1. Don't understand why people bother wasting time doing this. Hard mode just spreads it more with the V shape, making all that work pointless in containing the evil. I always wait until hard mode to start slicing up the world. Plus by then you have better tools to make it even faster.

  2. that doesn't even matter I conduct an experiment to see whether it matters it doesn't even fucking matter I completely eliminated corruption before hard mode and when I come into hard mode the corruption was there 15 fuckin percent holy shit you just cannot get rid of it

  3. For those of you who just don't want to bother with evil spread then just play Journey's Mode and deactivate it, ignore the other options and duplication stuffs. Trust me it'll save you from a lot of headache and stress, gives you more free time to do other slow stuffs like fishing and farming too. Ignore all the original only guys, it's your game and you can play it in whatever ways you want.

  4. 3-6 blocks is a misleading figure, evil biome spread can happen with a maximum gap of 4 blocks. Making your dividers 3 blocks wide will not stop world evils from spreading.

  5. Only biome you would really want to protect is forest, basically every other biome can just be hallowed post mech. Maybe protect jungle too

  6. WAIT SO THE CORRUPT BIOME CAN SPREAD? I didn't know until now, i still need to defeat the eye of cthulhu so i can say that i'm really early in the game, how do i contain it with the materials i have access to at this point of the game?
    another question, the corrupt biome is unique per world or multiple can spawn at world generation?

  7. also you dont even need to line the entire thing, just line the walls to down where its considered underground so only the surface section is lined because thats only where the vines grow, also if the gap is smaller consider adding a few blocks as a wall to stop vines reaching over the gap too and onto the purified blocks

  8. In the long run this doesn't matter at all, make 100×100 square plots of land, (the cletaminator reaches 60 blocks according to the wiki) after this you can come and purify it late game. Also a 3 block gap is the most evil may spread through, if you don't want to line your walls make a 4 block tunnel

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