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#StardewValley #shorts


  1. From my experience, women who dislike Penny do so more out of spite for men who like her, than actually having something to criticize. "Nooo, women shouldn't be good with kids, kind, hardworking and supportive, that's boring. Women should have baggage and make you fear them leaving one day because they are bored like Leah, or be constantly dissatisfied despite having one of the easiest lives in town like Abigail, or be mean and demanding like Haley (I like all 3 characters i mentioned, I was giving an example).

  2. I don’t like that you loose so many hearts for saying you don’t want kids. Like I get for a lot of people not having kids is a deal breaker but it’s a little ridiculous just how many points you loose with her

  3. I never really understood the love for Penny even without the 2 heart event, she’s sweet and shy but that’s really all there is to her. She just always seemed more one dimensional than the other bachelors and bachelorettes. She never really seemed like she had much of a goal or drive either, all of her personality feels too generic to me. Then again it’s been a while since I’ve seen all her cutscenes.

  4. I just want to be friends with everyone. When I saw her I was like "I must be friends with her" because she reads books and she's my favorite (still playing for Krobus though) – so I don't care because as long as they touch books, they are my friend, even if I DID kind of focus on getting 8 hearts with her before everyone else

  5. Not everyone you meet has to go through a whole character arc, i mean if you already like a character for who they are i dont see a reason why that should change?

  6. She doesn't change because she is perfect
    Also she is the most simple and arguably realistic you don't choose lover from backstory because realistically you will never know that

  7. The first time I played Stardew Valley, I married Penny just because she was cute.
    I am restarting the game and I will marry her again, but this time, it's because she is kind, smart, empathetic and she likes kids.

  8. I don’t know which version you’re playing (I’m playing the Apple Arcade version), but I take it that you haven’t really explored Penny. Underneath that boring exterior . . . Penny is a FREAK. Just give her lots of poppies and she’ll start popping. She has no boundaries, she never uses the safe word (Secret Note #26), she has an insatiable appetite for new experiences. This is like 50 shades of Prismatic Shard I’m talmbout. Let me put it this way: if it’s on pornhub, she’s game to try.

    Getting into a threesome with Caroline and Abigail is admittedly pretty weird. They’re both awesome, but you have to let Pierre the cuckold watch, and I find that just a bit too weird.

  9. I agree, Penny should get in the bin, and imo, Haley always gonna sit on a throne over all the bachelorretes. And Sebastian over the bachelor's.

  10. Penny seems to be highly idealistic, living the cutesy fall vibe and reading books under the tree with a latte lol. Her notions about the world are most probably shaped according to the fictions she reads in the books as a means to escape (kinda similar to Elliott??)

    I don't have anything against Penny. I think she is genuinely responsible and has my respect for (probably) being the only source of education to the kids in the valley, or else they have to go to city daily 4-5 hours to study in a mind-numbing school and have their bright souls rotten away by the modern education system.

    I am just slightly miffed in her 8-heart cutscene that saying you hate kids makes you lose like 1500 points. Compared to Leah's 2-heart event where creepily kissing her makes you lose only 250 points (which I feel should definitely be more), or Haley's 10-heart event where insulting her hobby costs you only 50 points… we aren't even directly attacking Penny or anything. We are just stating our own preferences for hating them pixelated gremlin dolls. Everybody has their own preferences and are programmed in a different way… but sadly, Penny doesn't seem to get it :

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