【STARDEW VALLEY】holiday farming! (part 1)

Me S welcome welcome it’s time for more stardo did anyone have any doubts did anyone it’s just a little loud it’s just a little it’s always a little loud there we go we’re back with more farming but this time n this time it’s a little different you might notice it’s a little

Different right but the reason for that is because um I am traveling I’m traveling at the moment and so you may notice things like me know not really interacting much with the chat Etc and that would be because this is not me right now but it was me it was me and

We’re going to play stardo together so my My Hope here is that uh we can just enjoy stard you together in like a relaxed environment um regardless of of the time um and just know that just know that you can relax and chill here and we’re still playing

Stardew we’re still playing it I want you guys to see my Adventures I want them to continue for you guys but you know Mor is also believe it or not I recognize that I also need to take a break every once in a while too so I

Figured um instead of waiting on the stard do Saga um while I’m gone we could just play some anyway oh gosh the brim of my hat wow that was mysterious I’ll never let that happen again I promise my immersion don’t worry so are we going to play It’s time

For dead beat Farm to 17 hours I can’t wait for it to say 100 or even more those are rookie numbers even 100 is just rookie numbers Deb beats that’s nothing compared to what we can do together let’s go it’s fall wow I’ve been playing my personal

Account so much that it kind of wow threw me through a loop seeing nobody in the house thanks for all the bones I’ve got a lot to sort through here to think each fragment belongs to a living breathing body from the past fascinating yeah my dead

Beats they belong to my dead beats and I stole them from them and I feel bad about it please accept this unique crafting recipe is a thank you bone Mill what is that is that an actual thing we can use oh turns bone items into fertilizers yeah but that’s kind of

Interesting I kind of want to make that that’s cool I don’t think we have I don’t think I’ve never had anything like that nor have I ever gotten anything like that before my pumpkins are ready um in my past iterations of playing the game so let’s go you know we’re not really poor

Anymore dead beats that’s exciting right also sorry if I’m a little low energy a little more on the low energy side today but that’s okay cuz it’s it’s stardew you know it’s just relaxing fun together right also I’ll probably still be in the chat I’ll probably still be in the chat saying hello

H I wonder what future my is up to she better be relaxing stay calm stay calm I wonder if we’ll get to Winter today I mean we might it’s the 14th so that’s why I changed to my my Yukata and then when it gets to be winter we just pretend it’s a

Kimono apparently they can be very warm or so they say the goat cheese yeah we can put that I just realized we can put that into the bundle see not All Is Lost not All Is Lost and look at that we’re getting big milkies now that’s big that is big

Indeed you know I can kind of see myself farming out in this you as well it’s got the vibe you know the chill wintry Vibe okay we got 10 pumpkins so we must be pretty close did we complete Pierre’s thing we must have completed it right no

I feel like we would have got gotten it or something nope we got it we just have to place them in his box okay can do this hurts me this is really painful for me to do dead beats surely you feel my pain as well right how much this

Hurts yo but the Pickled pumpkins are going to be really great now let’s go get more seeds thank goodness it’s not a Wednesday I’d probably hit my head through the windshield even though there’s no windshield to be seen what is she talking about the things that she’s saying don’t make any

Sense wow this game sure is beautiful during fall okay pumpkin seeds all right here we go you guys ready for this you’ll say 16 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 8 9 Ah I can see the number is there on

The screen okay I’m not I’m not dumb I’m not dumb watching wait oh it’s Wait no that’s the lost and found no his produce box I’m not stupid where hold on place the crops in the empty produce box in Pierre’s shop empty produce box empty produce box

No oh this must be it okay it’s not the lost and found I’m a dummy people in chat are definitely screaming up it’s fine oh nice is that it I think that’s the reward but he’ll give me something else so I’m just going to cuz you know all those P pickle P pickled

Pumpkins they could have sold for a lot Pierre a lot but now you you’re going to sell my produce for a marked up price all right no it’s cool whatever he’s a Shyer there is something Ain right about that guy I can never trust him again I don’t

Even think I can date your daughter anymore I’m sorry Pierre but there’s something Shifty about you Faller all righty okay it’s fine we replanted them it’s fine and hey now I have something another Artisan good to donate but then I also really I want to make that bone

Mill so how about we go slay some more skeletons does that sound like a good idea maybe we’ll find some more geod to crack open I don’t know but I’m not going to put all my stuff away in the chest because I’m just going to forget it again you know that’s

What’s going to happen 70 prank let’s battle I’m ready to battle the dead beats it’s okay I think they like it a little bit oh wow just give me coal I’ve been naughty coal for Naughty myy down you go dead beat down you go got to give him the dead beat

Down no just give me the bones thank you all right one more for this floor it’s like the game knows but I still only got three pieces that was not nearly enough for the amount of Beats that we hit oh well hey fight me in the pit

Fight me behind the family Mark dead beat okay hold on let me add him I can’t believe they weren’t waving their fists at me they were throwing bones at me that’s what it was the whole time hey more amethyst for my wife okay maybe not my wife yet but she

Said she she wanted to show me something what could that mean dead beats what did she mean by that I want to know but hold my hand come with me I’m scared I don’t want to go alone to Abigail’s house after 8:00 p.m. that seems that seems

Sketchy you guys got to come with me Please man I wish my bats did some work my bats suck they don’t get me anything no cool fruit have to do it all myself kind of miss the mushrooms to be honest I’ll say that but what if they give me like a pomegranate or something or like an apricot

Bats are maybe I bet they’re the the speedrun Strat higher chance of getting those Artisan Goods for the Artisan bundle you know come on where’s the stairwell let me guess Frank no really very unlucky oh so it can be next to the wall hey that’s good to know pretty random

Huh this particular seed is kind of sneaky I’ll take some iron oh nice where the bones at amethyst yeah this game knows who my girlfriend is oh yeah wait wait ah I see I see no throwing bones at me dang it I wish I wish I turned around better I’m so

Slow really not a great yield for bones today they not really dropping a lot of Bones I wonder if today is a bad luck day it could be that would explain a lot we sure okay got one come on I just want some bone fragments yeah and once we get some then

I I want I want to see how the mill works so I should probably grab a little bit more huh no please oo that was scary that didn’t feel good selling the monster loot all at one time though feels really satisfying I got to

Say I kind of like saving it up you know every time that I go out to hit the mines Another bone sword I’m good I’ll pass on that I don’t need to use it I’ll just sell it for money how about that yeah should be fine should be Fine how have you guys been I know it’s not really quite the holidays yet but how has the preh holiday been treating you let me know cuz I’m watching the chat I’m probably on a couch Somewhere hanging out with Mama Mory or something I’m sure she understands ‘s probably be like it’s not a real break myy it’s not a real break you’re still looking at the screen it still work and you might be right but I don’t mind talking to you guys that’s not work to

Me I know what work is trust me I know what work is I just don’t consider that it I don’t consider that it we’re definitely going to be able to make the mill today Diamond nice seems like a pretty rare drop hey you want to give me some Omni gelds game

