1. Im a bit new to Terraria. Ive known about the game for a while and played every now and then, but im just now starting to REALLY get into it. Not that long ago I learned about the whole corruption spreading thing and I just had a few questions. I see other people say different things about this topic and idk who to trust. I see people say to line your Hellevators with non corruptible walls and blocks, but do I really need to do this? (I created mine the same method you did) Also, does the corruption spread through natural walls like dirt? Id be extremely happy if you would respond.

  2. Corruption spread is so annoying I swear the hallow isnt so bad because it isnt rlly "corrupting" your biomes as some npcs even like the hallow but the crimson and the corruption hella annoying to deal with

  3. You best start digging tunnels before defeating the WoF.
    Corruption/Crimson does spread slower/differently before Hardmode.
    So stop it from spreading overground by placing Sunflowers on the surface around it and start digging.
    You won't need explosives that way, because Pre-Hardmode and Sunflowers buy you more than enough time to just dig it with your Pickaxe of choice.

    You need at least 5 blocks wide tunnels, i'd do 6-7 so you can traverse them comfortably and be a bit safer. Make sure you cover the edges of your tunnel with a block that's non-corruptible like Wood for example. Best do that immediately while digging with the necessary materials already in your bagpack.
    Once the tunnel is done, it should !at least! be 3 spaces wide of no block plus a one block coverage of a non-coruptible material on each side.
    (which is why we dig at least a 5 block wide tunnels)

    !!!Walls do not spread any Corruption/Crimson/Hallow!!!, this is a widespread misconception, since they do change color around corrupted blocks, but vines/thorns do spread, that's why we need the protective layers to stop them from growing.
    Of course, if you don't trust me, look in the Wiki or just destroy the Walls if you feel like it. I don't care. No one does. Not even the game.

    You can either dig deep, vertical shafts till you reach hell to seperate whole parts of the world like the jungle for example or just dig around a certain area like, only the corrupted areas. It's your choice, you are the architect of your world.

    It's a wise decision to dig these kind of tunnels around the jungle and maybe your base as well, just to be safe in case you make mistakes. Once you're set, you can relax significantly more when entering Hardmode, because now all you've got to contain is the two Hallow and Crimson/Corruption strips which appear.
    It's still a race against time, but it's certainly much more manageable now, since you've already got everything else out of the way and first hand experience in how to do it.
    Also having visited most of your world underground helps in locating the spread and containing it more precisely.

    Keep in mind that each Altar you break converts one random block anywhere in the world into a hallowed/corrupted counterpart in addition to creating Hardmode Ore nodes. If you want to maintain your world as long as possible, and have everything setup nicely and don't want to screw it up, it might be wise to not break any, to not cause any unpredicted breaches. You can still get hardmode ores by fishing crates, that's just a way slower method of aquisition.
    You could alternatively go mine hardmode ores in a second world thats "expendable". It's up to you what to do.

    If you don't screw up and don't leave any corrupted blocks outside of your tunnels, you'll see that the spread stagnates after a certain number, if your check the percentages with the dryad regularly.
    Then, you can finally focus on just playing the game itself without fear of your world changing and get rid of it with the Clentaminator at your own leisure.

  4. I was going to talk about how I couldn't save the snow biome from the hallows clutches, but this came up,
    I was trying to stop the spread of the corruption and hallow on one side of the world only to find out that another corruption was spreading where it wasn't before, which just so happens to be right next to my base, the corruption is already under my base so trying to cut it off wont work, the best I can do is turn my base into an floating island using dynamite… Life is pain, Terraria hardmode is pain.

  5. So my world generated with tons of corruption on one side, two different spots of it, one spot is huge it’s a big corruption biome and a corrupted desert biome combined. Then a snow biome in between more corruption. It was like this from the beginning of the world. Is that normal? Should I start a new world? Or just contain the two corruptions?

  6. When I started Hardmode I went down my Hellevator and saw corruption underground even though I cut off the corruption. Why does that happen

  7. This is sooooo annoying. I now disconnected one corruption biome from the world. Now the second one. And as soon as I enter hardmode, the V-shaped one spawns…

  8. I'm new in terraria, one question… I created my first world and I went to the right and just about 15 seconds walking, I found the evil red biome… and I'm just starting the world! what should I do? create another world from scratch? Im surprised that the evil biome is generated so close to the starting point, and my world is medium, I'm afraid to invest hours in the game knowing that all the red biome is approaching my base.

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