THE FINAL STRETCH! | Competitive Multiplayer | Stardew Valley – S2E24

Hello everyone welcome back to competitive multiplayer this is the episode before the final episode which is absolutely crazy the finale is going to be here very very soon but first we’re going to have to still play through a few more days I think there’s 10 days left so that means these last

Two episodes guys instead of them being 4 days long which I’ve usually been doing throughout this series the last two including this one are going to be 5 days long so a little bit longer than normal which gives us a bit more time you know to get things done probably add

About 10 minutes onto the episodes but I’m sure a lot of you guys are going to enjoy that so yeah we’ve got to get cracked on straight away with this guys there’s a lot I want to do so the plan of action in this episode is to finish

Off some cooking finish off some crafting and trying to build up the stone to get more buildings built so I want to talk about some of the challenges um where I think I am at with them and what I still want to do so I’ve mentioned a few times before for but the

Joj cola one I’ve kind of abandoned I’ve not focused on it I’m kind of freely giving that to box I 100% know he has probably got a crap ton of joj colas I’ve seen him in the mines in the actual fish ponds getting joj colas all day and

He’s been doing it for a very long time and I just don’t think I could have caught up with him so I decided to spread my time onto others other things and other challenges and you know let pox have that one so that is where I’m

At with that one let’s just say that pox has definitely got that he’s also 100% got the different fish species because of the two lands that he owns Which have the mountain fish so let’s just say he’s definitely got two now we’ve definitely got one already ticked off the fishing

Mini games for the land deider we completed that one so that’s 2-1 I personally think we have definitely got the cooking one guys I’ve not seen pox do any cooking he’s not upgraded his house I can’t even see any cooking kits on his land or anything he could still

Do that in in these last two episodes but I Was preparing for the cooking from the get-go and I just feel like we’ve definitely going to have more cooking recipes than pox guys we must have that’s the one I’m very confident about so that is let’s just say 2 two this is

What I’m thinking in my mind right and then now we’ve got a battle so the artifacts is going to be a very very challenge it’s going to be hit and miss I don’t know how well pox is doing I don’t know how good we are doing but pox

Has been fishing a lot guys if he’s hunting for the jojas it’s probably also getting a lot of treasure chest in the meantime I still think we’re quite behind with them I think we need more to be able to guarantee that one and I’m really relying on it so I think we’ve

Got to do a few things in these last two episodes to really pull that out the bag and that might mean sacrificing the money guys there is a challenge obviously where we need to have as much money in the current funds now guys I

Feel like I want to give this one to pox as well we need to be spending this money there’s there’s things we can do to really put that to use and take other challenges off the list it’s quite it’s going to be tough so the first thing I

Want to do straight away guys is I know this might be silly but I want one more fish pond right off the bat so I need 100 Stone yes I’m just buying it me and pox are going to be battling it out with these fish ponds with the farm buildings

That is another challenge to see who can get as many farm buildings built and me and pox have been head-to-head with this one for quite some time I still think I’ve actually counted this before and I still think we are one or two in front

We’ve got a few more than pox but you know he’s going to be constructing a lot more is going to be going for it so we’ve got to make sure we’re on top of that so that’s that ticked off the list also guys you know what I did notice as

Well I completely forgot we can actually buy the wild bait recipe and buy wild bait now it’s a little bit more expensive but this gives us a chance to get two fish at a time I feel like that might be so much better than normal bait there is obviously it’s exactly the same

You just get a higher chance to get two fish instead of one now as you can see pox is just going to be fishing for the entire last 10 days of this 100% it’s going to be money and he’s hunting for those artifacts so we’ve really got to like do the same

Thing now I’ve actually got no space at all so yeah the animals are not very happy again I was tempted to kind of abandon these now and just give it up but I think we’ll still go I’m just not going to collect their produce today and do

The mayonnaise I’ll let them build up a little bit it’s fine all right right let’s head back and I’m going to do some fishing for the remaining time guys we’ve really got a hunt for these treasure so that is the plan of action and I want the treasure hter on the rod

Yes we got it on the table I saw a line of confidence ready for us to meet I was standing on the edge of the waterfall raising my hands to the sky to see if I lost it all it’s such a m up place for all the to

Face I couldn’t help them if I try oh I think I’m part of it you and I know we’re out below and the wheels go around again oh it’s such a sinful thing what would I do without your love you can never go back again

