Minecraft but My XP = World Size

I’m stuck inside this circle but every piece of XP I get will expand the circle unlocking new areas challenges and even scary bosses can we escape this deadly Circle alright well this is a smaller Circle that I thought I was gonna have uh what happens if I try to ow okay I

Can’t leave otherwise I die well can I get XP oh I can’t even break blocks outside the circle that’s not cool okay I got a single block that I can break I guess which is this dirt here oh I got an XP orb ah very nice so I can just use

That and hey I’m level one hello tree we meet again and I shall punch you to death I mean uh anyways hey another XP orb all right cool we’re making progress quick already oh it gave me a lumberjack ax as well okay I can right click to

Trap down entire trees which is pretty awesome actually uh my boys if you could drop an apple that’d be pretty sweet it’s the only food source I’ll get for a while there is a village over here but it might be days before I taste the delicious sweet hey there’s an apple

Thank you my boy hey hey you come down here don’t make me guess your mother come here buddy boy I would like to snack on your delightful okay well we unlocked a tiny bit of this cave here so I guess I can make some tools yes we got

Another XP orb for that my main goal is to get to that Village as soon as humanly possible so we can oh gosh oh goodness gracious so we can get to that Village quickly um I don’t know if I’ll survive the night time so backup monster

Thank you very much for your death let’s use our XP orb and get a little more oh Chuck dude Mr boy hey we unlocked the cave but looks like it came with some bad guys as well yeah get em Chester attack yeah yeah dude we locked a little more of this cave here

But I don’t know how much room I’ll be able to go down uh looks like I can’t get very far I see some coal over there and looks like there’s some iron as well but might have to come back for that later an XP orb we’re making progress

Pretty fast yeah all right level 10 already now can we get that iron oh it’s just Out Of Reach dude I can’t quite reach that iron all right we’ll have to find some other way to level up ooh does Cole give me XP let’s see nope no XP all

Right since we may be at the surface for a while I’ll go ahead and plant some of these trees as well I’ll definitely need the wood oh I’m almost to that Village so that’ll be nice what the heck I have a reinforced pickaxe there we go that’s

So much nicer to mine as well heck yeah lesson learned check my inventory after every unlock just in case hey don’t shoot me dude I like my face Arrow free thank you very much looks like my pickaxe can also place down walls as well oh that’s cool I can right click to

Place like a three by three little uh wooden wall very nice you know what that means little Chester buddy we can make ourselves a nice little home it’s a weird upgrade but it’s cool we shall make the greatest home known to mankind oh my bad oh gosh it’s a little lopsided

Don’t judge me it’s my first time using a magical pickaxe well I’m trying okay and there we are I don’t have a door it’s so reinforced Chester that even we can’t get into it all right that seems like a good spot for a door perfect timing too the sun setting all right I

Gotta be a little quick here whoops that’s not how you make a door okay hey hey look at that I guess I got an XP orb from uh building a house or placing a door or whatever all right we’ll take it let’s expand our Circle and I’m hoping I

Get an extra item as well no not this time what you looking at Bunko what the heck I can open Chester look at that I can store stuff here you go would you like a oak sampling nom nom nom that’s awesome well I guess we gotta wait it

Out until morning oh goodness gracious that scared the heck out of me what’s up Mr invisible man can I trade with them nothing I really need all right well I guess we have a roommate until the morning good morning world uh you snored the entire night it was so annoying I’m

Gonna take advantage of as much daylight as I possibly can by uh Going Underground I’m hoping the circle yes it expanded just enough to get this iron if I don’t die here okay gotta be quick gotta be quick let me get as much iron as I can oh baby zombie oh goodness no

Oh on man I’ve got no way of reaching hell ah shoot well five iron is good can I reach the hay bales ah shoot can’t quite reach the hay bales yet uh what are we gonna do Chester oh gosh I think I know what I have to do sorry I’m stealing

Your lunch I’m gonna have to munch on some rotten flesh we do what we gotta do we got a couple of Hearts from that I’m just gonna have to be a little more careful okay okay look out for mobs Chester get ready for action man I’m

Running in yeah yeah there we go got some iron here thank you very much and that gave me an XP orb as well uh perfect that’s about all the resources I have though outside of Some Coal I mean I’ll take it it’s a free chess play okay

Here’s the real test how far is the circle expanding oh yes that expanded a ton we got food for days boys Chester is celebrating here you go buddy here’s some hay bales oh looks like uh there’s an angry villager over here or something what you need my boy

Um oh no gosh dang it looks like he trades 10 iron for an XP orb and here I thought I’d make a chess plate but now oh this guy wants to steal it from you that’s fine I didn’t even want it anyways there we go and we’ve got

Another XP orb Jerry says thanks don’t remember why I needed that iron now you don’t remember give it back Jerry all right well I hope this is useful we got another we’re at level 40 already heck yeah dude that unlocked so much okay we basically have an entire

Village now to explore but first priority is my belly delicious all right let’s explore this Village a little bit shall we wait oh we got a new item I didn’t even see this man we got a mighty sword from that last upgrade uh Hey Chester can you remind me to check my

