What Do You Have…?! A KNIFE!! Put That Down!! 🦉DotAGE: Whipper-Snappers! • #48

All right all right I’ve got this I’ve got this perhaps we don’t have any hippies trained just yet but I’m sure that we’re going to be able to go ahead and have plenty of these flower loving folk frolicking in our Villages soon especially because I think I exude a

Natural Essence considering my name in real life is even sage like literally my parents must have had a hippie moment when they lived in La just then long it when they moved back to the Midwest but they had it for a moment and it stuck with me but hello everyone and welcome back

To the Village of Are We There you which still has a very suspicious bubbling going on in the lake that makes me a little worried but perhaps jogging my memory brain beans in a moment here will assist us with figuring out what the heck that’s all about or not which is

Okay I’m just a little concerned but I probably don’t have time to be concerned about that because we also need to work work on getting some health protection up we are curing the last of the two diseased people poor Dragon King and Zea like they just kind of slipped under the

Radar there sorry about that guys really didn’t mean for that to happen uh and then we have poor fire phoenix desperately trying to make some medicine to summon the essence of Health into the village which really considering the fact that we don’t have people bathing again I could see where that could

Become a bit of a problem uh and I mean we are also very close hopefully uh to being able to train a doctor we finally have a wonderful Alini who is taking care of making medicine out of the flowers but not the hippie flowers like medicinal flowers uh that are being

Collected by Bergie zubot chaos and the lar spring at these herb collecting stations that 110% are totally the reason that I made this here and not because for some reason I thought I was going to put apple trees on it but yeah we’ve got a lot going on

Right now and um I don’t mind a little more chaos I’m going to say out loud just so that I bring you know the chaos Gods down on our heads but let’s check out what has jogged my memory brain beam and then we shall carry on with all of

This including desperately trying to get like a hippie ready for cataclysmic events um in the future we have a big one coming up don’t we I could have sworn there’s today sickness sickness fear okay actually we don’t really need a hippie right away funny that we just

Need to make sure that we have sickness tackled and then that we’re tackling uh the upcoming fear domain huh huh see and I was worried didn’t need to even care well but I do care don’t worry guys I I I care about all of you don’t don’t fret in any case we have

Temples oh my gosh oh my gosh nice see fertile trains I know I wasn’t supposed to peek ahead but I could make dirt oh my goodness okay that’s very exciting that’s very exciting and it has like a shovel and some unknown things and we’re not even halfway through the memory Bean

List and I love this okay all right let’s see so let’s do temples that sounds relevant wow that’s so pretty oh my gosh a water Shrine we tried building some of the shrines in the water making sure the foundations were strong enough to hold the Shrine in the seabed many collapsed

But those that stood were a sight to behold that’s so cool so then you can actually get nature Essence if you are at the water Shrine oh my gosh that’s a good way to use up your water areas and that’s also for the fishing Pips that we

Don’t have cuz we don’t have any fish some Pips learned that using their bare hands was not the best way to catch fish also for some reason Reon they started to get a lot more shy like all the fish I was like I don’t know isn’t the

The joke that a whole bunch of the Fishers tend to be like and the fish I caught was as long as two Labradors or something like that H which doesn’t seem very shy but maybe if we don’t have a pub they don’t have anywhere to brag about that the Temple’s beautiful the

Refreshing waves hitting the temples were very relaxing so many Pips went to the temples just to hear the sound a I like that a lot unfortunately just having the memory doesn’t mean that we have access to building it if our scribes and scribblers don’t have that in the research tree Mountain Shrine is

Also awesome wow building shrines on the top of mountains was harder but it allowed us to make sure that sacrifices could be seen from the sky thankfully the sacrifices are just like metal bars not like fill in the blank with sad [Laughter] things I I prefer sacrificing tomatoes

And perhaps the metal bars now have come in the village of our we there you with our immersive roleplay and if you are not here for the immersive roleplay I don’t know why you’re here but I hope you’re having a good time uh but I like the idea that the metal bars represent

Our victory over the Earth God and while the Earth God May occasionally get quite upset and share that frustration with the nature God Aro needing to Plate the nature God who can then plate the Earth God I also think it’s kind of a cool way to show like hey we won like

Here’s proof of our Victory cuz getting those metal bars done well to be honest maybe a book is harder but still Mountain Temple the layout of the mountain temples was a sight to behold with all those Gates lined up in Rose oh that is really pretty one of these days

Chips and I will be be able to go to Japan and like see the Tory Gates cuz that would be quite lovely all right so there’s other buildings that my memory brain beans might be able to unlock oh I think there’s another animal I wasn’t supposed to peek I’m just so excited

Well if we want to go ahead and find out what is ahead then we need to carry on don’t we fly my food fly oh good and we’re also taking apart some of the last of the extra bonfires just because I’m worried that that could

