Christmas & Deep Lab Archives! – Let’s Play Minecraft 581

Our skyscraper is finally complete look at it in all of its beauty all sides as you can see we have people working on each floor here this was a pain in the butt because once I completed it all I had to go get all the black stone to make the dark spots not

Only that I realized for most of it I had to go through and place all these slabs so mobs wouldn’t spawn up there and I raised it one more spawning section but then I was going to build another one here as you can see but the Water started freezing right here I

Can’t think of a way to get past that without adding light in here so it make mobs not spawn so I stopped right here and I saved the top two floors to actually put proper floors at I’m going to get get rid of these and probably

This and have three High windows and we could turn this into just a really fancy office maybe even have two of them well not the whole floor we would divide it up into different rooms but uh this was such a fun build and you know it’s not giving me

Bad numbers I had a lot of comments saying like I could have made some stuff better but this is all I’m looking for just a simple loot the more we build in the outskirts here the more this will produce and I’ll have easy material to

Grab I mean hey at first this thing was just going to be an empty shell I didn’t plan on putting a mob spawner so it looks even better at night well uh let’s go build a Christmas tree today I think that’s what we’re going to do

Because well Christmas is in a few days and we don’t even have a tree out yet W even up here those rooms look real oh I love that burger man logo but I got to give the city a break I don’t know just not popular on my channel for some

Reason I don’t know why it just doesn’t bring in as much views as I hope for but I guess that’s just the way it is you guys are interested in other stuff or my channel is just dying even more or you guys are just busy during the holidays I

Don’t know let’s build a Christmas tree okay out of all places can you guess where I’m building my tree out of all places in my world in front of the factory this has been an empty spot for way too long at one point I wanted to

Put water here but I never did so let’s just build a tree here yeah I had to use a tractor because I mean you can’t just plop a tree in the middle of nowhere what what is this Minecraft but breaking the fourth wall here this is my tractor design without the Redstone components

Under here yet and we have a bunch of new copper and I just thought wow I could probably really improve this thing so we can obviously add a copper door can use copper trap doors instead of Acacia trap doors we also have this and one thing I didn’t realize I have my

Copper box right here and we have the copper bulb I love that but what I didn’t realize is I never made the ch chiseled copper we have freaking chiseled copper oh and I love this block so much because it looks very mechanical it almost looks like a fan I do think

There’s three other different stages of this block this copper is the best block in the game now in my opinion I guess I could simply just like replace that block just to add detail yeah look at that I’ll Tinker on this um while I’m building the tree but as you can see our

Tree here I’m going for a very different design I want it it’s probably going to go taller than that but I’m building it one branch at a time I’m not going to do it like those trees over there so in this fashion we can actually hang like a

Stick or a fence in something below it like a whole like this block for example or even the copper bulb o for our ornaments and lights this isn’t an easy process though it’s hard to create this perfect little swoop you know what in my humble opinion

As an awful tree builder in this game that one didn’t turn out half bad and it goes well there too so when Christmas is over all we do is take off the ornaments and we have a nice beautiful custom tree right in front of the factory yeah yeah

The hardest part is building a branch out especially since most of them are diagonal and have like curves to them you have to build it step back and view it from every single angle and half the time you have to tear it down and just rebuild it and uh yeah okay I’m happy

I’m done you know I wonder if these will even look good actually we can hang them with lightning rods I got a feeling it’ll look a little strange I like how you can get rid of the lever on these things actually oh yeah that’s a good ornament

And we can mix in some of these to change it up hey look at that not bad oh I forgot those oxidized too oh they’ll turn green that’s handy but I used three different lights as you can see I tried using sea lanters but they’re just too white just looks better with these

Warmer colors now we could probably wrap something around it like a ribbon oh I need to put a star what was that I’m honestly really happy with that it’s simplified very simplified but there’s a uniqueness about it like I planted this tree here with a tractor and sloppily

Threw up my star and light fixtures that are in the game it looks like a very minecrafty tree and I I like it like I don’t really want to add much more to it I feel like it would be too much should I throw presents under there perhaps not

Really good blocks well there’s a few good blocks I was mainly thinking of glaze terra cotta those might look good as wrapping paper but we’ll see oh look at that see I would actually prefer as as a pain in the butt as this tree was to

Make I’d like to get rid of every one of these you see and just have one of those I’ve had my f with this though hope you guys have a merry Christmas no I’m not ending the episode here I’m just wishing you a merry Christmas okay so as you know over over

