How I Beat Terraria’s Hardest Challenge (Hardcore Master Mode)

I beat terraria’s hardest challenge hey don’t show those that’s right I beat terraria’s hardcore Master mode meaning I beat Terraria on its hardest difficulty without being able to die even once this was a long and grueling process and was all live streamed over on my twitch but with that now out of

The way let’s get into how I done this I started off optimistic with over 3,000 hours in the game I thought this really can’t be that bad right I’ve played through this game hundreds of times and and so I thought this would just be another Master mode playthrough

Where I try a little bit harder not to die after crafting the basics I decided to head down to a cave to gather more resources this is when this happened oh needless to say I was wrong this ended up being much more difficult than I ever anticipated I think I

Underestimated just how often you really die in Terraria and how much of a luxury respawning really is I can’t just quickly rush into caves without car anymore if I make a mistake and die it’s back to square one and so if I want to progress I really need to change my

Whole entire play style and mindset to fit this challenge I need to actually look out for random traps and drops and caves I need to completely change how I deal with enemies whenever I encounter them and I need to actually understand how I’m going to move forward past each

Part of the game before I get there and so after a few shortly ended attempts I developed the Rhythm now before I move on I just wanted to point out something real quick you may have noticed that the camera in this footage does not look too good at all well that’s because this

Challenge lasted over half a Year’s worth of time and I’ll explain why later but what’s important to know is I didn’t end up upgrading cameras till a bit later and so you’re going to have to bear with me for just a little bit anyway so what was I going on about

Again right I developed a rhythm after the first few attempts I started to gain experience and learned how to make things at least a bit easier for myself developing skills that I would utilize throughout the rest of my attempts it wouldn’t be until attempt 4 where things

Would finally start to pick up and I’d have my first what I will call good run after chopping wood down and getting the basics it was time to go caving with traps being a big problem and a run Ruiner I started to stay more alert and began to use danger sense potions to

Avoid you know problems I also started using recall potions more frequently because if you didn’t know these actually give you the fastest teleport back to spawn possible being faster than even the magic mirror and all of its upgrades I made sure to bind the potions

To a mass button to make make it more easier to get out of danger quickly I began also completely avoiding enemies that I knew could be a problem by either not entering areas with them or by constantly barricading myself off from them with whatever blocks I had enemies

In master mode are ridiculous with a roughly 50% boost in damage and health and 10% more knockback resistance since nothing was worth the risk of dying I played it as safe as possible after safely setting up base at home Mining Ores for some armor and looting gold chests down the cabins for useful

Weapons and accessories they it was now time to start preparing for our first boss the ey of cthulu at this point I also want to point out an accessory that I believed helped tremendously during the early game with the recipe of only 12 World evil bars and 10 topaz both

Easily found down in the caverns I crafted myself the magic luminescence this accessory doubles movement acceleration gives a 20% boost in movement speed and even provides lighting I recommend this accessory to anyone trying this challenge because it’s one of the best accessories you have access to early game and it

Combines very well with other movement accessories but moving back to the I cthulu I had a plan in mind on how I was going to take this boss on I headed over to the corruption in hopes of breaking some Shadow orbs in search of the musket

Now you might be asking why the musket although being a very high damaging weapon is a risky pick for the IU thulu with all the Meany summons but you see I didn’t get the musket to use it having a gun and bullets gave me a chance for the

Arms Dealer to spawn in and he sells a weapon that’s a great pick for this boss the mini shark in a crazy Stroke of Luck I had the Arms Dealer spawn in right before a naturally spawning I cthulu showed up to my world I bought the

Weapon but after a close call with the eye I decided I wasn’t ready to fight this boss yet honestly I yeah I I kind of just panicked like I I’m not sure if I want to fight him yet anyway I then continued back down to the caves in

Hopes of finishing my set of platinum armor and in search of some new and better accessories these accessories were the locky Horseshoe to eliminate fall damage and the Hermes boots and helps of further improving my movements speed in what felt like no time at all I ended up getting everything I needed and

Decided to take on the eye of cthulu again this time the fight played out in my favor after the fight I decided to do a little bit of caving before having a random surprise Goblin Invasion I never planned for this but I knew I was definitely ready with my new gear and so

I took them down with no real issue I was now able to reforge combine accessories and buy rocket boots from the goblin taker which I all did I then decided out of nowhere that it it was time to search for my Shimmer I knew the Shimmer was found between the jungle and

Ocean and so I made my way over dug my way down and found the biome in no time at all here I obtained the vital Crystal by throwing a life Crystal into the Shimmer this consumable gave me a permanent increase in life regeneration which is something I found would be very

Useful in this run now with some new Buffs and accessories along with a full set of armor I decided it was now time to take down the Eater of Worlds Without Even creating an arena I broke the Last Shadow orb spawning in the eater just arrows and the mini shark took down the

Worm in no time at all dodging the worm wasn’t a problem either with help from my recently crafted hover boots and the shield up through loose Dash with the worm down it was now time to create Shadow Armor and make the nightmare Pickaxe it’s also worth pointing out

That the eater dropped the worm scarf which became an essential accessory for me this beautiful item reduces incoming damage by 177% which in master mode is an absolute game changer with access now to the nightmare Pickaxe I was now able to mine hellstone so I finally decided

It was time to make my elevator using my new pickaxe and some bombs I made my way down to the underworld and immediately got to mining hellstone the pots down in Hell surprisingly helped a lot since they dropped both Obsidian Skin potions for mining hellstone and hellfire arrows

Which would come into use very soon after making sure I had enough hellstone and taking a slight detour to get some obsidian I made my way back up to the surface where I was greeted by some more goblins I quickly made myself some molten armor a molten pickaxe and a

Volcano which made quick work of the invasion with my new gear equipped and nothing more that I currently wanted it was now time to take on Skeletron I first tried using my mini shark before realizing my demon bow and hell fire arrows did much more damage I took down

The skeleton in what felt like seconds and made my way down to the dungeon in search of a Cobalt shield morasa and a shadow key in just a few minutes of exploration I had what I needed and headed back home and then proceeded to quickly upgrade my Cobalt shield into an

Obsidian Shield using an obsidian skull which is just crafted with obsidian knockback immunity and extra def defense was exactly what I needed for what was up next the bee I made my way over to the jungle and whilst trying to find a hive I found a boom stick in a jungle

