From Volume 1

Music that plays during the night.

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  1. my first night with my cousin was like:
    my cousin: yo its becoming night we need a house
    me: nah we dont
    5 seconds later, a horde of demon eyes and zombies are comig to skin me alive and eat my ass

  2. I know terraria since its release, but I never played it until dec last year, soon my first map will be 1 year old. I remember the first time I started the map, I put the master difficult because I didn't realize how hard it would be. The first night was a freaking nightmare (this song gives me PTSD), the guide mf opening the door because yes and those mf floating eyes and zombies coming for my soul hahah, my respawn was inside the house (which was a f mess) and everytime I respawned I got killed, later a graveyard biome was created and, well…. When the night ended I was so relief. It was very funny and after 150 hours on the same map I managed to kill the Moon Lord and it was awesome. I regret so much for not playing it before, but still very good memories. Terraria is a MASTERPIECE

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