【STARDEW VALLEY】holiday farming! (part 2)

You know it it times like these where I really considered myself why myy why do you have to be such a big controller using Idiot just do what everyone else does and play with mouse and keyboard but why no I like my controller I’d like to buy a pumpkin from you myg and I want to carve a Jacko Lantern for the upcoming Spirit Eve Festival you got it Caroline I have tons

Of pumpkins I have three pumpkins that’s fine better than what I thought I had which was no pumpkins okay we’re selling the bok choy we’re selling the carrots do these look like carrots to you myy on what planet are these carrots I’m starting to lose it I’m sorry I’m a

Little mind broken just a little mind broken after everything that has just transpired please forgive me please forgive me you guys didn’t see the buttload of money that I got from the pumpkins by the way cuz I kind of Rage Quit out of it really quick but look at that 32 G’s stonies

Not bad not bad not bad prank prank even prank and you know what prank again cuz why not I think we put corn yeah we just need yams now but I’m going to be cautious cautious and just be just be careful cuz you never know when somebody’s going to want a

Freaking pumpkin this was supposed to be a chill stream how did it devolve to this sorry the controller thing has got me tilted but at least my cows will make me happy if you guys hear like a heavy click clack from the controller that’s fine that’s gaming baby that’s gaming that’s just Gaming now what’s going to really suck is if at some point it gets stuck while I’m trying to ship things and it makes me accidentally ship something I don’t want to ship oh hey did I milk you there you go now it’s Friday which means we’re heading to the Woods dead Beast to

Do some funky some scary some spooky please don’t please don’t do that we’re going to go worship some demons it’s going to be sick maybe the demons can fix my controller I don’t know I don’t know guess we’ll have to see Hey where’s my maple syrup my fish are getting

Really hungry and yet how many how many tappers do I have three four I’m pretty sure I have four tappers not a single drop of maple syrup got me up chill stardy stream by the way very Relaxed all right calm down myy look this is the fish still made some caviar for you I just don’t want to think about them not being happy you know got to make sure the fish are satisfied why’ I wink then that’s so freaking weird I didn’t mean anything

Weird by that but I winked Why we can’t do this Mory we can’t what do you got for Sale hering I I don’t think we need that that seems like a red herring that was terrible all right let’s just ignore it I’m pretty sure we don’t need that but you know what I’m not one for taking chances I am am but I just feel like I’m going to hate myself

If I need that and I don’t buy it as I thought not necessary don’t need it have a good day Madame this is way more intense of a stardew Valley Stream than I thought it would be please be here wait I don’t need to talk to you and she’s she’s even working

I didn’t need to talk to her I didn’t even need to talk to her maybe Abigail could use some presents I don’t know cuz wait let me see she’s at okay she’s at 8 so I don’t think that I don’t think that her affection for me

Will go down this is bad by the way don’t do this to real people don’t ghost your friends IRL like this that’s not good you really don’t want to do that people they will definitely hate you it’s not what you want unless you’re weird I guess and you want your friends

Hey that’s a strange thing that’s a strange weird thing no one’s like that no one’s like that less anyway I don’t think I think I can count the number of times I’ve stepped into the hospital in this game including my personal account on one hand welcome

To Pierre’s just give me rice dude just give me rice thank you I can make the maky rule now I I believe I have the recipe 99% sure I have the recipe now then let’s see about a little upgrade I don’t have my wood I put it away classic absolutely classic

Mory got that fall Blues you guys that’s all it is is the fall Blues not sleepy I’m great no go to the bus stop we’re good we’re good just hanging just chilling really stard you so chill who is messaging me please don’t message me hold on I feel like I should

Turn the gate down down because I I get this feeling that my voice is clipping a little bit let me try and fix it just a Moment Oh Yeah sorry long message I’m not going to cut it out everybody needs a breather every once in a while even dead Beats H can I cook it now can we cook now maybe let’s cook ya thought we can make it okay yeah and then any egg making

Fried eggs is apparently really easy you know what I can confirm that is pretty true oh yeah and Caroline wanted a pumpkin get the wood get the wood wait no it’s Friday Friday’s good it’s Friday Friday I wonder what other things I’ll need I bet she’ll require more for an

Upgraded Barn I just I just have a feeling you know I got a Feeling yeah tell your daughter I say hi but don’t be weird about it it’s not like we’re dating or anything cuz we’re not don’t be weird about it it’s a fine looking day sure is here’s your pumpkin Abigail will be happy I know she likes those wish the season lasted a little

Longer almost feel like a kid again very sincere now what’s my prize what’s my priz 500 G and I wonder I probably could have uh sold that pumpkin for uh more than 500 G when I pickle it guess that’s just how the cookie crumbles well

Now we got the poppy we got all the easiest ones we we need to make everything though in the end so we do need pigs or what we need is to get lucky I could have bought one one did appear at the cart but I said no I said

I’ll get a real good Barn like a dummy no it’s fine I did what I had to do uh let’s see construct farm buildings and that what I did the thing I had to do was save money Big Barn we can’t get the deluxe one until we make the big barn so build

It build it so I can raise other animals yeah Do It um what else did I have to do well now I’m low on wood again so now I feel like we need need to go chop more wood maybe that’s what we’ll do yeah I’m not an idiot I’m not I can

See just fine I have to text coobo about something how’s the hanging cows how’s it hanging cats I guess I ought to get some more hay see I’m kind of letting it grow back a little bit you know don’t want to swipe too much of it

Away lest it maybe not grow back but we’re going to need to to cut it all before winter you Know me too I definitely understand I understand I wonder what if the new animals we can get goats sheep I think pigs are last though you know they’re big boys so I mean you need like the most amount of room possible you know yeah no wa no no no no no no no

No every time that’s fine it’s just a Farmer’s Life you win some you lose some ain’t that right Pierre ain’t that right look at all this wood though I’m having to yeah make it all back up so that we can immediately get the deluxe Barn as soon as

Possible yeah you know just buying a truffle from the cart probably would have cost less than all these upgrades to Big barns Etc but you know is what it is plus we’re going to use them later right the the pig farm is what I want to go for

That mostly the pigs they find the truffles you make the oil you make the big bucks you know probably not until I get that 40% up Artisan boost though that’s the big bread winner you know anyway lots and lots of hazelnuts you going to plant those right

Oh you know what this would be a great place for trees oh hopefully NPCs don’t walk around and destroy all of them fingers crossed I’m in a sassy mood tonight real sassy it’s kind of fun though I’m not usually so much of a sass master there chat I replanted the trees

Wow there’s so many more to cut down though I think I’ll cut them yeah I’m excited for the spirits Eve Festival that’ll be fun got to solve the maze that’s right there’s a spooky hedg maze mhm spooky hedge Maz is like we’re playing World Of Darkness yeah lots of felling trees in the

Darkness which is where my heart feels it is at in the midst of this deforestation very sorry but hey look at those trees up on the cliff see I can’t I can’t hit those they’re safe they’re safe so don’t worry about them don’t worry about them they’re they’re