Chest this High damaging shotgun would come into use very soon after a few minutes of searching I finally came across a hive and created a nice little Arena using platforms campfires and heart lanterns using my volcano and brand new shotgun I had no trouble at

All taking down the be I then made my way home and decided it was time to finally make some more upgrades firstly I made M up some lightning boots combining my hover boots with an aglet and an ankle of the wind this gave me more speed which I wasn’t going to

Complain about I then created the blade of grass using leftover materials from The Jungle which finished the recipe for a very powerful new sword I made my way to a demon alter and crafted the Night’s Edge I then decided to make my way down

To Hell and make use of the Shadow key I got when raiding the dungeon after searching a few chests I found a Hing bow this weapon would come into great use very soon with our fight with the wall I then decided that I’d take on deerclops for fun which honestly ended

Up being a pretty scary fight deerclops inflict slowness which makes dodging his attacks a pretty difficult task but not only that even with all the upgraded gear I had he was still managing to do pretty good damage to me which gave me a bit of a fright ultimately though my

Knight’s Edge took care of him and after a well fought Victory I finally felt that I was ready to take on the wall I made my way down to Hell to create my hellbridge I decided to make this out of planter boxes since lava slimes exist and their lava passes through these

Platforms without destroying them after finish the construction of the bridge I then decided to prioritize safety deciding that I’d Garner up all the rest of the accessories I needed to create teror spark boots before the fight most of this consisted of lava fishing for the lava charm and farming fire rims for

The obsidian rows since I already had water walking boots eventually I didn’t end up making myself the lava waiters but I was still forgetting something I ended up searching through my entire snow biome for ice Gates but couldn’t even find a single pair I instead decided I’d fish for them and another

Point in hard mode and would keep my Ling boots equipped holding out equip my lava waiters until I could combine the accessories I then moved on to some more last minute preparations before my upcoming fight with the wall I made myself a star cannon with Le materials

And then went back down to my Shimmer to do some Shimmer reforging on my accessories this is done by throwing craftable accessories and weapons into the Shimmer and continuously Rec crafting the same item until you receive the modifier you want this is great because it doesn’t actually cost you any

Money the modifier I wanted was warding because this increases defect which in the end helps decrease the damage I take from enemies after the reforging I then finally decide to make my way down to the end of my hellbridge and potion up before my fight I felt like before moving on it’s

Important to show you guys What potions I decided to use for the fight and how I got them since potions can matter a lot within boss fights in master mode Titan potions and Obsidian Skin potions which will increase knockback on hungries and eliminate fire damage respectively I got

From ricking pots down in Hell regen iron skin and swiftness potions which will increase life for Generation increase defense and increase movement speed respectively I got from breaking pots on the surface and in Caverns wrath potions which increase my damage by 10% I got from potion crafting with a

Special fish obtained in the corruption named icoy and infernal potions which I also got from potion crafting with special fish K the underworld called Flare from coin obsid fish will create a damaging fire or around my character to help pick away at the enemies the wall summons throughout the fight with that

Info dump out of the way though let’s move on to the actual fight I started off the fight with my helming bow and UNH arrows which made great work with the hungries and did decent damage to the actual wall this was until I got him down to around 4K Health which at this

Point I ended up pulling out my star cannon which did a ludicrous amount of damage and finished the boss off in only a couple of seconds with the wall now killed I had done it I had finally made it to hard mod for the first time in

This challenge which honestly was a huge milestone for myself things were finally starting to look up for me I now bring to you some very very unfortunate news my VOD for the start of hard mode ended up getting corrupted and couldn’t be reinstalled because my vods on Twitch disappear after 2 months and

This took place over a year ago luckily I had the most important part of this VOD clipped but for the rest I’m going to try to recreate it in another world with the same seat so let’s go I started hard mod off by immediately destroying some Demon altars blessing my

World with my hard mode ORS I ended up getting padium mithil and titanium I then immediately decided to start mining Palladium and after getting enough for the pickaxe and some armor I made my way to the surface Palladium armor is great because its set bonus allows for increased life reg generation which in

Master mode can be a game changer and then decided to mine some Mythril so that I could create a Mythril Anvil and finally be able to craft myself an essential hard mode accessory Wings luckily for me I obtained a giant Harpy feather in pre- hard mode and so all I

Needed to do was Farm a few wyns for SS of flight and boom I had wings after crafting a new set of wings I had another Goblin invasion happen which during this I obtained the shadow flame knife from a goblin Summoner a high damaging Mele weapon that works great in

Early hard mode I then decided my first boss to fight in hard mode would be the queen slime before I fought her there was one more thing I wanted the angk shield this is potentially one of the best accessories in almost all of Terraria providing immunity to almost

All debuffs a great amount of defense and complete knockback immunity problem is it is a pain to obtain with a recipe that requires the obsidian shield and 10 different accessories dropped from a wide variety of enemies in hard mode after a few hours of grinding though I eventually got all the accessories I

Needed and headed home to create the Ang Shield after this was made I believed it was finally time to actually take on the queen slime and so I did the dagger took great care of this boss allowing me to stay a safe distance away while also dealing high damage from afar after

Beating the boss I decided to take her around once more in hopes of getting the full set of statel armor which I did end up getting eventually statel armor provides provides good defense but most importantly also gave me a much better and more powerful Dash this allowed me

To replace my Sheila cthulu with the star Veil which I was obtained along with a tra of myths from farming mimics earlier in hard mode this accessory increases the length of visibility I get after being hit from an enemy which is great when I’m trying to minimize how

Many times I’m getting hit in general and then decided it was also finally time to get myself some ice skates so that I can combine the two pairs of boots I was wearing and free up an accessory slot since I could find no more Frozen chests I decided instead

That I’d fish for Bal crates in hopes of getting a pair eventually I ended up unboxing them and finally crafted myself a pair of teror spark boots in the leftover accessory slot I now had left I placed the charmam myths which I mentioned earlier crafted with a banner

Generation and a phos of stone dropped by mimics the charmam myths allows for increased life regeneration and decreased coold Downs for healing potions which is fantastic because I know be taking more and more damage as I progress further into hard mode with all my brand new gear equipped I now finally