Okay how many do we have about 16 I’d like to get a little bit oh my lord they’re very excited more coal more coal for the naughtiest member Mo she’s ignoring her vacation obligations and it’s probably lurking oh well I guess now is as good a time as any all right Um monster loot get it out of here get it away from me I bet we could sell all those bat wings for a lot of money but you know bat wings are actually necessary for certain things for crafting so maybe we shouldn’t but I am

Going to sell some of this stuff oh the cave carrot will drop in here just a provision and yeah I don’t think there’s any other monster loot the rest is stuff I’ll sell or use to craft things or give to my fish oh hey the sun is coming out less and less

These days wonderful I’m telling you I relate to dude I just relate to him the sun hurts me too love the darkness love being edgy hey there let’s see I’m just here to sell you things really I’m not interested in anything else you have wooden Mallet just take it I don’t need

It there see we’re back to about the money that we had before so I don’t feel so bad about it Rabbit you know there’s like a really small chance that you can see a mysterious Shadow going into the bush and it’s like a creature of some kind not something from this world you know that’s scary let’s see oh it was the animal one and we have a pumpkin so that’s

Good oh this is not a part of the animal bundle but you know hold on it is a part of this one and then we complete it y the bundle is complete and now all we need to do is finish these things animal bundle and then fall crops bundle we

Should try and make a coupe as soon as possible maybe tomorrow how about it and raise chickens and then upgrade the barn yeah it’s the animal stuff that’s going to it might be a little that’s going to be tough for us but it’s okay it’ll be

Worth corn egg we have all these things we can just finish it now we can finish that one dead beats we’ll do it tomorrow and I guess keep checking the cart oh the cart was there today and I missed it a I’m sure some dead beats in

The chat really upset about that I’m sorry deadbeat I didn’t mean to make you stressed like that I’ll be more careful next time I’ll be more careful we’re making pretty good progress on a lot of the bundles though I probably should go check again what’s needed for some of

Them cuz I’m definitely missing some things um what do we need this for oh honey house I’m just going to sell these for now we’re going to make the the bone meal thingy some gifts cheese the wild honey you know we can make the me right now oh Lord the game pad this

Connection’s real bad ceas I want you to stop now let’s put it in and see what we get hope I can make a seed maker soon that would be nice now let’s see what can we put away for the day we have a lot of diamonds we can

Probably sell some of them pretty soon but I don’t know I’m on that caviar grind you know guys now let’s make the bone Mill what do we need um I believe we need yeah we need clay and stone I think we have Clay and stone oh yeah here we go dead beats

Prepare your bones never mind bone Mill I wonder I wonder how effective it is I guess we can test it out wait what oh my God woo I got really nervous I saw I saw a ghost cat in the corner of my eye and I thought kobis was in my bed

Or something it gave me a heart attack little mini heart attack there but I’m okay here we go all right going to feed you guys oh it takes five I wonder what kind of fertilizer it will make I guess we better start saving these bone fragments

Too we’ll probably get a lot more of them once we unlock the island as well anything else I need to do today I did sell all my yams I probably should get more I’m mad at myself I sold all the yams and the corn the corn will come

Back it’ll be fine can’t believe I sold everything I mean I can but dang it myy wow oil maker Y and we got the keg recipe but what I I really want is the seed maker recipe Deluxe speed grow I guess it is the seed making it’s

Not gamebreaking but it is a very good item so I can see why they’re a little hesitant to give it to me out of nowhere okay Bing Journal updated oh yeah how so amazing animals oh nice you’ll need to build a Cooper Barn I did get that sorry still haven’t found the Blackberry

Basket I got to find that for lionist he can’t collect berries oh speed grow is it random every time I wonder some quality Stone thank you Dad just wanted to remind you the stardew Valley Fair is happening tomorrow nothing from Pierre on God why did I give you all those nice quality

Crops I think I hate you dude I think I really hate you this meat isn’t the highest quality because we need to age it so for shame is this B Choy it grows really fast this one actually isn’t um necessary for any bundles now what I

Want to do is I want to take this and I want to pickle some pickled B Choy a sounds like some uh skl Japanese pickles but it’s not a Japanese vegetable um but still kind of feel like it might be that kind of thing one crow okay nine

Crows they really like that spot no please go back I think it reset yeah too R um anyway anyway I want to compare the price of a gold star one to a pickled one I wish that whatever is pickling and being jelly right now would hurry up cuz

That’s annoying all right we’ll just sell the corn except for one here except for the one why you may ask because we need it for the bundle and we also are going to use a pumpkin um I am going to sell those though wait shouldn’t I have some gold star things dang It I should reset the day I should reset the day why because we’re doing the The Grange tomorrow I won’t win I won’t win but I still want to give it my best shot it’s my duty to give it my best shot so let’s just collect everything don’t ship anything today

Just hold your horses calm down okay rink Maybe I can get like a really good gold star milk and then a cheese maybe that would be good some corn some bok choy I think you’re also kind of supposed to have like a range of different things you know maybe I’ll put my star fruit in

There and it doesn’t go away by the way just so you guys know it’s not like it disappears at the end you get to pick up all your stuff so that’s nice yeah I want to do my best even if I won’t win we’ve got to Try all right what kind of milk do we got oh whoopsies large milk I want the best milk the best largest milk two gold star large milks that ought to be good right and it’s probably up to the Moria has no milk now okay the quality of the cheese

Eh yeah I’ve got gold star cheese now which is great it’s nice to have a chest right outside the shipping bin so I can really look before I leap and now the coupe is done so we can get chickens I totally forgot that we were building that nice I’ll probably put a

Diamond in there too but let me get one of these one of these and one of these and now we just need yams I’ll go throw those in the Box yay I love not having to water anything let’s grow yams next we don’t want to lose out on those

Before the year passes over um the first time that I played this game in my personal file I just didn’t care about any of the bundle stuff so I don’t think I completed it until year three to be honest I just didn’t care about it but I

Didn’t I also didn’t realize how easy it is it’s really not I mean it has its difficult moments but it’s not that difficult to collect everything so I kind of just viewed it as like an impossible task I don’t really care about this Etc but it’s really not that hard you

Know I mean I know there are faster ways to complete it and such but for all intents and purposes If you’re just kind of like slow going oh eggplant we’re missing eggplants too that’s okay they regrow it’s really not that difficult it’s still hard but it’s not extremely difficult oh hey wait okay all right Pierre I figured you’d give me a little something nice as you should

Now I don’t have to kill you we’re good we’re good now Gus I have just the thing for you I’m all ears it’s a bundle of locally sourced organic heirloom vegetables these are handpicked and sorted to ensure only the very finest in quality and taste wow they’re going to use my

Veggies to make the stuff at the bar nice this is a once- in a-lifetime kind of offer that sounds pretty good I could use some quality veggies from the saloon how much does it cost only Mumble Mumble Mumble huh what was that for a moment there I thought I heard 25,000

Gee he’s trying that’s Shyer that’s right it really is a bargain isn’t it Pierre are you crazy there’s no way I could afford that I’d have to sell the saloon I overheard the price that’s outrageous you should be ashamed yeah yeah you should I yell from the back those are my vegetables I’ll

Sell them to you guys for the actual price that they’re worth which is not bad he’s a Shyer don’t listen to him wait how about 10,000 G then oh my gosh no way I’m sorry guys those are my veggies oh sorry you guys can’t see it’s a

