Minecraft has been around for nearly 15 years. In that time, Mojang removed features that we will likely NEVER see again in a future Minecraft update! Here are all 436 banned Minecraft features, from removed blocks to illegal items that Mojang probably want you to forget about! This includes mobs from the 2023 Minecraft mob vote and the removed features from Minecraft Earth. Even the hedgehog in Minecraft and the chalkboard deleted block!
This is the *definitive* list of everything removed from Minecraft. Please let me know in the comments if I forgot anything!

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If you watched 42 Minecraft Glitches That Changed The Game, you’ll love this Minecraft facts video!

Thanks to these awesome mod developers for making these mods to show what things could have looked like!
bedrockdownloads – Minecraft Earth Mobs pack
TheInfamous1 – Minecraft Dungeons Mobs/Items mods
billeyzambie – Hamster mod
MrCrayfish & Exline – Furniture mods
Biomes o’ plenty – Redwood biome
pyre540 – Colored Redstone
fyberoptic – Redstone paste
SeaOfPixels – Monkey motivator concept texture
Laser Knights – rusted iron textures
Everything else made by Mojang or me!

#minecraft #minecraftfacts


  1. This is the definitive list of everything removed from Minecraft!
    Let me know if I missed anything, and feel free to skip over anything you've already seen!

  2. Hello blockfacts and yall reading this.
    Hedgehogs are incredibly endangered animal. The hedgehog population in UK has decreased incredibly in the last century that they are almost extinct in the UK. Please dont bring any hedgehog home. You could hurt them a lot. Instead contact endangered animal stations immediately. Thank you for reading…

  3. So the moral of the Minecraft story is: if it's too hard to develop features; if fans love the concept, or if it's too buggy; you must delete/remove from the game entirely. "Minecraft is such a fan friendly game"

  4. [WIP]
    This is like an hour long video, and it takes me about 5 minutes every 10 seconds to debunk everything, so… It'll take a while 'till I'm done

    Sheesh this is filled with so much misinformation and inaccuracies. I figure I'll just post everything I can say about each point here, Please correct me if I get anything wrong

    TD;LR the only correct ones are:
    2. Copper Horn, 13. Sculk Jaw, 38-40. Removed Crafting Recipes, 53-82. (Removed Useless Potions), 84. (Cauldrons as Brewing Stands)

    The author of this video seems to consider features that have been suggested but denied, features that are in completely different games, hypothetical planned features that were scrapped, and even occasionally features that still exist to be "Removed Features". This is dumb. A removed feature is a feature that was added to the game for at least a snapshot, then removed.

    1. (Hedgehog) This was never "removed" from Minecraft. It is a feature in a separate game, Minecraft: Dungeons. They are completely different genres and have completely different goals.
    2. (Copper Horn)
    3. (Teacup Pig) Again, wrong game. Here you're talking about Minecraft: Earth, which is a completely different genre. Even if the game lived on, they would have had no reason to port mobs over, just like with Minecraft: Dungeons.
    4. (Ducks) These were never really in the game. Notch changed Chickens to Ducks for a bit, before reverting the change. It's been officially announced that it was a joke. Had Ducks stayed in the game, Chickens wouldn't exist. Honestly the research here seems like you saw someone mention "Ducks used to be in the game" and expounded from there. Also, about Dungeons, Ditto #1
    5-12. (Bunch of mobs) Ditto 1, different game, different playstyle.
    13. (Sculk Jaw) Good job on getting the name right
    14-19. (Rabbit variations) See #3, Wrong game
    20-21. (Hyper Rabbit & Magma Cow) Not only is this the wrong game, it's also concept art! It was never properly removed, never existed, just was a scrapped idea.
    22-33(?). (Sheep variations) Again, see previous comments. Wrong game. Unsure of the numbering here, not clearly explained in the video, seems like a lot of these are expanded a bunch for a higher clickbait-y video title.
    34-37. (Extra Armor Suggestions, Chainmail Recipe Suggestion) Not removed features at all, simply minecraft community ideas that were rejected (For good reason! These are honestly dumb ideas, except maybe the chainmail recipe, because of game balancing. They only belong in cringy mods)
    38-40. (Removed Crafting Recipies) These are technically "Removed Features"… If you stretch the definition. Surprised you didn't stretch chainmail armor into 4 separate points, though.
    41. (Knowledge Book) I cannot find a single source on the original purpose of these being to spawn naturally, they've always been only obtainable with the /give command afaik. Additionally, it's a long stretch to say an item not spawning naturally is "removal" of that item…
    42. (Alliances) These were just a possible planned feature, never added to the game. About the most you can find in-code is an icon that may be a UI button or an item or something else entirely, and a few text strings, according to the minecraft wiki. You clearly took the liberty to say it was a deleted item here, but it wasn't.
    43. (Iron & Diamond Elytra) Cannot find any mention of this anywhere. If anyone can find a source, that would be appreciated.
    44. (Separate Banner Items) Again, I can't find any sources on this. Both this and the previous item textures, by the way, look completely outside of minecraft's art style… You aren't making stuff up, are you? I genuinely hope there's a real source on these two, because otherwise, if you need to flat out lie just to get views… that's sad.
    45-47. (Corn & Nachos) Removed? More like briefly mentioned in a dev's twitter comment with no real commitment.
    48. (Inverted Cake Blocks) Oh god. You can't be stooping this low. Bugfixes??? Are you SERIOUSLY counting bugfixes as removed features? That's just sad.
    49. (Temporary 10 on cakes) I mean… Technically yes?? But like, it was only ever planned to be a short event. That's like, idk, if there was a "removed features" video on some battle royale game and it mentioned literally any previous season pass.
    50-52. (Placable Pumpkin Pie, Pizza, Poisonous Potato Potential), Wow. Mojang denied a player suggestion. Yes, that's totally a "removed features". Okay, you know how to make a giant video? Make a ton of suggestions (like, idk, name every animal in existence), then be like "Mojang REMOVED all these animals!!1!"
    53-82. (Removed Useless Potions) I mean… Yes, but you're seriously counting this as 30 separate features? Why am I not surprised
    83. (Mixing Potions) Dumb suggestion that Mojang denied. At least you realize it's dumb, though. Props for that, I guess.
    84. (Cauldrons as Brewing Stands) I mean… Yes? Kinda? Their functionality got moved.
    85-88. (Medicine in Education Edition) This… Oh my god. You're marketing real features in the Bedrock AND Education Editions of the game as "removed"?
    89. (Silence Potion) Another idea that presumably Mojang doesn't even know about? Oh yes, Minecraft also removed the Dragonfruit from the game, along with the Rocking Horse block.
    Now he mentions the Uncraftable and Levatating potions due to… not being craftable, but thankfully doesn't mark them as "removed features"
    90-99. (Minecraft Dungeons Potions) Not minecraft dungeons again… Wrong minecraft… They aren't bringing this to minecraft… You even SAID YOURSELF that half these potions are *already have regular minecraft equivalents*, yet you include them here.

    100-101. (Minecraft Dungons Armor & Weapons) Wrong game

  5. Are you going to do anything with "the cut contest of". I really liked that channel before you Made block facts and was wondering if it's discontinued.

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