Here we have some scaffolding no not this garbage this kind of scaffolding I wanted to make my own realistic looking scaffolding and I really like the way this looks it looks even better if you hang certain banners like probably light gray banners from this but this was also

Intended to be actually used as scaffolding as you can see you can go up this bit and then work on this level but as you can see there’s nothing really to work on right there was kind of obviously just for looks I’ve been messing around with a new Scaffolding in

My test world and I want to try it in some of the city here yes I’m going back to the city maybe just for a minute wait I should show you what I’ve been working on in the lab too will this look good it’s totally up

To you I think it’ll look good I don’t know I feel like this city really needs Scaffolding in a lot of places just considering it’s a freaking City and it’s constantly being built on I know these are floating right here but I don’t care um let’s go over here boom boom

Boom boom boom voila maybe they’re patching up this brick work right here that look stupid with the ladders oh no oh yeah I mean no but yeah I really like it maybe I should do the trick to flip these over Burger man you okay in there he

Really misses me I should probably go give him his weekly hug now that I think about it it would be pretty cool at some point to have something hanging off the side as window cleaners but I have a building in my that we can do that on because I do have

Another skyscraper build for the future but it’s going to require thousands and thousands of pieces of glass because it’s primarily going to be a glass building and I can’t wait might start that sooner than I think because I’m just SE into the city right now there we

Go see how simple flipping the middle lightning rod makes it look just some nice little scaffolding hey Burger man get off the counter unsanitary rabbit to please the back rooms most of the time when I come down here I’m usually in quote unquote character I don’t usually build

On here whatever I end up building I just show you as if it’s already been here you know but um I’m breaking that fourth wall once again this episode and well we have some archives I’ve been working on here and there in the past couple weeks mainly just clearing it out

And getting all the Sandstone terra cotta and stone for the top um but this is going to be the archives for the slime science center where some books are going to go some Contraptions just paper work and all that like you already see some books up here ssse Aquatic Research oh there’s

One nuclear fusion testificate fatalities oh gosh what this what SSC City blueprints oh slime mutagen research we got a lot more books to bring down here I I was starting to expect Bandit some more because it just didn’t feel big enough I broke into some freaking red stone what is

This what what it oh okay I had no idea it was this close this is the main lab door hopefully I didn’t break it oh we’re good I’d get into some serious trouble if I broke the main door but you know what I find kind of sad and

It’s my own fault is that the lab somwhat feels retired doesn’t it like we don’t come here anymore and I feel like whatever project or experiment I do I add it to the city it has me feeling a little sad like I don’t want this place

To end so the only way to fix that is to come back here every once in a while and build some stuff so that’s why I’m building this I guess this is as far as we can go here I wonder what I should do with this room

Because I actually want to start filling up what I call the lower offices you it’s called the back rooms obviously but I call them the lower offices to fit in with the low of the lab like that’s what I did here I want to start filling it up

With just things where we just store things I don’t know like what was this once used for looks interesting anyway but that’s what I’m doing in here of course piles of boxes and stuff that probably just were left behind and I am going to go through and actually fill

All these up with like papers and documents because that really brings your world to life like for example these books up here I won’t even just put blank papers in there I’d like to write on them you know but anyway I got some how can I do this I want to put

Some computer monitors down here is this A blank black one perfect got to put some old monitors down here hey look at that I am in love with these new tough blocks have you guys been using them I really want to start using them more I

Think they’ll look great as desks so for example I could even put a desk back here because I usually use polished Granite as desks but this is polished Granite really it is but just a little bit darker which is the shade I’ve mentioned a few times I’ve always wanted

In this game cuz we have polished Blackstone polished deep slate and then it goes to Polished Granite there’s no in between and this is that perfect in between how did I okay that’s just a bug you can break those instantly ah I was so close to the

Effect I wanted what rer distance am I at pretty low okay well I could even lower it even more to get that effect I want but what I wanted was to walk into the archive and then see fog that’s how far back it went but you just see piles

Of this stuff and bookshelves that was the original effect I wanted you know what maybe this doesn’t even have to be the main Archives this could just be a storage Warehouse we could eventually make an insane archives somewhere um my computer or this world is going to hate

Me so much the amount of maps I use oh wait don’t I usually use oh I made it dark haven’t thought of the lighting situation see without okay I hate this about Maps but I guess there’s no workaround for it I don’t always want to use glow item frames because I don’t