Felt that I was was ready to take on a Mech boss whilst originally planning to take on the twins first my world had a different boss in mind the Destroyer naturally spawned in and instead of hiding away in caves until morning I decided to give it a

Shot and well I’m going to let the one surviving clip left from my stream show what happened oh watch out though I’m running I’m kind of getting hit a lot more now uhoh yep although having done great damage to the Destroyer with the help of my shadowflame knife one miss input on

My end made me Dash straight into the destroyer’s head which if you didn’t know is pretty much a guaranteed kill doing a whopping 420 damage in master mode this was the end of my fourth attempt what pursued after this was a large break this was why I said earlier

That this challenge took place over half a Year’s worth of time after I finished attempt 4 in late October of 2022 I didn’t end up picking this challenge back up until June of 2023 why you might be asking well it was a combination of things firstly I’m a University student

And I had exams coming up soon but also I’ll be honest that last attempt crushed me and I wasn’t ready to continue this challenge yet it took multiple hours to get to attemp 4 and after getting there I then spent 10 hours on that character before all having it lost to one fatal

Mistake you can say that I gained experience and that dying was part of progressing and you know what that probably is true but to be honest I was burned out and I knew if I wanted to complete this challenge I needed to be ready for it and so 7 months after my previous

Attempt I made my return and guess what I had a better [Applause] webcam now for some dumb reason I decided after returning to a count attempts up from one again because honestly I was too lazy to go find the VOD during the original stream you just know that from now on whatever attempt

Number my character and world has in their name should be added to four to stay consistent with my actual number of attempts but with that being said let’s get back into the attempts the first few attempts honestly weren’t too great f a vulture with this Cactus sword not easy I’m dead

Already don’t I need to right click it to detonate it I just jumped like what it’s a good story for sure I remember that one I’m hey back SL RFD gny y thank you oh my God no oh my God no you serious man this is terrifying who knew killing these slimes

Would be terrifying it had been 7even months since I last played and so I was a little rusty but it is worth pointing out that I did develop some better habits since last time a big one of these was keeping a pressure plate found from traps down in

The caverns in my hot bar this would allow for me to see wiring and avoid traps while traversing caves it wasn’t until attempt 11 where I’d get another good run started most of prearm mode play played out the same way as my previous good run I kept the same weapons and accessories

And armor as I made my way through early game killing all the same bosses without a real problem the biggest change was the fact that this world had Crimson instead of corruption meaning I had to fight the brain of Gulu instead of the Eater of Worlds and so sadly I couldn’t

Get the worm scarf and ended up instead keeping my band of regeneration on instead in that slot I luckily ended up getting a Boomstick earlier in this playthrough though and so I used the shotgun along with grenades to take down the brain without a real problem aside

From the brain in the wall though I’m not going to go over how I beat the rest of the prearm mod bosses because I fought them with pretty much the same gear and I don’t want to repeat the same things I’ve already said to you guys another big difference in Pre hard mode

This playthrough was the fact that I was able to get ice skates without a real problem and so I had access to my ter spark boots before fighting the wall which was a fantastic benefit over attempt four or I didn’t get them till later in hard mode I also didn’t go

Through the trouble this time of crafting the star Cannon and obtaining fallen stars because I found last time it wasn’t really necessary for potions in my fight with the wall I used mostly the same aside from adding in a couple like heartreach potions which increase my range for picking up Fallen hearts

And life first potions which increase my health capacity by 20% I obtain these by breaking pots in the Underworld and searching Shadow chests respectively one more change worth pointing out was the fact that this time I used amphibian boots instead of magical luminescence this accessory allow for faster and better jumping which made

Dodging the walls lasers a whole lot easier for myself this accessory is easily accessible by just doing some fishing so if you’re having trouble with the wall I definitely would recommend it after defeating the wall I had made it to hard mode for the second time in this

Challenge which felt amazing and guess what luckily this time there’s no corrupted bod and so I can actually show you the original footage of what happened next and so without wasting time let’s get into it I started started out hard mode this time playing it a lot safer than my

Previous attempt this time instead of going to immediately break Alters to get my hard mode ores i instead fish for all of them within crates I did this so that I wouldn’t meet the conditions for a randomly occurring Pirate Invasion which I knew would destroy me in early hard

Mode that being said fishing for these ores was a pretty long and boring process the only way I could actually speed up the process was to use crate potions and so that’s exactly what I did I end up using all the crate potions I got from doing angular quests and also

All that I could craft with leftover resources I did manage to get myself a full set of padium armor through this but the problem was I barely got any Titanium or at a Manti and so that meant I still had some more fishing to do I

Then decided since I was out of crate potions that I’d go hunting for all the materials I needed to craft more problem was I needed Amber and I knew it was way too dangerous to go hunting for some down in the underground desert so I instead decided to go hunting for silt

Down in the cavern layer which I would later plan to use an extractinator in order to get some Amber whilst down in the caverns doing this though this happened oh 162 damage that’s not cool yep it still hurts watching this clip myself something I had absolutely

No idea about was when jellyfish are in their electrified State and you strike them with a true melee hit they do 1.3 times contact damage back to the player so in my case two swings from the knight’s Edge was sadly enough to kill me after this encounter I now found green

Jellyfish more terrifying than Moon Lord this was the end of my 11th attempt what happened after this was not actually a break this time it was just a few more shortly ended attempts after my last death I became a bit Reckless and I was really eager to get another good run

On the go and so I ended up Brute forcing my way through a few attempts until I’d finally strike gold because as the pattern has shown it takes a few bad attempts to get to a good attempt and so it wasn’t until attempt 21 where I’d finally get my next good run

Started this run started like any other chopping down trees crafting the basics then immediately heading down to the caves to mine and search for some better weapons and accessories after luckily having a shumang drop from a Spore bat and after getting enough resources to craft myself magical luminescence I

Decided to teleport home and head over to the Jungle although being a risky move I really wanted to get my hands on some of that jungle loot but most importantly I wanted the boomstick this weapon had been extremely effective in past playthroughs and so I knew if I can

Get one early on it could be a lot of help with pre PR hard on progression after a successful Expedition at the jungle I was starting to feel more confident with my current gear so I then went home set up base and decided I was now going to explore more of my world

