1. The real reason George is in a wheelchair is because he broke his hip during a night of wild snu-snu with Evelyn. That mining accident story is just a cover since standing in the blast radius of explosive can be walked off and be completely cured with a bit of food and drink.

  2. And if you play as a male farmer and marry Alex, George has some character development with hating that his grandson married a man but when you get to 10 hearts he accepts you as part of the family

  3. George is and always will be my best friend in every game I ever play. I save all his rocks to. I can’t just use or sell rocks gifted to me by my best friend!!!

  4. i always save all my leeks for george and i love giving evelyn flowers. they'rw both wonderful and georgw really opens up a lot more at the 6 and 8 heart levels. ❤️

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