In this video 1000 Minecraft Players Simulate the largest Minecraft Civilization ever created. The players were entirely free to do whatever they wanted. It’s a wild story. And I hope you enjoy it!

This video was inspired by Ish’s awesome 1000 Players Simulate MASSIVE Civilization video . You should go watch that too.

I take pride in the fact that absolutely none of this video was scripted, and all actually happened in the Shipwrecked Event that I held in early July 2023.

To Play In My Civilization Events:

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Lickd Music Licenses:

License ID: d0RqLaKlZMP
Get Viva La Vida by Coldplay and over 1M + mainstream tracks here ID: d0RqLaKlZMP

Prancing pony
Get At the Sign of the Prancing Pony by Howard Shore and over 1M + mainstream tracks here ID: wnRgmQqo70Y

Get Jupiter (From The Planets) by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and over 1M + mainstream tracks here ID: m3wNRm3Mwep!MARCUSK

00:00 – Intro
00:37 – Day1
06:55 – Day2
14:35 – Day3
28:28 – Day4
40:12 – Day5
48:55 – Day6
54:42 – Day7
1:02:42 – Day8
1:04:54 – Day9


  1. After over 6 months of editing, the 1000 Players Shipwrecked Civilization Video is here! 🙂
    Tell me what you think in the comments! And if you enjoy the video it'd mean a lot if you left a like, I really put my heart and soul into this one.
    I'm proud to say that 100% of this video is from the event, this crazy story actually happened!

  2. Now, I've watched a fair few of these Minecraft Civilisations events, across half a dozen channels, and I must say that without a doubt, this is the absolute best one yet! All the plots and schemes and drama, the really cool "character arcs" that some of the players had, the epic soundtrack and cinematography, and that really heartwarming ending montage to wrap everything up… this was a damn masterpiece! 😁👏

  3. I just finished watching the video and man, its a cinematic masterpiece. The amount of effort put into it was amazing. I was apart of BeeBag's pirates and it was so fun participating, even though it was for 25 minutes.

  4. You guys should add a expirement where people spawn in a large, treacherous map where the monsters are OP as hell. Whenever you kill, they drop soul shards for you to consume into your souls. You start from Sleeper(1k), awakened (2k needed) ascended (3k needed) transcended (5k needed and then master (10k needed)

    The death rate needs to be large as their will be waves of people and somewhere, their should be a safe zone such as a castle islanded. The monsters should be op as hell but they drop memories with different weapons such as onyx armor, helmet, shields, bows, gliders, yknow what i mean and then echoes (which are a rare drop) where you can spawn the monster you killed

    The monsters should be divided into 2 classes, strength and the amount of soul shards they drop (ofcourse the higher the monster, the better memories they drop)

    Strength (rank)

    Class (amount of soul shards dropped)

    Keep in mind, classes still increase how strong it is, just not as much

    Talking about monsters, players SHOULD work as a team as they will have unique attack patterns and strategies will need to be observed. They should be unpredictable, sometimes charging or flying

    Player aspects:
    This determines the starting ability and every time the player ranks, they get their aspect abilities increaded tenfold
    Eternal Flame: the user has the ability to enhance their equipment with flames
    Fly: the user can fly for extended
    Turtle neck: the user can strengthen the durability of their memory
    Thunderous epitomy: the ability to summon thunder on will (every time you class up, the amount if thunder increases or cooldown or even learning new thunderous skills through scrolls
    Saints of the heavens: Can single target heal
    Lost from light: (this skill is a bit complicated) you have a shadow well start with one and as you increase in class it also increases, you can use your shadow as a recon as you can see what it’s seeing if wanted by tapping a button or to wrap your shadow around a specific memory to increase its attributes and you have night vision to be able to see
    Some ass ones such as
    Increased payload: bigger backpack space
    Night vision: the user can see in the night

    Let me talk about settlements. Their should be safezones (not really safezones) where players can still be killed and monsters can go inside such as the isolated castle i was talking about but this builds a hierarchy where because it’s so damn hard to level up the upper echelons with the most power will reign the castle or settlement. Theirs opportunities for this such as hunting parties to get food from the monsters.

    This also allow for trading between memories. I forgot to say but soul shards can be stored

    To add to the high death rate, during the night multiple creature of which are unstoppable such as a cursed tyrant spawn in briefly making the nights complete hell including disasters such as meteor showers and tornados. Ofcourse since the deathrate is high, their should be after everyday, an influx of players

  5. This is one of the Minecraft battle civilization that is real going make you feel good
    Thank you to all the players that help to make this civilization truly unbelievably nice like it so much it had actions, funny moments,all so this really reminds players or people
    That working together are the best option nice video
    Marcus and like the song
    🥲👍 I Thought you abandoned this YouTube channel but you did not wish you good luck in the future 😊hahhhh Minecraft is good game 😔😊👋

  6. Oh, wow. I can tell why the editing took so long, to say nothing of the greatness of the actual content. Couldn't possibly comment on everything worthy of comment, but, gotta say, it's not often that someone goes for political backstabbing on this strategic without it faceplanting.

    And bravo on the battle against the pirates.

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