Back at it again with the second set of questions for my lovely cast! The four content creators I’ve selected need to decide if they agree or disagree with each of the statements I give them!

Here’s my friends that I featured!
@ArgonMatrix –
@Wickedy –
@CharlieBarley –
@SeanieDew –

0:00 – Intro
0:13 – We should be able to marry Robin
2:34 – Rude characters becoming nice makes up for everything
6:56 – Stardew Valley could use a sequel
10:12 – There is a right way to play Stardew Valley
14:18 – Having a baby should have a purpose
18:20 – Penny is the worst character in the game

Here’s the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:

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  1. i would like a sequel but it shouldnt be for another 5-6 years. i would like another story but in the same place but how it has grown over the years and what problems came with growth. also i would like a story for multi player that is different from single player. give a reason to replay the game.

  2. I think for the "does SV need a sequel" i would definitely say no, not because I don't want it, it wouldn't really fit. Although i think a spin off would be cool, maybe have you play on the other regions, or the other nation yours was fighting against in SV. But on the spin off you are playing with different plans, goals and threats even. A fun thing that i really enjoy is that in a game called "Shadow over Loathing" the game would actually read your safe file from the previous game called "West of Loathing" (two amazing games also), so it would be really cool if CA can do that and just have your character to meet your SV farmer, assuming the two ootions are "helping everyone escape" or "go corporate, glory to the nation"

  3. I want the game to have a sequel for one reason
    Vincent and Jas deserve better. They have shared bond cutscenes with Penny, Shane and Sam. But only have one cutscene to themself, WHICH THEY ARE BOTH IN TOGETHER.
    If being all grown up is the only way for them to get more bond cutscenes, then yes, i think a sequel is worth it.
    I always had a thought where as Jas grew up, Shane died from liver failure, which completely changes her for the worst, while Vincent, becomes the town's happiest person, despite still struggling with the fact that he lacked a father figure his whole life (and yes i know his father comes back but he's a very different man from the war so technically his father never returned)

  4. I wouldn't say George was homophopic. He literally says he doesn't understand it but thats just because hes old fashioned doesn't mean he disagrees with it.

  5. Yeah, Seanie is wrong. (As he so often is.) There's no wrong way to play Stardew. I liked the quote that multiplayer is about who you choose to play with and setting up how you want to play. I know Seanie and I aren't playing the same game anyway when we play. I'm not an optimizer; it takes me longer to get around to things that are essential. I CAN complete the community center in one year, and I have before completed it on the first day of winter with the foragables the last thing to finish up, but there's actually a reason to wait until after Kent shows up to complete the bulletin board bundles. So I CAN play like that, but that run wasn't as much fun for me. I like relaxing, taking it easy, and enjoying my time. But for some people the min-maxing is the right way to play. That's also fine. I don't personally enjoy it, but some people do. And some people like crazy challenges like only being allowed to sell fiber. (I actually like that idea. I've thought about trying a playthrough where I'm not allowed to sell crops, or I'm only allowed to plant seeds I forage or that are given to me, but I always chicken out.

    My point is there are a million ways to play Stardew, and the only way to play it wrong is not to play it at all. I failed to convince my Sister to try it, which is a shame. Especially since she really loved Animal Crossing. Seems like she would like it, but… meh.

    I've only officially got 450 hours of Stardew Valley under my belt, but it's almost certainly more like 600 hours, just GOD stopped reliably counting a couple years ago and stopped counting at all eight months ago. (It still says last time I played SV was eight month ago, but I played it today!) My current game is in late Fall of Year 1 and I haven't built a coop or barn yet. I should probably get moving on that, and get some seaweed so I can add another couple of fish ponds, since I'm doing the remixed community center and it turns out that caviar doesn't count as aged roe. I'll add a Lava Eel and an Ice Pip pond, and probably something like Largemouth Bass or something easy to get the Roe quickly.

    That's gonna be the most challenging bundle to complete. Everything else shouldn't be too hard.

  6. I'd be fine with a spiritual successor to stardew valley, but not a sequel. HC could easily fill that niche, but it doesn't need to feel like a sequel to have potential

  7. I need to say something because I’ve exactly played Little Witch In The Woods IT’S NOTHING LIKE STARDEW VALLEY and before you all start a fight over this let me explain Little Witch In The Woods is more a spell based game where you collect ingredients to make candies or potions and there was an actual part of the game that literally somehow satisfied my love for roleplaying like I literally walk into a fantasy puzzle dungeon like setting that literally made up for the long dialog section but the game despite the obvious artstyle is very different from stardew to the characters to the tasks that you go on and also the old witch’s house was just a place that the main protagonist found randomly and decided to camp out and sleep also that place was abandoned so there is that also you get a lot of mystery and more questions then answers like what happened to the witch who once lived in that house and their disappearance be collected to the events that destroyed the village close to then witches I’ve only played up to a point where I got stuck with a task of helping a dragon with nightmares so yes Little Witch in The Woods is not a farming game there isn’t even any farming mechanic in the game to begin with so do not compare it to stardew valley besides it being a really cute game like stardew valley

  8. I think instead of forcing two NPCs to divorce, there should be a mod where once in a playthrough, one couple breaks up. (Jodi and Kent, Pierre and Caroline, or Demetrius and Robin) And then they become "Single" NPCs that you can marry. And also maybe two random "Single" NPCs get married during a playthrough. I just feel like it could give people more options without feeling guilty about breaking two people up.

  9. If Stardew had a sequel, I'd love it to see the NPCs age up and, possibly, remove older characters? Like, an older Emily now owns the saloon, and maybe Jas is the new school teacher. Abigail is now in the wizard tower as a middle aged woman, but she still visits the town. It'd be interesting to see how the town would grow and if there's new NPCs to romance and befriend. And I think it'd wrench our hearts to look at the graveyard, see it expanded a little and see "rest in peace Evelyn & George" on a tombstone.

  10. I personally instantly liked Robin since she's like the first character you meet, and a lot of people feel the same way obviously, but then I met Penny and realized that she was actually the bachelorette I was looking for (though Hailey is a close, close second).

    also, let me be clear, there's a big difference between the soviet and russian national anthems.

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