Using a gravitation potion I ended up looting a few Sky Islands coming across an enchanted sword Shrine and even managed to make it to the edge of my jungle side of my world which maybe decided I was going to find my Shimmer now rather than later on my journey to

Find the biome I ended up getting my life capacity up to 400 with Life Crystals and found all kinds of valuable ores and gear along the way after getting to my destination I ended up making a few MPC houses there so that I could set up a pile of network for easy

Access to and from my base although not being necessary I recommend setting up pile of networks to anyone doing this challenge because doing so will save you a lot of time and this challenge is very timec consuming shortly after getting back to base a natural blood moon

Occurred after grinding out the event I ended up getting myself a shark tooth necklace a powerful accessory that increases my armor penetration by five which I immediately equipped I decided it was now time to fight our first boss the King Slime the boomstick took care

Of the boss and would felt like no time at all but before the boss’s death message could even show up the Goblins decided that they wanted to fight I proceeded to absolutely destroy the goblin Invasion using My Boomstick once again releasing the goblin Tiner into my world immediately after the fight I then

Got to searching for the goblin Tinker along with a pair of Hermes boots which I somehow didn’t manage to have yet after heading down to the caves and searching for a little bit I found all that I wanted I then headed back home where I combined and upgraded all my

Accessories and decided that I’ve made enough progress from one stream and that I’ll pick up where I left off soon in stream one I wasn’t quite able to find myself an aglet in any of the surface chests for this reason I started stream 2 off by fishing for wooden

Crates in the ocean which have a 5% chance to drop the aglet I wanted this accessory because it’s required in the recipe for lightning boots after about 15 minutes of fishing I was lucky enough to unbox one and so I made my way home where I then combined the accessory with

My hover boots and an ankle of the wind that I got from my jungle Expedition last stream making myself a pair of lightning boots I then decided with my current accessories that it was time to take on the aulu I spawned them in and with the help of my boom stick I

Absolutely obliterated the eye I equipped to Sho a cthulu for its Dash and decided to immediately prepare prep for my next fight with the Eater of Worlds I then searched my entire snow biome in hopes of getting some ice Gates so that I could upgrade my lightning

Boots into Frost bar boots but somehow once again I couldn’t find any and so I had to instead fight the boss without them and decide once again that I’d fish for them soon I made a little Arena on the corruption surface broke some Shadow orbs summoning in the boss brought him

Up to the arena and had no trouble taking him down once again with my boom stick man I love that weapon I then immediately equipped the worm scarf crafted some shadow armor and a nightmare Pickaxe and then headed back to the snow biome to start fishing for

Frozen crates after a few minutes of fishing I got myself my first frozen crate and funnily enough it had ice skates in it I made my way to my Shimmer crafted and did some shimmery forging on my new Frost spark boots and then made my way down to Hell to mine some

Hellstone using an Obsidian Skin Potion once again found from ricking pots down in hell I had no trouble getting the amount I needed and then made my way back back home where I created myself some molten armor and the volcano I then decided since I already had Obsidian Skin water walking boots in

My inventory that I’d make my way back down to Hell to start farming for the obsidian rows and start fishing for the lava charm so I can upgrade the boots into some lava waiters after spending some time in the Underworld I eventually got what I needed I then headed back to

My Shimmer combined some accessories and made myself a beautiful pair of terce Spar boots this was where I decided to end stream two after spending most a last stream preparing myself with new and better gear it was now time to fight another boss I decided this time that I would

Fight the queen bee this fight is not necessary to progress but I knew my limits and decided I’d do it anyway I made my way to my jungle found myself a hive and created an arena with the help of bombs platforms heart lanterns and campfires I was honestly a bit

Overprepared for this fight so I ended up destroying the bee very quickly with my volcano and Boomstick I then ended up getting a honeycomb from the fight and decided I’d combine it with my shark tooth necklace to create the Stinger necklace this beautiful accessory gives the same effects of the shark tooth but

It also douses the player in life regenerating honey and releases bees if they hit after this fight I then decided before fighting another boss that I’d build my hellbridge I built the bridge 2.5k blocks long using planter boxes once again I then remembered that I

Forgot to fight a certain boss I my way over to the dungeon where I prepared for my fight with Skeletron I made my myself a small twole arena with platforms along with heart lanterns and campfires once again for slight health regen boosts after it became night I cursed the weird

Old man and took down the skeleton without a real issue you can probably guess at this point what I used I then made my way down into the dungeon searching it for a Cobalt Shield mamasa Shadow key and the mechanic I only really wanted the mechanic because she

Sells the rest of the ingredients that I needed to build the Grand Design This tool would permanently allow me to see wiring so that I wouldn’t have to deal with traps anymore after achieving all I needed and unbounding the mechanic I headed back to my base built and

Equipped my Obsidian Shield and prepared for my fight with the wall but before this fight could take place I had one more thing left to craft here we go Night’s Edge Big W very large w i then gathered up all the potions I had found and crafted throughout the playr adding one more

Notable potion to the mix that you guys haven’t seen me use yet this potion was the endurance potion crafted with armored cavefish and blinkroot this potion helps by reducing damage taken by 10% which needless to say is great for master mode I then went to the edge of

My hellbridge potion up and threw the god boot doll into the lava summoning in the Wall of Flesh you may have noticed that this time I don’t have the heling bow equipped this is because I instead decided that this playthrough I wanted to test out the true capabilities of the

Knight’s Edge and so just take a look at how this fight played out okay all this is a little um this is a cheers oh my God I not even lost a heart um uh Jesus this is uh this is oh well that was um needless to say the

Night’s Ed just busted and we were now in hard mode again I started off hard mode This Time by definitely not going down the same fishing route as last time I instead started off hard mode by immediately going to the corruption and breaking a crap ton of Alters my world was then

Blessed with Cobalt or a calcum and titanium before I got to hard mode or mining though I firstly had to go down to Hell and mine more hellstone because funnily enough I forgot to build a molten pickaxe and I need one to mine Cobalt after getting enough hellstone

And heading back to base and then built the pickaxe spelunker potion up and started my hard mode or mining I first mined Cobalt to build myself a pickaxe capable of mining or Calcom I then crafted this pickaxe and went back down my elevator once again to mine enough or

Calom so that I could build a pickaxe capable of mining titanium and an or Calcom Anvil after getting all the orac Calcom I needed I then crafted both the pickaxe an anvil before heading back down to the lower Cavern layer to mine some titanium I mined just under 400 so

