How Minecraft Legends DIED in Only 8 Months…

After 1 week 80% of players quit after 2 weeks 92% of players quit 1 month 99% of players were gone 8 months later 99.99% of players have abandoned Minecraft Legends Minecraft Legends was an exciting new addition to the Minecraft landscape a visually beautiful game developed over 5 years promising to

Involve action adventure and strategy in an almost open world-like environment that looked and felt like Minecraft it was something fans of the game were extremely excited for selling over 3 million copies in its first few weeks however now just 8 months later after the game’s release Minecraft Legends has

Lost basically all of its players regularly seeing as low as just seven people playing the game at a time and with the many negative reviews community’s outraged and quitting and the game potentially being shut down next month what the hell went wrong with Minecraft Legends I think the easiest

Way to show you why the game lost so many of its players so quickly is to show you what I a new player to the game Who hadn’t really heard much about it before thought about the game when I first began playing it I want to make it

Clear to you how the average player felt when they first played the game my immediate First Impressions were that the graphics and visual style were really cool the animated cut scenes were gorgeous whilst the game still looked very Minecraft like despite a selection of differing blocks and features the

Tutorial was easy to understand and the mechanics seemed fun and straightforward at first especially the resource collection as I entered the world and began my first real fight whereby I had to defend the village I was genuinely enjoying the game commanding my small army and leading them into battle I

Actually found it really fun to run into the small packs of piglins and whack them with my sword watching them all fly back so far so good I thought the next thing I did was go clear a piglin Outpost which was decently fun I got access to a new Golem as well another

Outpost down still pretty enjoyable and now I was assuming the bulk of the tutorial was complete and I would begin to experience new game mechanics and what Legends truly had to offer and I was in luck because the next part whereby basically a massive war occurred

And I sieged a large piglin Outpost with Hostile Mobs firing and fighting all around me was extremely entertaining this was by far the peak of my experience playing the game and made me excited for what was to come but unfortunately this is where the cracks

Began to show off of the high from the big battle I just successfully commanded a bunch of piglin outposts appeared on my map I proceeded to go to one and basically just straight lined right to the portal the objective you have to destroy and well destroyed it it really

Wasn’t that interesting all I did was command my Golems to attack the portal then used the one and only attack I had a simple sword swipe to fend off a few mobs for about a minute all right maybe that was just one of the more boring outposts let’s fail to defend this

Village because I arrived late and head to another Outpost with slight slly different piglins this time and let’s see what do we do here oh go straight to the portal and destroy it again while standing around and occasionally attacking all right how about a harder Outpost what do we have to do here

Surely it’s not just oh this time we have to destroy some Towers before we can destroy the portal man I don’t want to do this again and that right there was the moment I simply could not be asked playing this game anymore it had officially lost me the combat just

Simply wasn’t that enjoyable and got really repetitive really fast I didn’t particularly like the longdistance mob control thing they had going called banner mode because I didn’t just want to sit around watching from afar I wanted to be in the action myself but even when I would lead my troops to

Battle besides my one left click attack I didn’t really get to do anything it was boring plain and simple now obviously there are other game mechanics you get introduced to but remember I’m explaining this to you from the perspective of a player who’s just bought the game the game hasn’t told me

This yet or let me experience it and it’s lost my attention already I’m not going to stick around so sorry and I would like to point out that I’m not one who loses attention to new games quickly I’ve played a variety of different games of varying difficulties and genres for

Dozens if not hundreds or even thousands of hours I’m not the type of person who only plays a handful of games of the same genre and trust me I’m far from the only one who the game failed to string along either it seems to be more common than not Minecraft Legends core gameplay

Mechanics and combat Loop simply are uninteresting in one week the game had lost 80% of its players 2 weeks in it had lost 92% 3 weeks in 96% 1 month almost 99% and now 8 months later it sometimes dips down into the single digits of players online a loss of

99.99% with even my Minecraft server OG getting more players every day this is just steam the game is also available on consoles the Xbox store and in the Minecraft launcher but it’s likely that player numbers on those platforms have seen a similar huge decline as well Google Trends also seems