Be huge um danger oh look and we have a little cloak area made now yay woohoo excellent and people aren’t sick anymore the domains are being taken care of a whole bunch of people are happy because we had that Apple Feast that I also think did give people stomach [Laughter]

AES and for absolutely no reason related to a beware a doom event is coming soon prepare for it for it may be the end of the village you know Elder like you could have some variations on that cuz I could see how this would be like not the

Boy who cried wolf cuz well actually very rarely have bad things happen to our village so I could see how people would stop listening to our Elder and look at the sleeping bunnies that he’s standing next to that’s really cute um but also like you

Know I talk to myself to to earn a living ironic um and even I know that if you want to keep interest amongst yourself let alone thousands of people around the world who somehow chip in with tiny little bits of AD money to feed me thank you very much

Um you got to vary up what you say sometimes Elder whoa all right there’s the fair event I think we like smashed that in um oh wait okay 15 a day maybe we’ll have some people enjoy some of the the other things we have in the village that bring a little hope

Because that that’s a little more than I was expecting not going to lie meanwhile uh fire phoenix please don’t please don’t slow down on making that health I don’t think I can make any other health faster unless oh right here that’s right okay can I build that in time

Though it’s a race against ill health okay that’s the healer’s cottage oh my gosh fire phoenix hang on oh we actually have the medical herbs now oh my gosh and now she’s turning out 15 a day woo I think we’re actually going to be able to handle that

Perfectly because of the wonderful herb collectors behold the power of flowers I told you all very good very good to have flowers in fact um I realized if we’re going to train a hippie to like work over here we are probably also going to need to have plenty of flowers I don’t

Really have the villagers actively picking those yet so so today we are going to hopefully plant mini flowers if I have enough seeds to be able to make such dreams Blossom and indeed we do and we’re going to remove the signpost to have even more room for flowers build a

New one over here so that we don’t suddenly lose access to everything and then we’re going to continue to plant more things along here and we can even build a another one of the temples or the little shrines hasz plus eight for each n nature maker with within one um gosh and

I guess we’re learning new ways to make nature do we actually have access to that water temple there’s the still so we can make some fruit juice uh let’s see but I don’t know if we can get that because the research trees uh just to break immersion for a quick moment the

Research trees I think are slightly randomized every time you have a village so you don’t exactly know and I think cuz this is like little training wheels first Village like it’s it’s what you expect but you don’t exactly know what you’re going to get which I think is

Kind of cool all right let’s see can’t build down there unfortunately uh but what if I actually built over here and then put another sign now there’s some good thinking and then let’s see we’re clearing this out so that we can put a woodworker right here and then another paper maker like

Right here and maybe even like yeah like another paper maker we need our book makers oh that’s right we need our bookmakers do we have the tools to train the bookmakers now we do yes oh dear and then what’s going on over here oh we don’t have enough copper ore oh my gosh

We’re out of copper ore okay not enough copper ore cuz we’re still training Renee that is another point in the favor of perhaps having another mine H well I can’t exactly mind my own business on this can I so copper mine it causes crumbling we could put it right here

That gives us two copper uh actually it’ll give us four copper cuz it’s next to a Stone Collector and I’ve been trying to work my way over to being able o can I oh I can build it on this so I’ve been trying to work my way over to these copper

Spots to be able ble to gather up um lots of copper from here I wonder if that would be hard to do I’d have to put like a stone maker here and a ston maker down here as well H and we kind of are going to need like a ton of

Copper all right we will continue to expand our domain’s reach because we need to continue to work our way down over here across the bridge that we have made out of egg shell Pier to reach the copper there but I do think the time has come to challenge the Earth God to

Literally like pluck the treasures of his land out from under him and we’re going to have to build a few more copper spots I think but maybe if we destroy those like we could put flowers there eventually if we learn how to like work with dirt that would be nice cuz I’m not

Saying they’re eyes Source I’m not saying they’re eyes Source but maybe they’re just a little little bit of a Nur um do they produce heat they don’t produce heat the furnace does and that’s going to be relevant to our interest in Winter um and what else produces heat

Why our excellent cloak maker you see who needs some feathers to be able to go ahead and make their cloaks and Feathers happen to be in somewhat short supply right now but never fear because funny that um it looks like there’s just feathers on the ground that uh these lovely chickens have left

Behind indeed and perhaps there’s a couple more spots where we might be finding feathers quite soon and at least we’re making a lot of the CLS out of the hemp which reminds me we kind of need to keep the hemp Fields going I didn’t realize we would but we

Do because um yeah like we need a lot more of the hemp than I than I thought we would which means I need more room for fields which means ironically I need to go ahead and I need to clear out even more of the trees because that’s how you appease a nature God

Right all right Pandora’s Box are you doing okay Pandora box what is your job whatever it is it isn’t the kind that will allow you to clear this spot let’s see no Lumberjack available and then are all of our Lumberjacks okay gaming about I think you can do this and another