That I had enough to make the forge and a full set of armor after going back to base and building the forge instead of making titanium armor instead decided to head over to my Shimmer and throw all the rest of my Titanium Ore in to retrieve back

Adamantite I did this because in master mode I’d much prefer the extra defense damage and movement speed that Adamantite armor provides over titanium armor and its set bonus which has been nerfed significantly over the past few years after getting my new armor I then decided it was better late than never

And decided to start the grind for the Ang shield and all its components as I mentioned during an earlier attempt to craft the Ang Shield you need to Garner up a total of 10 different accessories to combine with the Obsidian Shield what I didn’t mention was that these 10 different accessories were actually

Going to eventually combine and end up being five and then these five accessories will then craft into the ank charm which will then be combined with the Obsidian Shield to make the Ang Shield the reason I mentioned this is because luckily for me the recipe was

Made a lot easier to farm for than before this is because when they made the Shimmer they made it capable of transmuting between the accessories required within the crafting recipe for the five different main Ang charm accessories this means that in reality you could just farm for five out of 10

Accessories required in the Ang charms recipe getting two of each and ignoring farming for the accessories that are harder to get which is exactly what I did I I know that all sounded extremely complicated and that’s probably cuz I’m not explaining it in the best way that I

Probably could but just know that this is an extremely difficult process to explain to somebody but moving on throughout my grinding for all these accessories a couple things ended up happening one I ended up crafting an onyx Blaster with some resources I had garnered up through grinding for Ang

Shield components this weapon is a high damaging hard mode shotgun that shoots four bullets and an explosive Dark Energy projectile with the recipe of a shotgun sold by the arms de two dark shards dropped from dark mummies and 10 Souls of Knight dropped from all enemies in the underground

Corruption I couldn’t recommend this weapon enough can you tell I like my shotguns yet I then ended up building a little meteor home design for more NPCs which I thought ended up looking pretty cool but perhaps the most crazy thing that happened during the Ang Shield grind was that shortly after making the

Home I ended up having a random Pirate Invasion happen luckily when I made my Adamantite armor earlier I also ended up making an Adamantite repeater with leftover bars this along with Hellfire arrows I got from breaking pots down in Hell allowed me to cheese The Invasion

That being said I still managed to have a few close calls yeah I know the ship getting stuck is perfect for me um you see how horrible that is I can’t bro I don’t know what to be at after finishing the invasion I then ended up grinding and retrieving all the

Rest of the necessary accessories I needed for the Ang Shield One Thing Worth pointing out was that I decided to farm a hornet statue which I received in pretty hard mode for two beors which would help build one out of five of the anr components I only bring this up

Because I wanted to recommend to anyone trying to do this challenge that didn’t end up getting the accessory in preh hard mode that this may be a better alternative rather than risking your life in the jungle for one in hard mode but anyways after retrieving all needed

Components I then headed to my Tinker table and crafted myself the accessory with my grind now done for the Ang Shield I then decided it was time to do some mimic farming for two more powerful accessories that I really wanted these were the star Veil and the charmam myths

After grinding mimics down in the caverns for a while and getting all that I needed I then decided to head back to base to make and equip these accessories with these two now made and equipped there was now only one more thing I needed before fighting a boss a pair of

Wings after waiting for rain to happen and finally having a storm start I headed to my snow biome to farm ice Golems this mini boss would allow me to receive an ice feather in which I used to craft alongside with some Souls of Flight a pair of Frozen Wings which may

I remind you are a very solid pair of wings for early hard mode I now believed I made enough progress for one stream and decided I’d fight my first har mod boss during the the next stream I started off stream 4 by making myself a nice little storage room since

I found out I was running out of space I then organized it all bringing my loot from other chests over and labeling and sorting out all the new chests after this I decided that I would create a border around my base in hopes of stopping corruption that spreads quickly

In har mode from spreading to my home and kicking out my NPCs I did this by making a six block long tunnel down and around where my base was I then broke the back wall within the tunnel and boarded off each side of the tunnel with wooden blocks so that corruption

Couldn’t reach my base through vines that may grow within the tunnel it’s also worth pointing out that throughout this process I was also doing a lot of fishing this was most importantly for potion materials but it was also because I was completing angular quests these were not required at all for the

Playthrough but they gave me the chance to get some very useful tools like infinite use sponges and buckets for all different types of liquids this included honey which I did plan on eventually integrating into one of my future Arenas I’ve actually done a lot of fishing in this playthrough that I haven’t shown

Much of to you guys the reasons being one it’s pretty boring and two it really isn’t important and none of it really has LED or leads to actual progression and don’t get me wrong fishing for potion materials is important and so I’ve shown that to you guys but I want

This video to help people with this Challenge and I don’t want to pretend that fishing and doing angler quests is important or needed for progress but getting back to the playthrough after getting all that done I then decided to move to the edge of my world with a

Water candle and a battle potion so that I could Farm Goblin Scouts I did this because I wanted to fight the goblin Invasion so that I could get my hands on the beautiful shadowflame knife once again which had been a must have in my past playthroughs and so after getting

Enough tattered cloth and making myself a goblin Invasion spawner I fought the Goblins luckily after killing only a few Goblin Summoners I got myself the knife and finished off The Invasion with my new weapon in hand I decided it was finally time to take on my first hardore

Boss the queen slime I headed down into my underground Hollow to get get a spawner off of the cave walls after retrieving the spawner I headed over to my Surface hollowed and spawned in the boss without even creating an arena keeping my distance and using the shadowflame knife I took down the boss

In no time at all with the only preac boss now down and no more weapons armor or accessories to upgrade it was finally time to hopefully take my revenge on the Destroyer after he destroyed get it sorry after he destroyed my first good attempt with a stupid looking head I

Knew I needed to prove to myself that I could take this boss down and so I set up a proper Arena crafted a spawner skipped tonight using a moon dial I got from fishing and summoned in the mechanical worm deciding to keep on my Adamantite armor this time for the extra

Defense and utilizing the power of my shadowflame knife all my accessories and a whole lot of potions I ended up absolutely obliterating the boss Oh okay yeah you were explaining that sorry I couldn’t read all of it really making sure not to repeat past mistakes man why did I get all these potions what a waste I lost like two hearts that whole battle oh man I overprepared with the first Mech boss

