1. At this point I have convinced myself that Technoblade is Jesus reincarnated bro was literally just better at EVERYTHING. like he literally had ZERO flaws.

  2. Im literally crying rn. I didn't find out about Techno until a few months or so after he died. I remember a few of my friends were really sad and I didn't understand why. Then I saw one of his videos and was instantly invested and then cried from it. Just a few weeks later my aunt, who was like a grandma to me, passed away and I felt so much grief. The day before the one year anniversary of Techno's passing I cried for hours after watching A Tribute To Technoblade: Blaze of Glory, on my birthday. Techno's content was just so pure and had his own way of humor in it that has kept me going through hard times. )And this video is amazing Skeppy, Im am a huge fan.) Thank you Techno.
    My name is Eliza and I am One Of Us.

  3. Thank you for not a crying video, but finally a video just showing the best of Technoblade. This is gold, and what Technoblade should be remembered for, not crying, but his moments of helping our community have a laugh.

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