Disaster cie I thought this was a Surefire business strategy but it turns out no one is Will willing to buy vegetables at a 10 at 10 times price markup even if I put the little organic sticker on them you win some you lose some you should be less greedy I’m

Offended they didn’t want my veggies I’m not offended he should be less greedy but I do have I do have social knoow so well you win some you lose some you’re right you can’t run a business without taking some risk just sell them for the price that I sell them for

For H by the way cie you look like you could really use a veggie dinner tonight what do you say want to buy these back for the low low price of 2,501 g just give them back give them back to me so that’s it you’re not going to give them back to me

Really you Pierre think I hate him think I hate him fall seeds are here that’s son of a getting some supplies for the saloon de’s got the good stuff does he now hold on hold on is it really only 2,500 gold there must be something I’m

Missing oh it looks like there might be something else but I think I need him to deliver it to me just really needed to make sure I didn’t answer the wrong thing in the cut scene that’ be painful that would indeed be very painful dead Beats it’s fine if he does deliver the thing to me that I think he’s going to deliver to me then I think there should be some Worth to it I still probably would have made more selling those items but it is what it is

We just got to live with it we just got to live with It guess I didn’t need the bok choy of course um I’m just going to sell these and I’m going to sell this Wild Plum trust me the pumpkins are really good oh yeah and Abigail really likes pumpkins too so maybe I can give one to her sometime soon hey bats we cooking up anything good over here have you finally stopped forsaking Me I mean it’s not like I really need any other fruits for the Artisan bundle because we got the goat cheese but it still is a pain you know hey I wonder if we’re selling chickens today are we are we selling chickens Today I’m going to save the orange for turning into jelly cuz I feel like orange jelly is pretty good right I forget the selling price not going to lie dead beats I forget oh a new Quest bring two Maple syrups dang it I like just sold one I forgot that’s what

They wanted hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on no no no no no no no no no no No I just need one more please no no no no no no no my big hat really does get in the way huh there that should be a little better especially because so many of my plants are over there right I want you guys to be able to see me properly on

That side as well no more maple syrup really I did this to myself that’s fine we’ll get another one I’m not worried let’s go see if they have any animals oh nice found some bone fragments in the ground like a dead body was buried there let’s go

All right please be working please be working I hate you so much Die anyway you know what they say you know what Pierre says you win some you lose some well as for the gra I wonder what good stuff that we have what possibilities there are maybe fishing hold on I’m pretty sure I have a gold star sturgeon and that’s got to be pretty

Good right must be that has got to be pretty good I’m going to put this speed grow away five speed grow that’s actually really good from just some bone fragments no it’s a silver starred one but you know what I have a gold starred midnight carp I feel good about that

No Prismatic Shard though man wish I had a prismatic Shard you have a diamond no I can’t take the chance my fish want these just going to try with two of them I already have to crack open some geod so let’s just see my fish only need three so surely it’s fine

Right maybe let’s find out oh what did I need from here oh yeah we have this okay that’s good all Righty I wonder maybe I should check how much each of the fish sell for cuz that may contribute to the grain you know maybe the gold star midnight carp doesn’t sell for as much as The Silver Star sturgeon does I almost said surgeon hello please crack open my G dang it oh well

Unlucky no no come on last gotcha roll ah it’s all right I guess you win some you lose some that should be the title of today’s stream you win some you lose some dead beats it is what it is oh well let’s just sell it I guess emti esperite

And the other stuff is at least materials I can do something with all right um bu bu bu bu I shouldn’t go to bed so early I should do something I should be productive maybe we go to the Mines yeah let’s go to the mines oh I saw something running okay come back here all righty let’s see what kind of loot we can find let’s go pretty deep maybe we can find some new omn no omn geod cracking omn geodes won’t help us because tomorrow the omn geod

Cracking place is going to be closed cuz of the festival let’s just collect materials then I guess gold bars become really important for crafting certain things yo what if I found a slime egg though wouldn’t that be cool yo these bats are really strong PR they’re still getting pred

Also I didn’t bring any food in here kind of Daring that’s right I love danger dead beats I love danger I am the danger I am the one who knocks oh nice I’m the geod that I can’t crack open oh hello whatever at least I can make up

For the ones that I did crack open today when I didn’t need to crack them open and I could have given them to my fish please stop that no chickens either I want to raise chickens where the bats at I mean I’m not complaining it’s just I heard one Screech where is

He that’s a lot of gold you’d think that the gold would be worth more it’s really quite cheap that’s why you got to do something with it and even if you like smelt and sell literal gold bars it’s really not as much as you would think does not really sell for that much

Sadly oh the exit was right there my are you kidding me myy what’s going on there maybe I’m too chilled out right now I don’t know getting absorbed in the mines H Emerald some beautiful gems might look good in the Grange oh Bo I need to remember how to do

It properly most effectively Diamond give me no fight me fight me fight me come on I know you want some sure yeah okay down another level oo maybe we’ll find some treasure oo Jade Hey listen though Jade is really good for making stairwells and those those might be helpful a

Little bit later on when we get to the skull Cavern especially if we want to find prehistoric levels and get Dino eggs to make dinosaur mayonnaise ever wonder how dinosaur mayonnaise would even taste like I don’t know can you really make mayo out of reptile eggs would that even taste any good

I don’t know dead beat Dead beats what do you think would it taste good maybe it would taste kind of scaly and watery like pool water or something yuck I don’t want to think about it probably tastes horrific but this is fantasy land so maybe it’s fine oh there’s a Darkness

Dude it’s the dark dude I’m just fighting for the possibility of a slime egg okay it’s the only reason I’m fighting here no slime egg and my health is taking a pretty big hit it’s all right I already have a ruby I don’t need it I’ll just keep cracking open the Rocks I

Guess all right I’m out of here let’s blow this Popsicle stand we got a little extra material but nothing really to write home about sadly now in terms of stuff we don’t need some slime got to save up as much slime as possible once we get a slime

Hutch I want to press all of those bad boys into eggs you’re going to sell for so much money it’s going to be Great oh wait I want to go back to the bus stop Okay ah a winty fall evening a win wity a winty fall a windy fall evening maybe I’ll exhibit one of these jellies I wish I made some pumpkin uh pickles in time oh well that’s fine we got what we got and it’s not a lot but it’s all that we

Got boink and then I think there’s a couple more two more there we go should be good anything else I want to sell maybe just the bat wings for now just because and then we’ll put that in the gringe speed grow got some Mead it’s not exceedingly

High quality but it is what it is I need to rearrange some things and now I’m going to go look up the guide for how this Festival works I’m just going to try and optimize it as much as I can ooh what’s this Deluxe speed grow that’s an even better one

Nice I didn’t even notice in the darkness okay well for now just put everything in here just just for now and we’ll select what we want later okay this will go in here I forgot about the Omni geode hold on okay now give me just a second you

Guys I’m going to look this up okay stardew stardew Valley um Range stardew Valley Fair all right let’s see on the Grange display bring up to nine items and put them in there the display is judged on the quality and diversity of the items and is rewarded

With star tokens based on the place achieved it can be retrieved after the judging is completed okay let’s see scoring points are calculated as follows points based on how many items are there okay there are eight categories of items recognized by the fair animal products Artisan Goods cooking fish foraging