Villager can do that and then meline same thing if you could come up here my DEA somebody else can go ahead and destroy that sign poost the village of AR we there you is getting a little big just saying just a a little it’s got a little bit of heft to

It also we possibly need to pull up a lot more of the water but uh and also the wood and actually building more Stone things seems like that’s going to be a good idea oh my good gravy you know having a lot of extra Pips sounded like it was just all

Upsides aw why are we going red is some doomy thing going to happen I was just trying to work against the doomy things well that’s all right I did challenge fate to say I wanted to enjoy interesting things why is that a knife Galactic woo Emily hey hey

Hey okay they got a little bit of fear oh they dislike each other Galactic woo and Emily don’t like each other they hate each other the village gained five fear I mean Galactic W you did have a knife I would be afraid too hay the stress of everyday life can

Make Pips intolerant and these events are here to show you just how much oh no well I mean disliking this pip doesn’t like another pip discordant personalities oh I wonder if actually there might be different like hidden personality traits in our piplings and so there’s things that would make them

Not good long that I just don’t know about yet because I don’t know their personalities except I know galactic woo and Emily apparently don’t get along sad oh well all righty that it does happen from time to time but we have plenty of Happiness right okay maybe

Maybe can I make him get along like at the sharing table or something we do have the festival going on right now and that does remind me what is our biggest hope generator I think it’s a theater but let’s see Leisure meeting point hardly gets any hope anymore

Festival so the festival is a really great hope generator and it actually will have plus four for each dwelling within one and plus two if a social building is within two so we also have the theater we need bookmakers for that um we really do and

That is going to be a lot harder to make happen rather than tearing down a couple of these fields and putting more houses over here so let’s see plus four for each dwelling within two so hold up within one within one okay well there’s a dwelling here and here and it’s

Eight there should be more going on then right plus four for each dwelling within one they’re both occupied I mean I could try to build another house right here the tool thing I kind of can’t really move at the moment like I’m a little busy all right

Look maybe maybe this will be fine or maybe we’ll be able to go ahead and have a couple people enjoy some of the hard bred meals clearly if our Pips dislike each other that much I just need to allow some of our Pips some time to get

To know one another better I’m sure that’s all this is so Crystal panda bear links the loyal Zea Emily oh crowned Abyss you all hang out and get to know one another a little better and maybe that will help with that situation and then somebody remove this little field

Oh those were plans for the hemp oh well I kind of need plans for like another another building because I need people to like you know make this Festival into a big deal oh and then I think I need more seeds what else do I need more of wood

We’re tearing through okay building is why is that building Unreachable I swear these Pips sometimes these Pips let us go ahead and remove this building oh my word all right look Evergreen if you don’t mind let’s remove that building and then I’m going to have uh let’s see my scribes are scribbling cuz we’re very close to completing that project project

Um and I need all of the fabric we can possibly get same On Tools what are you doing over here Pandora’s Box Ah that’s right you won’t do any job because you are the idol uh Bourgeois I think I did that I feel like I could fall over from from like I can’t

Believe I did that um yeah I think I think I did that I’m not going to dwell too hard on it we’re just going to keep going um and then can I train I can train a bookmaker if we had like stray Pips oh I need baby Pips uh agent Annie

Okay um let’s see baby Pips baby Pips baby Pips uh over by the festival maybe agent Annie if you and are crypted don’t mind I do need more baby Pips pH okay well a little bit of a fight but just because we had a negative tiny minor thing hopefully won’t end up with

You you know our villagers making it so that they perhaps don’t live oh my goodness all right well let us carry on okay what’s going on here oh my gosh I think okay we got a little dance a see now tiffan nature lover are

In love I think look at that what did I just say they like a nature lover and tiffer and fat uated oh the village gains six hope see see how wonderful it is if we just allow everyone to go ahead and get along and I like that going a

Little bit faster with our days does indeed allow us to appreciate how nice all of the cute little events can be which I love all right well pH I think that the uh the sickness event is right around the corner and I have to give a huge props to fire phoenix because they

Are making it so that hopefully everything will be okay right right so oh my goodness maybe we can start cleaning this place up and making it look a little tidier cuz that would just make me ecstatic but all right my friends I will see you all next time Bye-bye

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🦉DotAGE: You Wipper-Snappers! • https://bit.ly/dotageoldseri

You are the Elder. You had a vision of a doomed future, so you took a handful of Pips, your fellow villagers, and led them to an empty valley to start anew. They need your guidance to survive the events foretold by the Prophecy, so make sure your Pips work hard!


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  1. Hey seri! I love and appreciate all the hard work you have done for us! But I miss Roots of Pacha sooo much and was wondering if you were going to bring it back? ❤️❤️

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