In this Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft redstone video, Mumbo hops into the latest Minecraft 1.21 snapshot 23w44a to build some auto crafting machines. These industrial automatic crafters work in saw mills, work in automatic bulk chest crafting and industrial minecraft farming contraptions.

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  1. All these builds is what I foresaw when I saw the autocrafter. Thank you Mumbo!
    Now here is my question, can it do food? Like can it auto make cake, cookies, bread, etc?

  2. The moment i saw the crafter on minecraft live i thought “mumbo is gonna have a freakin field day with this” and i was right.
    Can’t wait to see all the tutorials you put out when the crafter is officially released

  3. I think you're just not going to have the entire end-to-end recipe in a single machine. You'll have one crafter turning logs into planks and dumping to a waterstream to be picked up by a line of hoppers and go into a storage silo, and then from the silo (or from the overflow water stream) you take planks into various crafters that need them.

  4. Perhaps a button to only craft if it can put into a container. That way you don't have this issue, but the function is still there for those that want it.
    I don't think the pot item filter would work, since the crafter has to be able to craft the correct item to output in the first place, so you would still have to make sure the items went in the correct order. It would mean u could remove the issue of crafting buttons or sticks etc, but that is only simple recipes for anything complex I don't think stopping the crafter from crafting when the container is full/cant accept it would be of much benefit. And like I said I would prefer an option to toggle that functionality since I'm sure there will use for either behaviour.

  5. Your auto crafting videos are really cool Mumbo! I can't wait to play with the new blocks once they are released from beta. I want to make a glass factory that can craft each color

  6. I can't wait to see the elaborate wood/Shulker farm setups that automatically creates shulker boxes to send to other farms and collect items.

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