Now taken down this was now the furthest I’ve ever made it in this challenge could this be the Run let’s continue to find out with Spirits high now after destroying the Destroyer I decided to keep the ball rolling and prepared for my next Mech boss fight who I decided

Would be the twins I decided there wasn’t much to really up upgrade within my accessories or armor still but that there was two weapons I could get now that are accessible with The Souls of Might and hollowed bars that the Destroyer dropped one of these weapons were the Mega Shark this longrange High

Damaging minigun is an absolute great pick for the Twins and it even has a relatively easy to craft recipe of just a mini shark a legal gun part sold by the arms Z at night five shark fins dropped from sharks and 20 souls of might drop from the Destroyer the other

Weapon I now had access to was actually a sword called the Excalibur which is is crafted with 12 hollowed bars this weapon is fantastic for farming but won’t really come into much use until a bit later first up since I already had everything I needed for it I crafted the

Excalibur and headed over to the ocean here I farmed some sharks until I got the five fins that I needed I then went home built myself the mega shark and crafted myself some cursed bullets to use with it which I made with musket balls and cursed Flames I had left from

Farming in the corruption I then gathered up my potions before building a mechanical eye spawner and deciding it was now time to fight the T twins using predominantly The Shield of cilu Dash and my frozen wings for movement along with my mega shark and cursed bullets

For damage I took down the twins in no time with access now to Souls of Sight dropped in the twins I created myself a summoning weapon known as the optic staff in reality I didn’t really need this since I was mainly doing melee class but I decided it would definitely

Help out at doing passive damage to enemies and bosses so I crafted it anyways but besides what I now had there really wasn’t very much for me to upgrade and so I decided after doing a little last minute shimmery forging that I’d go for the three piece this stream

And take down Skeletron Prime the mega shark curse bullets combo proved once again to be effective after spending half the night picking away at the skeleton’s forearms and his stupid looking head I took him down finishing off defeating all three of the mechanical bosses with the Mech dead I

Now had access to all the different souls and so I made myself the pickaxe ax a pickaxe crafted with hollowed bars and the three Souls that the boss has dropped that is capable of mining chlorite I was originally going to end stream here but instead I decided to do

Some chloride Mining and to make two new weapons before I got off because genuinely I have an addiction I made my way to the underground jungle and started to mine some chloride after getting enough chlorop FY along with some extra I planned on using in the

Future for armor I made my way back to base it’s also worth pointing out that throughout this process I ended up killing a moss Hornet and getting a tattered bwing which along with more Souls of Flight allowed me to make B Wings which to my surprise ended up

Being better than my frozen Wings when I got back to base using some of the chloride I just mined I crafted myself the TRX caliber a powerful new sword with a big hit radius that would come into great use in the near future I then decided to fight some of the mech bosses

Again because I needed more of the souls they dropped to craft the other new weapon I wanted to make after accumulating 20 of each soul and combining it with my Knight’s Edge I made myself a true Knight’s Edge another powerful new sword that shoots a large High damaging projectile I then did some

Shimmer re forging on my new weapons before deciding that I made enough progress for today and that we were going to pick up where we left off next stream I started stream five off by doing a little bit of gardening before a natural solar eclipse randomly decided

To happen this was a bit of a fright because although I do believe I was ready to take this event on the enemies in this evasion do an unreasonable amount of damage and so I had to keep my guard up something good about this happening though was that there were a

Few weapons and accessories I could benefit from gathering in this event these were the death ccle dropped by rapers the Moonstone dropped by vampires and the Neptune shell dropped by m folks using my new swords I ended up not having too much trouble at all farming for these items during The Invasion by

The end of the event I ended up getting everything I needed the death sickle is a great farming weapon that shoots flying piercing sickles that go through walls doing a crap ton of damage and that I’d end up using very soon the two other accessories I got will combine

Together in the future to create a fantastic accessory that I’ll end up using down the road after finishing the event I decide to head over to my jungle and farm for some turtle shells these along with chlorite would allow me to create Turtle armor a high defense set

Of melee armor that would benefit me greatly using my new sickle and true ex Calibur I had no trouble Fring these guys and eventually got all the turtle shells I needed I then headed home made myself some armor equipped the armor and then immediately headed back to the

Jungle again so that I could get myself some life Fruit life Fruit is amazing because it will allow me to increase my health capacity up to 500 which in master mode is gamechanging eventually after spending a good bit of time down in the underground jungle I did end up

Getting enough to get my health up to 500 but I also got an extra one in which I threw into my Shimmer to get a consumable back called the ages fruit that gives me a small permanent plus4 increase to my defense it’s also worth pointing out that I did also end up

Finding a few planta bulbs whilst exploring my Jungle which was important since planta was the next BX on the list after making myself all these armor weapon upgrades I then decided it was time to upgrade one of my accessories or rather replace one I decided I wanted to

Make the fire Gauntlet a powerful melee accessory that helps with damage melee speed increasing melee weapon size and allows all melee weapons to inflict fire damage I ended up already having the Titan glove magma stone and materials to create the Avenger emblem but to finish the recipe the one thing I didn’t have

Yet was surprisingly feral claws I headed to my jungle found a paent jungle chest and created the accessory deciding to finally replace my shield of cthulu despite no longer having a dash I felt like the trade-off was worth it because I felt that the shield stash having

Collision could be a problem during the upcoming fight with planta anyways after making the accessory and doing some shimmery forging it was now time to prepare for our fight with the plant to build our arena for planta I found myself a bulb and using lots of

Explosives and my pickaxe I built a huge empty box around the bulb which I ended up filling out with platforms campfires and heart lanterns I then went back to base did some fishing for potion materials gathered up all the potions I needed and headed back to the arena I then potion up before

Breaking the bulb and starting our fight with planta the plant didn’t stand a chance using both my death CLE for the boss and TR Calibur to feed her tentacles I ended up absolutely destroying her with the plant now dead many things were now open for me including the mothron now being

Available in s Eclipse new enemies spawning down the dungeon and the opening of my jungle temple I first decided that i’ enter my jungle temple so that I could gather some solar tablets which would allow me to spawn in the solar eclipse I wanted to fight this