Including flowers and tree saps fruits minerals and vegetables Okay cooking fish foraging Artisan Goods vegetables okay got it interesting row and dinosaur egg are not considered animal products for scoring purposes they are considered uncategorized trash items so do they just not count that sucks this seems very in-depth it’s got

Every single item listed here H interesting well I’ll just bring what I have it looks like the albacore sells for a lot uh not wait no hold on it depends on the star depends on the star the midnight carp is pretty good but I wonder if the St the sturgeon

Just gets better points so we’ll put that in there and the rest I’m going to wing it cranberry jelly it’s not my best jelly but it’s it’s all I got all right now let’s see one diamond and I’m sure I have something good from foraging this little

Guy how about the chocolate cake that should be good for cooking maybe this for foraging let’s see animal products I can get tomorrow I should have some pretty good cheese I think let’s see five animal Goods six seven eight fruits and vegetables I’m missing something hold on

Trying to make sure I have all the categories figured out I’m spending a lot of time trying to figure this out even though it’s very techto and I’m not going to win but Roots minerals Animal product getting tomorrow Artisan good have it cooking have it fish have it forging

Have it fruits minerals vegetables this is a mineral vegetable animal Artisan cooking fish forging fruits minerals vegetables that’s eight this means only six of the categories need to be fulfilled to get the maximum score got it okay I think I understand so then maybe I’ll get like

An extra of another item I don’t know or another category since there are only eight categories yo they missed they really messed up giving me this it’s time to print Diamonds they messed up giving me that it’s over game’s beaten oh what’s this hold on Journal raising animals okay okay I never really got that all right hey Pierre got something nice for me okay here we go I guess people didn’t take to Pierre’s Prime produce like I’d

Hoped here’s my old Mini shipping bin the next time you get your hands on some produce worthy of Pierre’s Prime luxury brand maybe you could have them shipped my way pier nice a mini shipping bin that’s interesting I wonder what the use of it is I’m sure it does something though something

Good all right dang was I not making cheese God I hope that they have Milk please have milk please no no there’s no way I didn’t feed them I don’t believe oh what’s that mushroom doing back there is that a real thing there must be something that I have no please I was so certain I sold everything well this is kind of a mess

But it is what it is I still have my fruits and vegetables I really let my cows down and I let myself oh they’re here just kidding I was about to be really mad at myself you know a silver star pumpkin still pretty good jeez it’s the just the better Artisan

Good a star fruit though 125 energy this is considered a vegetable actually I’m going to put that back and I’m going to take the star fruit instead and we have that I’ll do milk have this this this and this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we’re good I’m happy with

That that was scary that was pretty scary we’re fine though we’re fine I was having a full full-blown villain Arc right there trying not to blame my cows for me forgetting to feed them yesterday that’s all right we came out of it okay I mean not really cuz the cows are still

Starving but now this is really interesting what is this I thought this was a mod does that just happen sometimes I wonder that’s amazing I want all of those everywhere maybe it’s like a forest map only thing I don’t know well the festival is today but I’m going

To go ahead and do a little work around here anyway gather some hard wood some regular wood wish I had some more tappers for right now little too many trees uh bunched together for my liking right now we should get to a point where we we just have maple syrup anytime any

Day yeah unlike all of these trees we need to put tappers on them every single one needs a Tapper the festival started okay no problem dead beats no problem Noel is looking a little thin oh I’m sorry that was my bad that was really really my bad Well let’s see how things go it’s the stard Valley Fair look at that cute Ms paint Banner all right all the different games here they have a bunch of different games you can try let me set up my Grange I’m going to give it my Best I know probably Pierre is probably going to win I don’t know if he should win but he’s probably going to Win I’m just really proud of this milk you know I know it might be good to do be me but I still feel like this is the bet this is the Animal product that I need So yeah this is my range yours looks pretty okay I tried my best but my display is pretty weak compared to Pierre’s are you s setting up your gra display it’s your chance to show off all the good produce from deadbeat you mean deadbeat Farm my my dead beats they don’t really

Produce anything except for lots of support from that’s not true we have artists we have musicians dead beats are always making produce now that I really think about it just not in the way that Willie thinks about it you know my store carries the very finest quality products can I have

This uh cabbage I need it to restore the town please just entrust your cabbage to me and I promise I will make the town shine again Pierre is very serious about his Grange display he’s been setting aside the best looking produce for weeks in preparation AMA this guy’s pretty

Funky it’s a fine looking town you got here nice and cozy in a real sense of community oh there’s a clown you know I would have made a pretty good clown I think I missed my calling maybe maybe he doesn’t look very happy I guess

May mayor Lewis had to cut cost with a budget clown this year what a shame I really admire Robin’s carpentry skills I use a lot of the same techniques in my own line of of work mean like art stuff you guys are both redheads very cute it’s like the

Pokemon evolution chain first penny then Leia then Robin woodworking is an ancient tradition that I’m very proud proud to be a part of I complain about my job sometimes but I do take pride in my work these are some of my finest pieces I hope you like them yeah I

Really like copper bar that looks pretty sick can I have that no not for money I want it Sebastian yo wait get that smoke out of my face Sebastian kind of hectic today just going to hang out here for a while oh my Lord hey CI having a good

Time yeah until Sebastian sprays smoke in my face the slingshot tent is pretty fun and if you get good at it you can really rack up the star tokens oh this is cute look at all the petting zoo moo ow hand pecked my little finger and just a few steps over there

Gus is grilling up a batch of pork ribs Yikes no don’t tell the piggies hey can I get some of those though all these animals are friendly and love to get massaged are you the one massaging them Shane where’s the pork ribs I don’t oh they’re up there I think we can go up there I

Usually don’t go up that far I didn’t even know there were things there hey Abigail my girlfriend I already beat all the games now what she’s a gamer she really is a gamer ah here we go here’s the grill tus says man I can’t take another bite of

This barbecue sandwich so stuffed I’m trying to get Gus to tell me his sauce recipe but he won’t budge I mean what and have you just make a bunch of sandwiches and sell him please that’s his livelihood Maru says slurp this barbecue sauce is amazing hey

Can you tell me though if you won’t tell Elliot you’ll tell me right eat as much as you like it’s all free today compliments of Mayor Lewis y wow so we can just Again is my Farmer not sick or anything H smoked turkey hunch I guess this Festival isn’t bad look at that smile that’s the first time we’ve seen George smile I wish Gus would include a vegetarian option some zucchini skewers maybe oh I kind of dropped the old lady voice

There yeah that’s just like my grandma Reap Mor’s stealing all the barbecue but now I kind of want to eat a barbecue sandwich tell me your sauce recipe Gus tell me me your sauce recipe tell it to me now the shop you can only buy things with star tokens I believe I don’t have any Star tokens

Though star drop we want to try and get that for sure Fedora maybe the Fedora would be good and the rare Crow let’s aim for those things well go ahead and check out the grain it’s the big day our most important Festival of the year the stard

Dew Valley Fair if you’d like to participate by setting up a grange display I left an empty one for you do it go check it out I did a great job I think for having nothing for my first year I don’t think it’s so bad hey look