Want them always to be super lit up like this monitor right here but if you don’t and you still want a light source to be near by no matter where you put the light source it’s always going to do this it mainly looks bad on normal Maps

Like obviously you won’t have a white map like this it still gives us effect on a normal map there we go we just have some basic stuff on there might change it to Glow item frames later I actually really like this effect of it being all

Dark giving the idea that we don’t use it anymore this is just old archives but it’s bringing me back to one of my older episodes I used to have remember my second storage room under ground I used to have a piston door you wouldd walk through but every time you’d walk

Through it it would slowly turn on the lights one by one across the ceiling and I got a feeling I want to try that here now this place is obviously not mob proof I usually come down here and peaceful which I may be in right now um

So I think this would be an appropriate spot to have lights although it wouldn’t shine on the ground that well that’s the whole point like it doesn’t matter maybe the lights are weaker because this place is old but I love that effect so I’m probably I won’t be able to do it this

Episode running thin already but uh I think that’ be a great idea this place could look so much better this is I just I’m disappointed at myself because I wanted it to be bigger but oh wait I guess I could go that way or that way I’ll probably do that because I just

Imagine this place so much bigger than it is I got to say a few of my favorite Parts in the back rooms down here is this hallway right here in particular and this I’m surprised I actually went down I almost feel like this is oh I keep forgetting this stuff I could use

That keep forgetting that and I love that the further down I go I make the place look more broken I guess you could say some of the lights are out there’s crap on the ground perhaps this is where the archives should have went even further down I still have a bunch of

Time to decide not this episode I mean I’m going to have to end it here holidays are creeping up and I got to be up somewhat ear oh God got to be up somewhat early to start it all like I just walked in here and seeing Sandstone

For so long like this is just a much more grimier feel oh wow that’s the thing about building something in such detail like this and not putting a purpose down here because you will never come down here even the lights on the bomb are blinking yes I was they’re building a

Bomb here that’s what this says there’s even slime on the table I need to start doing that I really got to start giving this place a purpose how’s the Christmas tree look looks a little strange in RTX maybe it look better at daytime huh kind of yeah looks

Good to me sorry for blabbering your ear off there at the end so uh let me do it some more today’s comic question is from trip Z gaming do you recommend your laptop and if so what are the specs and what is your FPS would you prefer a

Different laptop or PC if my apartment burned down hopefully it doesn’t KN on wood because there’s been an apartment fire at this apartment complex before I would buy the same exact laptop obviously with better specs because as the year goes by the better laptop usually drops prices so I think there’s

Even better one than I have now or better specs that is like a better graphics card and probably processor that will equal about the same price as mine is now now I believe I have the GTX 3050 and again remember there’s a difference between a 3050 graphics card

That’s in a actual computer and a laptop usually the laptop 3050 equates to about probably like a 1080 or 1060 I don’t know it’s not impressive it’s not as impressive as a fullon 3050 but I mean I’m running RTX right now uh I’m not getting full 60 but I’m

Getting about 40 to 50 I’d say and I I’m telling I’ll tell you what I do not I can’t recommend this laptop enough no I’m not sponsored by Legion I think I have the specs and what I’m the laptop I’m using in my description below if you’re interested I think my brother

Even recently got a lesion because it’s just such a good laptop so no I would not recommend anything else wow look at my house I would not recommend anything else and I would not get a desktop PC because I personally don’t want one obviously get what fit fits your needs

The most I want a laptop because I have the perfect setup for a laptop I love laptops they’re you can take it to go there’s not too many instances where I need to take my laptop but when I need to I will I’ve just always been a laptop

Person and I I like it that’s all I got to say and you guys were the ones that helped me get it also I saw your comment Pathfinder and I was going to write it down but I forgot to I am going to try to stream next year finally I shouldn’t

Even say that because I keep saying I am and I’m not so we’ll see what Dallas does let’s hope he holds up to his word I want to thank some donors before we end off here specifically flesh Artistry with a massive generous 100 donation now

Your name is Natalie p i put you right here I couldn’t tell if you wanted that name over your real name um you’re going to have to let me know but I just put it as that for now um Natalie that is huge and very generous of you because I

Didn’t know if you wanted a villager to be named flesh Artistry or just a villager to be named Natalie in your last name but I don’t know ah see without using Glo ink i h i feel like you can’t read it that well it’s just this is really dropping my frames now