To indicate this so how did the game catastrophically decline so quickly what went wrong well you’ve heard why me an average new player didn’t particularly enjoy the game but I’m not one of the few players who actually stuck around months later or that had contact with developers nor did I experience all of

The game’s mechanics and the community and that’s why I’ve got in contact with a player named M Lee for those of you who don’t know mlee is a Minecraft OG he was the one who came up with the idea of the Zombie Pigman years ago now even

Receiving a special Cape from Notch for it which was later removed he is now very much invested in the Minecraft Legends modding Community has created mods for the game as well as had contact with developers of Legends and more and he’s given me a lot of information not

Really publicly known about what really went wrong with the game let’s begin let’s first talk about the campaign mck Lee shares similar opinions on the campaign to M the game looks beautiful and fun at first but very quickly becomes repetitive and boring the game only continues to become more of a

Repetitive slug the further you get in as well nothing in the game play actually really changes you do the same tasks of protect villagers and destroy the pigin bases and there’s not even really any downsides to failing to protect the villages either nothing bad ever happens there doesn’t seem to be

Any tension risk or urgency the core gameplay Loop is boring that’s it there’s no replayability to the campaign or really any of the gameplay mechanics at all you see once you actually beat the game which takes roughly 8 to 16 hours depending on difficulty there is virtu nothing left to do this isn’t

Minecraft where the game only truly begins when you beat the Ender Dragon after playing for a few hours the game quite literally ends here your world becomes pointless there’s no additional piglin bases of varying difficulties and challenges to beat and there’s no additional Unique Mechanics you unlock

Supposedly there was actually a lot of cut content though including Village cultures Mount attacks and even additional bases and points of interest like a giant Nest which was found by players who looked into the game’s code there’s even a nice long Wiki page about unused Minecraft Legends features none

Of this is in the game or publicly announced and as such currently Minecraft Legends endgame consists of the equivalent of beating the Ender Dragon in Minecraft and then that’s it the game’s over there is also a PVP mode but currently it’s very basic and unstructured I hopped in and from what I

Gather you in a small world where you and your team of four have to defend your own base as well as destroy your enemy’s base it doesn’t seem too bad but also seems pretty directionless there’s no ranking system skill-based matchmaking or MMR unless you really like the Combat gameplay mechanics

There’s no incentive to keep playing it doesn’t keep you hooked and seems more like they just enabled PVP in a world plop the players in them and that was it the game play wasn’t even the biggest issue though no far from it the biggest issue is that 3/4 of you guys are

Currently not subscribed to my channel we need to lower that number no pressure anyways while Minecraft Legends gameplay wasn’t the best players still found enjoyment in the game and its beautiful environment but as mle told me Mojang’s communication with the Legends community and active players has been utterly

Terrible upon the game’s release Mojang reported it had topped 3 million players in Just 2 weeks a huge success for any game no doubt and they had everything going for them a game backed by Minecraft the biggest game in the world funded by Mojang and thus Microsoft one

Of the hugest companies in the world they had everything at their disposal to make this game a huge success yet while the community organized tournaments set up active Discord servers to play and discuss the game and basically did what they do and still do with to this day

The game solid began declining with Mojang not saying a word the core problems with the game that being the campaign the boring and repetitive Combat gameplay Loop the inattention to PVP and the severe lack of endgame content were left unfixed and that made players rapidly lose interest and quit

The game has received very few updates since its release almost 8 months ago now the earlier game playay where players had to defend more villagers was shortened as it dragged on a bit and they did add some new units and mounts to the game most notably custom game settings things were added allowing

Players to change up the campaign having a bigger World size changing gravity and game mechanics as well as changing the density of resources and more but this type of content didn’t fix the glaring issues with the game leading players to rapidly lose interest and quit it’s boring combat Loop Mojang’s