My pumpkin at least looks like a little a little lighter a little a little riper than Pierre’s what do you think maybe darker darker is better for the ripeness I don’t know what do you think about my star fruit pretty good right what do you guys think he thought

I didn’t see his face expression you think he liked it so what do we think what do we think about the Grange I understood the assignment right so what do we think your Grange display has been judged return to Mayor Lewis for the result y hey dead beats we did it

Anyway we defied all all the odds and we won woo dead beats going crazy in chat for the win congratulations you won first place with a rating of 102 I get 1,000 star tokens spend them wisely don’t forget to clean out your gra display box

Yeah give me all my goodies so I can sell not all of them but many of them oh my gosh I can’t believe we won time to rub it in Pierre’s face I mean I mean time to go say good game to my dear rival Pierre the people’s man always thinking

About how not to scam his customers a respectable gentleman I can’t believe I lost I bet he’s really really unhappy I moved to this town cuz that’s how it’s going to be every year Pierre I didn’t win but it was still satisfying to share all my hard work and she’s still so cute

And all the dudes all the older dudes here still love her wow I got a low score I guess mayor isn’t much of a fish man oh well to each their own right what about you Clint did Clint enter I don’t think his really count his really counts

Huh cuz I figured maybe it would be judged but I guess not um now we have to figure out how to multiply the Star Coins as much as possible better hurry up kid before old Pam here fishes every last lunker out of the tent she’s apparently really good at Fishing try your hand at some fishing you could win big let’s do it all right I can do this I can do this I can do this all right let’s do It for the star tokens yeah this is a really good mini game for getting a bunch of tokens I’m terrible at the slingshot one though like the slingshot mini game is Just embarrassing we’ll play it of course cuz I’m no Weenie Hut junr but you’ll get what I mean when you see you’ll

Understand you will understand immediately what I mean I’m not good at it I’m pretty bad at using the slingshot in general so I guess it checks out hey getting that perfect bonus though right let’s Go How much time is left probably not much just let me get this last fish oh you know what I think we can get one more all right let’s try and tip it over 100 then we can get Hella Star Coins all right all right all right all

Right all right all right all right all right all right FR maybe one more maybe a quick fish yes oh well hey that’s one point Come On Come On dang it at the last second but what do we think five fish 200 Perfection bonus 384 star tokens that’s pretty good that’s

Pretty good I’m going to go bet all of them them now 384 uh let’s go with um green cuz that’s the color of money we’ll do 384 which we just won I don’t feel so bad about losing all those here we Go come on y okay woo thank goodness for that I don’t want to play get away from me um need to be careful no more gambling got to quit while we’re while we’re up you know dang it got to quit while we’re on the up and Up you know it’s so easy to get the perfect bonus I feel like I need to be careful and really try to Perfect all these fish like we’re playing a fighting Game perfect the fish they are an exceedingly difficult fish to capture so it should be possible then we get a ton of star coins Yes po let’s go I’m not sleepy why would I be sleepy I’m fishing I’m invested come on please let me tip over the 100 I beg come on a third game it’s cuz I got too lucky with a grange please don’t kick me out of the fishing please let me finish my

Fish thank you thank you thank you for letting me finish my fish we didn’t get over 100 that’s okay lots of perfection bonuses though right dang it not as many as I thought but hey I’ll take it 348 star tokens let’s go still a couple more things that I

Want but I don’t know if we can get a bonus from this the slingshot game is I’m just really bad at it my accuracy is just so oh boy oh it stops on the blue ones okay interesting I maybe it’s not expected that you hit all of them you

Know just some of them right no not the purple Ones come on get the purple no wait I can do better I know I can do better I don’t know how to get these if I just shoot wildly I’m bound to hit some of them right right oh man that’s tough no accuracy bonus oh wow okay 30 that’s really

Better than I thought I I thought I’d get no no reward can I try one more time please please can I try one more time I can do better hold on come on no my timing I want to see a pro do this not me I wanted to get the purple dang It come on hold on that was definitely the game p yes okay just try not to move it too Much okay how many this time last score was 47 60 little better 8 okay 85% pretty good y accuracy multiplier okay4 star tokens I’ll take it I’ll take it now listen to this scam selling star tokens for 50g a piece disgusting you think I would ever buy

Those I guess for wagering but I won the wheel of chance 10 times in a row and now the man won’t let me play anymore Penny how how did that happen I mean it’s awesome but I can kind of see why he doesn’t let you play that is

Shifty have you been to the fortune teller oh that’s right yeah a friend of the wizard I think right M let’s go get our Fortune told let’s see nice read my fortune please ah indeed I see you in a room having a conversation with a lady oh

It’s Mar you seem to be close friends we are not I barely talk to her unless it’s about buying chickens it’s dark and I see you and a certain young lady she looks quite hopeful and eager to spend time with you uh what’s the young lady’s name I believe it starts with an

A my girl the crystal ball is moved on you’re in combat there’s something Dreadful bearing down on you from the dark but you seem more than ready to face it the crystal ball has gone dim that’s all I can do for you young one is it joa is it

Morris now just keep in mind that the future isn’t set in stone whatever I’ve told you today can still be changed if you set your heart on it farewell so like if I just decided to drop Abigail and go after Shane which I would never

Do well Wick and I have known each other for a long time she is a remarkable divver and a good friend dot dot dot that clown I know him from somewhere was it the school of Illusion or maybe the carnival of Secrets the wizard seems so interesting I feel like his his quest

Line or like getting to know him would be super fun he knows so much too much are you strong like me Smash Stone oh I see strength iron hold on strength level Sandstone try again yeah and that’s what I like to see here I have a star

Token one star token all right buddy whatever you say how many Star tokens do I have 200 or 2,251 so we can get the star drop for Sure that’s what I really wanted sorry my hat’s getting cut off Again you found a star drop your mind is filled with thoughts of Onsen your maximum energy level has increased and that is a must buy now after that I really kind of wanted the rarecrow SL fedora let’s at least get the rare Crow Fedora is a Little I like my straw hat see it matches me like I am here who needs a Fedora all right time for that Perfection bonus Lads Lads Lads Lads all right here we Go glasses Pierre or Harvey they look a little more like Pierre’s glasses though I think I wonder if Pierre speaks with a French Accent but I think it would sound terrible if I tried to do that so I won’t do that worry not dead beats you have nothing to fear some dead beats like oh man too bad missed opportunity what kind of fish is this this is a little more jumpy than the others all

Right come on we still have a chance dang it I want that Perfection bonus just need one perfect fish chub give me another one we can do this we can get a good score we still have time Come on y I think one more game after this should be just enough to get the rare Crow okay we’re over 100 yeah that all right that’s time so how do we do I feel much more confident when with this than the slingshot one which is crazy because fishing is usually intimidating for me yay 360 Star tokens so maybe one more game of fishing I no I’m not going to gamble it

Away I absolutely will not gamble it away I did that on my personal file and I lost so many Star tokens cuz I kept choosing the same color every time thinking surely surely I’ll get my money back and it was always the opposite color felt rigged but I don’t know probably

Wasn’t I don’t think it was dead beats I don’t think it was I think it was just terrible luck but you know outside of getting into ho alive I don’t consider myself to be very lucky with like anything to be completely honest but I’m super lucky to have amassed you