Inventory after every unlock wow so many cool items up here that’s a very inconvenient tree spawn well we have like a bed now so that’s nice oh gosh I hear a zombie where the heck is it hello what the heck is that oh fast the back rooms has been haunted by

Spooky alphabet characters dive deep into the depths of the 26 floors while avoiding dangerous monsters and collecting valuable items and keys will you be able to solve the mysteries of the labyrinth find out now on the Minecraft Marketplace oh no all right well I see why I unlocked a sword now

It’s a rain boys wow all right all right all right this is fine let’s get em boys yeah oh the sword has knockback on it ah take this monsters oh my goodness oh wow okay it’s more powerful than I thought it was gonna be what the heck is that oh

My goodness when I punch him it marks enemies with a magical Mark okay and then they explode into crystals okay half a heart let’s not die get him Chester I’ll keep him distracted oh goodness don’t die don’t die can I reach him yeah yeah take that oh come on oh I

Got him looks like it cured him as well and we got our XP orb dude yeah nice job man all right well but now we have some villagers and uh looks like we got a Golem as well I’m hoping I don’t need iron in the future don’t ask why oh I

See my sword cures zombified mobs and let’s expand this circle oh my word yeah that expanded pretty far should we see how deep the cave goes well let’s first take a little nap huh it’s been a while since I’ve snuzzled good night good morning first let’s go ahead and get a

Little bit of food though as well for our journey now that we got our new sword let’s head into the oh wow it’s a little spooky in here but not too bad oh I love the sword has knockback as well I like one shot all mobs this is great

Yeah take that oh my goodness this cave goes down pretty far I still don’t have armor though so some iron would be pretty nice get them Chester rock and roll boys I can’t quite say get em boys but I can say get em boy joke them Dodge him oh heck yeah yeah

I guess they’re yeah yeah Teamwork Makes the Dream work half a heart all right hey creeper can we do a little time out real quick that’d be sweet well looks like here’s the end of the circle I can’t quite get to that lava there but that might be kind of our next little

Mission well here’s the edge of the circle I did find some of this by the way oh some nice old sugar cane in case we need that for whatever reason anything else exciting whoa what the heck oh I didn’t place that door yo Chester I found something cool dude I

Found a nice old door hot sweetheart Chester you come inside are you a little scared all right well whoa what the heck is this oh hi skeleton boy no thank you there’s diamonds in here dude check it out it looks totally safe we got free diamonds dude all right we can make a

Bunch of armor I guess and we got an XP or back yeah this was a trap leave the door leave all right okay okay they do a lot of damage oh my goodness I think they were mad at me for taking their diamonds but I need these diamonds dude that’s how I

Get XP or whatever what are these guys Diamond skeletons okay let’s take these guys out and uh let’s get ourselves some armor shall we wait first we shall unlock our XP orb oh I got a diamond shield from that heck yeah all right that’ll be nice what’s up Skelly boys

And now we’ve got so many diamonds dude oh my goodness here Chester would you like some there you go buddy let’s try out the shield shall we and oh my it reflects the arrow and I guess takes them out that is uh that’s quite a useful Shield to have are these diamond

Blocks are you kidding me dude all right we’ve got infinite diamonds basically so that’s good news but let’s not test our luck here we can always come back if we need more diamonds and we made it back alive to the safety of my home well have

You just moved in is this your house now oh wow you’re leaving see you later are you gonna take your camels well I guess since we’re rich we can just make a floor out of diamonds now yeah that’s how you patch up holes ah gorgeous we’ll go and make ourselves full diamond as

Well mine is the helmet so you can see my pretty old face well I guess these are my llamas now oh Chester is giving them some love all right don’t spit on me and poop in the house and we’re good let’s make the house nice and Diamond as

Well glorious oh what the heck is that oh my goodness there’s so many mobs outside oh my goodness it’s fine it’s fine everything’s fine they’re everywhere yeah take this stay away from my friends and apparently llamas as well oh I’m getting XP for every mob I kill

That’s good that’s good okay maybe if I kill them all I’ll level up again oh Chester I told you to stay inside my man we’re fighting alongside live or die we got this yeah take that well I didn’t get an XP ore but I am level 60 now and

So I’m hoping the circle is a little bit wider oh I wonder if I can reach all the way to that lava from earlier I love my little Diamond house I’m just gonna borrow a bed real quick hopefully this was uh made yellow yes people do to you dude ouch stop spitting

At me well what alarm in the crafting table battle it out let’s take a nice little nap huh there we go Chester you good buddy all right everything seems safe let’s see if we can reach that lava from earlier oh what’s up Mr Bowie got some minor zombies in the cave again now

That’s a usually a good sign if you find bad guys in games you usually going the right way yeah love this sword and I actually have armor now so your pickaxe don’t do much okay they still do damage they still do damage oh my goodness that’s a lot of