Chilling yeah I’m thinking also recently about all the mods that I want to install and if I want to install them I have to wait till I get the steam deck main reason being if I install them here then you’ll see them by accident I can’t just load up a different file

That’s got mods on it unless I can no I don’t think I can it’ll it’ll alter the game so it’s just better if I wait I wonder where I get the last fish for night fishing Maybe maybe it’s at the night market I don’t know I kind of forget I’ll remember

I can change my expression just by winking lless Mory happy Mory Loess Mory happy Mory wow all right that was an example of the button sticking it’s still stuck okay it’s probably fine I’m going to use these maple seeds though I’m going to I’m going to save them save these little

Guys wait no wrong box wrong box this is the Box we need to put them in probably could have put the acorns in there too In fairness but it is what it is it is it’d be would it be it’ll be a good winter for taking care of animals with all the the

Upgrades I’m doing to my Barns and Etc need to get that upgraded Coupe though so we can advance to Ducks but for now I should take care of the chickens I have want to try and get get my worth out of them you know I bought them

So might as well take care of them see how we can help each other in our business relationship oh they hated that it’s cuz I forgot to feed them they look very grumpy they probably hate my guts sorry about that but anyway which means I look forward to

Working with you from here on out yes that’s what I said to the chickens it’s normal we’re in a business relationship isn’t that right oh Robin H you jump scared me like a ghost anyway don’t mind me just grabbing the cheese be patient still have a lot of work to

Do didn’t talk to you Robin wasn’t talking to you but okay whatever you say I was just collecting my milk I also have work to do you’re not the only one working Robin you’re not the only one working you’re not the only one working M has no milk right now all

Right well that’s fair maybe she didn’t get a chance to eat these large milks will make for nice Che cheese well anyway they should be happy now ah hope we get a purple mushroom soon fingers crossed I don’t really feel like mining much these days especially after completing the

Mines so I’m kind of like eh wonder what I should do maybe we sleep through it you know if we were on the big group Farm I’d kind of feel like ah I need to stay busy you know but H maybe some River fishing I’m missing a lot of

Riverfish from the bundle that is Shane you didn’t see anything Shane you didn’t see anything Shane Shane rhymes with pain this weather makes me thirsty open your mouth Bozo I mean maybe that’s not a good idea maybe that’s not sanitary has anyone ever like just collected rainwater before and like looked at it to like see what color it mostly becomes it’s not where I wanted to I

Wanted to do it this way I wonder if it would be like a a yellow color like a gray color rainwater just random curious things you guys like this oh boy all right he’s a jumpy one oh catfish we needed that nice nice nice okay very good yeah maybe some of

Them can only be caught on rainy days yeah I thought this kimono fit really nice with the the colors we’ll probably change to like a more wintry one for winter time yeah I think that’ll be cool very Japanese farmer style except I’m gin now what could this be oh boy slightly

Jumpy I think oh Shad I already bought that one dang it why’ I buy that oh well I should move around more like this get some exercise while streaming oh boy oh boy oh this is a chill one maybe one we haven’t caught before we’re so close to completing the

Riverfish smallmouth bass I don’t know I don’t know about that one but I’m just going to catch fish today that’s today’s goal no mining no deforestation Just Fish I kind of look like a a fisherman in Japan maybe you know a lot of times they do field work and fishing like Yukata and

Kimono but they don’t really look I don’t really think they look like this I think they’re a different style oh well if it works it works oh boy I think that’s a catfish seems cat fishy oh man oh he’s really he’s fighting seems jumpier than a catfish I don’t know not losing

You nope it’s a catfish just a really feisty one those guys are tough to catch they must sell really well though I wonder how much a Maki roll would be as opposed to its ingredients so if I made a Maki roll and sold it but I could probably only profit off

Of it if I didn’t buy rice from Pierre and instead grow grew my own I think that would be the way to do it maybe the other one that’s necessary I can get from from uh River fishing when it’s not raining we should try that L I think I can check right now

Though oh oh okay what are we doing oh salmon now let’s see what we got need that one don’t need a salmon though let’s see fishing fish tank River fish we need something called a tiger trout let me look it up because I do have the internet at my fingertips okay stardo tiger

Trout it can be caught in the river in Pelican Town whether any Its Behavior is Dart during fall and winter okay nice so it it seems as though we should be able to catch it crap pot’s going to be a little rougher I should hit the beach

Though see if I can find any cockles nightfish wall eye let me see where I can find that one we’re pretty close to completing this one to be honest okay it’s interesting seeing how much the each one’s fish can uh rather eggs can sell for let’s look up

Catfish what what if you age the cat aged catfish row it’s still pretty nice it’s just not the caviar you know walleye uh this one is found River Mountain Forest Lake Pond from 12:00 p.m. to 12: to 2 a.m. it’s a fish that can be caught in

The river the mountain lake Etc during fall when it’s raining it can also be caught in Winter if a rain totem is used okay H you can also buy it and it can be found in garbage cans randomly or at the traveling cart okay interesting if you use the magic bait

You can get it anytime you know I have a blob fish or what is it blob fish is that wow oh man its eggs actually sell for a lot I don’t think as much as caviar though right sturgeon oh my God it sells more than caviar all right I’m uh going to remember

That I wonder why wow I’m going to remember that for my personal how about the SE cucumber M no that one really doesn’t sell very good fish eggs what about the super sea cucumber the super cucumber it’s fine it’s still not more than caviar though and especially not more than the blob

Fish um anyway I’m just going to keep fishing here because it seems like I should be able um to catch all the ones I need just need to get lucky anyway sorry for the the wiki surfing rant it’s a little hard to oh nice to determine their patterns though you know

When I was out searching for sturgeon I would just exit out of any fishing encounter that I could tell wasn’t sturgeon it was pretty easy to tell but I’m not really sure of the the fishing or rather the uh movement patterns of these guys oh Treasure Chest that’s all right I don’t need

It we got the walleye nice nice nice that’s huge all right the resting beward face is really intense today sorry about that I’m just focused on fishing you know I got the fishing on my mind it’s always on my mind okay smallmouth bass the last thing that we need oh my

God I already forgot the name of it oh tiger trout that’s what it is we need the tiger trout and then we’ll basically be done with fishing for bundles isn’t that crazy finished it pretty quick Morris is going to be mad with how quick we’re finishing the bundles but the bulletin board one’s

Going to take a while and so is the money one that’s going to be rough but I’m trying to just save my money right now and not really use it for anything that I don’t really need except that Deluxe Barn though in the bigger coupe the bigger Coupe can’t be that expensive the

Big Barn was 12,000 G can’t be that expensive could this be the tiger truck either that or a catfish it’s kind of darting a little bit just a Salamon you know salmon is actually extremely delicious in Fall that’s actually the best season for salmon M grilled salmon pan fried and butter with

Rice now I want rice Foody cocket what do we get a rare disc wow I’ve never seen that in my life I don’t even think that I got that in my personal one maybe it’s time to go fishing could be could be hey laid back fishing today I guess leave it to