Yeah I was walking down by the pier in a thunderstorm on the same side where we first kissed many odd years ago I was feeling some kind of wonder when you called my name and every time I Clos my eyes to the world you would open them up again

It’s such a m up place for all the rest to face I couldn’t them and there we go that is one new artifact today the ancient sword baby that is what we needed guys and we don’t have that one you probably saw in the lot time lapse there I’ve crafted

Some magnets which increase the chance of getting treasure as well as the treasure hunter so we got the tackle and the bait plus we’ve got the profession the pirate profession so we should see a lot more treasure chests which we are doing and it’s a bad look day as well so

On a really good look day I think we’ get a lot and this is kind of going to be it now guys for the last 10 days this is what I’m going to spend a lot of time doing trying to get as many artifacts as I can because I feel

Like pox could have so many do you know howy fishes we we see it a lot guys oh we already have the rusty Cog but nice we’ve had three today but two of them we’ve already got yeah so we’ve got to catch up it’s it’s just the look at the

Draw who’s going to get more of the artifacts you know I do have a backup which we might run into towards the end but it involves spending money so we’ll see this is the last one can we end it with something no we can’t oh we

Can guys can we get something before we end this day are we lucky enough no let’s quickly sleep we just made it guys we just made it wow okay so that wasn’t a bad day it wasn’t a bad day we did get the new artifact imagine if I sold it by

Accident 8.5k every money is going to help because I’m going to potentially have to spend it and yeah I’ve always said from the start I feel like pox is going to get more money than us so I’m not too disappointed if we don’t beat him on that

One okay there’s nothing in there for us let’s keep getting these bars smelted we can sell these they’re worth they’re going to be worth more money as well just because of our profession that we’ve got we’ve got level 10 Mining and this is the last stuff guys in the kegs

Obviously we have all of our road that we can age to keep us going but other than that that the production’s done we’ve got nothing to put in there so we’re going to be leaving off of cheese it’s not a bad thing is it let’s be honest okay that’s the goats done I’ve

Got a few things to sell should we process the geod and uh try and get anything else from there I will be doing all the mining let the Quarry build up and try and find some good stuff there to sell as well but I think if I’m right

We do have some frozen we got that’s there fire quarts I don’t think we’re going to need those anymore I’ll sell those sell the diamond the Frozen tier I just don’t think we need them we’re keeping the Omni geod of course got 10 cheese we don’t really need all that for cooking

Okay perfect so what I’m going to do is blacksmith we’re going to process these geodes quickly sell whatever’s in them and stuff like that oh six aridium that’s amazing that’ll make us a bar guaranteed iridium bar okay lovely we got a few things to sell

Here I’ll take now I should have 10 oh we got three aridian bars that we can smell that is amazing they’re going to be worth some good money guys just what we needed let’s go and put the ancient artifact away the ancient sword and then

We got to get straight to it again guys is the way it is yeah I don’t think this is enough we need way more than this guys take the JoJo cols out I mean we’re not really going for them anymore are we I’m also not going to focus on the

Foraging skill I think it’s going to be too we’re definitely not going to get to level 9 we’re just too far away so I’m going to have to stick at level eight and just hope that’s enough well we are halfway but I just don’t think that’s

Going to be enough guys yeah we’re less than halfway I think it so far off guys I kind of don’t want to have to do the mayonnaise anymore I might just abandon the chickens now it’s taking a lot of food a lot of time and I want to be doing other

Stuff like is it really going to be worth it I don’t know maybe in the the next episode we definitely will’ll just leave them leave them be it’s going to be too rushy rushy to focus on all these as well like me I love when you like that boy can’t you

Talk to me what I want the most in my life they say out my but I don’t give a dam no deep down I know you want it you want to take a leap and jump in you want to fall in love you get me wouldn’t it be

Awesome you me slow hand me in your arms if I can make you see it baby with something something to make the staright jealous you make me I see me I you want I’m your I was your sometimes you think about all the way I’m making you smile I know I am what

You need and boy you’re just my deep down I know you want it you want to take a leap and jump in uh we’re going to fall in love you get me SP wouldn’t it be awesome if you kiss me slow and me in your

Arms you make me let go when I see you me I love when you like your I’m your I want your girl everybody else got it going on everybody else got it going on everybody else got it going on oh oh oh oh oh everybody else got it

Going on everybody else got it going on everybody else it okay let’s see if we can get one more in before we go to bed you probably saw I took the magnets off as bait because we use them pretty fast but I’d rather have them on a good

