1. I don't know why all the sentiments about Minecraft being everyone's "favorite game" and all. It's not Mojang's doing – it's how it originally created. Mojang is incompetent at expanding this game's potential, they are slow, astronomically more prone to miss than hit, their superficial principal of development literally drives the game into dead-ends at every given corner. There's no saving this.

  2. I can personally excuse the sniffer, the whole point is that theyre extinct so encouraging people to kill them just feels wierd.
    I do wish they had more uses though.

    Overall thats kind of howni feel about this whole video, i agree that most of these mobs should drop something but i think the bigger issue is still one-note uses.
    Give sniffers more plant types (maybe even have one be useful in potions)
    Let glow squids make glow arrows.

    Personally im fine with not encouraging players to slaughter random animals (especially considering how rare some of the more recent ones are) but they need a purpose outside of "iTs CuTe"

  3. While I understand that Mogang doesn't want you to kill armadillos, foxes or axolotls (yeah yeah, they're small adorable mobs tada yada yada)
    But Breeze? There is so much potential (something to do with for instance levitation potion which we don't have or some other things connected with wind or flight)

  4. I mean, IMO the defense for Wardens not dropping anything of value is flimsy. Like I'm not even bothered by the fact that they don't drop anything, but I do find it pretty annoying when people feel the need to defend the decision needlessly with "Oh, you're not supposed to fight it in the first place". I'm of the mindset that, if Mojang was really THAT against people fighting the Warden, they would have just made it invincible. Is there any reason not to? The Warden has so much HP that the only way for it to die is for you to cheese it anyways, but the fact is, it CAN die, and killing it is far from the most efficient way to avoid it so people would only really be killing it in the first place if they wanted the drops.

  5. they have already made turtle scutes make a resistance potion, it would make sense for the armadillo scute to do the same, because their ,,,shells?,,, in real life are used for defense. For turtles the side effect was slowness, for armidillos it would be blindness because their eyesight is terrible. Imagine the PVP implications, or the TNT launchers. with the crafter you can easily make a factory for brushes and farm just one armadillo and have renewable resistance

  6. i would argue that the breeze Does have drops, because its only way to spawn in the game is the trials spawner, which drop loot when all mobs are killed

  7. They should re-add the realistic drops, it removes from the game. Also, instead of adding new things to the game, they should update and rework old unused mechanics

  8. Mojang: We don't want to encourage animal cruelty.

    Also Mojang: You can instantly cook your food if you set your livestock on fire before killing them.

    Also Mojang: You get an achievement for riding a pig off of a cliff.

    Also Mojang: The best way to get rare items is to lock several villagers in your basement, you can also get free iron by doing this.

  9. I am on two minds on this.
    On one side I do agree that more of the mobs should have a use beyond the one niche one they do have (if any, really). Let them drop something if they don't already, give them some more use in this sandbox game. Like making the sniffers drop moss items for example. I could see a scenario where you need moss for a build, but have been unable to locate any. However you do have a sniffer egg, and aren't really that interested in the flowers. The frog (and I'd add Axolotl as well) dropping slime balls is another great one. Make it a chance, so it is less reliable than the literal slime mobs for farming, but still a good way to get it early game when you otherwise wouldn't be available.
    On the other side, I do see the use for mobs that doesn't really do much other than to add ambience and life to the world. Bats and Polar Bears are some good examples of these. They don't really add anything of functionality, but they do breathe a bit more life into the world, making it feel less empty. Minecraft wouldn't hurt from having a few more mobs that are just there to be there, like having birds that fly around or more biome specific creatures like Zebras in Savannas.

    However, i do think Mojang is taking the educational role of Minecraft too seriously, as highlighted with the Firefly debacle. It sometimes feels as if they think that their role is to help educate kinds and not influence them to do "bad" behavior such as harming animals moreso than it is to make a fun videogame.

  10. August 17th, 2045. "We removed attacking from Minecraft because it proved to be harmful to some of our younger players." I bet you 5 bucks that'll happen with Minecraft, but the date could be sooner.

  11. I like how all your criticism is from the point Mojang bought the rights to Minecraft. Everything you've talked about is what Mojang added, and like you said, is so similar to just being a mod.

  12. 3:30 Not to mention, once you reach the late game there'll be far more efficient ways to get slime so Mojang can still keep the E for everyone.

    Now THIS is actual game design. Not just shooting out ideas because you think they sound cool.

  13. If there's one thing that's true it's that Mojang can play us like goddamn fiddles. Their stories have become so ridiculous that they can say anything and the community will believe it. Do you really think Mojang would trash all that money spent on making a mob just because frogs are poisoned by them?! No the f*ck not. Fireflies were created for the sole purpose of being deleted. They don't care about realism, they care about engagement, and we sure as hell gave it to them.

    If you're a Java player, you're not giving them money. You bought the game 5+ years ago and probably haven't spent a single penny on it. Realms? I want you to name one person you know who actually spends money on realms. Mojang's cash cow is Bedrock, which is popular among children so they're obviously going to cater towards the "family friendly" advertising to attract potential customers. The only thing you can provide now, is your attention.

  14. i wonder if armadillo scutes could be used for brewing resistance potions. kind of like how turtle helmets can brew turtle master potions but at a lower level of resistance and no slowness.

  15. I’m not really that big a fan of “frogs drop slimeballs” for early game slime, since slimes already spawn in the same places that frogs do.

    Also the whole “mob drops it’s breeding item” is a bit weird to me much like how it is with turtles.

  16. i think we shouldn't have to kill passive mobs, so i'm happy they drop nothing or something easily obtained elsewhere. i wish there was a better source of raw beef. but breeze? we are supposed to fight them, why?

  17. Mojang needs to find a middle ground between mob drops and tedious mob mechanics. Because in a way I think they need to make some mobs more interesting than just:
    1. find mob
    2. kill mob.

    Having mob drops on the side is a good idea, like moss from a sniffer. Nothing game changing but there as an alternate use. But they have to make getting the item from the mob less of a tedious task. Froglights and turtle scutes are just way too tedious for me to care. Also I agree Mojang needs to integrate new mobs more into the rest of the game. The Sniffer was promised to add so much to agriculture and exploration… we got two flowers.

  18. I wish Sniffer would drop some sort of poisonous meat that when cooked would give a temporary buff like speed or even slow falling. There has to be an endgame food source better than stake for all-round use and worse than golden apple for healing.
    Golden carrots suck colossal majong because they can't refill hunger and saturation bars with two pieces meaning they feel like cooked salmon or cooked sheep meat. If I need healing – I'll eat gapples.

    I believe every animal and mob should drop something atleast situationally useful.

  19. 1:18 That’s from village and pillage. The point still stands though.
    8:20 To offend? I find this sort of stuff hilarious lol. I have gone through the effort to add panda meat to the game.

  20. You say you don't want to criticize the update because it's not fully out yet, but this is THE time to criticize the update! Maybe not super harshly, but of all times to complain about a new feature, the snapshots are the time to do it.

  21. Maybe using armadillo scute could be used to make potion of protection giving people slowness 10 and resistance 5 as the player is in a armadillo shell just like turtle master

  22. Honestly, more mobs in this game should take on how the sheep was developed. The sheep drops wool on death but you gain so much more from trapping it in a 2 x 2 hole & sheering it for the rest of its life. If you do kill it though, you sacrifice the portion of wool for food which is far more useful early game.

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