Fishing to somehow calm me down H bet I’d be singing a different tune if it was a legendary fish though okay I had to say something I don’t care about treasure y it’s a catfish again surely we’re coming up on the tiger trout it said it can be caught in any

Weather we must be coming up on it okay who hello okay I think that’s it let’s go check the beach for any cockles oh all right time to choose cave Patrol the number of skeletons in the local caves has made mining dangerous for other people not me

There’s good money for anyone willing to slay 50 of them we only have a couple days to do this I seek an extremely rare and Powerful goop known as ectoplasm it can be found in the remains of slain ghosts it’s very rare though I’m going to go for cave

Patrol we can do it I actually think we can do it tomorrow we’ll just slay a gazillion no problem just trust me guys we’re running a little late but that’s okay just trust me guys maybe we can find what we need during winter maybe that’s when the cockal show

Up oh wait a minute no that’s an oyster pretty sure we already got one of those but hey could be nice to sell I’m going to hit the bar buy my man Shaina beer get some food some provisions and then we head to the mines I actually already have some Provisions

Though but I’ll be safe I may have eaten all of them oops very excited to have almost completed everything for the fishing though that’s a big deal my face doesn’t express it but I feel it here you go I’ll change I’ll change it there we go now my face expresses my

Contentment just had to pause the game really quick that’s all I hope the chain starts being nicer to me soon need a hot drink beer and M pizza sounds good big old Pizza to cure my woes I’m kind of rolling in it I’ll take it oh wow all these recipes I ought to

Just grab triple shot espresso recipe more potent than regular coffee I guess yeah it makes you super fast huh ooh crispy bass let’s buy this stuff that’s a nice recipe but I’m going to hold off on it for now wow the breading is perfect crispy bass that sounds good I’ll buy it oh

Hey the friends are hanging out it’s Friday night nothing like an ice cold joa Cola on a s and wet day huh just kidding yeah he hates it the valley looks more interesting in the rain don’t you we already said that you looking forward to the spirits Eve Festival it’s probably

My favorite freaking of course it is Mr Jack Skellington Nightmare Before Christmas ass Sebastian basement dwelling you like him I can’t even pretend that oh hey my man what’s going on he’s ignoring me he’s ignoring me wow it’s my favorite and he continues to ignore me all right that’s fine you know what

No it’s cool you know what no it’s not fine actually that sickens me but oh well I’m going to go sell these put these in the shiing Box to make a little more room in my inventory in case we find anything extra nice and then we go

Slay some dead beats how do you guys feel about being slain Let’s see we already got the Shad don’t need the Salamone we have the walleye the catfish and the tiger trout small amount one two get rid of some of the muscles wow almost full inventory right off the bat huh

Oyster let’s put some things Away when I get old Los in my hair many years from now would you still be sending me a valentine birthday GRE wine if I went out to quar quarter pass free it’s one of those would you love the door would you still need me would you still feed me When I’m

64 I only know that song because my sister reap had a weird obsession with Jack Wild back in the day and he covered that song so odd all right um let’s see what else should we bring just cave carrots some grapes why not my pizza and I’m holding on to the

Glow ring just cuz I’m going to sell it a little bit later and we can find the boneman from the 70th floor any bone men want to fight no right off the bat some problems are presented where are the bone men where are they where are

They Adama oh but the bats are out the bats heard me like oh were you calling for me no I wasn’t I’m looking for the boneman back off okay Some Coal I’ll take that 50 skeletons is not too many it’s totally doable you just got to trust in the process and I’m super

Aggressive not you slime it’s not your time slime okay and the good thing is we’re not collecting bone fragments we’re just slaying a bunch of skeletons which means whether they drop bone fragments or not is inconsequential to us for our purposes we are fine nice nice Omni

Geod I really ought to start checking the TV to see if it’s a lucky day or not you Know um who are they keeping prisoner down here I wonder look at that cuffs on the wall kinky I mean wow that’s weird wonder if I could find an ancient seed Here I love that Melody wish it would play more often uhoh stuck button that’s all right it’s infinitely less frustrating than dealing with the cord being unplugged over and over again that’s for sure got some nice icy tears down Here nice yeah the Bon men they’re going down take down the bone men Health isn’t so much the worry it’s mostly energy from trying to find the exit in that case a bomb might be useful maybe for tomorrow I’ll use some of the bombs that I purchased and haven’t used yet how about

That ah wait I already have a stairwell hey buddy you got to go cave Patrol it’s cute that Clint issues this Quest um because the bonem men will just come back it would be nice if there was like an uptaken bonem men right to kind of fit with the quest but

I don’t I think that might be asking for a bit too much I don’t know what do you guys think you guys think it’s just going to go back up do you think it may matters I wonder I feel like that would be pretty in well not ingenious but it would be

Nice if they could program that in oh man we’re really going to have to slay a lot of skeletons morning to night tomorrow in order to make it for in time for this Quest I’m just going to ignore this guy any skeletons down here no don’t

Care oh boy all right look one last run through surely we’ve got a couple bonem men please leave me alone no bones about it there is a guy let’s take him man I really should have checked the board earlier I wasn’t thinking Mory wasn’t thinking wonder if there are any more

Guys down here uh-oh there are all right I’ll do it for the boneman the bone boys everywhere bone Bros rone bros everywhere all right let’s get out of here let’s see if we can run back to the to my house and make it on time maybe we can I don’t know it’s

Possible if we run real quick there is a chance we have a chance dead be all I’m asking for is a chance I think we just get charged money if we collapse I will collect you tomorrow I’m not chancing anything hey they’re not going to find

Me passed out my house though go to sleep nice Saved by the Bell didn’t get to ship anything but that’s all right there’s always tomorrow all right it’s a new day we’re starting to make some pretty good money and then you guys can see how broken the pumpkins are

Ah and still some rain huh kind of praying for some thunder so we can get another battery and it’s our lucky day a purple mushroom looks like our luck is really turning up however we have a busy day ahead of us it’s all slaying skeletons

Today oh yeah we can get rid of that lots of Frozen tears some bone fragments pickled pumpkins let’s go yeah we can just ship this other stuff I know that it has its use but I’m just going to ship it for now cuz we got stuff to

Do we got lots of stuff to do today oh is that another mushroom tree growing next to it all right I can’t knock that down I’m sorry I can’t maple syrup y enough for my little guys my little dudes that should make them happy all right let me go throw it to

Him you guys think we can get 50 it’s probably more like 40 right more like 40 skeletons left over look at that everyone look fresh maple syrup they love it they’re loving it all right I’ll have the power of explosives on my side so we might be okay hey

Guys how we doing myy did not forget to feed you hey look that’s um a much bigger much bigger place to roam free now hey probably going to need some hardwood for the the deluxe Barn huh that’s my guess but I’m not sure uh-oh Brink Hey oh there it is I was going to say where’s my other cheese maker Robin she just moved it we’re good we’re good wow but my energy is nowhere to be found okay she kind of rearranged things you know C on her own but whatever it’s cool I forgive