Guys guys as a community that’s pretty nice that’s a pretty nice thing so I guess I’m pretty lucky there you know oh boy my score is kind of low I fished up quite a bit of Trash we can turn it around there’s always hope iris is not here but there’s always hope I and Iris is really good at fishing in this game I think or at least that’s the word on the street that’s what I heard from the dead beats I wonder what the aristocrats

Think surely she is the fishing Queen that’s cool Mory is the mining Queen I love the mines myy always yearns for the Mines Not a bad score at all nice yay 420 star tokens you don’t say you don’t say all righty I’ll be taking my rare Crow hope no one else is but it I just realized how good the glowstone ring is all right hold on cuz then that gives me room for another

Ring that’s really good I will not gamble it all away I’ll just keep fishing it’s not too bad it’s not like it’s not hard fishing or anything like that it’s a lot of the same stuff so it gets a bit stale but it’ll be worth it for the the glowstone

Ring cuz that seems like a really amazing item to have at this point in the game you know especially if we’re going back into the mines for winter time I wish we could go to the skull Cavern but I just don’t have the money for that you

Know the money you got to put into the bank one is just it’s a lot it’s a lot of money if you want to get the the bus running again you know it’s a pretty penny but I’m nowhere near strong enough for the skull Cavern yet anyway so it’s

Fine we can still go chill at the regular mine still plenty of omni geod to be dug up there that’s just I don’t know there’s so many more at the skull Cavern man someday we will be digging there though kind of crazy to think about huh later game stuff with you guys this is one of those games I’m going to be putting a lot of hours into cuz again I’ve I’ve wanted to play it since I joined Holo now we finally have the opportunity I’m taking it I am not putting these permissions to waste that’s for Sure come on come on come on ah too bad but hey better score than last time even nice okay let’s get it 444 star tokens it’s like the game knows it’s me thank you very much for my favorite number of all time we could go gamble it all away or

We could simply fish real good that’s what I’m going to do I know that also you can put rings together once you get to the volcano but the volcano is really late game so might just be a good idea to grab this ring at this time in the game you Know the longest day spent in stardew honestly at the the stardew Valley Fair thank you m Okay you know enough another idea that I had for pre-recorded like content for while I’m away on vacation right is I thought another way that I could do it playing this game would be to pre-record the gameplay and then just like talk over it and interact with you guys in

Chat but I think I think it might just be better to um be in chat chatting here and there with you guys while kind of reacting in real time to the the game itself just feels like a bit more authentic that way you know oh boy dang it quite a

Low score but I wonder if it’ll I don’t think it’ll be enough we might need to fish one more time oh my God are you kidding me but wait a minute I have a work around for this 999 star tokens if only I had one more star

Token tree trunk like jump King tree pre trunk Thighs K the strength all right we got the timing really good last time dang it we got this no it’s the Ping it’s it’s just Lag give me that star token now we have just enough for the glowstone ring The dried sunflowers look kind of nice help me all right one more time playing the slingshot game just one more time proven my metal hold on these guys are easier to break sometimes you just got to go for the easier to break ones easier to prank ones PR no No I’m dead serious about this dead beats I’m dead serious all of them no oh well okay the accuracy is really going to go down after that come on okay 67 better than last time right was it 70 I don’t know accuracy bonus all right I’ll take it 84 star tokens that’s

Not okay what if I just bet it all on orange this time for Kiara Color let’s do 66 the number of the Beast gambling is bad kids don’t do it I don’t need house decorations that’s for people with uh nothing to do and I got things to do you know oh let’s see what did I want to put away just for now put away the fruits and um I wanted to sell some

Things we’ll sell the diamond just sell it get rid of the cheese we’re going to turn that milk into cheese so don’t get rid of that PR prink PR and then I need my w oh boy put my wood away all right I’ve sixcess successfully

Put my wood away now my seed is also going away and now my shell and the cake all the way um what else did I need to put away I’m going to wear this ring will it increase my radius even further why Wonder now we have multiple glow

Rings emits a constant light emits a small constant light big light huh well anyway I feel good let me put my rare Crow out here rare scarecrow I wonder what’s the purpose of this mini shipping bin is it just to have closer to things maybe I’ll put it next to right over here

Oh interesting it’s kind of cute I’m not going to lie time to make cheese Noel is trying to sleep I’m sorry for bothering you just wanted to say good night well anyway good night how much does the me sell for only 200g and that’s without it even being

Really like aged or anything it’s basically like the cheapest me that you can get you know when you want me for like a Christmas celebration or something and they’re not selling any at the at your local place so you go to like the really cheap really cheap Market oo

Pretty the fairy roses can I try and put one of them in the hive no no maybe it’s for some other time nice we needed eggplants and then we need yams and then after that it’s just the Animal product uh bundle that’s left over hey any maple

Syrup no all right that’s fine I didn’t really care oh boy sunflowers I’m going to sell them but I don’t want to sell the fairy roses we’ll need to save one eggplant there I’m just going to sell these and one of these replant these Sunflowers so cute that they drop them extra Afterward yeah I wonder if there’s anything else I could plant right now over there some fall seeds maybe yeah that could be nice we might as Well anyway hopefully the cows are are feeling nice and fed after my little mistake yesterday I feel really bad I didn’t want to leave them unfed I just didn’t think about it I thought for sure oh yeah I finished all my chores today turned out that I hadn’t I had

Not hey but how about yesterday’s wind though that felt nice about the star drop and everything it’s pretty good hey there ghosty you thirsty ghosty’s thirsty we could also maybe put some fruit in The Cask see what kind of wine we can make yeah we need wine don’t we for the Wizard’s

Bundle oh there we go y okay M’s got no milk might as well put some seeds Here here we go look flat flat cat c c yeah they were pretty cross with me yesterday so of course it’s probably the lowest quality milk I can’t even blame them I can’t even blame them for that let me check on the bats have they done anything that’s what I thought it’s

About what I thought hey these nice okay got two of them these actually turn into really nice jelly because they’re two stars I’m going to sell them um these fairy roses are so pretty I’m going to sell one of the silver ones just to see how much it’s

Worth put the rest away I’m hoarding too many things and the seeds go back in here okie dokie let’s take a fruit and go ahead and try to make some wine out of it how about cranberry wine that sounds yum all right and then that will fulfill

Um one of the wizards but then we need the rabbit’s foot and I don’t know where we can find the rabbit’s Foot I’m going to go shake this mushroom tree cuz it’s really this is really funny shake shake shake I wonder what happens if you chop it down I kind of don’t want to know though cuz if I chop it down I might lose it forever hey there’s a little mushroom

Back there it’s a little guy waiting to be foraged I see you little guy mine maybe I just got to plant more trees and hope one of them turns into a mushroom Tree Maple Maple h i do Wonder well hold on maybe I’ll just look it up easy easy easy mushroom Tree stardew Valley mushroom tree it’s a tree that can be obtained in two ways a mushroom tree seed yeah I should put a Tapper on it a common tree can turn into

A mushroom tree according to a rare event in Fall wait really on each day of fall starting on Fall two there’s a 5% chance of a spawning event being triggered during the event the game engine will choose 10 Farm Tiles at random if any of those 10

