1. i think winter 18 or something like that because i got the cabbage in the travelling cart (before the update where you could guarantee first year completion)

  2. Mine took almost 3 years because the first year I kind of just goofed off and then halfway through I believe spring of the next year I realized how important it was- so then I worked double time

  3. The beginning of year 2 on my first save, the red cabbage randomly appeared in the traveling cart, didn't appreciate it enough due to having a semi bad case of corona at the time.

  4. I'm almost done with the community center on my first play through I'm on winter year 4 And all I need to complete it is the catfish. either the traveling cart comes through or I'll have to wait

  5. Donโ€™t know if this counts, but on like my 50th play through I did the Joja Route (ik i deleted the save after finishing) on day 11 of spring year one. I had the money ready on the 4th though, but you can only buy 1 joja form per day, and them on the 11th I bought the movie theater.

  6. Spring 26 year 2 of my current playthrough

    If I had better traveling cart luck and bought a fruit tree earlier, I could've done it in less.

    That red cabbage and the artisan bundle was my biggest bottleneck. Funnily enough, the travelling cart is how I skipped most of the specialty fish and animal bundle stuff.

    An upgrade from the 2 years it took me my first playthrough๐Ÿ˜‚

    Though my game knowledge is far far better than my first

  7. This is my 8th farm attempt and the most monetarily successful so far. Currently in fall year 3 and the only thing holding me back from completing the CC is the fishing bundle

  8. It's kinda easy to play in a android but for me is no my record is 1year spring month 3days and 9:40am and so it is I stop playing but I'm still a big fan of yours ๐Ÿ˜Š

  9. Sometime in winter year one. But that was only because I got lucky with the traveling cart honestly. My usual is spring or summer of year two.

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