Her now what shall we pickle next um orange let’s do berries honestly I feel like those just do better and then cranberries we still have another round of pumpkins coming up that’s good everything’s coming up pumpkin God there are so many cranberries what if I sold a bunch of

Them I mean I have so many of them right we might as well just sell a ton of them doesn’t make sense to hold on to them forever and then we can just turn the rest into jelly it’s fine easy and um yeah let’s just

Wait yeah throw that in there and then I think we’re good now I do want to check and see what is necessary for the deluxe Barn cuz I mean monetarily we’re not doing so bad right now right maybe we could just ask really quick no The bonem Men We have to fight

The bonem men I’m going to regret it I’m so going to regret that so look just don’t worry about it I prefer not to eat the dish of the sea but it is what it is we do what we have to do hopefully it’s not an unlucky day and

Right there look at that guy I see a guy I feel like slaying all these bone guys is definitely going to be luckier for us than trying to find ectoplasm seems kind of impossible I hope we find a floor that’s just full of skeletons like they’re just everywhere there’s one over there

Hold on I’ll clear the way for our battle thank you sir any more I wonder nice nice nice fight me fight me fight me all right oh fingers crossed maybe we’ll find an exit around here look at all these bone guys in the Star Room nice this this room isn’t usually

Packed with enemies so they must have heard my plea okay we’re moving we’re grooving we’re slaying skeletons get over here dead beats come to Mor excuse me prank all right another guy over here we can take him look he thinks he’s so D he probably doesn’t he’s probably just happy to see myy

Hey my man he’s doing a whole square around me oh boy um let very quickly try to find the exit a I wonder it’ll probably be giddy giddy but I think we can do it I kind of forgot these bone guys drop multiple fragments which is why I was able to get

Them so quickly I think oh boy I don’t know unless you make more skeletons appear please lose me with this I’m just going to go there will be more to find but if I spend the whole time fighting bats it’s no good nice yeah having a lot of luck with exits today that’s

Good we’re going to have so many bone fragments to turn into fertilizer all right oh nice there’s a bunch of them oh man there’s a there’s a whole ton of you guys the Mory fan Meetup is here okay exit please unless I don’t know is there another guy

There sure is hey Dad be I didn’t forget about you here’s your autograph wow just keep slaying until you hear the buing and it should be fine oh this is the same layout from before do the enemies yeah no they they should respond Right I hope the enemies respond I’m sure Clint doesn’t but I do cuz I remember that staircase being in the same place but I’m pretty sure that if I saw these guys I would have cleared him out before so the seed might be the same but I think the enemies respawn I’m pretty

Sure yeah that would be huge if so maybe kind of randomly though Okay I’m getting that mining hypnosis but hey quick question where’s the eggs I can’t be that stupid but it turns out I just might be man that was a lot of time wasted we could have been using to kill skellies I mean put down skeletons gently nicely

How are we doing here what’s the progress oh man we’re close okay it’s going to be tight it’s going to be tight dead beats it’s going to be a real close One oh man am I missing a SC a staircase that already popped up please no please no surely one of these right right right no I don’t have time for you slime you’re not the assignment dokie doie I don’t have time for you only for my skeletons just going to throw myself at

Them I hope my luck can keep up yeah that’s a whole bunch of bone boys kind of just running into him maybe I should eat this pizza yeah eat the piz hey not fair that you can you can throw through the the rocks my dude that’s not

Cool oh well I’m just going to throw myself at them I’m throwing myself at you skeletons come at me I have time to fight I mean we do have to fight but I don’t have time come on cheeky little stairway now I really don’t have time to fight you oh

Jeez I think we’ll be fine oh that dead beat knew he knew I was coming he’s like myy let me help you let me offer you my bones thank you dead beat I accept all right I’d be a fool to turn these guys down though that’s a whole lot of coal

That was two pieces of of coal I don’t know about a whole lot of coal all right let’s run it gosh we got to be so close but we only have a couple hours left no I don’t have time for bats only time for Beats it’s fine just take them I can take

Them come on God there’s so many all right there’s no choice left but to fight we got it nice hey that’s a diamond though all right y all right all right back up run it again going to eat this really quick just a quick snack let’s finish this

Fight no skirlington really all right well I’ll take that St that staircase then come on we got to be close we got to be just ignore them God all the monsters are coming after me it’s like they know use the bomb nice nice nice I’m out of here I’m out of

Here maybe I can use one more quick come on there are really no skeletons left huh that’s bad that’s really bad okay this is got to be enough y my heart was erasing all right we can take out a a slime oh man that was scary that was really really

Scary okay let’s drop some loot shall we I don’t need these gazillion bones how many bone swords are you guys going to leave me with what is this all right lots and lots of loot um I’m going home I’m going home oh that was clutch that was clutch

Though pop open my journal real quick shut the M please no I had it there we go oh my God that’s so much money I wonder if that’s also the one where he gives you the geode Crusher I don’t know but either way that’s a boatload of money that’s half of my new

Barn H I’m glad that we didn’t go check the price cuz I yeah I would have indeed ended up regretting it I’ll sell the diamond for now speed grow uh let’s see what are the goodies that we found today more omnigod lots of good stuff actually pretty happy about

It lots of goodies and we completed a pretty big Quest tomorrow we’ll donate the fish that we need to yeah well done team well done nice hustle nice Hustle look at this Pi pickled pumpkin 690g that’s good that is really good oh and a a big star or a star cheese is

345 that’s also very good and what do we get here Diamond aquamarine lots and lots of Frozen tears so that helped a lot hey we may Bank we’re really raking in the cash these days dead beats I feel good about it nice KY thanks for helping me clear I knew it clear out those monsters I’m not scared at all but it should make the Mind safer for everyone else right take this blueprint hope it doesn’t make me obsolete Clint the blacksmith it’s the geode Crusher now this is really cool

Um I read about this it’s just um two gold bars stone and a diamond which is huge that means we don’t have to pay anymore so yes it will make you obsolete but I’m sure that I’ll use you again in the future for a different thing so

Chill stone or wood I forget who’s one of them hold on thank you geode Crusher and how do we make the crystarium so I can just start printing diamonds I wonder all right we need an we need two aridium bars which is going to be kind of difficult to get without the skull

Cavern but once we get get that you can bet we’re making a crystarium okay cool then I’m going to go ahead and put this stuff back for now and we’ll put that geod Crusher out here I’d eventually love to get a shed to just put all these Contraptions in you

Know instead of just lining them up around my house but well that can be for later pretty soon we’ll have all the necessary yams as well let’s go ahead and knock these guys down first and then I’ll see about being able to maybe have another barn upgrade I

Think I forgot to feed my chickens again very sorry very very sorry for that if I break these trees down then maybe the mushroom tree seeds will spread behind and then it can just be all mushrooms behind my home that would be kind of cool um sell the pine cones for

Now you’re free chickens you’re free oh they’re mad though they’re super angry we’re not getting any big eggs like that I guess but you know what I can make a fried egg how does that make you guys feel huh my chickens how does that make you feel Kiara would treat them so much