Look day but to be honest even without them we’ve done pretty well uh those Link cards are very difficult frustrating fish to catch especially when there’s a chest that pops up as well but we’ve got a few of them I found another artifact that we already have so nothing too exciting so

Let’s go to sleep yeah last bit of production that we’ve made obviously with the fishing and Mining stuff there so not too bad just nearly close to 20K so it’s the 20th of winter eight days left guys wowers is that not wild is that not wild let’s keep these bars

Going we don’t want to run out of time um right we’ve got loads of copper which if I can’t craft anything with them obviously they getting sold I’ve been using the iron bars for the bait yes they sell for 180 but it’s fine we’ve got 47 gold bars to sell guys uh and

Free idium it looks like at the moment not bad at all so yes let’s check the travel lady We’ve Got Crystal fruit for 800 bu fish absolutely nothing so yeah there’s only three of those left in there um got some more row we’ll have a few more strobes to make

Some strawberry jelly but it’s not really going to benefit and give us much we’ll stick to the cheese it should uh give us a little bit of income which might help later on when it comes to like buying the Omni geodes which I’m going to trade for the uh artifact Tres

I will clear this Quarry up why not I want the stone mainly we need to build a few more things so I think Stone’s going to be important we’ll have to go to the big Quarry and see what’s spawned on there now it’s another bad look day today that’s three in a

Row and by Miracle there is still some animal food in the silos I don’t know where it’s come from but maybe pox has bought it all and it’s filled his silos and now I’m SP I’m using it hey he’s used all mine though I was siphon all

The grass wasting time build all these silos and then yeah he took the rewards from it now I want to say guys I don’t think that pox has been farming very much in this he could have done it without me knowing but as I’ve been cutting through his lands I’ve only ever

Seen one patch of crops and that was next to my hardwood forest on his main ones the all of his other ones he’s not got any crops growing I know he was going for the the wheat but I’ve not seen him Farm on a massive scale so I’m

I’m wondering as he shipped a lot of crops it depends how much wheat he’s been he’s been doing but also would he have been max level in farming if he’s not really done it very much like he’s obviously one of his plan was to to not really farm and go for

Crops because of the time and he’s he’s not got a shed he’s not produced anything so I’m wondering if he’s not level 10 all of his main AIDs that he’s actually producing might not be selling for much profit like we have got so we could potentially have more money but it

All depends depends you know it’s hard to see like and understand what pox is actually doing because yeah it could be doing it on the on the low right we got two more gold bars and no more iron it’s just copper now sadly the worst stuff the worst stuff that no one cares

About so yeah it is a bad look day again guys so it’s not good one thing I do want to do is I want to go and buy all of the crafting recipes if possible the ones that we can definitely craft like Pier sells the grass starter we can easily make that

That’s going to be one crafting done M has not got any now the cooking ones guys we can actually make the stir fry because I have got some kale I didn’t realize we have the kale uh and we need to buy the fried calamari as well

Because we can get the squid we’ve got them in our fish pond anyway we also want to buy the snail one yes we’ve got one garlic so we can use that with a snail that we’ve got and then of course the last want the squid in ravioli cuz

We have got the squid in so we need to be cooking those guys so I’m going to do that now I believe we do have a cookout kit what we do now let’s go and get the squid I’ve been fishing quite a bit I’m just going to get some of a little bits

Done here check on the fish ponds anyway get that squid for the the recipe and just finish off the cooking you know I’m pretty sure we’ve we’ve done a lot we’ve done a lot of cooking but I may as well get as many as I possibly can just just

In case you never know if pox is actually smashing the cooking as well and then like oh yeah we can actually fish them out now they want two of those well you are they just sardine but I actually need a squid thank you very much two mushroom for them I’m actually going to

Fish all these out guys we’re not going to populate these anymore so let’s just sell the fish it’s extra money they’re asking for one of those again so let’s just get that out all this money eh that’s what fish ponds are good for guys there’s three in there

So we’ll take two out I like to leave one in there uh yeah one let’s get all the squid and I think whilst we’re down here before I do some cooking I’m going to do some nighttime fishing down here guys and then we’ll go back before we sleep

And cook up those recipes but let’s try fish in the ocean try and hunt for some more chests oh straight away we got the first one imagine we’ve only had one artifact in this episode so far still got a few days to play through but yeah we’re not

