Getting max hearts with the villagers of Stardew Valley is a daunting task, but if you use the approach we go over in this video, you’ll get there quickly and easily! If you’ve wondered how to get hearts since you started playing Stardew, look no further, because soon your villagers will love you!

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0:00 Intro
0:18 What Affects Friendship?
1:41 Giving Gifts
2:50 What to Give Each Person
5:13 The Best Method
6:55 Comparing Methods

Music from ConcernedApe

Edited by UnsurpassableZ


  1. 5:51 you are chilling with your wife in bed, lifes good, day is cold you might stay in bed a couple more minutes. Suddenly a man breaks into your house at the earliest hour. He bangs and opens your door, you can’t do anything, you feel as if time is frozen for you. He opens up a mysterious box that appeared on your room one day. He picks up something, he walks up to you and extends his hand. Its a strawberry.

  2. I'm doing a challenge run where the objective is to get max hearts with everyone immediately available within 1 year.
    I am now just at the beginning of fall and so far it's going great.

  3. If this helps anyone, giving a gift is better than not giving any gifts at all in a week, and if you're paralyzed with indecision, I use the Sashimi and Mayo strategy. Basically, you can get a ton of gold star mayo with just a few chickens, and the better you take care of your chickens, the better the mayo will be up until it gets to gold quality. This means you can reliably have a gold quality liked gift for most people. But if someone doesn't like mayo (Notably Caroline, Jas, Sam, Sebastian and Vincent, so basically four kids and one adult) All of them either like Sashimi, or in the case of Sebastian it's actually a loved gift. Flipping between these two allows you to save your best items for their birthdays, feast of the winter star, and a high quality item for the Luau, which are all important dates that you want to hit. Hope this helps!

  4. Another tip is that you get A LOT of friendship from taking dancing with someone at the flower dance. I had 4 hearts with Emily before dancing with her and once she said yes I had 7 or 8 hearts.

  5. Thank you so much for this calculator! I had just failed to get Spring Onion Mastery in Year 1 Spring and I wanted to check if it's impossible. Looks like it is, even if I obsessively devote my whole playthrough to them. Now I just have to decide whether to drop this playthrough (I'm still early on) and restart so I can redirect all that time to something more useful…

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