Event first because as I said moons are now available and they dropped an item called the broken hero sword which when combined with the two true blades I already have create a very powerful new sword after raiding the temple diffusing all the traps and looting all the temple

Chests finding myself solar tablets and some lizard power cells I then headed back to base to fight a Sol Eclipse after killing mothron getting the broken Hero’s blade and finishing off the event I crafted myself the teror blade a powerful sword that shoots quick High damaging longrange projectiles and

Which I be using a lot from here on out I then did some shimmery forging on it to make sure its modifier is the best possible before deciding it was now time with our new weapon to take on the Golem and so I gathered up some potions and

Made my way back down into the jungle temple I then potion up and used a lizard power out the Lazard alter to spawn in the Golem since the Golem sucks this fight ended up being very easy after using my terrorblade and positioning myself far enough away from

The Golem so that I could easily Dodge his projectiles I took him down in no time the Golem drops a few things that I needed and these were Beetle husks and the Sunstone because I didn’t end up getting enough Beetle husks after the first fight I ended up farming him a few

More times for more after getting enough I then made my way home to upgrade my turtle armor into Beetle armor and to craft Beetle wings which were a pretty big upgrade for my be wings for those wondering I made the beetle shell chest plate instead of the scal mill because

I’d much rather the extra defense then less defense and a few minor attack Buffs after making the armor and wings I then grinded the Golem a few more times until I got myself the Sunstone I then combined the Sunstone with my Moonstone Neptune shell and a moon shell I got

From killing werewolves earlier in hard mode this Al Together made the celestial shell a fantastic accessory that provides a great buff to pretty much all my stats I ended up replacing my fire gallet with it for now because I felt that Buffs in all categories might be a

Bit better than just Mele Buffs I then decided that it was now time to farm the new dungeon enemies there were a few drops down the dungeon that would be nice to get but all I really went down there for and needed was the black belt

And Tabby both dropped by Bon Le these accessories would combine with a preh Harold accessory I had called tiger climbing gear to make Master ninja gear this powerful accessory gives me a properly good Dash along with giving me the ability to occasionally Dodge attacks and climb walls after making it

To the dungeon I accidentally activated a martian probe spawning in the Martian Invasion completely by accident but I didn’t let that stop me from getting what I came here for I decided to completely ignore what I just did and leave it for later and so I headed down

Into the dungeon anyways after farming bone Le and other enemies for a while I eventually got what I needed along with a few extra drops one of these UPS was a powerful accessory called the Paladin Shield which you’ll see will come into use in a little bit I hided home and

Swiftly created the master ninja gear having it replace my star Veil since I believed it would make for a better load out I then took on the Martians that I accidentally spawned in using my new accessories and my trusty teror blade there was one weapon I was looking for

From this event and that was the influx waiver a powerful sword occasionally dropped by the Martian saucer mini boss after tearing through a few Martian saucers and finishing the event I sadly didn’t end up getting the influx waiver now I could have refought the Martians for the weapon but the inflex waiver

Would have only been a luxury anyways and I didn’t really need it so I left it alone with the Martians now out of the way though there was a boss immediately on my radar that I wanted to start farming this was the Duke fishron although not being a boss I

Needed to be to progress Duke fishron had three drops that I really wanted these were the Flareon the fishon wings and a mount called the shrimpy shuffle which is already guaranteed from the treasure bag to spawn into Duke fishron you need to fish in the ocean using truffle worms found in the glowing

Mushroom biome as bait luckily I had found four throughout the playthrough in which I kept in my inventory and so I didn’t have to go hunting for these worms yet I crafted and grabbed the potions I needed again and made my way over to the ocean without even creating

A real Arena aside from a single platform going across the ocean potion up and fish up the Duke utilizing my new dash for my master ninja gear and using my Tia blade as my weapon I took down the the April Fool joke in no time adding another boss to the long list of

Dead bosses problem was I didn’t get what I was looking for and so I needed to fight him again and again and again and again it ended up taking six kills to get the Flareon and a whopping 12 for the fishron wings and now you might be

Asking you know was it worth it and in my opinion yes yes it was the Flareon is a fantastic High damaging crowd control weapon that I knew would come into use very soon during the lunar events and the fisheron wings are literally the best pre-moon Lord Wings available in

All Terraria providing a long flight time along with ridiculous speed far faster than any other Wings you can have at this point making them in my opinion well worth grinding for now with all the accessories I needed and all the weapons that I wanted there was one more fight I

Wanted to do before ending the stream and this was the lunatic cultist killing this boss is what starts the lunar events and begins what I will call and game after beating this boss the four Celestial pillars spawn in and when they are defeated the moonl Lord will spawn

In the final boss in all of Terraria and the determiner on if I succeed or don’t succeed with this challenge I reforged my wings gathered up more potions and headed over to my dungeon killing the remaining cultists and spawning in the second last boss in all of Terraria I

Potion up and using my Flareon and Terra Blade I took down the lunatic cultist getting myself the ancient manipulator and leaving only one boss left to be beat Moon Lord I started my next stream by deciding that before I fought any of the celestial pillars I wanted to replace my

Worm scarf with another accessory that might do its job just a bit better this accessory was the Frozen shield crafted by combining the Paladin shield with the Frozen turtle shell this accessory allows for six more defense 10 including warning and a 25% reduction in damage while the player is below 50% Health

Needless to say it’s a great accessory for master mode and I wanted to be as safe as possible with what was coming up next as I mentioned before I already managed to get a paladin Shield while farming for my master ninja gear but what I didn’t have was a frozen turtle

Shell which is dropped from Ice turtles in the underground Tundra and so that is exactly where I headed I set up some water candles and started the grind for the accessory after killing 52 ice Turtles I finally got the Frozen turtle shell I then headed home made the Frozen

Shield shimmery Fortune until I got warding and and equip the accessory replacing my worm scarf with all the accessories armor and weapons I could want we were now officially ready to start fighting the pillars this was it with only these pillars and the mul left

To be we were truly in the end game was this going to be the attemp though was I finally going to complete this challenge let’s find out I first started the end game by building my moon Lord Arena my plan was to make a long horizontal asphalt Bridge with a few platforms

Above to make dodging his lasers just a bit easier I plan on using asphalt because the character actually runs faster on this block surface sadly the Stardust pillar was in the way of where my Arena needs to go and so you know what that means it was time to beat our