Communication only declined over time as well most of the remaining Legends Community waited in eager anticipation of Minecraft live which occurred back in October a great chance for the game to receive more exposure again yet Mojang only showcased Legends for about 3 minutes barely anything at all crushing

The community’s morale most of the once active Legends Community were completely and utterly inactive by this point all of which had lost interest in the game and Mojang did nothing to Hype them up or even attempt to bring them back there was no public road map of future content

And updates communities felt entirely left in the dark and as if the Silence from Mojang surrounding the huge decline of Legends was a signed that they had mostly given up on it you see ironically most of the information and communication from The Game’s developed developers didn’t actually come from

Mojang Mojang did not make this game solely by themselves another game development Studio named Blackbird interactive who were also involved in Minecraft Earth played a key role in Legends development Mojang are meant to be the ones handling game communication and Community engagement though they have the huge platform and resources yet

As mickley told me the developers from Blackbird interactive have done a far better job talking to the community hosting regular amas with players in community discords as well as displaying a strong passion and care for the game in fact here you can see a blackbird interactive Dev talk about the content

That was cut that would have really added variety to the endgame and made it that much more interesting this type of communication should have come from Mojang and should have addressed The Wider Community it’s their job to establish this line of communication another great example of Mojang’s neglect was a special Asus sponsored

Stream that occurred only a bit over a week ago now where two Minecraft Legends developers finally talked more about the game for over an hour yet the Community wasn’t informed of this event taking place at all not even a tweet from the main Legends account or anything nobody

Knew about this event until after it had happened with such poor communication lack of Engagement with the community and they perceived silence to the many core issues Legends continue to face many of the game’s remaining active and dedicated players who continued playing the game despite its flaws simply gave

Up on it believing it to be dead feeling like Mojang were acting as if Minecraft Legends just didn’t exist not even basic Community PVP events are run and there is now a big distrust between the Mojang Legends developers and the remaining Legends Community even as much as simply

Publicly addressing that the game isn’t in a great state right now would go miles for the community’s morale but yet they are met with silence and it’s such a shame because as mickley told me Minecraft Legends has a very active modding community and the game was clearly designed with modding in mind

Mikle is very involved in the Minecraft Legends modding Discord which will be linked below if you want to check check it out where mods such as Minecraft skin packs and models are shared as well as mods that can completely change gameplay such as this Herobrine dungeon mle is

Currently working on with custom models there is a lot you can do with modding players can virtually create their entire own game modes known as myths or lost Legends which could be sold in the future on the marketplace that’s right Legends has a similar Marketplace to Minecraft Bedrock Edition or players can

Download them themselves I mention in the future though because as it currently stands the marketplace has a suite of tools for creator that the community can’t actually access yet with the only individuals able to technically upload and sell content on the marketplace being a company called House

Of how who were contracted by Mojang and aren’t involved in the community whatsoever so it seems like Mojang intended for the marketplace modding and Creator tools to be readily available for the community to eventually use but now the community has been effectively told that there aren’t really any plans

To release these tools to them or to help promote the game by bringing in other creators at all Community content support would have been huge in making the game More Alive just look at the huge modding scene Minecraft Java has but has basically been ignored by Mojang

Once again so the community has taken it upon themselves to do that instead currently there are projects and developments such as a mod manager and loader as well as a website for the modern Community whereby they can share their mods and access modding related resources and documentation to help

Other people begin modding and much more the Minecraft Legends moding Community is basically doing Mojang’s job here after being repeatedly left in the dark ignored and abandoned I strongly advise you to check out the Legends morning community and Discord if you have any interest at all left in Minecraft

Legends now that’s good and all but there’s still one very big issue that remains Minecraft Legends might already be dead in July of this year mlee and other members of the community were told privately by a Legends developer that the game had roughly 6 months left of support planned now that could have

Changed since depending on how Legends engagement and player activity went but has clearly only continued to get worse if those internal plans remain true that would mean January next year which as of this video is only a bit over a week away could potentially be where Minecraft Legends meets its end the free