Doing too good with that at the moment I need a lot more guys a lot more we got a diamond though let’s go we not had too many of those hey there’s another one come on give me something good yes come on that is big that is

Huge we’ve got the dinosaur Ed guys that is absolutely huge oh my God the ancient sword and the dinosaur egg in this episode come on that’s what we needed two artifacts to our name let’s go going to go for another hour use the rest of this stamina you never

Know that is massive I’ve been wanting the dinosaur egg for a long time if I got it a bit sooner we probably could have got a dinosaur out of it but you know so it could have started producing more but it’s near an end it’s

Too late to do that now but we’ve got the artifact that’s all that matters my beautiful our last one of the night we’ll head back and see if we got enough time to do some cooking be a bit pushy but let’s just see can we end it on something even

Incredible nope 10 Single bait wow never mind right let’s just right okay straight away so let’s so this is what I need a snail and garlic nice wait hold on where’s the the veg stew is tomorrow no where’s the other one we need a wheat flour wheat flour wheat flour quickly

Quickly right fried calamari there we go guys what was the other one we need uh squiding ravioli what do we need a tomato okay perfect we got one of those that’s that one cooked and then it was the stir fry cave carrot and a common cave carrot common there we

Go that’s another one cooked guys that’s another one cooked look at all our cooking stuff we can use this for food it’s insane we’ve nearly filled it out right sell sell sell sell there we go guys big let’s go sleep that is incredible I’m so glad we got the dino egg there

We do still need like the anchor and the bone flu I think that we can get from fishing but today we’ll check the travel Merchant again you never know there’s another coconut I don’t think we need it lobster no I think we’re fine with that I will not be getting the strawberries

Anymore I don’t think it’s just pointless watering them time yeah it’s just not going to give us a lot of money is it so I’ll just leave that as it is oh there’s still food in here come on so we do actually have a decent day

Today it’s not terrible look so I think fishing is going to be on the agenda again just to try and hunt for some more of those artifacts I know you’re probably thinking shark you’ve got loads already you’ve definitely won that you never know guys pox has been fishing so much

He could have loads way more artifacts than us if I stop now with the artifacts we’ve got thinking yeah we’ve easily won this and pox has got one more than me I would beat myself up oh chicken statue that we’ve already got yeah I would not

Be very happy guys it would really hurt so it’s we’ve got to just keep going till the end cuz you never know how many the the opponent’s got so first of all let’s put away our artifact there we go we’re looking okay yeah I think we need more guys we still

Need more we already got the statue get rid of that get sold okay a lot of main a is done decent money let’s get it hey why this food is still here I’m taking it that’s the last one oh no we’ll have to buy some more hopefully this is going to be

Enough okay there we go um guys I think I’m just going to have a full day in the ocean fishing here you know what it was I quite like that place near the fish pond we got that Dino egg and I’m sure we had something good there in a few

Episodes ago as well so I’m going to try it guys and we’ll get all this stuff whil we’re here so yeah let’s go it’s a decent look day let’s go here again and try and see what I can find today I know I’m fishing a lot and it’s probably boring guys but

I’m just really focusing on like the artifact one right now cuz something I can do you know the cooking and crafting we are still going to craft there’s a few more recipes that I’ve bought and got that we need to actually craft confident with that one cooking I don’t

Think there’s anything else I can cook now every recipe that I have bought that can be cooked with the ingredients we’ve got I think we’ve done I will double check though make sure there’s nothing else we can cook so I feel like cooking and crafting

Is near an end we will be getting a few more buildings uh I’m and Ruby I’m going I’m planning to build another two silos and maybe a chicken cop just to really add those numbers up with the building I think we are kind of done with the skill levels now the only ones

We can really get up are foraging and combat I feel like foraging I don’t know could we get to level 9 it’ be a real push maybe we could just clear some trees get all the hardwood gone and we’ll see I think combat is done I’m

Leaving it as it is I’m not going to the mines at all I will be clearing the Quarry very soon because we need that stone and anything that we can find to sell so I’m kind of good with that we’re not focused on jojo I’m not even going to waste my

Time and yeah we’ve currently got 420k in the bank so ja pox has got more I have no idea guys I have no idea it all depends how we deci what we both decide to do with that are we going to keep it or we going to spend it now my problem

Is if I keep that money thinking oh yeah I’m going to get more than pox and let’s say he’s got 500k that would absolutely hurt because I could have spent that 400k on something else get two more of those to keep me going so that’s why I’m thinking should we just spend the