Better I’m sorry kfp I should to treat you guys with more common decency respect sorry about that I just love my cows so much but no favoritism favoritism that’s not good you can have oshi’s but there’s a difference there’s a difference treat everybody with respect in the end even

If someone’s not your ooshi my chickens I like them I was about about to say they’re not my oi but I have multiple oshis I would consider Kiara one multiple oshis is fine plenty of people do multiple oshis yeah actually I think most people do multip no multiple ooshies it’s normal I definitely

Do and I’m not ashamed let’s see what we got here I think I sold or I think I put all the eggplants away already into the bundle but let me check yep I sure did I’ll still hold a couple back just to be safe just to be extra safe but who wants pickled

Eggplant would that actually be any good I wonder we’ll just hold on to him here just in case you know egg a regular brown chicken egg a regular white chicken egg honey I’ll put this extra Speedy speed grow away we’re going to have so much of that eventually oh yeah I’m donating the

Fish today let’s see where did I put them these guys yeah big old donation happening today yes yes yes and I need to check up how much a deluxe Barn will cost me and how much a bigger Coupe will cost me I wonder how much money we could donate not now myy stop

Stop oh man I do Wonder though the Vault I want to go to the skull Cavern I’m itching for the skull Cavern I belong there all right there we go the bundle is complete now what do I get a ton of bait maybe I knew it I knew that it was going

To be bait forever and here we go night fishing also complete now it’s just the the crab pop bundle small glow ring can’t wait to sell that thank you uh let’s see oh fried egg goes in the bulletin board one the chef’s bundle and then we just need

A truffle after that we’re all done with it oh man we’re close ah the rabbit’s foot is going to be tough The Apple Tree got to buy that today as soon as possible got to get Ducks too oh yeah what about the foraging what am I missing

There winter forage I believe it’s just winter forage let’s go look at the Vault just out of curiosity just want to see what they are yeah that’s a lot but you know what I can do you know what I’ll do this one yeah might surprise you why why wouldn’t you

Do the 5,000 one first yes thank you um I don’t know maybe I’ll just surprise myself when I come back and I’ll be pleasantly surprised like oh wow that’s a quick easy five grand to drop you know okay it’s a lot less than I thought it would be I was thinking like

50,000 but altogether it’s probably something to the tune of about that much now let’s see have a nice walk construct farm buildings pop pop the deluxe Barn you know it’s actually in my budget but I’ll need a ton of wood and stone so I guess that’s my next project for a bigger Coupe I wonder maybe we should get the big Coupe first because then we can unlock dugs which Ducks which means duck eggs and duck feathers so let’s go for that let’s go for that oh man it’s going to get dry when winter comes it’s going to get real dry hey you

Know what let’s just top let’s just why why stop why stop there hey Demetrius you cool with this this isn’t your property right just doing what I got to do you know Hoops barns am I right they cost a lot of materials I feel like I’m on fire right now

Though especially after selling all those pickled pumpkins that’s a good chunk of cash those trees are just going to fall in the water it’s kind of a waste Bet I can sell some monster Loot and uh equipment that I don’t need so I’ll just I’ll just grab these you also sell a ton of bat wings just cuz I know we’ll we’ll end up getting a gazillion More and we’re going to start completing bundles left and right one after the other community center probably finished next time we don’t have much more left to go huh but of course it won’t stop there the Empire must continue growing so there will still be much more to

Do I think you can mine in there as well which is neat wonder how we’re going to get our hands in that red cabbage I missed the shopping cart again dang it oh well niy bass how’s it hopping so it’s a big harvest season isn’t it he’s trying to make

Conversation I appreciate that thank you for trying to talk to me it meant a lot to me I don’t know you though and I don’t like you at least not in this world all right let’s replant some trees but Sebastian’s going to destroy it if he walks that

Way so let’s plant a bunch so there’s no way he can destroy all of them oh yeah I was going to sell this stuff hey lus I just want to say hello to my my old friend lonus I’ve explored deep into the caves not deeper than me they hold

Some hidden secrets just be cautious if you go in there yeah that’s cool but I already I know them I also know there’s a dwarf guy in there and you got to blow up the barricade and then you have to know dwarfish to talk to him I’m aware of

That we’ll have to do that sometime but I already used up all my bombs sorry wonder if these guys sell them maybe not n they don’t they seem pretty peaceful yeah nice that’s a good chunk of Change I think I get some rewards from this guy ooh skeleton mask I can be one with the dead beats Really I’m a dead beat now I can’t pass that up this will attract all the ladies and Shane he see as what do you think of this does it make you fall in love with me immediately yeah he doesn’t care for it he doesn’t care for me that’s fine to each their

Own maybe I can try out my geode Crusher I don’t mind taking a nice long walk back let’s go ahead and put the bait here there we go just to have a little extra slot in the old inventory we’re really starting to Snowball the money you

Guys when we don’t have crops it’s going to be bad how oh nice all gifts Reset nice okay we can see the next event for Shane matter of fact hello Benny you like my are you doing okay what you don’t like my my mask it’s cool I think it’s pretty cool wow everyone in this town hates me now all right it’s school I understand hey open for business I don’t know where where Shane’s next event is I guess I’ll just find out on my own I think it’s kind of fun that way though to be Honest I thought it was pretty neat when I went to the graveyard and Abigail was just chilling there I guess it helps to go places that they kind of go to often though hey Shane what it do oh he he’s trying to avoid me he saw me come that

Way hey sorry if I came off as rude when we first met whoa it takes me a while to warm up to strangers it’s cool have a nice cold one on me wow how’d you know it’s my favorite cuz you say it’s your favorite every single time I talk to you

Anyway nothing posted today how about that Quest board I’m starting to get kind of nervous about about that I feel like I need to accept the quests really quickly all right let’s see what we got for unknown reasons the local population of riverfish has grown to an unsustainable level I need a local

Angler to help reduce their numbers Robin says I’m putting on a little promotion just for fun if anyone can collect a thousand pieces of wood in a week they’ll earn a reward and you can keep the wood that’s what I want to do that’s what I wanted cuz I need the

Wood in the first place Cole wle and just like that the fishing bundles are all complete I could actually see myself becoming a farmer someday but how would that ever happen chuckle a maybe if you became my wife I don’t know I could see it that could be kind of cool

Anyway it’s time to complete the fishing bundle we did it dead beats we did it let’s Go all right let’s finish this it’s done and the glittering Boulder is going to be removed too I wonder if that means better fish that we can catch Crab Pot nice oh wow hey this house was empty for years the trees moved in and so did we at least they’re helping us now

Though look at that he Says another star it’s going to be three pretty soon actually you can tell it’s one two three four more hey little cutie guy oh prank that’s a prank we’re playing games tag you’re it he’s chasing me he’s going to kill me he’s crazy I can’t wait till we can we can