But nope NOP I can’t sacrifice I will walk in here at 5 fps to contribute this to you guys but Natalie that is insane thank you so much for that Christmas gift and z z thank you for your nice donation as well Z I really appreciate

That Z am I saying that right and James Irving or Irvine thank you very much James I appreciate that as well that’s very thoughtful of you all of you flesh you made it in my book or Natalie you want me to call you flesh seems a little

Weird I could bring a villager over to my house name her flesh no that’s weird see that’s why I’m confused Natalie let me know I don’t know but everyone thank you so much for watching I know this was kind of a i it feels lackluster to me

This episode does usually when I start talking a lot that means I I’m trying to fit in some time to get this video out it’s just the holidays man it it gets stressful but uh it is what it is I’m going to be on like a 5day Hiatus so I

Won’t be able to upload getting a lot of frames around here oh I’m on high render distance but I probably won’t be uploading for a week um but once we get back oh boy we are going to be attacking projects like no other I know the city’s

Not of people’s interest right now but I want to build this new skyscraper so bad I’m ready to get my city skyline going isn’t that a video game City skylines well I want to make one in Minecraft but don’t you worry eventually I’m going to get to making my new Witcher schools

Here soon oh there’s just so much to do Minecraft you know how it is see you in the next episode bye-bye and Merry Christmas

Today I build a new Christmas Tree and then work in the archives under the laboratory!

Donate to help me and my channel! Thanks! –
(Your name and donation will be placed in the chapel. 50+ will get your name placed on the chapel wall and you will be turned into a villager with a random job throughout my world.) Thanks again for supporting my channel!

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World Downloads (Ep.550):
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Download my skins here! –

World Tours:
Ep.46 –
Ep.100 –
Ep.150 –
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Ep.300 –
Ep.350 –
Ep.400 –
Ep.450 –
Ep.500 –
Ep.550 –

World Seed: 1404998407 (After Caves and Cliffs update, this seed is not the same)

Start the Adventure from Episode 1! –

History of this world:
This survival series started on July 10th 2014 on the MCPE (Minecraft Pocket Edition) App. I had quite a few MCPE videos before this series that I recorded and edited on the iPod 4th Generation. When I finally upgraded to the iPhone 5, this was when I wanted to start a Minecraft series that will last forever! I started this series on the iPhone 5 and eventually upgraded again to the iPhone 6 Plus for more power on Ep.66. MCPE on the iPhone 6 Plus served me well for a long time until the game started updating more and became even slower. This was until I bought myself a gaming laptop (Lenovo Y700) and transferred my ongoing MCPE world to Windows 10 Edition on Ep.154. Till this day, we are still surviving and thriving with builds in this world and plan to do so far into the future!

About me and my world:
Race: Slime
Age: 27
Country: US
World Created In: Update 0.9.0 (2014)
Computer: Lenovo Legion 5 Gen 7 –
Record With: OBS Studio
Edit With: Shotcut
Microphone: Blue Yeti (Blackout Edtion)
Headset: Astro A10

Thanks for watching!



  1. hey Dallas ! fyi when excavators arnt being used we put the claw and bucket on the ground so the hydraulics holding the arm up won’t go bad sitting there 😉

  2. Streaming could be fun however I know some content creators have had a rough time doing it on the same channel as their main. Perhaps consider making some shorts? The algorithm seems to push those if you do one or two a week

  3. Merry Christmas Dallas. Our family started watching you 2022 during a serious family health crisis and we still look forward to what you upload. My husband and I have started a bedrock long-play world where we are determined to stay in one world and make memories together with our older children sometimes joining in. I'm excited to see what 2024 has in store for your Slime World and our Timberhold Harbor and Villagecraft.

  4. Another great episode Dallas. Been watching for a long time, watching your episodes always makes me want to play Minecraft. Thanks for all the great content this year and always. Can't wait to watch more in 2024!

  5. If its possible, it would be cool to see an episode where you tour the hermitcraft s9 download. You could maybe even add a cheeky build of your own. Not sure if that would be allowed though(?)

  6. You building things for and in the city is the most interesting right now for me 🙂 so many good ideas and how awesome it looks as it grows! Love it. But love all the rest too. I will watch every episode, no matter what. And i am so looking forward to the lifestreams, please make it happen, that would be so so good.

  7. the city looks gorgeous i just feel like the reason that the city videos don’t get a lot of views is just because building skyscrapers is very monotonous in nature so once you’ve seen one built you’ve seen em all

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