Mobs where are your parents miners yeah yeah okay the big question I see the circle looks like it might be on the outskirts of the cave so I’m hoping I can get that lava oh if I could reach that lava I can make a nether portal as well

Last guy hey yep check it out I got a whole lava pit all to myself oh bad idea okay here we are got some iron we can make ourselves some buckets and with the power of editing I can make a nether portal um ah another portal ah come on editors

What I gotta do everything myself another portal ah there we go oh I actually need a flint real quick hold on thank you very much glorious all right buddy you ready to head into the nether looks like I got an XP orb for light in the portal let’s use it all right what’s

The worst that can happen oh my oh goodness looks like I’m still in the Overworld but uh there’s a giant nether structure here so maybe it like spawned the nether in the Overworld hi buddy are you friendly would you like a piece of bread do you like it ow okay it doesn’t

Like it doesn’t like it he took my bread though look you eat it like this isn’t that nice ow what would you like you like some gold instead I can get you some gold there we go all right you happy now ooh shiny okay I think he

Likes it end approvals an XP orb that’s way better than pearls wow he still doesn’t like me though all right heck yeah dude our circle’s bigger and do we get anything new uh we got some eyebrows uh golden wings oh I can use them to fly

Yeah check it out all right I’m thinking we gotta check out this Bastion right there’s also a stronghold over here as well first comes to first let’s get into this Bastion my wings will make this much easier they’re not as easy to maneuver as you think they are yeah

There we go there we go don’t fall lava this is cool but it’s a little hard to navigate oh let’s see what fancy loot we got in here I’m just gonna Dive Right Down I don’t take full damage from this and an XP orb heck yeah all right I’m

Out see you guys this is the easiest Bastion I’ve ever been in looks like it’s a pretty large now but I don’t quite have enough room to get over there yet well looks like if I use this XP orb it should unlock the stronghold at least yeah there we go okay it seems

To me that it wants me to make more progress in Minecraft to unlock more of the circle so I’m assuming I need to get a bunch of blaze rods or something to get to the end hello blazy boys yeah gosh all the circles right there oh

That’s not cool that’s not cool oh my goodness I can’t see a single thing yeah oh gosh why why I barely see anything the circle is right here okay Chester I might need some help here dude I got one Blaze Rod at least yeah yeah there’s

Another Blaze Rod yeah I have to run outside the circle for it all right not too bad hello buddy goodbye I do have this diamond Shield it’s not really oh wait a minute yeah hit my shield see what happens ah oh my goodness come on

Man oh no did a creeper explode the oh that’s bad news dude I think a creeper exploded it broke the spawner wait wait wait wait hold on hold on this is good news I got three blaze rods and it gave me an XP orb I’m hoping that means

That’s all the blaze rods I’m gonna need okay I’m out of here well let’s try to find my base here I assume the nether spawned inside the circle somewhere so my base might be around here somewhere the circle’s getting so big it’s spawning a whole other dimensions inside

Of it what the heck is that well the good news is I made it home uh the bad news is there’s a giant Enderman fighting the Iron Golem oh my gosh yes get them take them Out Boys oh my goodness yeah what the heck was that well that’s certainly one way to be

Welcomed home good job buddy and it gave us some ender pearls let’s use our first XP orb very nice and let’s use our next XP orb Feels Good Man level 90 already I didn’t get any new items yet but I did expand the circle by a ton so let’s make

Our eye a vendor and let’s head to the end yo camo’s gonna be all right while I’m gone all right don’t do anything stupid except keep spitting on the crafting table why damn all right let’s find whoa well I found the portal that was easy has this been here the whole time this

Might be why the giant Enderman was so angry with us and we got ourselves another XP orb dude let’s go all right let’s spawn the portal and before we go in let’s use our XP orb oh my whoa whoa never mind I guess the end’s coming to us okay whoa hello Mr Dragon

Oh it even converts all the houses and everything stay calm villagers I’ll take care of this looks like I got a new item here I got an N Stone bow oh that looks incredible take this Dragon oh it sends out these like this and then we can take out the

Crystals that way this is awesome the dragon’s not even attacking us dude go go go ah this is incredible yeah I think that’s all the crystals dude now we just gotta take out the dragon yeah this is an incredible weapon dude I was not expecting this but honestly the dragon

You look beautiful with the blue sky behind you go go and stone bow attack oh goodness he’s attacking me ouch all right it’s a heat-seeking moment sometimes just goes right to Chester yeah right over there buddy are you immune to End Stone arrows yeah let’s go Dragon you’re going down and

I got an XP orb will this get me to level 100 yeah yeah level 100 this circle has been broken now I can go anywhere I want although this is the coolest area ever I might just live here now we did it Chester we did it I love

You buddy we’ve completed the video and you can complete the like button by pressing it thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next one

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Welcome to Craftee where we take on different challenges and play Minecraft but strange things always happen. Today we’re playing Minecraft but My XP = World Size! Let us know which part was your favorites and remember to drop your ideas in the comments for future videos that we can make!

Minecraft but My XP = World Size

#Minecraft #But #xp


🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.


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