Get their little homes and then put them around the farm that’s going to be neat just need truffle water remember to buy the freaking apple tree Mory the bulletin board is a little all over the place you know I’m feeling generous let’s just do the 5,000 now we’ve got some quality

Fertilizer we can use that for next year’s Harvest now I’m sad I just realized that winter is coming which means we can’t grow anything well we’re going to have to find other ways to make money and a big barn and and Coupe I think will be the perfect way the big um wood hunt starts

Tomorrow all day wood every day chopping wood everywhere no trees are spared everywhere not a tree spared but we’ll plant them back we’ll plant them again of course as any decent person wood you can just plant them over there it’ll be fine just don’t worry about it you know it’s a challenge Big

Challenge we can do it prank and also prank and then prank and also prank and a prank here see all good nothing to worry about it’s fine dead beats it’s fine you guys are fine with it right A lot of my trees haven’t grown back too much but I’ll let them grow

Back slowly but surely guess that’s what happens with the mass the mass deforestation we put you so is a hardwood included also these don’t belong here they belong in the one above this is for pine trees so I don’t feel I don’t feel bad chopping these down there we

Go hey look Robin’s the one forcing me to do it also this pine tree’s got to go yep it’s all right Robin’s idea you’re angry you got to yell at her not me you can yell at me too though that’s fine you’re allowed to criticized but just definitely make sure you yell

At her too and then we’re Square pretty sure we can raise rabbits soon is if we uh upgrade the coupe to a deluxe Coupe don’t sell the seeds myy don’t sell the seeds don’t sell them not sell them Mory don’t do it you use them to

Grow that’s why that’s why there are no trees left you don’t replant them I mean I replant a lot of them just not all of them most of them don’t worry about it oh the button stuck there we go okay look at this quality fertilizer see look we’ve got tons of

Tree seeds that we can plant uh when we feel like it yeah oh yeah Gunther’s going to want this true to that I’ll put these away for now got to put that lightning rod out there tomorrow sure is getting late Bedtime for Bonzo oh they’re hard at work nice

How is that crop yield yeah again the eggplants just don’t do super well oh well and once we can start making mayonnaise I think we can we have enough Earth crystals if we make some mayo we can really start capitalizing on those eggs all right let’s see what we got

Then if we want to make the mayonnaise maker we need wood Stone Earth crystal and copper I have all those things Earth crystal Crystal copper wood Stone all right all right three is fine for Now okay hey chickens sorry we got off on the wrong foot are we chill see look they love me cuz I fed them I gave them sustenance and they like that Now I’m going to take your children and do this yeah they watched me do that how do you think that made him feel probably not very good huh stay in there you can’t leave it’s a little cruel don’t need to rub it in their face there’s no need for that that’s un that

Is unnecessary myy pardon me ghost cat is trying to give you Sustenance that kind of dark I mean it’s definitely a lot more chill now but it’s Dark hey how goes It think I still have enough food for four of them no do not this is and this is what I was talking about all right it’s fine it’s the first time first offense it’s pretty rough might be a good business investment to just get a control for

Streaming like I don’t know Logitech one or something not a Playstation One none of That just a regular old controller for streaming it has a USB cable it isn’t faulty anyway it’s fine so there’s a button that sticks big deal I mean it it kind of is sometimes depending on the game I’d never want to play Jump King with this controller ever again for example that’s just one example though all right so we got some goodies here this will be a nice yield but lo

And behold only 5 days left to fall Hang Time Flies let’s see now the buttons acting a little weird it’s probably fine um yeah we can put these in there need something to turn into jelly when the winter comes right speaking of which might just be a good idea to stock up on

Fruit to turn into preserves you know that might be a good idea H those actually sell for a lot as preserves the spice fruit I guess we can also use wild fruits as well that we find during the winter time if the game will allow might

Not I think they can’t maybe they can’t be turn well Crystal fruits maybe could be I don’t know anyway all these are backed up and we’re going to start saving fruits how are my favorite fish doing oh yum yum hey this is pretty good nice nice nice

Nice okay thank you how about we try out the mini shipping bin nice that’s kind of fun ah yes back to chopping today Chop Chop isn’t it all right leave it to me again we just don’t tell fauna about this she doesn’t need to know look I’m sure if if fauna played stardo

She would understand she’d feel that she has to do what needs to be done it’s very hard to advance the game without wood but of course she would always replant a tree classic fauna Mory Mory she doesn’t really plant the trees back all the time but these ones will grow

Back they will cuz it’s the grass and they always grow back H oh wiie did you see what I did I mean what the junimos did pretty cool huh hi Al it’s odd I’m not sure what caused this Boulder to disappear it was my magic you can thank me with money this

Stream is Flowing from deep within the mountain so what does that mean for us I wonder who hey do you see that glistening in the water none here that’s quality ore oh is this the panning I remember that yeah the flow of water must be carrying out of the

Mountain you know what this means right what it means we start panning for or oh okay how do we do that here I’ve got an extra pan in my backpack why don’t you take it okay give me so what can I get if you ever see ore glistening in

The water use that pan and see what you find okay sure can I do it now can you move out of the way I guess I can’t all right fair enough Oh and we can go up here now hey lonus whoa what are you doing in front of the bath you spying on girls my old friend the glimmering boulder has moved on it may not seem like an important event but to me it’s a big change I’m happy for

The old rock to see more of the world though oh I mean yeah I guess so you had to see it like every single day the rock must have been kind of important to you PR PR PR PR get all the wood yeah I like this area

Too back there is the the thing that I I mentioned before the secret way to warp into the Wizard’s place it’s not so much a secret you can just unlock it later got to move that totem I forget what you have to do though something pretty specific I think all right let’s hit

It lots and lots of poop poop you must be pretty close to the the Thousand wood maybe not thousand wood is actually really a lot to gather if you think about it I think these will grow back but you know what I’ll plant seeds just in case unfair

Sometimes there we go there we go there we go there we go people passing by stardew Valley won’t be able to see they’ll be like what is that is that a forest what is this for It seems impossible to budge I do wonder where it leads though question mark question mark question

Mark maybe you have to offer it something can we go dumpster diving ah missed opportunity suppose we could check out the bath house finally let’s go ladies ladies ladies ladies ladies it’s Abigail’s Locker it stinks pretty bad see this is what I was saying so she’s she’s canonically

Stinky it’s kind of run down I do wish that there was like a a renovate the bath house option where you could turn it into like a cool super traditional on Wow looking good I’d totally wear something like this it’s Mor and the onen don’t look dead

Beats don’t look the side is too steamy for you careful revert your eyes oh H la la o la la indeed that was chill kill anyway time to leave that was a very nice bath though can you ever find other people chilling in the bath house I feel like

I’ve never found anybody else chilling in the bath house that would be a cool mod though to have the characters go there sometimes and have special dialogue that’ be cool anyway well now I’m ready to chop trees again once more it’s tree chopping time he see bass how goes

It pumpkin spice this pumpkin spice that man do I get sick of these seasonal fads he’s just pretty relatable I don’t know I mean yeah he’s spitting facts he really is well Sebastian h I’ll miss that guy a little bit he’s cool he’s very real you know he

