1. As a brand new player (and fukin loving it) this is so pinpoint accurate, I feel like a CREEP sometimes just waiting for them at their spot 😳 “I’ve been expecting you, please take”

  2. Harvey likes daffodils which are a pretty convenient gift option in year one. I had a period of time where I tried to gift as many villagers forage items, lots of the women like sweet peas and Vincent and Demetrius like grapes that I could usually find on the way to their houses and not have to grow them and of course George likes his leeks. Another thing I learned was Leah happily accepts driftwood so it can be good to keep a small stash if you want to romance her, she also likes dandelions

  3. currently on my first playthrough and I fish a lot, so every now and then when I have been fishing for hours I will walk by someone and go
    "you want some fish? here take some fish" and all they can say back is
    "oh a gift ….. thanks" and then walk away

  4. Reading the Wiki and doing this after you've set your eyes on someone is like lowkey the same as stalking your crush on social media and trying your best to find out what they like and don't like

  5. I pretty much had about 100 pizzas stuffed in my bag to hand out to everyone twice a week til they all fell in love with me… I mean my character

  6. my wife emily gives me wool a lot of the time, and as practical as that is i just dont need it so i usually end up gifting it right back to her. she completely forgets that she just gave it to me and its hilarious every time 😂 emily is such a special gem and im so glad i married her

  7. Yep, it kinda be like that. What kind of person saves 30 salads for someone? And gives beer to the two town alcoholics? And not once did Demetrius ask me why I was cooking so many spaghetti dinners for Robin…his wife.

    Actually, I didn't cook them. Who has time to cook when your day is only, like, 12 minutes long, and you literally pass out at the end of your day (and someone steals your money when you do)? I just bought them all from Gus at the saloon.

    He didn't ask any questions either.


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