Diamonds oh my God God I I hate creepers so much no why did that blow up these mobs are so annoying God oh my God no again what with these creepers this is awful wait what’s

Happened here why have all why have all the machines just like come back what why is this happened I don’t know why did these break four uh all right I’m logging off because I I cannot handle thinking anymore on this I try not to get too soy in these

Videos because I find it incredibly cringy but until now I’ve literally never wanted to give up on a project as much I have for this one this one recording session already got me thinking about whether I should just completely scrap this video so I took a few days off I literally didn’t even

Tell my computer on as I hadn’t had a break from recording this video for like almost a month until I got a message from all the other members to come to spawn guys happy birthday happy birthday to you happy my birthday was yesterday um but besides that it was actually pretty fun

I was given a massive mil statue and we killed a selling them but they got me thinking I’m getting this seemingly impossible world record for the outcasts and I’m doing it completely alone and that’s stupid if I want to achieve this goal I should be asking all the members

To help out to get this world record together yes it sounds cheesy but I don’t care if I win this world record this is the only way of doing it so I got my notes out listed every single problem I have with the current mining method so we can actually make make this

Whole thing possible all right so the first thing we need to fix is the mob’s issue obviously I don’t have enough torches to light up this entire area but then I remembered there’s one single biome in Minecraft that literally no mobs can spawn in the deep dark yes the most dangerous place

In Minecraft has now become the safest the next issue of course was the lava if we hit a single lava cool the TNT can’t explode which records it all to my function and completely break but I have a solution for that as well lava doesn’t spawn randomly it actually only

Spawned on a specific y level so if we just Ed the machine above that layer we won’t run into any lava pools the final problem is how we’re going to get every member to help out with this project when there’s only one machine well I thought of that as well

I’m going to build a machine for every single me remember to use meaning with 10 machines we’ll be mining an insane 10,000 diamonds per hour which is already half off the current world record in a single hour but for that we’re going to need a ton of slime now I

Could just AFK the slime farm for 10 hours or oh no um Chief What I Hear Pigman oh no go wa help oh there’s a baby coming after me as well follow me they’re just your younger sibling they’re just trying to ruffle your feathers you’re not going to let them

You’ve got older sibling Vibe older sibling en uh watch out ah oh wait it just broke Chief it just broke wait what where did it go I have it I have it I have it it dropped in my inventory why did I I don’t know you got one more though and

Kaza that that was weird we have built all of the machines I mean I could literally fly for like 1,000 blocks and the Machine is still going why I why do I do this to myself honestly if this if this machine doesn’t get me to 100K

Diamonds I don’t know what will we have 50 hours left of the challenge which is not a lot of time so I invited all the members on and we got straight to work mining all these diamonds um miles might be an issue I have not done anything how is

Everyone breaking them Jesus Christ uh me first me first yeah of course um what’s happened what is h what have you done J oh no no is my what does my render distance to be at wait it’s happened on this side as well yeah Oh I thought that was just the other machine

Wait is this me no it’s you John you’ve messed up both sides how how did I do that I don’t know what did they do wrong I hit the BL got hello did you break it is this broken uh yeah so it’s over here the issue is um both tunnel balls need

To be like uh going at the same rate cuz otherwise if one gets ahead of the other the explosion destroys oh the other bar so they’re a little bit too close together toose next to estela now yeah you put the machines too close together when one of them goes like further the

Other one blows it up for some reason only like a little bit of it but I mean still it breaks it so literally 5 minutes into this challenge two of the machines had already broke gy just explained how if one machine goes in front of the other the one behind it

Will blow it up luckily we caught onto this early in the 50 hours we had left so we spaced a part machine so we wouldn’t run into this problem again things were going pretty well actually as the challenge went on more and more members came in to help out it really

Felt like everyone on the server cared about this world record but no matter how much I wanted to mine diamonds every machine just kept on breaking uh miles oh joh have you already broken it no maybe a little bit you did not warn me about gravel it’s it’s fine it’s fine I

I don’t think you can fix it if it’s in the middle it seems like everyone is just incompetent I’ve used before I feel like I what did I do wrong okay I didn’t tell people about gravel I thought it was obvious well it was obvious once it

Blew up every machine is broken oh this one looks fine this one looks okay no this one’s broken as well um oh hang on this this one might be fine no this one this is the one that broke and didn’t fix I’ve got no spare machines for me to

Use I just want to mind Diamond I miss but I just by myself just mining diamonds the hours on end I just don’t 5 minutes just 5 minutes without machine breaking please don’t ask for too much man but this is not going to stop me

I’ve came way too far just for a few broken machines to end this challenge for me even if it takes me all night to rebuild these machines to get them up and working again it’ll be worth it for this world record oh oh how how do I stop this thing hello

Okay it’s off the timer the 100 hours is now complete okay oh my God this is terrifying oh well I haven’t got enough oh my god I’ve just found diamond I can’t mind those Diamonds oh okay I’m I’m going to go and get to counting and uh then I’ll come back and hopefully

Fingers crossed fingers crossed we have 100,000 okay oh okay it’s not it’s okay so so far we’re at 21,500 from all these chests but but I haven’t included this entire chest full of blocks of diamond okay I need I need to work this out cuz th this could have be our saving

G well we didn’t hit 100K diamonds you know what look at all of this we mind literal millions of blocks in this video to find these diamonds on top of that we did still get the world record I mean that’s that’s still pretty cool so Merry Christmas everyone and I’ll see you all

Next year

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Can you mine 100,000 Diamonds in 100 Hours?

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@gismos ​⁠@razzymoose @ThatChiefGuy @Yeah_Jaron @AstelinaYT @Woocie

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  1. i know you may not see this myles but i just wanted to say that i absolutely love your channel, ive binged a lot of your videos and i don’t plan on stopping haha. keep up the great work!!

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