Lost legend which is basically a monthly free DLC meant to release this month was delayed until January with no word of future updates and with the knowledge about the game’s potential closure the remaining Legends Community is now left extremely worried that Mojang is about to ax Legends right in front of their

Very eyes there is some hope still though as I mentioned the Blackbird interactive devs are still active within the community and seem to be engaged with the game there was still a lot of interest in the game when it first released 3 million players who bought

The game likely many more now is no small number and it is of course backed by Microsoft with the Minecraft name only time will tell though and as it remains today the game often sees as low as seven players online on Steam likely not many more across all other platforms

Seemingly set to shut down soon I hope you enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe thank you all so much for watching

Minecraft Legends was an anticipated addition to the minecraft universe, with players eagerly awaiting its release. But now, 8 months after launch, it has lost almost all of its players. What went wrong?

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Minecraft Legends Modding Discord –
Miclee –

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Join my OG Minecraft Server, The OG Network! (1.8-1.20):
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Minecraft Legends Mod Loader (Mythtic) –
Minecraft Legends Modding Website –
TheAtlanticCraft –
Final Boss Fight Footage –

0:00 – Intro
1:00 – The New Player Experience
3:24 – It’s Boring, Sorry
5:06 – What Really Went Wrong
7:44 – Poor Communication and Neglect
11:54 – An Active Modding Community
13:44 – Minecraft Legends Is Already Dead?

Music Used:
1. Scott Buckley – Machina
2. DBadge – Lust (
3. Lena Raine – Rubedo
4. DBadge – Drop (
5. Nyoko – Flowing Into The Darkness
6. C418 – Ki

If there is any content in this video which you own and would like removed, than please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.

#minecraft #minecraftlegends #minecraftdungeons


  1. Mojang massively messes their game up and goes silent, leaving the modding community to fix the problems that Mojang created.
    Holup.. flashback to Java chat reporting
    This appears to be a recurring theme.

  2. i bought legends and its honestly pretty good, i jumped back in recently. i think the multiplayer thing could be really fun if i had friends that also had the game.
    its sad to see legends die, theyll never add these good features because nobody plays and the seed of doubt has already been planted in peoples minds.

  3. Mate why is everyone making this video now…2 days ago someone made it and now I’ve already found 2 more people uploading this video today like why now….

  4. BBI (Black Bird Interactive, the company that developed the game) has made some other games that I've really enjoyed, it seems like the Microsoft team just really dropped the ball here. Sad to see

  5. I mean I am not surprised legends died so quickly

    It was boring and not really fun
    You aren’t getting Minecraft fans to try something else because there not really interested in other spin off games

    they only care for main Minecraft

  6. To this year, mojang never showed that they are good at making videogames, only thing that they showed is that notch had a great idea for a game, and the rest knew to continue expanding that single game (and sometimes even this isnt tru)

  7. Steam isn't the only platform it's hosted on and that site only uses steam pop statistics. I wouldn't think that is all the players at any given time, I wouldn't think it was the most popular platform either.

    But it is definitely dead so

  8. As someone who got Minecraft Dungeons even this game was shit to me, my friend even begged fot me to get it and I'm just like. Dude, it's boring to me and I reckoj the gameplay is going to get boring fast.

  9. And yet from a capitalist standpoint these Minecraft mini games are extremely successful. Especially when one realises the price they charge for the Minecraft base game, a game made famous for its communal ability to modify and play for free.
    Bedrock, Dungeons, Legenda, etc even when they are shelved still mean millions of sales at tens of dollars each before ingame stores and cut-content-DLC are factored in. These bare-minimum games see insane sales and target the most vulnerable people through pervasive targeted advertising

  10. First Minecraft Earth, then Dungeons, now Legends?? Minecraft is truly a blessing and a curse. You cannot make a spinoff and expect it to be as successful as the original…

  11. 7:29
    Couldn't give less of a shit about that tbh. The problem with multiplayer is that the game itself still has to either create funny mp moments or be good enough to make ppl play mp. And i assume none of those apply

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