1. On this day at this moment. I sit in my car, windows down, and a mom with her 3 kids (maybe barely 5 or so) and decided right here is ok enough to tie her daughters shoe. 35:05

  2. I know it's been seven years but I think it would be beautiful if you did like, a serious series of Stardew where you put your heart into your farm and just relax into the game.

  3. I know he probably won’t but I hope someday he plays more maybe even replays it entirely with so he can experience perfection with ginger island

  4. I wanna get back into stardew, and I'd love to see Mark get back into it as well! Looks like they've updated it recently. Also, it is sad that Cali doesn't have any Cracker barrels; we've been craving that lately, so it was funny to hear you mention it. 🤣

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