Tiles have a fully grown un untapped common tree or tree stump then that tree will transform into a mushroom tree if a mushroom tree stump is spawned it will grow into a mushroom tree but not until the following spring wait really but huh but we’re on year

One there are no limits on the number of times this event can occur Huh if unobstructed seeds spread by a mushroom tree have a 20% chance to grow to the next stage each day during spring summer fall during winter mushroom tree seed saplings do not grow in fully grown mushroom trees will be reduced to a stump the following spring the stump will regrow to a full

Tree Like common trees the stump May spread seeds to the surrounding area if hit by lightning a mushroom tree will be reduced to a stump leaving mushrooms behind in the same way that common trees is leaving wood and sap oh my God while tappers will remain on stumps they cannot be placed on stumps during the winter using a heavy Tapper will not make the tapping faster that is insanity how did we get it I just I’m stumped ha get it stump that’s really cool though I mean like that’s extremely

Neat I didn’t know that could happen what the heck very very lucky wood and copper bars okay wood copper bars all right let’s make one what Ma I don’t have enough wood well now I do now make me one please I’m so excited I’m too excited to tap this

Tree all right let’s see what do I need to put away this is so crazy I always wondered how people got those those mushroom trees now I know we got to tap this bad boy I want only mushroom trees a big mushroom tree Force okay maybe not only mushroom trees that would be

Bad cuz then we don’t have regular trees and we need those it must be a little more common in a forest Farm just because of the sheer amount of trees that we have please be here please be here thank you purchase chicken this one’s name is Kiara cuz of

Course the the first chicken’s name has got to be Kiara kiar I’ll send little Kiara to her new home right away they’re so cheap I’ll just buy them all now and then this one’s name is kiaha Kwa awesome and then this one this one’s name is Wawa great and then this one’s name

Is G Wawa all right great and then can I get another one nope no more no more room all right so we have four different four different chickens with very different personalities in the coupe they’re all very different chickens not named or based on the same thing just very different personalities for different

Chickens and I’m going to build a fence now let’s see can you not do that thank you thankies I kind of want the chickens to have that that little um Pond there you Know kind of drink from or you know whatever yeah seems like a nice Idea Okay yeah well I need to be inside of there though stop moving it’s very loud yeah if it disappears behind here it looks more aesthetic you know and now we’ll need a gate put it right there yeah nice look at the babies oh he went back inside cuz he was

Scared he poked his I’m sorry she she poked her little head out and then put it back in a cute babies buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck yuua seems curious but a little cautious it’s a strange New World cute so cute I am really tired of the GamePad

Disconnecting over and over again so I might try to go leave and fix it really quick and then come back at the end of this day maybe try and do like a Bluetooth thing instead it’ll take a little setup I’ll save this wood waste not want not

Oh my Lord yeah we definitely got to we got to do the Bluetooth if it will allow me to but I don’t know if it will allow me to we’ll see we’ll see put all the wood back all right I’m going to bed and then I’ll go ahead and fix this all

Right how do we do though I’m curious nice nice nice nice even a golden star eggplant can’t really get over a 100 huh that’s some nice gold star cheese though all right cool all right I’ll be back in just just a moment you guys BRB um I’m back and I just want to

Say man I really tried God I tried so hard I really did um and I thought that I had it all worked out um oh no we can’t keep we can’t keep doing this um I found a video that was very helpful music’s a little loud I found a

Video that was very helpful and it seemed like the guy was teaching me to do like all the right steps and steam recognized the inputs and then I opened stardew Valley and it did not recognize my controller uh via Bluetooth so I guess that’s just our life now sorry you’re

Supposed to be here to chill you’re supposed to be here to take it easy and yet here I am making a big fuss over this wireless controller thing I’m just going to have to buy a new one maybe not a new controller but the different cables that I’ve been trying are all

Good and they still um don’t work so I wonder if it is the controller I think I have another one that we can try out I’m a little tilted but if it gets if it gets really bad again I’m going to switch to it it’s just that it’s downstairs with the

PS5 I’m like oh boy I was just downstairs with the cats they’re going to think that mommy came back to play with them and then I’m going to have to disappoint them again by disappearing again like a bad dad you know screen’s also a little weird right now hold on let me

I wonder if that’s any good um look at all these weird Rando technical difficulties that popped Up that should be fine that should be fine whoa what are you trying to milk there Morrison oh boy did it disconnect bro there’s no Way please no please that’s not the way I’m going that’s not USB device not recognized oh my God all right it’s over I W it’s it’s lagging now it’s over I’m Um I’m going to switch controllers I’ve had Enough I’ve had enough of this this Tom Foolery I’m done with it I’m completely over it which is why I’m I’m going to change it right now in just a minute I’ll do it it’s it’s a really addicting game guys it’s a it’s really You Lose Yourself playing it playing this game you

Really that’s great no that’s that’s really wonderful awesome that is not those are not the buttons that I pressed I think now that I’ve connected it wirelessly it’s starting to act up even more like it’s super laggy inputs I think is is what it is let me disconnect it from the

Bluetooth yeah I got it into Big Picture Mode and everything and it was it was working great oh boy um in the big picture mode and then I took it out and then it was not working here Bluetooth remove the device please yeah my PC is generally really

Bad um with Bluetooth for whatever reason I see on here there’s also a keyboard that I had that I’m no longer using because it the lag was just it was unfathomable you would think that okay now the um the controller is not turning off it’s eternally on as

Though it’s been possessed by a ghost all right let’s run this again all good just got to banish the ghosts defeat the evil oh wait we have to make cheese banish the ghosts defeat the evil make the cheese easy easy cheese oo indeed yeah the cows definitely feel my

Pain oh man I’m going to lose it I’m I’m going to lose it I’m going to lose it I’m going I’m going to go feral it’s like I have to choose the lesser of two evils I have to choose an Xbox 360 controller old and clunky as

that has a sticking a button or this I’m starting to think the Xbox 360 controller might be the way but I’m going to go downstairs and get the other freaking I’m not it’s not that I’m lazy it’s that I’m really invested in this game right now I’ll go I’ll go

Go I’m going to go it’s like that scene in uncut gems right where Adam is is watching the game and his wife comes in and she’s like Adam Sandler cuz that’s his name in the movie she’s like Adam Sandler get up and tell your kid good night and Adam Sandler’s like all right

All right I just want to see this guy take a couple more shots booah and he gets all excited because somebody like gets a shot or something and he’s like a yeah my money right and then he’s like okay I’m going and he like stands up and he doesn’t

Leave right he stands up he doesn’t leave and then he like turns to her and is like I don’t know what he Says he it’s something about the game and then she screams at him and then he he leaves cuz the scream really gives him a fright um anyway that was just a tangent to for me to keep playing this game the next time it disconnects I’ll

Go don’t do that please don’t yell at me like Adam Sandler’s not wife from that movie please I don’t need that right now I don’t need it I Don’t wonder how much wood and stone we Have maybe I should spend today collecting materials from the forest look at all these lovely trees growing back can’t wait to chop them down when they’re all grown don’t tell them that though shh it’s our little secret wonder what kind of fish I could find fishing in this