First Celestial pillar the Stardust pillar when defeated drops Stardust fragments and with these you can create the Stardust Dragon staff a ridiculous high damage summoning weapon that I believe is so powerful that I would recommend making one no matter what class you are but moving back to the

Pillar using my Flareon and terrablade I had no trouble killing 100 Stardust pillar enemies destroying the pillar’s barrier and then swiftly taking out the actual pillar I then picked up the fragments headed back home made a Stardust Dragon staff and then decided it was time to finish creating my Arena

I placed down the rest of my asphalt bridge and created platforms above lited with campfires and hard lanterns there was now only one more part to build of my Arena remember when I said a while back that I planned on integrating honey into a future Arena well this was the

Arena I was talking about using an endless honey bucket I got from doing angler quests and bubble blocks spot from the party girl I created big one block wide pockets of honey that I will be able to go through during my fight with moon Lord this honey will help me

In two ways one is obvious it will help with increased life regeneration but also remember when I explained that I wanted a shrimpy truffle from duke fishron and didn’t really elaborate on it well that’s because this Mount will also be a part of this Arena and my

Fight with the moon Lord when using the trippy Shuffle Mount when you enter liquids of any kind you gain a plus 105% movement speed boost and a plus 15% damage increase for a short period of time using the honey in my Arena along with the mount will allow for me to

Reach speeds I can’t reach otherwise along with giving me a substantial increase in damage that will help a lot with my fight with moon Lord but now with my Arena finished and my plan set I gathered the potions I wanted for my fight these were regeneration swiftness iron skin endurance Inferno heartre

Night Owl Thorns shine wrath life force summoning and flasks of vom now not all of these are necessary of course but what can I say I just love overpreparing now with all my endgame gear equipped my Arena built and my potions ready it was now time to take

Down the rest of the pillars and start our fight with the moonl Lord after already having Stardust beat I moved on to the vortex pillar the enemies here are not fun to deal with the enemies here can inflict you with a distorted debuff which sticks you to only

Horizontal movement making you an easy easy target to their High damaging ranged weapons needless to say you need to watch yourself here using my terrablade and Flareon I once again over time was able to break the pillar’s barrier and destroy the pillar although I will say this time it definitely was

Not as easy or as pretty with the vortex pillar now down I decided solar was next this one was probably the most important for myself since I was doing melee this playthrough I of course was going to need the melee weapons obtained from the fragments in this pillar these weapons

Are the solar eruption and the Daybreak the solar eruption is a great farming flail for big crowds of enemies like Within These pillars whilst the Daybreak is a high damaging throwable spear that’s great for single Target use like the moon Lord’s core and his eyes and so

I made my way to the right side of the world and started my fight with the solar pillar as I got there I made sure to stay on the surface this is because the high damaging craw toped enemy that spawns at this pillar will only attack

You if you are in the air using my teror blade and Flareon once again and I slowly picked away at the enemies at this pillar until finally Breaking the pillar’s Barrier breaking the pillar grabbing the solar fragments and heading back to base I then brought down my ancient manipulator to the Shimmer where

I made and Shimmer re forged my two new main melee weapons the Daybreak and the solar eruption there was now only one pillar between me and moon Lord the nebula pillar with my potions ready my weapons in hand and my armor and accessories fully equipped with their

Best modifiers possible I made my way over to the pillar and and started the fight here I got to test out my new weapons and oh my they put in work on these nebula enemies in no time at all I had the pillar’s barrier down and the

Pillar exposed after throwing a few day breaks at the pillar it vaned Into Thin Air leaving only just some fragments left in its place this was it everything came down to what happens next we were now only 60 seconds away from Moon Lord who decides if we complete or don’t

Complete this challenge I’m going to let the rest play out by itself enjoy I got way too many anyway for really I went right into it you I land god boys music’s far I got to turn it up oh wow I don’t want to hit the ground do

Not want to touch the ground apparently all right boys just the core left ooh I have it dropped below 400 health I don’t think let’s go oh oh yes yes oh it’s been a long time coming boys it’s been a long time coming oh yeah man that’s

Great the cheers you know double Cheers Cheers Oh that’s oh it’s warm we got it boys we’ve done it Master hardore complete write it down the books that’s right we had done it stupid after 21 attempts I had finally bet Terraria Master mode hardcore and you’ve now witnessed how it happened

This was a long time coming and honestly it felt like there was a weight lifted off my chest after being finished it took a total of 70 hours to get where we were now and honestly I couldn’t have been happier with the outcome if you made it this far into the video thank

You for sticking around if you did like what you saw how about subscribing to the channel so you can see more uploads like this hey I mean if you want you can even leave a comment you know making fun of me for dying to a jellyfish but seriously though I really

Do love making these videos for you guys and I really do appreciate your feedback with that being said though this was how I beat terraria’s hardest challenge thank you for watching Bye

Want to see the full unedited boss fights? Well, here you go!

In this video, I go over how I beat one of Terraria’s hardest challenges, Hardcore Master Mode. I made this video to document the journey of this challenge and to help out future Terrarians who decide to take this challenge on. I hope the video helped out or was at least entertaining for you all. If you liked the video, you can leave a like and subscribe to the channel to help me out, I appreciate the support!

0:00 Intro
0:19 Attempt 1
2:03 Attempt 4
11:17 First Time in Hardmode
14:17 The Incident
15:05 The Break
16:32 The Return
17:55 Attempt 11
21:02 The Incident 2
21:55 The Grind Don’t Stop
22:23 Attempt 21
22:26 Stream 1 | A Good Start
24:43 Stream 2 | Pre-Hardmode Progression
26:56 Stream 3 | Bosses, Hardmode and Grinding
35:57 Stream 4 | Fight Time!
43:04 Stream 5 | Killing Bosses and Approaching Endgame
52:29 Stream 6 | The Finale?
1:03:43 Outro
1:04:36 End Screen

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Music in this video:
Terraria OST
Terraria Calamity Mod Extended OST
Celeste OST


  1. genuinely surprised to look down and see 240 views and 95 subs, not the best quality but sexy as hell for where you are now, a bit more polish and you'll go FAR. just keep at it and hold out till the algorithm gods bless you

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