Just he just really loves the basement but I mean I don’t know some days it’s hard to get out of the basement it happens but got to try and get through it every time I try something new it goes horribly wrong you learn to just stay in a shell God that’s depressing

But it’s true I like the development for Sebastian though he really does change quite a bit um throughout his heart events as well he goes from being a Shu in so like you kind of change him to like you know go outside more often and he’s still a little antisocial but I don’t

Know it’s hard to explain you just got to see it for yourself but I know it’s nice it’s it’s nice to see him change like that and feel like you helped somehow you know gets outside more often takes walks works on his motorcycle it’s cool hey Sam what it

Do I think you’re pretty cool too Sam one sec got to beat this level just kidding completely ignored me you’ll have a good day Sam I hope you beat that level I Guess there a ton of trees down here I feel bad breaking them all down but it’s part of the challenge I am ready to continue getting that wood see look those are all the trees that I planted and they’re doing fine D at least they leave me these little patches where I can plant some trees back it’s nice how are we doing woodwise oh my God how many more days do we have 6 days I mean it’s doable but dang I am not proceeding as fast as I thought

I would be I thought I’d be about halfway done by now guess not just take some time all right so each tree is about 21 is wood how many trees is that that’s about five trees for 100 50 trees I think that’s the correct math I got to chop down 50

Trees that’s a lot of trees that’s like really a lot of trees well Robin demands it that like I can say no I hope the rewards nice probably going to have to chop down some of my own trees too it’s rough I’ll do what must be done might

Have been nice to let a ton grow beforehand see that one only Dro 17 Wood it’s going to be a hard time but hey look at this that’s a bunch of trees there get those get those trees we got to go and we also have these logs on the

Ground that still counts as wood getting nervous hope we didn’t chop down all these trees for nothing Robin what are you making me do this doesn’t feel right Robin I’ve made a mistake Robin man may have chosen the wrong the wrong one Demetrius is just like hey reduce the fish population please

There’s too many of them the ecosystem is out of balance Robin is like hey destroy the whole Forest and I chose Robin really even with fauna being my good friend seriously how could I do that feel in the guilt I have to go on with my decision I

Chose this now I have to reap what I say so it’s a Reaper’s World 444 wood and I immediately lost it that tree if I knock it down it’s just it’s just going to what if I did it this way oh I see some bubbles there’s some bobles in there give

Me all right I got some of them oh boy what have I done it’s getting late Shane what it do going home well have a nice evening I must seem kind of spooky out here oo yeah he definitely thinks I’m a freak I guess I’ll go to bed hopefully some new trees Sprout

Tomorrow new trees for me to break ooh hey I can make a quick sale couple stonies I don’t know yeah and I’ll I’ll go plant those tomorrow and look the wine is ready nice very close to Phi finishing the wizard bundle nice nice nice nice pretty good pretty good not

Bad I’m going to go check on my cats I shall be right back and then we can Continue BRB BRB p I return it’s uh pretty late now they do not want to get a noise complaint so I’m going to keep it on the down low cats were good though cute as ever my babies God I love cats really just the greatest animal I don’t know

Y I wonder if we’ll find any good trees today fingers crossed hey I see some trees my own trees oh boy it begins the slaughter the Carnage I kind of like how my voice sounds very close up to the mic I only kind of just realized hey that sounds kind of

Nice I like that sorry tree you got to go hey that’s a cheeky little four wood though that’s kind of nice uh pine trees aren’t allowed here sorry it’s an organization thing yeah you got to go too Oh yeah this is going to be hardwood I think I I don’t think hardwood counts though next go for this one what a rando grass growing around here that’s got to go too they’ll grow back though such as the way of nature I really need to get an apple

Seed I really really really need to get an apple seed I can’t just rely on the gotcha from the cart all the time nice mail oh oh that’s a lot you know I actually have to donate some of this so I’ll take some to go I can’t take any

More out just kidding I’ll take none to go I should just go buy it from the animal store to be honest that might be the better way we’ll hold on to the maple syrup we might need that let’s put these fruits away okie dokie I wonder can we the

Hazelnuts no we can’t we cannot and that’s fine that makes sense right I’m selling them then not the acorns we need those in the s yeah go ahead now as for Fruits um how about some of the wild stuff yeah this stuff can make pretty good jelly actually okay maybe just a couple more these guys yeah okay and I forgot to make mayonnaise we’re going to have to do that too did one of the chickens Escape containment they’ll come crawling back he’s Escape

Containment now I can’t close the door that so hello cows hello cats can I milk you guys please pee into this bucket with your UTS thank you it’s much Appreciated yeah cheese time time to get cheesy de beats you know when I shut up for a second you can really hear how ASMR the game Gets that’s a lot of wood regardless of what you think that’s a lot of wood a whole lot of Wood there’s no denying you can’t argue with that it’s a lot it’s a whole lot of wood really need to use this for now On in general it’s no big deal we’re getting pretty close I don’t know why I decided to sing that I just felt in the katama Mood oh nice a treat hey I’m telling you some of these just Sprout up out of no like a Christmas miracle yumy well hell oo or totem to the mountains nice don’t know when I’ll use it oh my God what the Shane question mark oh wow he’s

Locked up in there okay yeah go in there check on him what is going on oh dear he’s on a bender had a few too many I don’t think I’ve ever heard this track CI can you do something he’s out cold what should I do

CPR I don’t know beat him up punch him in the face oh Jesus no it’s not funny it’s Just that pose they specifically made it for this scene oh my God Shane wake up buddy yeah come back to life here’s a little rain shower for you oh boy Shane what’s the matter with you all you do anymore is mope around in your room and drink beer

Oopsies I’ve been giving him a lot of that H oh he’s angry you wouldn’t understand I’m worried a I thought he slept in the barn but actually he has his own room look he’s got like a Super Nintendo that’s pretty cool what’s your plan you ever think about the future

Plan hopefully I won’t be around long enough to need a plan that’s sad you shouldn’t have to feel that way Shane oh no don’t say that when the little girl is there oh you made her sad I’m sorry a oh God he’s really having a crawling

In my skin these wounds they will not heal moment I feel bad for him though I hope he gets it together but when you spiral Into Darkness you know sometimes you know it seems like there’s no way out that’s really rough a man Shane man I’m

Sorry hopefully I can help him you know figure it out and get his life together but just you know no moving into my house or like you know marrying me or anything just you know just kind of feel like you know maybe I can help him I

Don’t know if I can fix him though but maybe I can help him oh yeah all right couple things first of all this second of all this now we only need the rabbit’s foot I bet we can get it from the uh what is it the traveling Merchant

Cart nautilus shell will get next month we’re on our way to getting Ducks what about the pigs really want the pigs soon too I should try out that geode Crusher a but I got to chop some trees maybe if I give them a little more time to

Grow maybe that could be a good idea I don’t know I’ve really kind of chopped them all away if I don’t give them time to grow they won’t be trees left to collect or chop cuz I keep chopping them what up cass I’m destroying your