Lake wonder if they’d be any different from the the lakes in the mountains I wonder I Wonder from here on out it’s going to become a very relaxing stardew Valley Stream I promise very chill very laidback you’ll see you’ll be so surprised you’ll be like wow no way Mor’s capable of these levels of chill I’ve been seeing some comments like that recently too like wow myy I

Can’t believe that you’re actually a chill person and I’m like who okay I’m not offended or anything just what you think I’m a chill person I don’t know about that just from some stardo streams I think I definitely have a more low-key Side but maybe I am chill but I decide when to be chill I think that the the way that I am when I play this game is like more how I am when I’m not on duty you know as a Reaper sometimes even as a Streamer that might be it it might be a slightly more real me yeah but don’t think too hard about it it’s probably just I’m probably just in my own head right now and rambling cuz we’re cutting down trees and committing Advanced deforestation so I need something to talk about you know to

Keep my mind off of the crippling guilt that I have destroying all of these trees in the forest and not planting the seeds I will plant them but hey look at this this is a seed a sapling even you see this red square it means can’t plant Mory you idiot can’t

Plant so I kind of have to pick and choose I mean I’d love to just plant them randomly in the forest but you know the wild trees are like no we decide our own path we decide our own way and I’m like all right I guess I’ll plant you out

Here in the the sand and they’re like no don’t do that there’s a guy over there that guy Sam he’s a freaking monster he’s Godzilla if he walks over this seed he will destroy us and I’m like well that’s not my problem because you’re not letting me plant on the grass I would

Love to plant on the grass but look at him if he walks over here if he walks over your brethren it’s all over you’re dead because you wouldn’t let me plant you in the grass really does that sound like my problem I think that’s going to be a no Chief that’s a

No now but the trees they don’t care they don’t care they don’t listen it’s always about the trees always about the trees we plant the trees Mor replant the trees everybody’s all about replant the trees and that’s how you should be by the way in the real world but not in

This game in this game I have things to do just the trees are making it hard for me all right I would love to just go ahead and drop a seed right there right there on the grass but I can’t I can’t because the trees they say

No you can’t do it I don’t want to grow there I don’t want to grow there the trees say oh you know what I bet the river fishing is good here prank pray for no disconnects if we get a nice fish ooh all right this doesn’t look like a jumpy

Boy okay maybe it’s a little bit of a jumpy boy it’s cool it’s cool ah it’s the same stuff that we find in the mountains so what’s the point what’s the prank is it just chubs chub after chub after chub after chub what is this Happy Gilmore his name is chub

Right please let his name be chub the guy without the hand with the alligator yeah bream we already caught that fish so whoop you do I guess all right I’m going to go talk to Shane now cuz I can’t see you guys bullying me for for talking to Shane so

I’m going to go I’m going to go talk to him now have to put up with with your bullying yeah how about that Sam did you ever notice all the spiderwebs that appeared during fall if you get up early you’ll see them covered in do like little stars that’s like a really interesting

Thing for you to like pick up on Wow Sam is an artist after all I’m sure he writes lyrics as well for his his band his garage band that has like three big fans then I’m definitely all three of them I’m your fan hey oh wow how’d you know this is my

Favorite what do you want leave me alone it sounds about right see but no he still likes Me hey are you friends with Clint he’s a nice guy if you get to know him he gets lonely working in his shop all day but he’s he he’s so shy he has trouble making new friends yeah and he likes you he’s got a big old crush on you so he’s

Really going to hate me in the other file business has been slow you should upgrade your tools I could use the cash all right that’s straightforward thank you for being honest though yeah maybe I’ll drop by again you know it would be really nice here’s a point of critique maybe you could crack

Open my ore even when you’re upgrading my stuff cuz when you don’t do that it makes me upset I don’t know maybe he doesn’t care he’s not listening he doesn’t want the critique that’s fine you didn’t ask for it you didn’t ask for it all righty ah wait fall

Crop and now we just need yams and after that we’re good to go all right tomorrow is a Friday do not get distracted Mory you never know when like a duck egg or something like that is going to show up in the the cart large goat milk large

Eggs you know I bet with this amount of money we could upgrade the barn get a goat I don’t know something like that let’s take let’s you know what take a quick look at what else we need on the bulletin board yeah we haven’t opened up any of

These but the wine is on the way ah the pomegranate I ended up putting in the enchanters bundle that actually is a better idea I’m glad we did that going to need some apples dang it that’ll have to be next year no way I can get apples without a

Tree but maybe I should plant it real quick I can I can afford a seed need that nautilus shell we’ll get it in winter fried egg should be easy to make truffle just need pigs and then the maky roll is also easy to make you just need any old Fish machy and

Rice we can get the rice from Pierre I believe maybe I’ll use this bream over here that could work I wonder how I can get sheep what kind of big big barn I’ll need going to need to upgrade it no problem problem easy maybe we can put

One of the chubs in there it’s a really nice bream I don’t know these guys are better though all right sell those bad boys do what you must do I promised I promised there’s a disconnect there’s that’s actually really a lot of sap so give me that really quick all

Right I I will make the fertilizer all right I did it let me just the stones I know I really should I’m going to sleep and then when I wake up we can get the new controller When I Wake okay I’m going for for for okay if you could tell by

Windows I’ve activated it let’s see if it works or not come to life come alive now it should be connected do you not recognize your brethren bb bb what does that mean I don’t know what that means okay I think we’re good the day is saved the day is saved

Maybe oh and now the sound is off okay well I mean that’s a good sign right it means it really likes the control I have a backup you will move move the rectangle closer now I just want to play a game I just want to play a video

Game I just want to play a video game please please ah the sound still an issue of course because for whatever reason every time I plug in the controller that’s weird so is it it just stard do oh boy I have to reopen the game okay okay no that’s fine that’s fine I’m

Going to keep all this in oh level eight forging nice I’m keeping it all in I don’t care I’m a thug I don’t care I now have to restart my computer

model: KAMIYA
design: lo-hi delivery

morizakura sake tasting!! https://zewgr.kktix.cc/events/rwaqcz


(there might not be guests this stream! please understand that opening VC does not guarantee guests.)

thumb: https://x.com/kamiyamaneki/status/1734525573261619476?s=20

Request from hololive Production to underage viewers:
Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content.


This game is being streamed and monetized following related right-holder’s policies.


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  1. Thanks for the Let's Play, Calli! Scuff aside (which always gets ironed out with time), this was a really chill stream. Felt like a return to your old ASMR Gaming series
    Certainly wouldn't mind seeing more prerecorded stuff if it gives you some peace of mind for your breaks!

  2. Since you want this to be in the Live tab for cataloging and such, when you get back to Japan you could delete these Videos, stream them to a private link stream, then unprivate them afterwards. They'd be in the right place without messing up any algorithm nonsense I think.

  3. Shame about Stardew being such a pain of a game to have controller problems with, but that's a game problem on top of a bad USB port or USB cable problem. The Blutooth lag shouldn't be a thing unless the PC is far away from you, more than 10 feet.

  4. I would really love to see more video uploads from hololive members in generel. im not really someone who likes watching streams or has the time to watch them, thats why i really enjoy polkas video series and i wish more holos would do that, its much more chill and laidback then streams.

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