Money and use it if we need to like on materials to buy buildings on geod to buy artifact troopes on the recipes to craft it’s tough it’s tough there’s definitely going to be something that’s going to hurt us and probably I’ll regret at the end of this that I

Wish I should have done either differently or just done it at all it’s going to be one of them things well guys to say that it’s a good look day I’m not seeing any Treasure Chest at all it’s been so bad even with all the tackle and bait we’ve got and the good

Luck is there’s just nothing here it’s not being very good coming off of that Dino egg oh there’s one here yeah and when we do get something it’s just bait oh my God back to back back to back this is what I want to see I want to see

More keep them coming it’s probably just going to be bait but still oh we’ve already got have we got the dried starfish yeah I think we do but I think the octopuses were asking for those but I think it’s too late now it’s too late now

Buddies 7 days to go and we finally get the second one that was one of my plans to fill a fish pond with N9 or 10 octopus and they would have gave us some Omni geod which would have been amazing so I’d have to buy them but you know it’s those items

The demand for is quite tough to get some of them oh there’s another chest what can we get a single bait you for right we’re starting to feel exhausted so this might have to be the last one and we did get a chest perfect I love ending it on a

Chest oh no what am I doing here I’m messing this one up guys right let’s go down it’s right on the bottom it can be a bit tricky there we go yeah so whatever this is we’ll go back it’s probably just going to be rubbish so it

Doesn’t matter but that is enough for today gold or we take it as a few more gold bars not bad now I’m just going to keep all the star I’m sure I’ve got the starfish but I’m just scared that I’m going to get

Rid of it and like we need it I can put two more gold bar in here nice let’s work through that as well plenty of coal guys 49 gold bars to sell woo Mama I’m leaving it for now for crafting in case we need to craft

Anything but that is amazing let’s go to sleep go to sleep so I think this is going to be the last day we’re going into the last day of this episode so I think we should clear the Quarry guys let’s clear it out see what we can find get some Stone and

Potentially build a few buildings we’ll fish at night if we’ve got some time there’s another battery pack in case we need for crafting I’ll take it just in case cuz like you never know when you’re going to need that okay so that is everything that we can get from there so yes

Let’s do what we need to do Hopper is empty The Silo there’s no food I’m wondering if pox has just gave up feeding the animals now or is he doing we doing buying it and keeping it in his inventory most like is I’m going to start keeping all of all

The cheese going to sell it all in one big like lump guys love but I’m loving the way it feels it in love but I’m in it for all the thrs yeah why does it have to be forever to count any love it’s enough oh yeah it love enough oh yeah

Kiss me right here then kiss someone else we don’t know each other each other if you disappear I still have myself or I can just look for another they say love is never make it without someone more just realized pox is not really going to the Min so I’m wondering is he

Already level 10 mining I don’t know guys without the Quarry I don’t think I ever would have got to level 10 so is is pox level 10 oh I don’t know surely not I’d be kind of impressed if he was lots of minerals there let’s go know let’s just sell everything I was

Going to keep the cheese but I’m just going to get it g so we only got 114 Stone so I’m actually going to have to buy a little bit more soz I need 200 in total so then what I’ll do is we’ll take out the wood and the copper and let’s build some

Buildings so we’ll start off with a coupe an extra one this classes is another Farm building of course we’ll put it with the rest if there’s enough space you know what let’s have it here next to the barn let’s have a cheeky little Coop together

Nice and then we will build The Silo I might keep that here as well it looks kind of cool together and it’s closer look how easy this is and that fits there lovely right oh yeah looks like a nice little farm let’s go guys and then I’ve got 200

More guys I’m just going to literally we’ve got loads of seaweed and stuff like that I am going to build another fish pond just trying to get that uh oh we need 200 we not got 200 I’m sure we had 200 what happened really you’re going to make me buy one

Stone yeah just trying to tip this one off the list you know we getting as many buildings as possible but I think we’re doing quite well I mean we can get even more if we need to Doo because we had quite a lot of money lying around and it wasn’t my main focus

I feel like we’re okay so let’s get that one there I’ll leave a little Gap come cut through there’s a fish pond that’s three buildings just done right there for now just going to do some more fishing guys I think that was a little good a good thing we did there we

Cleared the Quarry got some good stuff to sell and we managed to get three more farm buildings down yeah we’ve dropped a little bit of our money but you know what guys like I said I’m going to be spending all that soon anyway if we don’t get any more artifacts by next