Homeland time is it I think I slept too much last night ah sometimes you just need to sleep a lot get some things off your mind I feel that now I know that tree is all by its Lonesome and I know that most of it might fall into the water hear me

Out I need this tree come on dang it got one wood for my trouble all right five five wood you know what I’ll take what I can get Robin how could you make me do this it hurts Robin I don’t want to but you’re making me Demetrius I should have chosen

Yours I should have chosen your quest a they’re Clos tomorrow tomorrow being Thursday at least the place that the the constructing the building place you know there is a last ditch effort thing that I think I could do to get more wood but I’d really prefer not to do it it

Involves completing the uh the bank B bundle like now cuz if we can start up the bus right we can go to a place that has a ton of wood like a ton of wood like a boatload you know oh man it’s really not moving huh uhoh got to be something I can

Do re requires one coal okie dokie say less let’s see one coal seven ought to do the trick all right FR there it goes we might be in trouble maybe I’ll just give it a break I mean we got we got six more days right F five five days okay well surely

Some trees will grow back then right maybe maybe we can only hope hey fingers crossed right museums are almost ready for Harvest maybe tomorrow I was quick nothing really precious in there but anyway we can live with that good night I’m going to hold this coal close to my heart oh

Yeah mayonnaise yeah it certainly does increase the price we’ll definitely want to make more of that more Mayo more Mayo oh yeah Kitty wow oh my yams are ready and you know what that means means it’s time to complete the bundle Lads nothing really that we can grow in 3 days

Huh well it is what it is Is I’ll be taking these thank you guys we got it the rare fruit the sweet gem Berry like bi boo bio is a sweet gem I’m going to put that in here for now figure out what to do with it h and we’ll give this to the guy the

Dude you know the dude I’m talking about right um and I guess I can pickle some of these but I don’t really think the Pickled yams will be super yummy oh well we sell these then and hold on to this one to donate get rid of these flowers that’s another yam all right

Yeah put some seeds away put some materials away Uh-oh Ah put the coal away of course that it happened I will we’ll figure it out later now I just want to say hi to my chickens did they break containment again I think one of them did he’s a cheeky one too bad that Mayo isn’t part of the

Animal products bundle I don’t know I guess you just got to be really good friends with animals makes sense Wawa looks fine gaha looks fine kiaha looks fine so where’s Kiara there she is Kiara looks really happy today bless that’s good news that’s always good news And myy also looks really happy Today yeah flat ghost cat starting to feel sleepy but there’s still so much left to be Done If push comes to shove I’ll just go ahead and donate the money so that we can go get more wood cuz I feel like this is an easy job if you have the the Bus location unlocked right really not that difficult with that unlocked right yeah go ahead and sell it now

Let’s go deliver that Berry shall we a I see Worms All right I guess we can take down just one of these I don’t want to have to chop down all the brand new trees especially the ones that are still growing we got to give them a chance to grow you know all right off to the secret Woods big

Sleepy lots of slimes to slay here popop poop popop popop up okay one more wink still searching for the sweetest taste this one right he loved that look at how happy he is his eyes are red like Mine my thoughts are full of onset your mind is filled with thoughts of onen your maximum energy level has increased thank you he really likeed that I’ll take it that’s always really helpful being able to get better energy means being able to last longer in the skull Cavern so it’s important you

Know we might as well chop some of this while we’re here so we can grow back popping my head to the beat of the hardwood breaking boink boink boink boink it’s like a brand new track boink boink boink boink okay oh I see you can’t just go out that way

You kind of have to if you get stuck you have to I think I’m stuck I’m very stuck please let me out please okayo that was scary that was actually pretty frightening I’m safe though sorry thank you for the Tas hey Jess what’s going on yeah yesterday was pretty heavy huh trying

Not to let it get you down I messed up again she’s thinking about yesterday yeah that was weird that was definitely weird and I feel bad for Shane but I’ll fix them don’t worry just leave it to me just leave it to Me Maybe dang it I always forget those are inaccessible

Trees okay okay well I guess we can go finish a bundle a of trash a of trash Oh hey Evelyn how’s it going today I’m baking today I’m making cookies they’re shaped like little pumpkins oh my God Grandma I love her please don’t look at me digging through the trash please

Please got the cookies trash cookies yes oh hey Abigail Abigail doesn’t seem to be interested in talking right now oh all right I thought we had something special but you could at least say hey Mory don’t want to talk right now you know instead she’s G she’s gazing

Off into the distance over the the river Hal’s kind of cute maybe we go after her I feel the urge to go shopping there’s Pierre’s always always a solid Choice un chable trees I see got to keep the community as treeful as possible see it’s fine All right last of the fall crops Bundle now it’s just the animal one left and then we get the greenhouse that’s huge be house y all right so this is it get some large eggs we can probably get a brown and and a white one and then we’ll definitely get a duck egg

And then it’s just a matter of do we get a sheep or do we get a goat or you know what are they selling at the the cart you know if they sell a truffle again I’m not hesitating it’ll probably be a good idea though to finish the the bank vault um

About at winter time you know think that’ be a good idea because then since we won’t be preoccupied with crops right we can go uh do some spelunking in the skull Cavern yes a tree God we are going to be so dry on trees for a while after this oh man

Especially with winter coming going to have to spend all this wood well cookie very chewy yeah cuz I found it in the trash I’ll put these in here it’s going to be great to pickle all those things before sending them off making the good Money let’s see how are we doing I think it’s probably time for me to catch some z’s I’m pretty sleepy yeah but thanks for hanging out with me today you guys I mean kind of sort of I know I’m busy right now but it was still

Nice to chill out and spend some time and I don’t know take it easy it was nice so thanks for spending some time with me today and I’m sure I will see you again very soon for even more stardew Valley cuz it’s almost winter time and that’s going to

Bring about a whole different feel for the game play so get ready I guess that’s about it as for super chats uh they will be read and a Super Chat reading stream that will be taking place this month so please look forward to it I’ll be reading all the the stardo super

Chats that I missed out on and then some before that as well so yeah that that being said I got fairy isn’t that nice let’s go I wonder if those pumpkins will grow in time I don’t feel hopeful about them but maybe she can help me come on

I guess we’ll find out and there goes up my farming proficiency and we finally got the seed maker and the idium sprinkler sprinkler sprinkler that’s a really big deal you guys um that means we can do even crazier things so with that being said I am your Mory hope

You’ll remember me and uh the curve is really picking up level 9 farming that’s really good I think there are 10 levels I’ll catch you guys on the flip side take care of yourselves okay enjoy your holidays I’ll see you shortly surely shortly again right all right everybody bye-bye now see you

Peace thanks again for spending time bye ky Ky A

model: KAMIYA
design: lo-hi delivery

morizakura sake tasting!! https://zewgr.kktix.cc/events/rwaqcz


(there might not be guests this stream! please understand that opening VC does not guarantee guests.)

thumb: https://x.com/kamiyamaneki/status/1734525573261619476?s=20

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