Episode then we need more so I’m going to have to do the artifact Trove technique I’m going to have to buy geod which just to let you know you can go to the special shop here pox knows about this as well and this is where you

Can buy like the minerals and stuff if you need them I don’t know what shop this is I don’t know this must be part of the mod I have no idea I’m guessing because we can’t leave the farm you know and the school Cavern so it’s it’s quite

Impossible to get a ridium Omni geod are in abundance in the school Cavern so this just gives you the option to obtain these items if that makes sense but like look they’re very expensive the Omni geodes we just bought four there very pricey we’ve already got six that’s 10

That’s two artifact TRS that we can buy potentially two new artifacts the only risk with that is you could get one that you’ve already got you know so you going to have to go through a ton of them and that probably means guys spending all of

My money so it’s one of those ones do I risk the money challenge for the artifact one that could be a risk of losing to because we still might not get enough artifacts and then we’ve lost our money as well but at the same time if I leave my

Money and I don’t spend it on artifacts pox could still have more money and he could still have more artifacts and then you know that’s two that’s gone it’s it’s so hard but I’m just feeling like surely pox is going to have more money left over anyway

Like you know all those ducks that he’s been doing from the start and I don’t know what else he’s been producing he was doing the achievements way sooner he earned a th000 he earned 10,000 he earned 100,000 he earned a million way before us it’s just got to

Have more money lying around in the bank so I knew straight away that we was never going to win that one surely not if I do is a bonus I’ll be very shocked and surprised guys we’re going to find out in the next one but I think it’s just worth spending

This money I think guys I was going to keep it but I don’t think we’ve got enough artifacts I really don’t even though I think we’ve done quite well and we’ve got a lot I just I’ve got a funny feeling that pox has got more and I I think it’s the fishing

That he’s been doing it’s scaring me he’s been fishing so much and obviously you can find so many artifacts just like we have from fishing and it worries me guys it worries me it’s going to be tough I’ll decide the next episode what I want to

Do sadly I can’t get your live feedback because these are pre-recorded I think as I’m recording this one and the finale tomorrow like you guys are only on episode three or something like that so yeah it’s one of them ones sadly I’m going to have to use my instincts and

Just kind of go with my own Thoughts with this one but nine times out of 10 that’s always wrong Sharky it’s always wrong let’s give me the artifacts I’ve already got now we still need the anchor and the bone flute I know we can get those in the chests I know we

Can obviously some of the artifacts that you can get from the artifact troves oh or things like the golden mask and the golden Relic you know I don’t think we can ever get them from fishing right or if we do it’s a very rare chance and then there’s things like the El Elvish

Jewelry the gold ring I know that that’s from the artifact troves as well that’s three possible ones that we need we never actually got the ancient seed as well guys I wonder if we should spend one day just trying to hunt for it maybe we should do that just try one day we’ll

Go down with just a sword and a pickaxe and we’ll just clear all those little bugs we’ll have a good luck day I’ll take we’ve got some cooking recipes that give us look so maybe I’ll eat one of those and let’s hun hunt for the ancient

Seed it might be interested I might just dedicate a full day maybe two days at a push at the same time it allows us to get some combat level up but I don’t want to spend too much time on it and then we come away with nothing we’re

Clearly not going to get it by fishing we’re not that lucky right so I think that’s it guys that is this episode Done wow 5 days just like that and the next episode is the big finale where we will be playing through 5 days first just like today and

Then we’re going to wrap things up at the end by meeting up with pox and going through the challenge list and seeing who has done what and we’ll also discuss briefly our tactics as well kind of speak about how we was focusing on each Challenge and what a tactic was but guys

Thank you so much for watching smash the like button stay tuned for the finale it’s going to be huge subscribe if you haven’t but until then guys stay safe and stay cozy

Welcome to a Stardew Valley competitive multiplayer series between myself and Poxial! The second season to this series, who will be the ultimate farmer?


– We can’t build anything on the starter land! (only chests)
– We cannot leave the farm at all!
– We can only sell things in the shipping bins.
– There will be no greenhouse at all.
– We cannot enter each others chests or shipping bin.
– We get one new land every 9th, 18th and 27th of each season.
– The starter land will always be available but for resources only.
– We CAN navigate through the other players lands.
– We cannot take anything from the other players lands.
– The player who owns the land with the farm cave owns the produce in it.
– We can’t fish in any body of water unless it’s connected to our lands.

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